General Purpose US TV thread
That was the most amazing thing I have ever seen.
Mr Chonks wrote:
Mali is only happy when he’s talking to himself

It’s better for the rest of us that way, too.
MaliA wrote:
That was the most amazing thing I have ever seen.

Russell just watched it. It was awful. They had a joke that lasted one minute and somehow forced it to over 30 miserable minutes.

Also, also... no diary in the 80s/90s had narwhal stickers on it. That’s a 2018 stationery thing. Obviously there are worse things than that. Not for me though. That was the worst.
The love for narwhals has been around for years.

I watched some of the thing. It’s okay. Like an entire 30 minute ‘Lemonade’ parody mixed with the Golf Boys, Beastie Boys, and about 300 jokes about steroids shrinking your junk.
Curiosity wrote:
The love for narwhals has been around for years.

I watched some of the thing. It’s okay. Like an entire 30 minute ‘Lemonade’ parody mixed with the Golf Boys, Beastie Boys, and about 300 jokes about steroids shrinking your junk.

You couldn’t walk into a stationery shop in the late 80s/early 90s and buy narwhal stickers. You can now.

Also, it’s one steroid joke repeated 300 times, not 300 jokes, let’s be clear.
You are so wrong.
Sorry. What I meant was: it was thoroughly Malicool.
So we just got to Series 2 and In The Shadow of Two Gunmen.

Why don't people make tv like this any more?
#golden age #wheniwasyoung #thisallusedtobefields
Pretty sure that double-header is my best TV episode(s) of all time.
Mimi wrote:
Sorry. What I meant was: it was thoroughly Malicool.

This is a review I can work with.

:luv: :kiss: :luv:
Squeee! *claps hands together*

Reminder : Good Omens on Amazon Prime is released today / now
That new miniseries CHERNOBYL is excellent. It's a HBO thing but we're watching it on NowTV which covers it via Sky Atlantic. (I have no idea how all this shit hangs together these days, I just check Netflix, Amazon, iPlayer and NowTV, and then Usenet if required.)

It's a dramatisation but very closely follows the actual events with no real poetic licence or anything like that.

Genuinely chilling stuff, and fascinating to see how close they came to having a second disaster at the site that would have made the first one seem like someone burning their food in the oven.

I finished Chernobyl last night, and would HIGHLY RECOMMEND it in CAPITAL LETTERS.

Even though I was fairly well versed in what happened, I still learned new stuff and seeing it all dramatised so well gave the entire sequence of events much greater heft.

Chilling to see how close we came to having an international catastrophe. (What actually ended up happening was the 'nice' version.)
I’m waiting for the last episode to appear.
If you haven’t already done so, listen to the podcast as well. It explains some of the creative choices, clarify what’s real (most of it) and where they made changes for dramatic purposes. Highly recommended.
Dr Zoidberg wrote:
I’m waiting for the last episode to appear.
If you haven’t already done so, listen to the podcast as well. It explains some of the creative choices, clarify what’s real (most of it) and where they made changes for dramatic purposes. Highly recommended.

Holy shit there's another episode! I didn't realise there was a fifth episode, I thought it finished off a bit funny at the end of episode four :D

Fucking hell what a buffoon.

Someone else has recommended the podcast too, I should listen to it.
Hearthly wrote:
I finished Chernobyl last night, and would HIGHLY RECOMMEND it in CAPITAL LETTERS.

Even though I was fairly well versed in what happened, I still learned new stuff and seeing it all dramatised so well gave the entire sequence of events much greater heft.

Chilling to see how close we came to having an international catastrophe. (What actually ended up happening was the 'nice' version.)

I am interested in what you’re selling. I shall acquire this thing.
Just don't get confused like I did and think it finishes a bit oddly at the end of the fourth episode.

There are five episodes.
Chernobyl: terrifying, and that’s episode 1.
Yeah it's good. Binge watching so I'm on ep 3.

Very good so far. Funny to see Billy out of Bread too. Last time I saw him was in Trollied.
Urgh those poor firefighters just ... dissolving, in bed... Jesus Christ.

Plus, I didn’t realise that a “melt down” was so literal. Or devastating, in that fashion (probably because I hadn’t given it much thought) but science can be horrifying.
Satsuma wrote:
Chernobyl: terrifying, and that’s episode 1.

On the one hand I really want to watch this as I think it will be fascinating and really interesting to watch, but I also think it will likely scare the heck out of me and possibly leave me with anxiety issues that keep hitting me when I’m in the shower, or alone at home, so I’m sort of giving it a pass for that reason.
Satsuma wrote:
Plus, I didn’t realise that a “melt down” was so literal. Or devastating.

It's not even the worst thing that can happen. Very early reactors used pure uranium as fuel (all modern designs, including Chernobyl's RBMK reactor, use a ceramic uranium dioxygen compound.) A fun thing about uranium I didn't know until I worked with the stuff is that it's flammable. There's a disaster scenario where rather than melting down it catches fire while still also being supercritical...

I haven't watched Chernobyl yet. Dunno how that's gonna go for me.
Mimi wrote:
Satsuma wrote:
Chernobyl: terrifying, and that’s episode 1.

On the one hand I really want to watch this as I think it will be fascinating and really interesting to watch, but I also think it will likely scare the heck out of me and possibly leave me with anxiety issues that keep hitting me when I’m in the shower, or alone at home, so I’m sort of giving it a pass for that reason.

There could be an element of that Mimi, but as I understand it the flaws with Chernobyl were rectified for later RBMK designs and none of the Chernobyl era RBMK designs remain in active service. (There were some Chernobyl-style designs in the planning stage but they were, for somewhat obvious reasons, cancelled....)

As such I think you could watch it as a chilling historical piece without getting too worried about things in the present day.

It's quite a difficult watch in some regards though, the human cost is unsparingly made clear, I found it very upsetting in places.
Doctor Glyndwr wrote:
It's not even the worst thing that can happen. Very early reactors used pure uranium as fuel (all modern designs, including Chernobyl's RBMK reactor, use a ceramic uranium dioxygen compound.) A fun thing about uranium I didn't know until I worked with the stuff is that it's flammable. There's a disaster scenario where rather than melting down it catches fire while still also being supercritical...

Isn't this essentially what happened at Windscale in the 50s? When I was reading about that a couple of years ago I read about some filters that the plant's engineer had insisted were fitted to the various chimneys at the plant that, because they were there, massively reduced the amount of radioactive contamination that affected the area.

The plant beancounters argued tooth and nail against having the filters in place because they didn't think they were necessary, but the engineer refused to budge.
GazChap wrote:
Isn't this essentially what happened at Windscale in the 50s? When I was reading about that a couple of years ago I read about some filters that the plant's engineer had insisted were fitted to the various chimneys at the plant that, because they were there, massively reduced the amount of radioactive contamination that affected the area.
Yes, exactly that. It's the case study in why we don't use pure uranium in reactors any more.

Spoiler for people nervous about nuclear power:
ZOMG Spoiler! Click here to view!
While refreshing my memory of Windscale, I just read that it released iodine 131 during the incident. I know a lot about this, because I co-wrote some documents about it for the "safety case" for one of the fuel cycles of Sizewell-B (the reactor in Suffolk.) Basically I had to run a load of computations and modelling to prove the amount of I-131 released from the fuel cells (but still trapped inside the fuel rod) would remain below some mandated limits. I-131 is, in some ways, one of the worst things that come out of a reactor breach: it's a gas, so can't be contained and quickly spreads over a very large area. And it's a beta emitter, so it's almost harmless outside the body but very toxic inside it. And it's iodine, so your body naturally stores it in your thyroid gland. Nasty stuff. They use very controlled doses of it to treat thyroid conditions. In the event of a breach, standard procedure is to drink pure chemical iodine to flush the radioactive isotope from your body; if you've ever smelled iodine you'll appreciate how foul that is.
Hearthly wrote:
Mimi wrote:
Satsuma wrote:
Chernobyl: terrifying, and that’s episode 1.

On the one hand I really want to watch this as I think it will be fascinating and really interesting to watch, but I also think it will likely scare the heck out of me and possibly leave me with anxiety issues that keep hitting me when I’m in the shower, or alone at home, so I’m sort of giving it a pass for that reason.

There could be an element of that Mimi, but as I understand it the flaws with Chernobyl were rectified for later RBMK designs and none of the Chernobyl era RBMK designs remain in active service. (There were some Chernobyl-style designs in the planning stage but they were, for somewhat obvious reasons, cancelled....)

As such I think you could watch it as a chilling historical piece without getting too worried about things in the present day.

It's quite a difficult watch in some regards though, the human cost is unsparingly made clear, I found it very upsetting in places.

Conversely, I wouldn't recommend Mimi watches it. Logically you are correct, but logic and emotional response don't always go hand in hand.
It's a distressing programme to watch and could certainly be a trigger for anxiety. (all the more so if you think it will be a trigger, these things are often self-reinforcing...)
I'd agree with Trooper. I'm a big supporter of nuclear energy in general, but Fukushima proves that even modern-day reactors can have serious problems if the people that build them and look after them don't follow procedure, and whilst something on the scale of Chernobyl is vanishingly unlikely to happen again, I can completely understand why people get anxious about it.

Humans can be amazingly stupid when it comes to radiation though, check out radioactive quackery (particularly Radithor and the Revigator) and also the Goiania accident - both of these were caused by the people that should have known better doing the exact opposite of what they should have done (I'm not convinced that the radio quacks were completely clueless about the effects of radiation)
Trooper wrote:
Conversely, I wouldn't recommend Mimi watches it. Logically you are correct, but logic and emotional response don't always go hand in hand.
It's a distressing programme to watch and could certainly be a trigger for anxiety. (all the more so if you think it will be a trigger, these things are often self-reinforcing...)

I didn't actually recommend Mimi watch it, though. My point was that if she's concerned about 'Chernobyl happening again' then that shouldn't be a possibility, that was all. (And even there I caveat it as being 'chilling'.)

I also noted that I found it 'very upsetting', so not exactly light afternoon entertainment.
I don't worry about it at all, as I regularly travel on crowded trains, or drive a car, and live at home with unknown wiring issues
MaliA wrote:
live at home with unknown wiring issues
that's no way to talk about your kids
Satsuma wrote:
Urgh those poor firefighters just ... dissolving, in bed... Jesus Christ.

Plus, I didn’t realise that a “melt down” was so literal. Or devastating, in that fashion (probably because I hadn’t given it much thought) but science can be horrifying.

I got to that part shortly after I posted. Horrifying really. That was very hard to watch :(

Quick "on the keyboard" write up.

ZOMG Spoiler! Click here to view!
At first, as usual, my brain did not realise the seriousness of the situation I was watching. This is very common for me. I don't see risk very well and I usually don't respond to things I really should that are clearly dangerous. That is why I've broken nearly every bone in my body. From fingers, to hands, to arms and legs, etc. So I was all like "Oh look, it's tomato guy from Robocop !" and then slowly I began to realise this was not fantasy. And by the time they turned black I was almost in tears. Then it all hit home. See, like the riots in LA I was still pretty young when this happened. 12, I worked out. So it was just what we saw on the TV. Some smoke, "it's all under control" and etc. I was totally unprepared for what was going to happen. In fact, episodes 1 and 2 were about the most interesting thing I have watched in a very long time. Nerdish pornography if you will, because as much as I have read about it it's hard to actually visualise it. There's also an awful lot to learn here without needing to be a professor to understand it. You know, you read something like "And they died in horrible circumstances" and it's hard to see that they basically turned fucking black and most of their cells and their body was dead before they were.

Just truly, truly awful. I am going to stick it out now simply because it's amazing, but had I known what happened to those poor fuckers I doubt I would have watched it at all.

And those miners? fuck me, those are heroes. Hard as nails, and I must admit I LOLed when I saw them all walking around naked as the day they were born. Just absolute fucking legends the lot of them.
Hearthly wrote:
Trooper wrote:
Conversely, I wouldn't recommend Mimi watches it. Logically you are correct, but logic and emotional response don't always go hand in hand.
It's a distressing programme to watch and could certainly be a trigger for anxiety. (all the more so if you think it will be a trigger, these things are often self-reinforcing...)

I didn't actually recommend Mimi watch it, though. My point was that if she's concerned about 'Chernobyl happening again' then that shouldn't be a possibility, that was all. (And even there I caveat it as being 'chilling'.)

I also noted that I found it 'very upsetting', so not exactly light afternoon entertainment.

It’s not so much the fear of it happening again (which, though real in some degree at least, I know my watching will not prevent or cause) but I’d almost certainly turn the last moments and deaths of all those real life people over my head obsessively in quiet moments, and then think about their families, and it would just stay with me.

I was once sitting next to someone watching something on a computer screen and idly looked over. It was some young man on top of a train, perhaps in India, and anyway, he dies. It was just chance I looked over. It was worse because that wasn’t a dramatisation of a real event, but an actual human’s last moments. Must be... nine, ten years ago. Still it bothers me. Anyway, it genuinely sounds as good as it does chilling, but I’ll give it a wide berth, just in case. Plus, there’s plenty to watch nowadays. I think Killing Eve is back on.
Is it as good as the Ade Edmondson one
Don't think Ade Edmondson has ever been in an episode of Killing Eve?
Yeah, that’s Killing Ade.
Mimi wrote:
Hearthly wrote:
Trooper wrote:
Conversely, I wouldn't recommend Mimi watches it. Logically you are correct, but logic and emotional response don't always go hand in hand.
It's a distressing programme to watch and could certainly be a trigger for anxiety. (all the more so if you think it will be a trigger, these things are often self-reinforcing...)

I didn't actually recommend Mimi watch it, though. My point was that if she's concerned about 'Chernobyl happening again' then that shouldn't be a possibility, that was all. (And even there I caveat it as being 'chilling'.)

I also noted that I found it 'very upsetting', so not exactly light afternoon entertainment.

It’s not so much the fear of it happening again (which, though real in some degree at least, I know my watching will not prevent or cause) but I’d almost certainly turn the last moments and deaths of all those real life people over my head obsessively in quiet moments, and then think about their families, and it would just stay with me.

I was once sitting next to someone watching something on a computer screen and idly looked over. It was some young man on top of a train, perhaps in India, and anyway, he dies. It was just chance I looked over. It was worse because that wasn’t a dramatisation of a real event, but an actual human’s last moments. Must be... nine, ten years ago. Still it bothers me. Anyway, it genuinely sounds as good as it does chilling, but I’ll give it a wide berth, just in case. Plus, there’s plenty to watch nowadays. I think Killing Eve is back on.

I remember watching that. It was pretty surreal.

I would avoid Chernobyl Mimi tbh. If I wasn't on the pills I am on there is no way I could deal with it.
Astounding final episode of Chernobyl, and I loved the way they brought the trial and events leading up to the explosion into a single narrative thread, very effective.

The scenes before the end credits were given incredible heft by everything that had gone before.

10/10 - Astonishingly good telly. So good that I will temporarily suspend my marking out of 1000 just for this programme.
It's certainly getting a lot of glowing reviews!
I’ve got about 20 minutes left but I can’t fault it at all.
Aye that's the best thing I've seen in many a year.

Might even watch it again.
markg wrote:
It's certainly getting a lot of glowing reviews!

The audience reaction is understandable.
Friend of mine pointed me to this docu. I will put it in spoilers with my text so that Mimi can avoid it.

ZOMG Spoiler! Click here to view!

Well worth a watch if you have seen the docu-series. It's pretty obvious those who wrote the docu-series did so with info from that docu. It also goes into the radiation spread and apparently we copped a pretty nice dose ourselves. The radiation maps are pretty scary, but may explain why there seems to be so much cancer around these days. You also (briefly) see the wounds. Green :(

I also found the part about the miners interesting. As of 2005 some were still alive and around 40 years old, yet all of them were disabled and had the function of an 80 year old.
From 2014 on here : posted by Gazchap ... 63#p844063

And ... 5025567746

Thank you, JC, that is incredibly thoughtful of you. I’ve had a night full of (unrelated) nightmares about my boy, so that bit of thoughtfulness in the morning is very welcome, especially as a reminder of how thoughtful humans can be :)
Good Girls is great.

In other news, we are on series 2 of West Wing and yay Ainsley Hayes!
Unexploded politician is back on Netflix.
Finished Chernobyl off and it was a great last episode and linked up to the prologue. It was top-tier television and if I had any complaints it was the animal extermination from the 4th episode became somewhat spurious without any pay off. I imagine it was supposed to show how the Russian public were used and spat out the other side, or perhaps the similarities between what happened and wartime conflicts, but we didn’t get to see much of the effect of what happened outside a single shot of a dead eyed soldier. Maybe that’s all that was needed perhaps.

Overall though it was compelling stuff.

Oh and the soundtrack was suuu-perb. It was just different sounding; haunting and creepy, I don’t know what instruments were used but it felt sort of Bladerunner-esq to me, perhaps? Not the future synth, just, the tone and feel of it? You know what I mean? Anyone? No? I’ve got too much of a headache to write good words but maybe later I’ll find gooder words that make Sat feels better wordier.
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