What a coinkydink! It's either gin or rum for me later too.
Craster wrote:
Nowt wrong with pastrami. It is, however ham (cow ham), and doesn't need it's own type of bread.

I thought it was made of beef?

EDIT: oh 'cow ham'. It didn't compute, sorry.
Now I want a pastrami, turkey and English mustard sandwich. Mmm....
A colleague got Domnos delivered

5 large pizzas plus sides and puddings

All for a paltry £1 tip each for the driver (she used to work there so got the food gratis).
There's a nice but pricey American deli in Cardiff that does tasty pastrami-sarnies. Also, cute New Yawk girl behind the counter last time I was there.

I love bagels. Bagels and cream cheese. Bagels and cream chese and lox. YUM. BAGELS. :p
LaceSensor wrote:
All for a paltry £1 tip each for the driver (she used to work there so got the food gratis).

I've gone off tipping anybody since I found out that the nurse that saved Grimlet's life wasn't actually allowed to accept a gift of any kind.
Now giving money to the pizza boy seems all kinds of fucked up.
It's in my contract I can't accept any form of tips and/or hospitality without prior written permission by the manager. Who is a twunt.

To be perfectly honest the few times I have been tipped I didn't really think "Oh no, musn't take the free money".
Grim... wrote:
Breakfast, lunch and dinner where I'm from. Mind you, it's the only place in England to still have Lower, Middle and Upper schools (I think).

Obviously Benson serves you High Tea, that goes without saying.
I used to work at a Booker Cash & Carry. Now and again, staff would be 'asked' to help load cars and vans for customers. The thing with Bookers is that people didn't buy, say, a bottle of Coke—they bought several cases of the stuff. And so, you'd spend a half hour lifting a half-ton of crap into someone's van. Every now and again, someone would tip you a couple of quid, and, laughably, we were supposed to put this into a tips jar, so it would be shared equally. The reason: "It's not fair on the guys on tills and reception otherwise, because they have no opportunity to earn tips". No, but the sod on reception also got to sit on his arse all day, barking orders, rather than doing any work. Gnh.
This. Except at Makro the Management take the tip AND IT IS NEVER SPOKEN OF AGAIN.

Damn receptionists complaining about how much they had to put up with. Do they not realise I was working pretty hard hiking crap about *as well as* putting up with the customers they were getting a hard time from as they came round the store? And getting the same wage?


However I do get to bomb about in a WAVE all day, which they don't. WHEEE!

kalmar wrote:
Goddess Jasmine wrote:
Humous and rocket butties, a bag of crisps and a hot chocolate. Smashing.

I had that, except I had tea instead. What flavour crisps? Mine were sweet chilli. Not nearly chilli enough though.

Steak and Onion. Alright I suppose.
Craster wrote:
Goddess Jasmine wrote:
Humous and rocket butties

A sandwich can be referred to as a butty with the following fillings:

1) Chips
2) Fish fingers
3) Sausages
4) Bacon.

Not humous and rocket. That is simply unacceptable.

I can't always spell sandwich though :-S

I'm having fish fingers and chips for tea, there will be butties involved too ;)
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