General Election 2017
Number 10 or Bust
Four weeks to go, so time for a thread.
Here's a recent campaign pic from here in the Shire:
I have some very committed Corbyn supporting friends who are absolutely convinced that the BBC are biased against him every time there's any coverage that's even slightly negative.
It seems pretty even handed to me, and the BBC are normally accused of being left leaning. What do people here think about the way it's being reported?
I think people who think that the BBC having any kind of bias is a problem haven't looked at a newspaper in twenty years.
The BBC are accused of bias from both left and right, which probably means they're getting it right most of the time.

Not that being without bias is wholly useful.
Barry Gardiner came across as a right twat on R4's Today, this morning. Seemed really annoyed that he was asked questions.
Yeah he was a proper bellend. Fits right in with the current shower, of course.
I'll be voting Labour, because fuck the Tories.
Pundabaya wrote:
I'll be voting Labour, because fuck the Tories.

You should vote for whomever can keep the Tories out in your constituency. So if it's a safe Labour seat or Tory/Lab marginal then vote Labour. But if it's a Lib Dem/Tory marginal then vote Lib Dem.

I am voting Labour in the general election for the first time! My constituency is a safe Labour seat, but Tories were 2nd in 2015 and UKIP were third, so I'm not taking any chances.
Bromsgrove is a very safe Conservative seat, so I'll be voting safe in the knowledge that my opinion is largely irrelevant.
Bedford is a nailed on Tory seat so I'll be voting Lib Dem to try and get them their deposit back.

Grim... wrote:
Bedford is a nailed on Tory seat so I'll be voting Lib Dem to try and get them their deposit back.


That might be the first time I've seen you express a political leaning. Interesting
Looks like the Greens didn't learn from the last time and have submitted Spoz the Poet as their candidate again. ... confirmed/

Other than that we have clones of Paul Weller and Nick Robinson to go against Sajid Javid.
DavPaz wrote:
Grim... wrote:
Bedford is a nailed on Tory seat so I'll be voting Lib Dem to try and get them their deposit back.


That might be the first time I've seen you express a political leaning. Interesting

Do you have me on ignore or something?
Yes. Wait... Maybe not
Grim... is one of those wanky liberals
My current MP. He seems to lack a certain way with the younger voters.
That's like a reverse- :attitude:

23 days to go and I'm suffering from a very deep ennui about the election. Might get some beer in later and dream up some questions for local candidates to ignore.
Leaflet watch! Not sure what they're getting at.
Smooth moves by the Tory candidate: ... _for_seat/

AN election event featuring just the Muslim women standing in Bradford West has been criticised by two excluded candidates.

The Muslim Women’s Council (MWC) will today hold an event described as ‘an audience with’ independent candidate Salma Yaqoob and Labour’s Naz Shah.

But Conservative candidate George Grant, a Christian, called the premise “unprogressive, undemocratic and deeply unhelpful”.

He said: “It is not simply that this event prevents five of the seven candidates standing for Bradford West from putting forward their prospectus, it is the notion that selected candidates should be considered of greater relevance to a specific group in the community based purely on their gender and their religion.

Then(!) ... walks_out/

A POLITICAL platform for Muslim women which was dubbed a "hustings in all but name" was spectacularly shunned by Bradford West Labour candidate Naz Shah after she walked out before the debate had started in a show of defiant democracy.


Ms Shah asked that because the constituency's Conservative candidate George Grant was in the audience, that he be given a chance to speak.

Her request was refused because she was told "it's not a hustings" and she walked out of the room to a mixture of applause and boos.

Event organisers, The Bradford Muslim Women's Council, said Ms Shah's actions had been "unexpected".

But in an equally spectacular turn of events, no sooner had she departed from the hall that Mr Grant was invited to take to the stage.

Muslim Women's Council chief executive Bana Gora said: "Now that Naz has left we have an extra 10 minutes. Should we ask George Grant to come up?"

He took Ms Shah's vacated seat to shouts and applause.
What an utterly ridiculous farce!
DavPaz wrote:
What an utterly ridiculous farce!

Usual. ... feminists/
More provincial news on the scuffle to oust Tory Fillibusterer Davies:
Labour sending in re-enforcements. I think they are getting very concerned about being beaten i to third.
I should be talking about the Tory manifesto but as they state they want to leave the single market and the customs union I really don't care if they promise a new Jerusalem.

Three weeks to go. Mrs May was in the Shire this week, and I'm happy to offer you a photo of the greeting she received in Abingdon:

I didn't watch the C4 interviews last night. Are they worth watching?
I am already thoroughly, utterly, sick of the mudslinging that's going on in this election. I want it to be over already, come what may.
DavPaz wrote:
I am already thoroughly, utterly, sick of the mudslinging that's going on in this election. I want it to be over already, come what may.

I always thought politics in the country became a lot duller after the demise of Lord Sutch.
DavPaz wrote:
I am already thoroughly, utterly, sick of the mudslinging that's going on in this election. I want it to be over already, come what may.

I still don't feel any great connection with the parties' campaigns and messages, and am getting weary of being frustrated by the use of vacuous statements in place of actual policies. Saying you want 'the best deal' is up there with wanting better schools and hospitals when it comes to meaningless promises.
Better quality of debate than in Oxford:

Cherwell wrote:
As can be seen in a video posted on Twitter, students unfurled a banner which read ‘Racist Boris, what dead animals have you fucked?’ and shouted abuse at him.

The heckles included “hands off our free school meals”, “get back to the Bullingdon club” and “do you want to burn £50 in front of a homeless person?”.
Osborne's having the time of his life.
A party everyone can get behind ... anicfesto/

We will rename the current Oyster travel cards, ‘Sardine Cards’ to better reflect the experience when travelling on public transport
Christ has anyone else seen that car crash of May explaining why she won't be at the TV debate this evening? One of my friends added the comment:

Try watching the video without the sound and look at her gestures and facial expressions. She looks like a psychopath trying not to kill your children.

I realise I'm hoping against hope here, and realistically I know the Tories will most likely still win, but a tiny little part of me is starting to believe that they could lose, or at least not get a working majority.

May has turned out to be as 'strong and stable' under a bit of pressure as a fucking meringue, whereas Corbyn, who's faced two years of monstrous hostility from pretty much every quarter head-on seems to have found his stride, and now that he's getting equal TV coverage as per the rules - is very much looking like the better leader IMO, and a far better human being to boot.
Theresa May channelling her inner David Brent when she mentioned ITV
May is running probably the worst, most vacuous campaign in political history.

She'll win by a landslide.
Aye, the Tories will win for some bonkers reason, but I'm hoping for at least an increase in Labour seats and some kind of stability in their party behind Corbyn. Although equally they could take the loss as a reason to begin another implosion and round of pointless infighting.
I'm hoping for Tim Farron as PM.

It could totally happen.
I think if the campaign had another month to run Labour could turn it around, as it is the snap election will most likely work in May's favour, but not in the way she intended. (i.e. She'll win because there hasn't been long enough for how shit she is to really become apparent, how awful their manifesto is and on the flip side how Corbyn has become a confident and assured leader, with a compassionate left wing manifesto that they have at least made a serious attempt to cost.)

As Bamba notes above though, if Labour do 'well enough' I think another term in opposition will be enough time for Labour to be ready to take power again, off the back of another national buttfucking from the Tories and a Brexit disaster. (And a proper Labour party this time, not the perversion that Tony Blair turned it into. I still rue the death of John Smith.)
What I'm finding interesting is how much Mrs May doesn't seem to be enjoying it. Basing a campaign on yourself and your leadership qualities then avoiding all contact except under very controlled circumstances, and even then coming across pretty rigid, seems to have been a very poor decision.

It also says a lot about the paucity of what the Conservatives are offering, almost as if they are well aware Brexit will bite them in the arses very hard very soon.
Very surprised the May didn't attend the TV debate, not helped her much perception wise a week away from voting day.

Not sure she will get the landslide that was predicted a few weeks ago, she may even end up worse off!
Kern wrote:
What I'm finding interesting is how much Mrs May doesn't seem to be enjoying it. Basing a campaign on yourself and your leadership qualities then avoiding all contact except under very controlled circumstances, and even then coming across pretty rigid, seems to have been a very poor decision.

It also says a lot about the paucity of what the Conservatives are offering, almost as if they are well aware Brexit will bite them in the arses very hard very soon.

I get the impression that she genuinely did decide over Easter to call the election on the premise of President May, and only called Lynton Crosby afterwards, who then immediately told her to keep the fuck away from people.
I know the polls are always wrong and that, but I think there is definitely a move towards Labour, or at least away from May's robotic weirdness and lack of backbone and personality. The possibility of a hung parliament seems distinctly, well, possible.

This New Statesman article was quite interesting: ... wing-press
It's staggering really that Labour are polling as well as they are given the hostility of the press. I'd love to see what the political landscape would look like without fucking cunts like Murdoch et al.
markg wrote:
It's staggering really that Labour are polling as well as they are given the hostility of the press. I'd love to see what the political landscape would look like without fucking cunts like Murdoch et al.

And if the rest of the Labour party had properly got behind him as well, most notably a large number of his own fucking MPs.
I'm going to vote for WEP. Reasons:

1) I feel that a vote for Labour would endorse Momentum and Corbyn and I'm not keen on that
2) The shadow cabinet lacks credibility in my eyes
3) Local Labour have whined and whinged about WEP appearing, went on about equality and selected a man to stand
4) local Labour look funny
5) and are very pro Corbyn
6) I feel betrayed by Labour over the whole Brexit episode
7) Labour coming third might affect change
8) WEP doing well will annoy Labour and MrsA.
9) She appears to be bright, articulate and capable
I don't want the Tories to win so I am voting Labour. Simple as that.
Labour don't need to 'win' to mess up the Tories, just enough to wipe out the majority.

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