Finish 52 Challenge 2018
Apparently it’s been on PS4 since 2016 so, y’know, have a look at it. Here’s a trailer.

Satsuma wrote:
1) Homefront (PC)
3) Uncharted: The Lost Legacy (PS4)
4) Uncanny Valley (PS4)
5) Resident Evil 7: Not a Hero DLC (PS4)
6) Layers of Fear (PC)
7) Genital Jousting - Story mode (PC)
8 ) Corgi Warlock (PC)
9) Until Dawn: Rush of Blood (PSVR)
10) Gravity Rush 2 (PS4)
11) Playerunknowns Battlegrounds (X1X)
12) The Evil Within 2 (PS4)
13) Super Mario Odessey (Switch)
14) Gears of War 4 (X1X)
15) Persona 5 (PS4)
16) Shadow of the Colossus (PS4)
17) I Expect You To Die (PSVR)
18) A Way Out (X1X)
19) Streets of Red (Switch)
20) Streets of Rage (X1X)
21) God of War (PS4)
22) Call of Duty: WW2 (X1X)
23) PUBG (Mobile)
24) Fruity Shooty (PSVR)
25) The Surge (PS4)
26) The Surge DLC: A Walk in the Park (PS4)
27) Life is Strange (PS4)
28) The Awesome Adventures of Captain Spirit (PS4)
29) Assault Android Cactus (XB)

30) Danmaku Unlimited 3 (Switch)

A proper hardcore bullethell shooter. The gimmick here is that you can overpower your guns by grinding against incoming projectiles. It’s a neat little game but a bit lacking in visuals and sound to compete with Treasures best offerings. The visuals do a good job of showing the bullets and you (as they fucking should in these games) but it’s all just metallic spaceships and the boss designs are bland as fuck. The soundtrack unfortunately largely comprises of some obnoxious rock guitar noise and can fuck right off too. But, where it counts, it has some excellent bullet patterns and feels good to play. It’s just lacking the sparkle of the Treasure games where you weave through a pattern of bullets and are, like, how the fuck did I do that!?
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1. The Magic Circle
2. Rusty Lake: Roots.
3. Old Man's Journey
4. Bohemian Killing
5. Hidden Folks
6. Until:Dawn: Rush of Blood
7. Rusty Lake: Hotel
8. Outlast
9. Rusty Lake: Paradise
10. Homefront
11. Batman: The Telltale Series
12. Red
13. Evo Explores
14. All That Remains (part 1)
15. Thief
16. The Frostrune
17. THOR.N
18. Hitchhiker
19. Sherlocked's The Vault
20. Crescent Bay
21. 2000 to 1: A SpaceFelony
22. The Park
23. Accounting+
24. Seasons After Fall
25. Legacy 2 - The Ancient Curse
26. XON: Episode 3
27. Secret of the Lost Pyramid
28. The Mystery of the Orphanage
29. Life is Strange
30. Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (Arcade)
31. There is no Game
32. Papers, Please
34. Little Nightmares
35. GNOG
36. Here They Lie
37. Xon Episode Four
38. Escape Logan Estate
39. Bean Dreams
40. Bean's Quest
41. The Room: Old Sins
42. Bluebird of Happiness
43. Sally's Law
44. Stray Cat Doors
45. Little Briar Rose
46. Our Last Journey
47. My Brother Ate My Pudding
48. The Sexy Brutale
49. Sometimes You Die
50. Can You Escape - Fear House

51. Murdered: Soul Suspect
52. Faraway 3
53. Rayman Legends
54. Short Life
55. Beyond: Two Souls
56. Gorogoa
57. Unpuzzle
58. Samsara Room
59. Dishonored 2: Macabre steampunk ninja strangles his way around two cities.

I'm not going to say much about this because I feel like everyone knows it's deal by now. Suffice to say it's more Dishonored--especially if you play as Korvo again as I did--and does everything you'd expect from a sequel to the first game.

I don't think I really take advantage of everything it offers because I get caught up in just pure Blink-stealthing my way around. For example, I got the slow-time and possess powers and, now I think about it, literally never used either of them even once. On the other hand, I enjoy the pureness of doing stuff that way so whatevs.

As well as the incredible fun that the basic game design comes with there are a couple of wildcard levels in the new game in the shape of 'The Clockwork Mansion' and 'A Crack in the Slab'. For all the ingenuity of the Clockwork Mansion I didn't enjoy it that much as a level because (a) each reconfiguration could really fuck with my stealth planning and potentially upend everything and (b) the clockwork soldiers are just fucking awful to take out. I say the latter mostly because I never learned how to actually deal with them in an effective manner so they just became massive, and massively perceptive, roadblocks for me. Which is fine when there's maybe only a couple of them as in later levels but given that the mansion is hoaching with the twats it was a nightmare and I was really fucking glad when it was done. A Crack in the Slab though was just fucking joyous from start to finished and definitely the highlight of the game for me. If anything it was a bit too easy because being able to skip between timelines meant an easy escape from any real trouble.

The only other thing worth mentioning is to maybe stick to the console versions if you're considering the game because I had a load of technical annoyances with it as mentioned in the dedicated thread. Of course, I've gone and bought Death of the Outsider for the PC so I'm obviously just a cheapskate glutton for punishment.

I might go back and do a high chaos Emily playthrough at some point, though my record of playing games through twice would predict that I never will. Either way, it's fucking glorious fun and just what I expected.

P.S. I did enjoy my experience of the final encounter.
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While dicking around on a ledge trying to work out how to get an angle on the Delilah sat on the throne, I happened to look back/up and see the real Delilah standing doing nothing on another ledge high above the entry point. I dropped back to the floor and climbed up the side of where the level starts and boom, I'm standing right behind the completely unaware Delilah. A quick strangle later and the entire thing's done, with literally zero combat. I was both amused and impressed that their dedication to letting you play the game however you want extended right to even the final boss 'fight'. This was especially good given how shite I am at the combat and how little I was relishing a flat-out battle with multiple Delilahs.

P.P.S. After spending about an hour at work decoding the Jindosh riddle I was annoyed to find I'd fucked it up somehow. I tried my version of it again a few times after the game gave me the answer and was able to get the right heirloom to the right person but not get them in the correct position. Stupid bloody thing.
Satsuma wrote:
1) Homefront (PC)
3) Uncharted: The Lost Legacy (PS4)
4) Uncanny Valley (PS4)
5) Resident Evil 7: Not a Hero DLC (PS4)
6) Layers of Fear (PC)
7) Genital Jousting - Story mode (PC)
8 ) Corgi Warlock (PC)
9) Until Dawn: Rush of Blood (PSVR)
10) Gravity Rush 2 (PS4)
11) Playerunknowns Battlegrounds (X1X)
12) The Evil Within 2 (PS4)
13) Super Mario Odessey (Switch)
14) Gears of War 4 (X1X)
15) Persona 5 (PS4)
16) Shadow of the Colossus (PS4)
17) I Expect You To Die (PSVR)
18) A Way Out (X1X)
19) Streets of Red (Switch)
20) Streets of Rage (X1X)
21) God of War (PS4)
22) Call of Duty: WW2 (X1X)
23) PUBG (Mobile)
24) Fruity Shooty (PSVR)
25) The Surge (PS4)
26) The Surge DLC: A Walk in the Park (PS4)
27) Life is Strange (PS4)
28) The Awesome Adventures of Captain Spirit (PS4)
29) Assault Android Cactus (XB)
30) Danmaku Unlimited 3 (Switch)

31) Dragon Blaze (Switch)

Finally bested this bullet hell SHUMP from Psikyo. It has a sexy guy called Ian.

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1) Homefront (PC)
3) Uncharted: The Lost Legacy (PS4)
4) Uncanny Valley (PS4)
5) Resident Evil 7: Not a Hero DLC (PS4)
6) Layers of Fear (PC)
7) Genital Jousting - Story mode (PC)
8 ) Corgi Warlock (PC)
9) Until Dawn: Rush of Blood (PSVR)
10) Gravity Rush 2 (PS4)
11) Playerunknowns Battlegrounds (X1X)
12) The Evil Within 2 (PS4)
13) Super Mario Odessey (Switch)
14) Gears of War 4 (X1X)
15) Persona 5 (PS4)
16) Shadow of the Colossus (PS4)
17) I Expect You To Die (PSVR)
18) A Way Out (X1X)
19) Streets of Red (Switch)
20) Streets of Rage (X1X)
21) God of War (PS4)
22) Call of Duty: WW2 (X1X)
23) PUBG (Mobile)
24) Fruity Shooty (PSVR)
25) The Surge (PS4)
26) The Surge DLC: A Walk in the Park (PS4)
27) Life is Strange (PS4)
28) The Awesome Adventures of Captain Spirit (PS4)
29) Assault Android Cactus (XB)
30) Danmaku Unlimited 3 (Switch)
31) Dragon Blaze (Switch)

32) Zero Gunner 2 (Switch)

I can’t remember who recommended this on Beex but you are wrong. This is a bit rubbish.

It commits the one cardinal sin of the SHUMP that you NEVER EVER EVER allow an enemy bullet to be hidden. Not only are the bullets not a great colour but some explosions and the power ups can actively hide them.

Also it’s a bit boring, the music is a bit crap, the polygonal models are outdated and they couldn’t be arsed to throw on a new texture to this aging Dreamcast game.

I couldn’t be bothered to even learn to 1CC the game so I used 2 continues, so fuck you. Ya boring.
It was the worst of those swiitch games, certainly.
I dunno, Streets of Red was utter shit.
You are a bunch of wrong uns.

Zero Gunner 2 is great!
Satsuma wrote:
I dunno, Streets of Red was utter shit.

Wasn't that the one with Ian ?
No, that was the Dragon one. The best game ever made. Apart from those other games with an Ian in it.
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1. The Magic Circle
2. Rusty Lake: Roots.
3. Old Man's Journey
4. Bohemian Killing
5. Hidden Folks
6. Until:Dawn: Rush of Blood
7. Rusty Lake: Hotel
8. Outlast
9. Rusty Lake: Paradise
10. Homefront
11. Batman: The Telltale Series
12. Red
13. Evo Explores
14. All That Remains (part 1)
15. Thief
16. The Frostrune
17. THOR.N
18. Hitchhiker
19. Sherlocked's The Vault
20. Crescent Bay
21. 2000 to 1: A SpaceFelony
22. The Park
23. Accounting+
24. Seasons After Fall
25. Legacy 2 - The Ancient Curse
26. XON: Episode 3
27. Secret of the Lost Pyramid
28. The Mystery of the Orphanage
29. Life is Strange
30. Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (Arcade)
31. There is no Game
32. Papers, Please
34. Little Nightmares
35. GNOG
36. Here They Lie
37. Xon Episode Four
38. Escape Logan Estate
39. Bean Dreams
40. Bean's Quest
41. The Room: Old Sins
42. Bluebird of Happiness
43. Sally's Law
44. Stray Cat Doors
45. Little Briar Rose
46. Our Last Journey
47. My Brother Ate My Pudding
48. The Sexy Brutale
49. Sometimes You Die
50. Can You Escape - Fear House

51. Murdered: Soul Suspect
52. Faraway 3
53. Rayman Legends
54. Short Life
55. Beyond: Two Souls
56. Gorogoa
57. Unpuzzle
58. Samsara Room
59. Dishonored 2
60. Alone With You: a sci-fi 'visual novel' that sees your protagonist as the last surviving member of an attempt to colonise an alien planet. A barely explained incident fucks everyone's shit up and you--plus the obligatory AI--are left attempting to fix up the single escape ship that's left. It bills itself as a 'romance' but that aspect's massively underplayed and the overall story that plays out ends up not really being all that interesting. The gameplay loop of exploring a different location each day for items/clues/puzzles is sometimes compelling but very often just boring, and the characters never say anything overly interesting. The graphics are purposely low-fi 8-bit styled but not in a way that particularly appealed to me (I think I read somewhere they were designed to ape the C64?); indeed they shaded over into ugly I'd say. There's certainly potential here, but the actual execution is unfortunately weak.
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1) Homefront (PC)
3) Uncharted: The Lost Legacy (PS4)
4) Uncanny Valley (PS4)
5) Resident Evil 7: Not a Hero DLC (PS4)
6) Layers of Fear (PC)
7) Genital Jousting - Story mode (PC)
8 ) Corgi Warlock (PC)
9) Until Dawn: Rush of Blood (PSVR)
10) Gravity Rush 2 (PS4)
11) Playerunknowns Battlegrounds (X1X)
12) The Evil Within 2 (PS4)
13) Super Mario Odessey (Switch)
14) Gears of War 4 (X1X)
15) Persona 5 (PS4)
16) Shadow of the Colossus (PS4)
17) I Expect You To Die (PSVR)
18) A Way Out (X1X)
19) Streets of Red (Switch)
20) Streets of Rage (X1X)
21) God of War (PS4)
22) Call of Duty: WW2 (X1X)
23) PUBG (Mobile)
24) Fruity Shooty (PSVR)
25) The Surge (PS4)
26) The Surge DLC: A Walk in the Park (PS4)
27) Life is Strange (PS4)
28) The Awesome Adventures of Captain Spirit (PS4)
29) Assault Android Cactus (XB)
30) Danmaku Unlimited 3 (Switch)
31) Dragon Blaze (Switch)
32) Zero Gunner 2 (Switch)

33) Cuphead (Xbox)

Absolutely brilliant. A couple of times I had to take a break as my hands were sweating on the pad or I’d been holding down LT too tight.

100%’ed all the bosses on normal difficulty.

Loved the penultimate boss so much. It was awesome. The whole game oozed quality.
ZOMG Spoiler! Click here to view!
1. The Magic Circle
2. Rusty Lake: Roots.
3. Old Man's Journey
4. Bohemian Killing
5. Hidden Folks
6. Until:Dawn: Rush of Blood
7. Rusty Lake: Hotel
8. Outlast
9. Rusty Lake: Paradise
10. Homefront
11. Batman: The Telltale Series
12. Red
13. Evo Explores
14. All That Remains (part 1)
15. Thief
16. The Frostrune
17. THOR.N
18. Hitchhiker
19. Sherlocked's The Vault
20. Crescent Bay
21. 2000 to 1: A SpaceFelony
22. The Park
23. Accounting+
24. Seasons After Fall
25. Legacy 2 - The Ancient Curse
26. XON: Episode 3
27. Secret of the Lost Pyramid
28. The Mystery of the Orphanage
29. Life is Strange
30. Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (Arcade)
31. There is no Game
32. Papers, Please
34. Little Nightmares
35. GNOG
36. Here They Lie
37. Xon Episode Four
38. Escape Logan Estate
39. Bean Dreams
40. Bean's Quest
41. The Room: Old Sins
42. Bluebird of Happiness
43. Sally's Law
44. Stray Cat Doors
45. Little Briar Rose
46. Our Last Journey
47. My Brother Ate My Pudding
48. The Sexy Brutale
49. Sometimes You Die
50. Can You Escape - Fear House
51. Murdered: Soul Suspect
52. Faraway 3
53. Rayman Legends
54. Short Life
55. Beyond: Two Souls
56. Gorogoa
57. Unpuzzle
58. Samsara Room
59. Dishonored 2
60. Alone With You

61. Part Time UFO: incredibly good fun and well presented Android game which sees you as a small UFO with a claw attachment attempting various 'jobs' which generally involve picking stuff up and stacking it around the place; though that description doesn't come close to doing it justice. Each level is various flavours of weird (e.g. stack a load of sumo wrestling students, fix the 'artwork' someone broke in a museum, etc) and each one has different completion criteria that can be attempted in order to earn medals, which unlock later levels. You also get paid for your labours and that cash buys different outfits, most of which come with a buff of some sort. It's developed by HAL Laboratory who also make stuff like the Kirby and Smash Bros games so it's all polished to a ridiculously high sheen and is really fucking good fun. Except the Tetris levels which can get fucked. I still completed it with all the medals though so don't step to me if you can't manage that.
ZOMG Spoiler! Click here to view!
1. The Magic Circle
2. Rusty Lake: Roots.
3. Old Man's Journey
4. Bohemian Killing
5. Hidden Folks
6. Until:Dawn: Rush of Blood
7. Rusty Lake: Hotel
8. Outlast
9. Rusty Lake: Paradise
10. Homefront
11. Batman: The Telltale Series
12. Red
13. Evo Explores
14. All That Remains (part 1)
15. Thief
16. The Frostrune
17. THOR.N
18. Hitchhiker
19. Sherlocked's The Vault
20. Crescent Bay
21. 2000 to 1: A SpaceFelony
22. The Park
23. Accounting+
24. Seasons After Fall
25. Legacy 2 - The Ancient Curse
26. XON: Episode 3
27. Secret of the Lost Pyramid
28. The Mystery of the Orphanage
29. Life is Strange
30. Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (Arcade)
31. There is no Game
32. Papers, Please
34. Little Nightmares
35. GNOG
36. Here They Lie
37. Xon Episode Four
38. Escape Logan Estate
39. Bean Dreams
40. Bean's Quest
41. The Room: Old Sins
42. Bluebird of Happiness
43. Sally's Law
44. Stray Cat Doors
45. Little Briar Rose
46. Our Last Journey
47. My Brother Ate My Pudding
48. The Sexy Brutale
49. Sometimes You Die
50. Can You Escape - Fear House
51. Murdered: Soul Suspect
52. Faraway 3
53. Rayman Legends
54. Short Life
55. Beyond: Two Souls
56. Gorogoa
57. Unpuzzle
58. Samsara Room
59. Dishonored 2
60. Alone With You

61. Part Time UFO
62. Hidden my game by mom 2: a very Japanese escape room style game wherein you need to find your DS after your mum confiscates it. You need to do this while also avoiding your mum, snakes, your grandfather (who you turn into a hockey-masked serial killer early in the game) and other level specific hazards. As that description probably implies, it's weird and silly and oftimes genuinely funny; all while being very logical and fun to play. There's not a massive amount of stuff going on in each level and once you get into the swing of it's house style it's pretty easy to bang through, but you're pulled along by the desire to see what kind of batshittery each level will throw at you.
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1. The Magic Circle
2. Rusty Lake: Roots.
3. Old Man's Journey
4. Bohemian Killing
5. Hidden Folks
6. Until:Dawn: Rush of Blood
7. Rusty Lake: Hotel
8. Outlast
9. Rusty Lake: Paradise
10. Homefront
11. Batman: The Telltale Series
12. Red
13. Evo Explores
14. All That Remains (part 1)
15. Thief
16. The Frostrune
17. THOR.N
18. Hitchhiker
19. Sherlocked's The Vault
20. Crescent Bay
21. 2000 to 1: A SpaceFelony
22. The Park
23. Accounting+
24. Seasons After Fall
25. Legacy 2 - The Ancient Curse
26. XON: Episode 3
27. Secret of the Lost Pyramid
28. The Mystery of the Orphanage
29. Life is Strange
30. Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (Arcade)
31. There is no Game
32. Papers, Please
34. Little Nightmares
35. GNOG
36. Here They Lie
37. Xon Episode Four
38. Escape Logan Estate
39. Bean Dreams
40. Bean's Quest
41. The Room: Old Sins
42. Bluebird of Happiness
43. Sally's Law
44. Stray Cat Doors
45. Little Briar Rose
46. Our Last Journey
47. My Brother Ate My Pudding
48. The Sexy Brutale
49. Sometimes You Die
50. Can You Escape - Fear House
51. Murdered: Soul Suspect
52. Faraway 3
53. Rayman Legends
54. Short Life
55. Beyond: Two Souls
56. Gorogoa
57. Unpuzzle
58. Samsara Room
59. Dishonored 2
60. Alone With You

61. Part Time UFO
62. Hidden my game by mom 2
63. Hidden my game by mom 3: see above.
64. The Fidelio Incident: Walking simulator sort of a thing which begins with the plane your and your wife are flying crashing into an island and separating the two of you. The meat of the game then is your character traversing the frozen island, and caverns underneath it, trying to find your wife while not freezing to death and performing light puzzle solving. The backstory is told through your internal dialogue and--of course--diary pages that you find lying around which unfold a tale, surprisingly, about the impact of terrorism during The Troubles. The game looks relatively nice, possibly because the key figure behind it was the art director of God of War 3 apparently, but there's very little variety so that dulls into the background after a while. There's nothing particularly wrong with it but it doesn't do much to stand out from the glut of such games that Steam is drowning in.
66. Stories Untold: horror anthology with an 80s aesthetic. It's difficult to dive into this without spoiling anything. The first of the four chapters has you sitting at a desk in front of an 80s Amstrad/C64 type of computer playing one of those old text based adventure games. This all starts off pretty normal then gets meta and weird as fuck and just generally all kinds of sinister; all without you seeing anything more more than the desk, TV and text on the screen. The later chapters expand the interactivity to certain degrees but the meat of the stories are communicated without a great deal in terms of traditional gameplay. The look and feel of the game is just lovely and almost worth the price of entry alone but it's the overall atmosphere that's the real star of the show. It's a short game so not a massive time sink and is just a lovely thing to experience; I highly recommend people just go into it completely blind. If I had a criticism it would be that the first episode is still the strongest by far--and the 'microfiche' level is perhaps a bit tedious in places--but it's all good stuff.
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1. The Magic Circle
2. Rusty Lake: Roots.
3. Old Man's Journey
4. Bohemian Killing
5. Hidden Folks
6. Until:Dawn: Rush of Blood
7. Rusty Lake: Hotel
8. Outlast
9. Rusty Lake: Paradise
10. Homefront
11. Batman: The Telltale Series
12. Red
13. Evo Explores
14. All That Remains (part 1)
15. Thief
16. The Frostrune
17. THOR.N
18. Hitchhiker
19. Sherlocked's The Vault
20. Crescent Bay
21. 2000 to 1: A SpaceFelony
22. The Park
23. Accounting+
24. Seasons After Fall
25. Legacy 2 - The Ancient Curse
26. XON: Episode 3
27. Secret of the Lost Pyramid
28. The Mystery of the Orphanage
29. Life is Strange
30. Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (Arcade)
31. There is no Game
32. Papers, Please
34. Little Nightmares
35. GNOG
36. Here They Lie
37. Xon Episode Four
38. Escape Logan Estate
39. Bean Dreams
40. Bean's Quest
41. The Room: Old Sins
42. Bluebird of Happiness
43. Sally's Law
44. Stray Cat Doors
45. Little Briar Rose
46. Our Last Journey
47. My Brother Ate My Pudding
48. The Sexy Brutale
49. Sometimes You Die
50. Can You Escape - Fear House
51. Murdered: Soul Suspect
52. Faraway 3
53. Rayman Legends
54. Short Life
55. Beyond: Two Souls
56. Gorogoa
57. Unpuzzle
58. Samsara Room
59. Dishonored 2
60. Alone With You

61. Part Time UFO
62. Hidden my game by mom 2
63. Hidden my game by mom 3
64. The Fidelio Incident
66. Stories Untold
67. The American Dream: heavy-handed VR gun-culture satire.

The American Dream presents you with a 'white picket fence and apple pie' version of the US using a cardboard cutout art style and asks you to shoot at all of it. Indeed, everything in the game is accomplished by shooting at it with your dual Move controllers. Want to attract your mother's attention when you're in your crib? Shoot at the door of your room until she comes to see to you. Want to eat dinner on your first proper teenage date? Shoot the food into your mouth using a selection of different size 'eating guns'. Want to open the beer you've just picked up? Shoot a hole in the can and guzzle it down; then shoot it out of your hand into the nearby bin when you're done.

You can see where this is going by now, the version of America it presents is so in love with it's gun culture that literally every action requires you to shoot a gun, and revel in the fact that you did because you're not some awful commie sonofabitch. From a gameplay perspective it's the usual VR setup of you being strapped into a roller coaster car sort of thing that moves you from one scene to the next, shooting as you go; though generally the action takes place when you're stationary as opposed to the Rush of Blood model. And also unlike Rush of Blood there's no real fail conditions or scoring, it's a story told through the medium of shooting at shit.

And it's all fine for what it is; for a while at least. It's a strong concept well presented and there's a lot of fun to be had in the earlier levels. But by God do they run the fucking thing into the ground. It stops introducing any really new ideas, or weapons, before even the halfway point but keep on going regardless. And on. And on. And fucking on. I was so ready for it to be done by the end that it had almost burned through all the goodwill it had earned in the my initial session. Something that's not helped by the fact that (a) the general amount of sitting around just listening to the 'host' Buddy Washington talk at you is fucking unbelievable and (b) the last few levels are just a total mess (mechanically and conceptually) of random bullshit chucked at the wall, none of which really sticks.

It's a weird thing to be complaining about a game having too much content but that's really where we're at here. Had it stopped halfway through I could've genuinely recommended it as something interesting, amusing and slightly different (for a VR game especially). As it stands though I can't imagine people really enjoying it; unless you can get it for super-cheap and are genuinely happy to stop playing it at the halfway mark.
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1) Homefront (PC)
3) Uncharted: The Lost Legacy (PS4)
4) Uncanny Valley (PS4)
5) Resident Evil 7: Not a Hero DLC (PS4)
6) Layers of Fear (PC)
7) Genital Jousting - Story mode (PC)
8 ) Corgi Warlock (PC)
9) Until Dawn: Rush of Blood (PSVR)
10) Gravity Rush 2 (PS4)
11) Playerunknowns Battlegrounds (X1X)
12) The Evil Within 2 (PS4)
13) Super Mario Odessey (Switch)
14) Gears of War 4 (X1X)
15) Persona 5 (PS4)
16) Shadow of the Colossus (PS4)
17) I Expect You To Die (PSVR)
18) A Way Out (X1X)
19) Streets of Red (Switch)
20) Streets of Rage (X1X)
21) God of War (PS4)
22) Call of Duty: WW2 (X1X)
23) PUBG (Mobile)
24) Fruity Shooty (PSVR)
25) The Surge (PS4)
26) The Surge DLC: A Walk in the Park (PS4)
27) Life is Strange (PS4)
28) The Awesome Adventures of Captain Spirit (PS4)
29) Assault Android Cactus (XB)
30) Danmaku Unlimited 3 (Switch)
31) Dragon Blaze (Switch)
32) Zero Gunner 2 (Switch)
33) Cuphead (Xbox)

34) Prey (Xbox)

Worth the tenner I paid for it.
20-30 hours to complete
Multiple endings
Interesting story
Bland combat
If you liked Deux Ex you’ll enjoy this

I tried the latest Deux Ex on PS+ and instantly hated it, by the way. This is better than that trash.
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1) Homefront (PC)
3) Uncharted: The Lost Legacy (PS4)
4) Uncanny Valley (PS4)
5) Resident Evil 7: Not a Hero DLC (PS4)
6) Layers of Fear (PC)
7) Genital Jousting - Story mode (PC)
8 ) Corgi Warlock (PC)
9) Until Dawn: Rush of Blood (PSVR)
10) Gravity Rush 2 (PS4)
11) Playerunknowns Battlegrounds (X1X)
12) The Evil Within 2 (PS4)
13) Super Mario Odessey (Switch)
14) Gears of War 4 (X1X)
15) Persona 5 (PS4)
16) Shadow of the Colossus (PS4)
17) I Expect You To Die (PSVR)
18) A Way Out (X1X)
19) Streets of Red (Switch)
20) Streets of Rage (X1X)
21) God of War (PS4)
22) Call of Duty: WW2 (X1X)
23) PUBG (Mobile)
24) Fruity Shooty (PSVR)
25) The Surge (PS4)
26) The Surge DLC: A Walk in the Park (PS4)
27) Life is Strange (PS4)
28) The Awesome Adventures of Captain Spirit (PS4)
29) Assault Android Cactus (XB)
30) Danmaku Unlimited 3 (Switch)
31) Dragon Blaze (Switch)
32) Zero Gunner 2 (Switch)
33) Cuphead (Xbox)
34) Prey (Xbox)

35) Rick & Morty: Virtual Rickality (PSVR)

I like Rick & Morty. I do not like Rick & Morty: Virtual Rickality.

I had high hopes going in that this would be disposable but hilarious but this is by far the worst VR experience thus far. It isn’t very funny, there’s not much fun stuff to do, playing Troy isn’t very good (when it could have been amazing) and the main missions aren’t very good either. Just a big ole fat bleh.
ZOMG Spoiler! Click here to view!
1. The Magic Circle
2. Rusty Lake: Roots.
3. Old Man's Journey
4. Bohemian Killing
5. Hidden Folks
6. Until:Dawn: Rush of Blood
7. Rusty Lake: Hotel
8. Outlast
9. Rusty Lake: Paradise
10. Homefront
11. Batman: The Telltale Series
12. Red
13. Evo Explores
14. All That Remains (part 1)
15. Thief
16. The Frostrune
17. THOR.N
18. Hitchhiker
19. Sherlocked's The Vault
20. Crescent Bay
21. 2000 to 1: A SpaceFelony
22. The Park
23. Accounting+
24. Seasons After Fall
25. Legacy 2 - The Ancient Curse
26. XON: Episode 3
27. Secret of the Lost Pyramid
28. The Mystery of the Orphanage
29. Life is Strange
30. Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (Arcade)
31. There is no Game
32. Papers, Please
34. Little Nightmares
35. GNOG
36. Here They Lie
37. Xon Episode Four
38. Escape Logan Estate
39. Bean Dreams
40. Bean's Quest
41. The Room: Old Sins
42. Bluebird of Happiness
43. Sally's Law
44. Stray Cat Doors
45. Little Briar Rose
46. Our Last Journey
47. My Brother Ate My Pudding
48. The Sexy Brutale
49. Sometimes You Die
50. Can You Escape - Fear House
51. Murdered: Soul Suspect
52. Faraway 3
53. Rayman Legends
54. Short Life
55. Beyond: Two Souls
56. Gorogoa
57. Unpuzzle
58. Samsara Room
59. Dishonored 2
60. Alone With You

61. Part Time UFO
62. Hidden my game by mom 2
63. Hidden my game by mom 3
64. The Fidelio Incident
66. Stories Untold
67. The American Dream
68. Subsurface Circular: robot detective visual novel.

This is a 'narrative short' by Mike Bithell, the guy behind Thomas Was Alone and Volume. It's set in a future where robots, colloquially called 'teks', perform many functions in society and all commute around the place via the titular Subsurface Circular subway. Your character is a detective tasked to investigate crimes by talking to the other teks that pass through the transit system and right at the beginning you're asked to begin investigating the disappearance of another robot.

The subsequent two hours are spent talking to the other teks that get on and off your carriage while trying to get to the bottom of the mystery. There's some light puzzle solving but the entire games plays out solely within the conversations you have with the other robots and, while you do have conversation options, it's essentially a linear story. The look of the thing and the rare character animations are very nice, which is appreciated given that that they're utterly unnecessary as your focus is always the textual conversation playing out in front of you.

The dialogue flows naturally and there's an impressive amount of world-building done between the lines of your conversation; it's also very dryly funny in a lot of places. The way it tied into Thomas Was Alone made me smile as well. The ending was a little bit disappointing in my opinion but I thoroughly enjoyed my time with the story and for a few quid it was well worth it.
1) Super Mario Odyssey (Switch)
2) I expect you to die (PC/VIVE)
3) We Were Here (PC)
4) We Were Here Too (PC)
5) Human: Fall Flat (PC)
6) Ratchet and Clank (PS4)
7) Persona 5 (PS4)
8) The Sexy Brutale (PC)
9) Genital Jousting (PC)
10) Painscreek Killings (PC)
11) Forgotton Anne (PC)
12) To the moon (PC)
13) Nine Doors Nine Persons Nine Hours (PC)

Puzzle em up ported from DS. S'puzzley.
ZOMG Spoiler! Click here to view!
1) Homefront (PC)
3) Uncharted: The Lost Legacy (PS4)
4) Uncanny Valley (PS4)
5) Resident Evil 7: Not a Hero DLC (PS4)
6) Layers of Fear (PC)
7) Genital Jousting - Story mode (PC)
8 ) Corgi Warlock (PC)
9) Until Dawn: Rush of Blood (PSVR)
10) Gravity Rush 2 (PS4)
11) Playerunknowns Battlegrounds (X1X)
12) The Evil Within 2 (PS4)
13) Super Mario Odessey (Switch)
14) Gears of War 4 (X1X)
15) Persona 5 (PS4)
16) Shadow of the Colossus (PS4)
17) I Expect You To Die (PSVR)
18) A Way Out (X1X)
19) Streets of Red (Switch)
20) Streets of Rage (X1X)
21) God of War (PS4)
22) Call of Duty: WW2 (X1X)
23) PUBG (Mobile)
24) Fruity Shooty (PSVR)
25) The Surge (PS4)
26) The Surge DLC: A Walk in the Park (PS4)
27) Life is Strange (PS4)
28) The Awesome Adventures of Captain Spirit (PS4)
29) Assault Android Cactus (XB)
30) Danmaku Unlimited 3 (Switch)
31) Dragon Blaze (Switch)
32) Zero Gunner 2 (Switch)
33) Cuphead (Xbox)
34) Prey (Xbox)
35) Rick & Morty: Virtual Rickality (PSVR)

36) Ruiner (PS4)

So it’s a twin stick shooter known for being balls hard and having moody emo visuals. The visuals and the art design are absolutely stunning but there’s not a lot of variety. And it’s not that hard either... Honestly, I don’t know what some reviewers were moaning about. The most I died during a single level was twice. The combat is nice with lots of dashing, slashing and pew pew but it gets a bit repetitive despite being less than 5 hours long.

I liked it and definitely enjoyed my time but it isn’t good enough to recommend. Hopefully a sequel will sort out some issues.
ZOMG Spoiler! Click here to view!
1) Homefront (PC)
3) Uncharted: The Lost Legacy (PS4)
4) Uncanny Valley (PS4)
5) Resident Evil 7: Not a Hero DLC (PS4)
6) Layers of Fear (PC)
7) Genital Jousting - Story mode (PC)
8 ) Corgi Warlock (PC)
9) Until Dawn: Rush of Blood (PSVR)
10) Gravity Rush 2 (PS4)
11) Playerunknowns Battlegrounds (X1X)
12) The Evil Within 2 (PS4)
13) Super Mario Odessey (Switch)
14) Gears of War 4 (X1X)
15) Persona 5 (PS4)
16) Shadow of the Colossus (PS4)
17) I Expect You To Die (PSVR)
18) A Way Out (X1X)
19) Streets of Red (Switch)
20) Streets of Rage (X1X)
21) God of War (PS4)
22) Call of Duty: WW2 (X1X)
23) PUBG (Mobile)
24) Fruity Shooty (PSVR)
25) The Surge (PS4)
26) The Surge DLC: A Walk in the Park (PS4)
27) Life is Strange (PS4)
28) The Awesome Adventures of Captain Spirit (PS4)
29) Assault Android Cactus (XB)
30) Danmaku Unlimited 3 (Switch)
31) Dragon Blaze (Switch)
32) Zero Gunner 2 (Switch)
33) Cuphead (Xbox)
34) Prey (Xbox)
35) Rick & Morty: Virtual Rickality (PSVR)
36) Ruiner (PS4)

37) Rime (PS4)

That was a bit of a chore to get through in the end. Certainly no ICO.

Yeah, I played it for a couple of hours or so before getting utterly bored and never returning.

Still quite pretty though.
1) Super Mario Odyssey (Switch)
2) I expect you to die (PC/VIVE)
3) We Were Here (PC)
4) We Were Here Too (PC)
5) Human: Fall Flat (PC)
6) Ratchet and Clank (PS4)
7) Persona 5 (PS4)
8) The Sexy Brutale (PC)
9) Genital Jousting (PC)
10) Painscreek Killings (PC)
11) Forgotton Anne (PC)
12) To the moon (PC)
13) Nine Doors Nine Persons Nine Hours (PC)
14) Zero Escape: Virtues last reward (PC)

Like 9 doors 9persons 9 hours... but sequelier. (And ends with an obvious set up to a sequel. which so far looks to be a bit bad)
1) Super Mario Odyssey (Switch)
2) I expect you to die (PC/VIVE)
3) We Were Here (PC)
4) We Were Here Too (PC)
5) Human: Fall Flat (PC)
6) Ratchet and Clank (PS4)
7) Persona 5 (PS4)
8) The Sexy Brutale (PC)
9) Genital Jousting (PC)
10) Painscreek Killings (PC)
11) Forgotton Anne (PC)
12) To the moon (PC)
13) Nine Doors Nine Persons Nine Hours (PC)
14) Zero Escape: Virtues last reward (PC)
15) Zero Escape : Zero Time Dilemma (PC)

Like Zero Escape:Virtues Last Reward... but sequelier. (It was the sequel to the obvious set up to a sequel. It was a bit bad.)
I liked ZTD, but not as much as VLW to be fair. I loved the story that spans the two games.
I forgot to add ZTD (that Vita one) which I finished recently. Flipped a coin: won the game in 5 minutes. I am best.
Doctor Glyndwr wrote:
I liked ZTD, but not as much as VLW to be fair. I loved the story that spans the two games.

I mainly got a bit annoyed with
- How damn slow it is - no ability to continue to the next line after you've read it
- How stilted it seemed. Given that you were basically forced to watch it as a film rather than read it like a book, it felt properly sub B movie. with dodgy animation and unnatural gaps between lines. Seriously, if character A is meant to be interrupting character B, you can't have a 2 second pause in between B finishing the line before A starts theirs. It just feels cheap. You can get away with this when it's the player controlling the advancement of the story, not so much when it's meant to play out like a film.
- The completely different characterisation of some of the recurring characters.
- I'll admit it's possible that by this point, I was a little burnt out on the puzzles, but they didn't seem anywhere near as fun as the previous two.
ZOMG Spoiler! Click here to view!
1. The Magic Circle
2. Rusty Lake: Roots.
3. Old Man's Journey
4. Bohemian Killing
5. Hidden Folks
6. Until:Dawn: Rush of Blood
7. Rusty Lake: Hotel
8. Outlast
9. Rusty Lake: Paradise
10. Homefront
11. Batman: The Telltale Series
12. Red
13. Evo Explores
14. All That Remains (part 1)
15. Thief
16. The Frostrune
17. THOR.N
18. Hitchhiker
19. Sherlocked's The Vault
20. Crescent Bay
21. 2000 to 1: A SpaceFelony
22. The Park
23. Accounting+
24. Seasons After Fall
25. Legacy 2 - The Ancient Curse
26. XON: Episode 3
27. Secret of the Lost Pyramid
28. The Mystery of the Orphanage
29. Life is Strange
30. Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (Arcade)
31. There is no Game
32. Papers, Please
34. Little Nightmares
35. GNOG
36. Here They Lie
37. Xon Episode Four
38. Escape Logan Estate
39. Bean Dreams
40. Bean's Quest
41. The Room: Old Sins
42. Bluebird of Happiness
43. Sally's Law
44. Stray Cat Doors
45. Little Briar Rose
46. Our Last Journey
47. My Brother Ate My Pudding
48. The Sexy Brutale
49. Sometimes You Die
50. Can You Escape - Fear House
51. Murdered: Soul Suspect
52. Faraway 3
53. Rayman Legends
54. Short Life
55. Beyond: Two Souls
56. Gorogoa
57. Unpuzzle
58. Samsara Room
59. Dishonored 2
60. Alone With You

61. Part Time UFO
62. Hidden my game by mom 2
63. Hidden my game by mom 3
64. The Fidelio Incident
66. Stories Untold
67. The American Dream
68. Subsurface Circular
67. Dishonored: Death of the Outsider: more Dishonored goodness so is obviously brilliant fun; arguably even more than the main games because this stand-alone chapter is basically 'Dishonored with the brakes off'. Your void energy auto-replenishes so you don't need to fuck around worrying about elixirs; there's no real penalty for murdering instead of knocking out so if you do get into a fight it doesn't mean a sighing reload and the 'scouting and tagging' power is incredibly useful so the game moves at a higher pace.

All these changes suit my playstyle so this DLC totally grabbed me for the 15 or so hours it took to go through and I enjoyed every second of it. There's only five levels but picking them clean of stuff and learning your routes around is as much of a joy as it always was, especially once you get to grips with the advanced stuff that the combination of the scouting power + Billy's more tactical delayed teleport lets you do.

The side mission 'contracts' that you get are rarely more than busy work but they're an amusing diversion and give you a genuine reason to explore the levels fully. The level design is the usual masterclass in multiple routes and even quite far in I was still discovering new paths I hadn't noticed before. On the downside there, the first level gets revisited later on which sucks out the novelty a bit and one of the later levels is a trip back to something from Dishonored 2 but even at that things are changed up enough to stay interesting.

If I had any complaint it would be that the game is maybe a bit too easy. Not worrying about killing people plus the regenerating void powers tips things into your favour and there are no advanced enemy types like the teleporting witches or clockwork soldiers so taking people out doesn't get any harder than the very beginning. That's a small thing though and just blasting through was a fucking delight from start to finish.

Bonus amusing thing: at one point in the final level I got a bit confused about where I was going and fell off a great big fucking cliff. I survived the fall by the skin of my health bar only to realise that I'd then managed to accidentally skip like 90% of the intended trek back through the level (which is now filled with harder enemies) and was inches from the end! Lol.
ZOMG Spoiler! Click here to view!
1. The Magic Circle
2. Rusty Lake: Roots.
3. Old Man's Journey
4. Bohemian Killing
5. Hidden Folks
6. Until:Dawn: Rush of Blood
7. Rusty Lake: Hotel
8. Outlast
9. Rusty Lake: Paradise
10. Homefront
11. Batman: The Telltale Series
12. Red
13. Evo Explores
14. All That Remains (part 1)
15. Thief
16. The Frostrune
17. THOR.N
18. Hitchhiker
19. Sherlocked's The Vault
20. Crescent Bay
21. 2000 to 1: A SpaceFelony
22. The Park
23. Accounting+
24. Seasons After Fall
25. Legacy 2 - The Ancient Curse
26. XON: Episode 3
27. Secret of the Lost Pyramid
28. The Mystery of the Orphanage
29. Life is Strange
30. Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (Arcade)
31. There is no Game
32. Papers, Please
34. Little Nightmares
35. GNOG
36. Here They Lie
37. Xon Episode Four
38. Escape Logan Estate
39. Bean Dreams
40. Bean's Quest
41. The Room: Old Sins
42. Bluebird of Happiness
43. Sally's Law
44. Stray Cat Doors
45. Little Briar Rose
46. Our Last Journey
47. My Brother Ate My Pudding
48. The Sexy Brutale
49. Sometimes You Die
50. Can You Escape - Fear House
51. Murdered: Soul Suspect
52. Faraway 3
53. Rayman Legends
54. Short Life
55. Beyond: Two Souls
56. Gorogoa
57. Unpuzzle
58. Samsara Room
59. Dishonored 2
60. Alone With You

61. Part Time UFO
62. Hidden my game by mom 2
63. Hidden my game by mom 3
64. The Fidelio Incident
65. Stories Untold
66. The American Dream
67. Subsurface Circular
68. Dishonored: Death of the Outsider
69. The Awesome Adventures of Captain Spirit: Dontnod's free primer game for the upcoming Life is Strange sequel. It only takes an hour or so to bang though and the juxtaposition of childish fantasy with grim 'abusive alcoholic father' reality was pretty engaging for it's entire runtime.
ZOMG Spoiler! Click here to view!
1) Homefront (PC)
3) Uncharted: The Lost Legacy (PS4)
4) Uncanny Valley (PS4)
5) Resident Evil 7: Not a Hero DLC (PS4)
6) Layers of Fear (PC)
7) Genital Jousting - Story mode (PC)
8 ) Corgi Warlock (PC)
9) Until Dawn: Rush of Blood (PSVR)
10) Gravity Rush 2 (PS4)
11) Playerunknowns Battlegrounds (X1X)
12) The Evil Within 2 (PS4)
13) Super Mario Odessey (Switch)
14) Gears of War 4 (X1X)
15) Persona 5 (PS4)
16) Shadow of the Colossus (PS4)
17) I Expect You To Die (PSVR)
18) A Way Out (X1X)
19) Streets of Red (Switch)
20) Streets of Rage (X1X)
21) God of War (PS4)
22) Call of Duty: WW2 (X1X)
23) PUBG (Mobile)
24) Fruity Shooty (PSVR)
25) The Surge (PS4)
26) The Surge DLC: A Walk in the Park (PS4)
27) Life is Strange (PS4)
28) The Awesome Adventures of Captain Spirit (PS4)
29) Assault Android Cactus (XB)
30) Danmaku Unlimited 3 (Switch)
31) Dragon Blaze (Switch)
32) Zero Gunner 2 (Switch)
33) Cuphead (Xbox)
34) Prey (Xbox)
35) Rick & Morty: Virtual Rickality (PSVR)
36) Ruiner (PS4)
37) Rime (PS4)

38) Hitman: Season 1 (PS4)

A proper this-gen Hitman game. Tons of content and replayability and an excellent Hitman game to boot. Recommended.
1) Super Mario Odyssey (Switch)
2) I expect you to die (PC/VIVE)
3) We Were Here (PC)
4) We Were Here Too (PC)
5) Human: Fall Flat (PC)
6) Ratchet and Clank (PS4)
7) Persona 5 (PS4)
8) The Sexy Brutale (PC)
9) Genital Jousting (PC)
10) Painscreek Killings (PC)
11) Forgotton Anne (PC)
12) To the moon (PC)
13) Nine Doors Nine Persons Nine Hours (PC)
14) Zero Escape: Virtues last reward (PC)
15) Zero Escape : Zero Time Dilemma (PC)
16) Horizon:Zero Dawn(PS4)

Was rather good this. And very pretty.

Although the end credits are going on forever.
Mr Dave wrote:
Although the end credits are going on forever.

They're still going.
Mr Dave wrote:
Mr Dave wrote:
Although the end credits are going on forever.

They're still going.

It's finally over.
I quite fancy playing that, when I’ve trimmed the backlog.
I have sold it quite short with my summary,I'll admit.

Although not with the half hour of end credits.
Satsuma wrote:
I quite fancy playing that, when I’ve trimmed the backlog.

Use a spoon
I'm now playing through the DLC. It's snowy.
I'd do that, but I think Garwood still has my copy.
Whoever that is.
Grim... wrote:
I'd do that, but I think Garwood still has my copy.

That's certainly not true, as I bought it, completed it, and lent it to The Egg. I do have your RE7 though.
Mr Dave wrote:
I'm now playing through the DLC. It's snowy.

I have now also completed it (e main story arc)

It's not too long (Longer than the end credits, though) but worthwhile playing through. More sequel setting up, I believe.
Doctor Glyndwr wrote:
Grim... wrote:
I'd do that, but I think Garwood still has my copy.

That's certainly not true, as I bought it, completed it, and lent it to The Egg. I do have your RE7 though.

Hmm. Who has it, then?
I've completed some games... Well, two.

Kirby's Dreamland on the Gameboy. This took me less than an hour to complete and it was lovely.

Star Wars Battlefront 2 (Single player campaign). This was enjoyable but suffered from what most modern games suffer from in that it held your hand all the way through. There was never any real sense of peril or danger and even when faced with hundreds of Storm Troopers, you rarely had much chance of dying. Still, I only paid about 9 quid for it and I got to be Luke Skywalker and Kylo Ren so I'm happy.
ZOMG Spoiler! Click here to view!
1. The Magic Circle
2. Rusty Lake: Roots.
3. Old Man's Journey
4. Bohemian Killing
5. Hidden Folks
6. Until:Dawn: Rush of Blood
7. Rusty Lake: Hotel
8. Outlast
9. Rusty Lake: Paradise
10. Homefront
11. Batman: The Telltale Series
12. Red
13. Evo Explores
14. All That Remains (part 1)
15. Thief
16. The Frostrune
17. THOR.N
18. Hitchhiker
19. Sherlocked's The Vault
20. Crescent Bay
21. 2000 to 1: A SpaceFelony
22. The Park
23. Accounting+
24. Seasons After Fall
25. Legacy 2 - The Ancient Curse
26. XON: Episode 3
27. Secret of the Lost Pyramid
28. The Mystery of the Orphanage
29. Life is Strange
30. Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (Arcade)
31. There is no Game
32. Papers, Please
34. Little Nightmares
35. GNOG
36. Here They Lie
37. Xon Episode Four
38. Escape Logan Estate
39. Bean Dreams
40. Bean's Quest
41. The Room: Old Sins
42. Bluebird of Happiness
43. Sally's Law
44. Stray Cat Doors
45. Little Briar Rose
46. Our Last Journey
47. My Brother Ate My Pudding
48. The Sexy Brutale
49. Sometimes You Die
50. Can You Escape - Fear House
51. Murdered: Soul Suspect
52. Faraway 3
53. Rayman Legends
54. Short Life
55. Beyond: Two Souls
56. Gorogoa
57. Unpuzzle
58. Samsara Room
59. Dishonored 2
60. Alone With You

61. Part Time UFO
62. Hidden my game by mom 2
63. Hidden my game by mom 3
64. The Fidelio Incident
65. Stories Untold
66. The American Dream
67. Subsurface Circular
68. Dishonored: Death of the Outsider
69. The Awesome Adventures of Captain Spirit
70. Hellblade: Senua's Sacrifice: Celtic revenge story and mental illness simulator.

As Senua you're not only out to get revenge on the Norse god of death Hela, but also looking to pry your dead husband from her clutches. This is made more difficult than you'd usually expect by the fact that Senua suffers from psychosis, causing auditory and visual hallucinations. Aside from the usual tropes of not knowing whether what you're seeing is real or not, this is mostly represented through some sterling audio work. Throughout the entire game, the voices in Senua's head continually whisper and shout at her; sometimes helpfully--telling you when you're about to be attacked from behind in combat--but mostly telling her how useless she is and how she's weak and bound to fail. This initially seems pretty gimmicky, and it is in terms of moment-to-moment chatter, but it has a strong overall impact when you've been playing the game for a few hours. You become weirdly used to the constant voices coming at you from every direction (the game makes a very strong case for surround sound!) and you reach a state where you hear what they're saying but they also become background noise. It's an odd effect and, I suspect, exactly what the developers were shooting for.

The other very strong aspect of the game are the visuals. It's fucking beautiful. Like properly lovely to look at; well, most of the time anyway. There's a great chunk of it spent in gloomy dungeon-y levels, which is a waste of the art direction, but enough of it in outdoor locations or hellish otherworldly environments that you never forget how good it looks. There's no HUD elements in the game at any point either and this genuinely immerses you in the world. You forget how much difference the modern game design tendency to chuck indicators in your face makes until it's all stripped away.

Also worth noting is the combat which is suitably meaty and responsive, while never letting you forget that you're a lone woman up against a load of berserkers and viking demons. You've got a limited moveset (evade, block, melee, light slash, heavy slash and a rechargeable time slowing 'focus' ability) and there's no upgrade tree or skill points or any of that jazz. It's not difficult per se, but you'll catch a brutal beating if you just go in button mashing so you're always warily circling enemies and baiting them into malking the first move, while trying not to get flanked.

That's all good stuff right? So it's a good game then? Weeeellll, not entirely. It has some nice ideas and is well designed in terms of audio visual stuff, but the actual meat of the game is repetitive and not neccesarily all that interesting. The vast, vast majority of your eight hours will be spent wandering an area solving puzzles to progress. The majority of these are odd 'find the symbol' sort of deals where you need to look around the environment for a feature which visually resembles the glyph you're hunting for in order to unlock a door. So, maybe the arrangement of planks in a broken house wall will look like a 'Z' shape. Or you'll light a couple of torches so that nearby fences throw a usefully M shaped shadow on the wall. 'Focus' on these found characters, door unlocks, off you trot to the next area. I don't mind this as an idea but it's leant on far too heavily throughout the runtime and it's never challenging (especially as the right area to find each character in is very heavily signposted). It basically feels like busy work, and even when these puzzles are varied up a bit (e.g. the Valravn section where going through certain portals subtly alters the environment so you can progress) they never really feel like more than barriers thrown up to slow you down. The game will generally chuck a combat section in between these areas but these are few and far between. It's bonkers that they built a genuinely engaging combat engine and then barely remembered to use it.

So, yeah. A technically well put together experience that's sadly lacking in core gameplay ideas. It's not a long game as my eight hours with it attest and the overall experience (the graphics, sound design, story, voice acting) almost make it worthwhile; but given that I was massively looking forward to this one I have come away disappointed.
I've finished another game!

Hellblade - Senua's sacrifice.

You may as well read what Bamba put above as I agree with most of it apart from being disappointed at the end. I thought the game was brilliant!
Grim... wrote:
1) I Expect You To Die (PS4 : PSVR)
2) Prey (PS4)
3) Sniper Elite 4 (PS4)
4) RimWorld (PC)
5) Titanfall 2 (PS4)
6) Star Trek: Bridge Commander

7) Another World (20th Anniversary Edition)

Another World is shit. It's a endless memory test with non-logical puzzles and annoying random deaths.

It's nice in a "I remember this!" kind of way, but that's it.

And the controls are bullshit.
Grim... wrote:
Another World is shit. It's a endless memory test with non-logical puzzles and annoying random deaths.

:this: Aside from the graphics I've never understood why anyone liked it back in the day. And I'm utterly fucking mystified why anyone gives it the time of day in the modern world. It's been re-released for practically every platform under the sun in the last few years as if it was actually a decent game or something. It's incredible.
Bamba wrote:
Grim... wrote:
Another World is shit. It's a endless memory test with non-logical puzzles and annoying random deaths.

It's incredible.

You're right. It is.

It's a great game.
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