World of Warcraft goes free-to-play
Up to level 20
Curiosity wrote:
Trooper wrote:
Grim... wrote:
AE wrote:
I'm a proper WoW geek, but there's no way on earth I'd go for the Insane title.

Proper WoW geeks clearly not only get the title, but then make a website to see who else did ;)

That's the second 'not-very-good' Cracked article I've read lately. "HAR HAR HAR WoW PLAYERS ARE ALL FAT VIRGIN NERDS WITH NO FRIENDS" :S

I'm not fat :(

I have friends!

(subs please check)

I don't play WoW!

The more I read about Mists of Pandaria the more I think it's going to be pretty cool.

Sounds like they're finishing what they started with Cataclysm, stripping out what little dead wood is left in the game and eliminating grind once and for all. (To my mind the game is stunningly better than it was when I first started playing over 3 1/2 years ago.)

Also, the lady pandas have substantial child-bearing hips and are a bit chubby with pretty faces and nice smiles (as far as pandas go), which is the kind of real lass I like.

I think I will make a girl panda as my first character in MoP.
All done for me now this expansion, got my pally to 84 and realised there was nothing I wanted to do with him at 85 so never dinged. (Did get four chars to 85 and endgame raid-geared though.)

Got a beta invitation for MoP but I see no appeal whatsoever in playing an unfinished broken game so won't take it up.

Diablo 3 out next month, so just in a holding pattern until then games-wise really. MoP will be out later in the year, and there are other goodies on the horizon such as Max Payne 3.
AtrocityExhibition wrote:
All done for me now this expansion,

Probably a good thing, otherwise it might make you crazy!
Trooper wrote:
AtrocityExhibition wrote:
All done for me now this expansion,

Probably a good thing, otherwise it might make you crazy!

Well fair play to him, I'd not want to go to my grave after committing an act of mass murder with the regret that I hadn't maxed out my level and got my hands on a complete set of epic loot.
This might be of interest to WoW players:
Grim... wrote:
This might be of interest to WoW players:

Cheers for the link there Grim... although it makes me a bit wistful and sad (I'm basically an ex-WoW player now, not even sure I'll return for the pandas).

It does remind me what a fucking awesome world it was to play games in :)
Until the next mmo takes over, you are never really an ex-wow player, you're only ever on hiatus ;)
Trooper wrote:
Until the next mmo takes over, you are never really an ex-wow player, you're only ever on hiatus ;)

Yeah I'm sure I won't be able to resist taking a look at the pandas. In fact, I'll probably level at least one panda to 90, probably a monk as a tank or something similar so I get super-quick instance queueing.

I was chatting at work last week with a few of the guys and we have genuine fond memories for the game, it's four years since we all started playing together and we remember how fucking dreadful we were early on, with not a fucking clue what we were up to.

Trying to kill Hogger (back when he was an elite), all getting panic-stricken, running off in five different directions and pulling every mob in a half-mile radius - that sort of thing.

I think WoW is a once in a lifetime gaming experience, I suspect nothing will ever come close to it for me.
AtrocityExhibition wrote:
I think WoW is a once in a lifetime gaming experience, I suspect nothing will ever come close to it for me.

:this: Couldn't agree more, I had played MMO's before WoW and have played others since stopping WoW, but none of them match up. Still not going to go back to WoW however, spent far too much of my life on that game as it is, regardless of all the fond memories I have of it.
Slightly Green wrote:
:this: Couldn't agree more, I had played MMO's before WoW and have played others since stopping WoW, but none of them match up. Still not going to go back to WoW however, spent far too much of my life on that game as it is, regardless of all the fond memories I have of it.

I don't think there's anything wrong with just letting something go and simply cherishing the memories.

The 'WoW golden days' for me are not going to return, whilst I'm still good friends and/or in contact with the people I first played with four years ago, our collective circumstances have all changed so that we simply couldn't play the game in the way we used to, even if we wanted to.

For some time towards the back end of Wrath and for the first few months of Cataclysm, we had a fucking fantastic Manx guild on the go. (A bloke started a thread on a set of local IOM forums asking if there'd be any interest in a Manx guild, and he got enough folks involved to start the guild.)

Even at our peak we generally didn't have more than about 15 members online at any given time, but we ran loads of instances, did plenty of 'old world' raids (vanilla 40-mans with 8 or 9 of us at Level 80 for example), all helped each other out, often just went onto the guild's Mumble server simply to natter, guild chat was routinely friendly and hilarious, managed to get some 10-man raids together and even killed the first six bosses in ICC.

The best thing was we were all Manxies, i.e. either lived on the IOM or had close connections to the IOM, and a lot of us knew each other IRL too - it was the best 'feeling' game I've ever known. I distinctly remember a couple of insanely late nights with a couple of guildies where I was still running 5-mans with them at well past 3am in the morning, needless to say we were all being 'alternatively fuelled' in one way or another to still be gaming at such a late hour - and it was brilliant fun.

Unfortunately as tends to happen the guild quietened down over time as people started to move onto other things or their circumstances changed, to the extent that in the end we had a sort of 'soft disband' and those of us still active in the game moved to another guild on a different realm. (But a lot of us are still in contact with each other and on very good terms, friends on FB etc, even if we don't game together any longer.)

I think it's a 'lightning strikes just once' kind of a deal, I really do - and I have the very fondest of memories for it, pretty much the best extended gaming period of my entire life.
The Panda Patch is now live (over 10GB), although the expansion itself isn't live for another month.

However, all the Panda changes are in there, so a complete reworking of talents, glyphs, looting, cross-realm zones are implemented, ranged, relic and thrown items are gone (!), minimum range removed on ranged weapons, head enchants have been completely removed, loads of UI changes, new roll mechanism - and loads of other stuff too.

You can accuse Blizzard of many things, but resting on their laurels is certainly not one of them.

On the Mac front there's support for Retina displays amongst a few other things.

Quite looking forward to getting back into a bit of WoW, I have to say. Given how limited my games time is these days compared to when Cata hit, I can easily see me getting a good 9 months out of the pandas.
Panda power.

I'd expect my PC to handle this all pimped out at 60FPS+, but according to FRAPS this is 55FPS.

(Admittedly 2560x1440, in windowed mode, with everything at super mega max, but even so......)

My panda is not amused.

I can't help but confess I had little electric 'WoW twitches' going on as I created my panda and logged in, it'll probably replace online slots for a year or so.

Plus I've got all my 85s to relearn and level to 90 as well, as once again Blizzard really have mixed it all up.
Had a proper look through all my 85s and Blizzard really have mixed it all up again, you can accuse them of many things, but being afraid to seriously mix up probably the biggest gaming cash cow in the history of the world, certainly isn't one of them.

It'll be fun to properly get my teeth stuck into it again, I suspect I'll divide my time between levelling my new character(s) and giving some attention to my favourite three 85s, probably the hunter, DK and priest. And possibly the pally. Or the mage. Or the warrior. Hmmmm.

And I never did finish levelling my druid.

It was great to see a load of low level characters running around in the panda starting area, and Orgrimmar was rammed.
Pretty good article explaining the long-lasting appeal of WoW at Cracked. ... -warcraft/
So I tried to play StarCraft earlier but my authenticator needed removing from my account because I have a new iPhone and I didn't transfer it over. I got that sorted in a few minutes (had to email Blizzard my driving licence but otherwise they did it in 10 minutes), and then I was looking around my account...

I saw WoW and an offer for 10 free days of Pandaria. I've just downloaded it (12GB!) and fired it up.

Mercifully, they've made some changes that made me quit after 20 minutes or so. I've had to re-spec my Rogue because of the new talent tree stuff, so I've forgotten what everything does and half of my keyboard shortcuts are messed up. I'd basically have to re-learn everything again. Can't be arsed.

I wouldn't mind playing an MMO again, but I'm going to wait for something new to come along. There's just too much in WoW now. I've been completely left behind by it. Is there anything on the horizon? I know Blizzard are working on something, as are Bungie, but we know naff all about those!
Eve. It is calling you.
That's even worse! I absolutely love the concept, but it's just too expansive and complicated to get into now. I've tried a few times. Just don't have the patience to play catch up. That's why I want to get in on something from day one. Like I did with WoW.
WTB wrote:
I saw WoW and an offer for 10 free days of Pandaria. I've just downloaded it (12GB!) and fired it up.

Mercifully, they've made some changes that made me quit after 20 minutes or so. I've had to re-spec my Rogue because of the new talent tree stuff, so I've forgotten what everything does and half of my keyboard shortcuts are messed up. I'd basically have to re-learn everything again. Can't be arsed.

Sorry WTB missed this post for some reason.

If you've not played WoW in anger for a while then it is a whole new game in a lot of ways, rather than try and pick up an old character and learn it all again piecemeal, the best bet would be to roll a Level 1 and learn it all 'organically' as it were, because there are massive chunks of the game that have been completely reworked, redesigned, removed, changed, updated etc.

Plus the early zones are hugely, incredibly, staggeringly better than they used to be.

Personally speaking I didn't stick with the Pandas for long, and quit the game months ago (let my account lapse). I actually felt the same as you, I didn't fancy learning all my high level characters again, and for some reason the idea of levelling a Panda from 1 didn't chime with me, in the way that I levelled a Pally from 1 to 85 in Cata and really enjoyed doing so.

I got some four years or so out of WoW, so it did well, but I'm done with it now.
RIFT has been totally free-to-play for a little while now, albeit now with the ability to pretty much buy anything ingame with real money.

Mate of mine has levelled two characters up to 37 and 26 respectively and has only felt compelled to spend less than a fiver on a few 'quality of life' bits and pieces.

I'm currently getting into it and whilst it must be said that it is just WoW again with a nicer graphics engine and a few new ideas, it's actually pretty good fun too. I'm Level 11 and haven't missed anything or felt inclined to spend real money on anything, the game is plenty generous enough with all the stuff you need.

With it being free, you've nothing to lose except a bit of a time!

All pimped out it looks very luscious but it has an array of preset options to get it running fine on a toaster.


Well I have spent some real money already, albeit not much.

It's entirely possible to get bigger bags the old fashioned way (make money through questing and selling stuff on the AH and back to vendors and suchlike, and then buy the bags from vendors or the AH), or you can just buy a couple of 16-slot bags for 30 pence each.

Similarly a mount costs a fair amount of ingame currency, or just buy one for under 10 pence!

I've bought £20 worth of credits and TBH I'd be amazed if I ever spend them all.

I'd be the first to admit that 10p doesn't get you a good mount though, 60% speed increase and it doesn't even have a fucking face.

Hmmm there was a weary sense of inevitability about this....

At the end of the day, the only WoW, is WoW.....

Well it took me several hours of logging through all my characters scattered across three different realms to finally focus on something to do.

Got the essential add-ons installed (Auctioneer for the AH, Grid for healing, Recount for DPS/heals/etc meters, Deadly Boss Mods for instance/raid assistance), and eventually decided to do something with my death knight. (I did do a bit of questing on my low-level panda monk but I wasn't in the mood for questing and wanted to get back into an instance, I'll definitely level him, it's just a question of questing to 15 before I can use LFG to start tanking with him.)

Anyway, it's all fucking changed again, talent trees are gone and most of the abilities they used to give are now just standard abilities or passive effects - all you have to choose are a relatively small number of spec-specific abilities.

Got everything sorted how I wanted on my death knight and went out into the 85 starter zone, doing massive pulls of mobs to vaguely simulate the damage and aggro mechanics of an instance. Bit more tweaking on the talents and action bars and I finally figured I was ready to tank an instance with him.

Chose Stonecore Heroic which is an endgame Cataclysm 85 instance (didn't want to jump straight into a MoP instance as I have no experience with the mechanics and I didn't want to have to relearn tanking and learn a new instance simultaneously), and managed to tank through it OK, so that was a nice confidence booster.

So I'll get him out to 90 probably with a combination of questing and tanking new instances, quite fancy dusting off my priest for healing, and my trusty old hunter can be my DPS character.

After them I'll possibly revisit my mage, paladin, druid and warrior - but that's a big investment of time to do the lot up to 90.....

My old guild is still going on the server so I whisped someone who remembered me from before and got invited back in no problem, so that was nice.

Overall it was quite pleasant to be playing again, it has to be said.
I've not played WoW since the end of last year but I do keep an eye on news stories about the game and general tittle tattle, so here's an interesting one.... Player hits Level 90 as a neutral character (neither Horde nor Alliance), and it only took him 4164 hours in the Pandaren starting zone (!)..... ... r-alliance

It's difficult - nearly impossible - to achieve something in World of Warcraft that no one else has, but a character called Doubleagent has done just that.

He was intrigued by the Pandaren race being faction-neutral - neither Horde nor Alliance - until level 10. He wondered if he had to stop there - wondered if he couldn't push the limits.

He knew that there were mining spots in the zone, herbs to pick, and that gathering from them would give XP after quests dried up and monsters were relatively too weak to offer anything.

There he is.

Could he be the only Pandaren - the only player character - to remain faction-neutral after level 10? His experiment began in September 2012.
(The real-money instant-level-90 boost requires you to choose a faction.)

You can buy a L90 character these days.
is that not, cheating?
KovacsC wrote:
is that not, cheating?

Not really, Blizzard's argument is that the existing players may just want to try a new class/race at Level 90 without having to level up from 1 to 90 to do so. Their argument would be that a new player to the game buying a Level 90 for themselves is actually cheating themselves out of the journey of levelling, and of seeing the game world. (And TBH I'd concur with that.)

Plus it's one thing to have a Level 90 character, and quite another thing to have a geared Level 90 character and have any idea whatsoever how to play it.

The last thing I'd advise any new WoW player to do is buy themselves a Level 90, because you're basically skipping one of the most immersive and wonderful game worlds ever created.
Hearthly wrote:
KovacsC wrote:
is that not, cheating?

Not really, Blizzard's argument is that the existing players may just want to try a new class/race at Level 90 without having to level up from 1 to 90 to do so. Their argument would be that a new player to the game buying a Level 90 for themselves is actually cheating themselves out of the journey of levelling, and of seeing the game world. (And TBH I'd concur with that.)

Plus it's one thing to have a Level 90 character, and quite another thing to have a geared Level 90 character and have any idea whatsoever how to play it.

The last thing I'd advise any new WoW player to do is buy themselves a Level 90, because you're basically skipping one of the most immersive and wonderful game worlds ever created.

KovacsC wrote:
Hearthly wrote:
KovacsC wrote:
is that not, cheating?

Not really, Blizzard's argument is that the existing players may just want to try a new class/race at Level 90 without having to level up from 1 to 90 to do so. Their argument would be that a new player to the game buying a Level 90 for themselves is actually cheating themselves out of the journey of levelling, and of seeing the game world. (And TBH I'd concur with that.)

Plus it's one thing to have a Level 90 character, and quite another thing to have a geared Level 90 character and have any idea whatsoever how to play it.

The last thing I'd advise any new WoW player to do is buy themselves a Level 90, because you're basically skipping one of the most immersive and wonderful game worlds ever created.


'Oooh look a planet! And another one! It looks just the same as all the others. Oh yes and there's an asteroid, I might do some mining.'
In WoW, you follow some one else's story. In EVE, you write your own. In some one else's blood.
MaliA wrote:
In WoW, you follow some one else's story. In EVE, you write your own. In some one else's blood.

Which is great if you like PvP, but I don't, which kind of made EVE a bit of a busted flush for me, even though I gave it a very substantial crack of the whip. (And even bought a 2560x1440 27 inch monitor to get the UI under control.)
MaliA wrote:
In WoW, you follow some one else's story. In EVE, you write your own. In REMOVEDBYREQUEST's blood.
American Nervoso wrote:
MaliA wrote:
In WoW, you follow some one else's story. In EVE, you write your own. In REMOVEDBYREQUEST's blood.

Hey cool, I just saw this intelligent quip from Hearthly's link. You're super-clever myp.
Hearthly wrote:
MaliA wrote:
In WoW, you follow some one else's story. In EVE, you write your own. In some one else's blood.

Which is great if you like PvP, but I don't, which kind of made EVE a bit of a busted flush for me, even though I gave it a very substantial crack of the whip. (And even bought a 2560x1440 27 inch monitor to get the UI under control.)

I managed to play on a laptop.....
The next expansion for this game is imminent, so I've decided to take a gamble on Blizzard not repeating the travesty of the pandas. (I quit the game last December, the pandas were fucking shit.)

As such I've dropped £34.99 to pre-order the Warlords of Draenor expansion (released in November), and £27.60 for a three month subscription - I reinstalled the game over the weekend.

There's nothing new to do from when I last played in December 2013 (which is very poor), but there's always a period of re-familiarisation to go through anyway, and I've been enjoying breaking myself back in with some tanking on my Paladin, I left him at Level 88 so I'll get him to 90 before WoD is released.

It's like a comfortable old pair of slippers, although I'll be maintaining my Hearthstone activity as well.
ElephantBanjoGnome wrote:
American Nervoso wrote:
MaliA wrote:
In WoW, you follow some one else's story. In EVE, you write your own. In REMOVEDBYREQUEST's blood.

Hey cool, I just saw this intelligent quip from Hearthly's link. You're super-clever myp.

Even you must chuckle at your OTT meltdown in retrospect?
It was hardly a meltdown. I was happy playing the game, writing my own story if you like, before Mali decided he wanted to set a load of EVE trolls on me to fuck up what I was doing. As he wasn't actually playing the game, he wanted to live vicariously through my experience by trying to make me become a 0-sec pirate or some shit. It was a dick move in the extreme.

Since those aforementioned trolls immediately start to stalk their target both and on off the game, it seemed very logical at the time to remove myself and my previous EVE posts about my play, area, tactics etc. from the thread here.

At which point Grim... decided to add his name to the mega-dick list by further incentivising my in-game harassment with some kind of reward for my death. All in the name of further trolling and upsetting me.

So you might regard the incident as an hilarious meltdown on my part, but I don't really think I came off as the worst person in the exchange.

None of it came to anything in the end because:

a) At that point I was basically only logging in to flip skill training anyway.
b) The harassment negated my enjoyment of the game to the point I stopped playing it.

Bravo all round. Chuckle chuckle chuckle.
[edit]Shh, Grim...
Grim... wrote:
[edit]Shh, Grim...

Oh go on, you know you want to. I won't be offended if you say mean things to me.
So then, WoW, eh?

New expansion coming!
I really can't be arsed. I was vaguely tempted, but then thought on quite how much effort it would take to get up and running again, redo all my mods I used, learn everything etc... All the while paying for the privilege, all that done while I can only dedicate a few hours a week to it these days.
I don't think I could gather any enthusiasm to go back to WoW. I am however enjoying what I've played of Guild Wars 2 (I picked it up while it was half price at the weekend after the "free week" thingy).

I'm sure I'll get bored of it after a month or so like I do with most MMOs but so far I like what I've seen, there always seems something to do and most importantly no trekking backwards and forwards as once you've explored somewhere you can fast travel there.
I don't think I have the time to get in WoW. I think if I'd caught hold of it when I was a student I could have put down poor degree results to that, but I avoided it even back then because I knew that's what it would be like. Now the prospect of playing anything for such a concerted amount of time just seems like too much grind. Too many quests, too much catching up to do. At least playing cards is usually a 10 minute commitment.
Well I've left it alone for fully ten months and haven't felt the urge to return at all literally until the last seven days, a couple of the chaps never quit, and a couple of the other chaps have recently got back into it, so we were talking around getting together a 5-man team to take on the new expansion and work our way through the instances as a team, on-level with marginal gear, to really challenge ourselves a bit.

From there we can do the heroic versions and then the challenge modes.

I can't imagine me getting MASSIVELY INTO IT like I did in the past, not least because it's vying for time with Hearthstone, but it was rather pleasant to log back in, have a look through my characters, and have a little potter about, before queuing my Pally up for a bit of tanking.

At £8 per month it's not hugely expensive, even if I won't be putting in the hours I used to. Even when I'm not playing the game I do maintain an interest in it, and by all accounts Blizzard have realised the pandas were a horrendous misstep and they're trying to get back to a real fire and brimstone vibe for Warlords of Draenor.

Make no mistake though, if they've done a pandas again I'll be out of there pretty damn sharpish.
Did a few panda five mans with the group last night - (we've been playing games online together since forever, one of the chaps I raced in the original Codemaster TOCA using a direct modem-to-modem to connection, would have been back in about 1997!) - and it was good fun.

No real challenge as two of them were endgame geared 90s, (it was just an XP boost for two of us to ding 90), but it was nice to play as a group again, have a laugh together, take the piss a bit, and so on. (We were all on our Teamspeak server.)

TBH I'd have no interest in the game were it not for the fact it's looking good for us having a pretty solid group of 5-6 people to do stuff with, so going into the new expansion we can do it all together, which is particularly handy when you're learning new instances and suchlike. (And it completely removes the trash-talk kiddies you can get in LFG from the equation.)

I'd also forgotten what a damn pretty game it is, and this is before the graphics engine upgrade hits in the next patch.
The pre-expansion patch is now live, and by crikey Blizzard have shaken the game by the scruff of its neck once again. (Whilst the expansion isn't live yet, the major class changes, gear changes, stat squish etc etc are all live, so there's a bit of time to get acclimatised to them. There's a pre expansion quest chain to go through, and on top of that there's a new Level 90 dungeon to have a crack at.)

Graphics engine has had an update too, and character models have been improved, a 25 man raid really is something of a thing of beauty.

The changes are so massive and wide-ranging it's hard to know what to single out for some attention, so because I'm lazy....

An official Blizzard video here -

Plus the official patch 'notes' here which really is like fucking War & Peace, but quite a good read if you're into that sort of thing - ... 10-13-2014

Big changes though, to the extent it's hard to believe some of the stuff they've seen fit to toss overboard, but having given the game a reasonable amount of play under the new system, I'm liking it.

Not a massive amount to do in all fairness until the expansion hits, but me and the chaps are really looking forward to it, WoW may be about to start to get interesting again, after the fucking abomination of the pandas.....

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