The Movie topic there is none
Trooper wrote:
It was actually very good and thought provoking, if you dont know anything about the film, then I recommend keeping it that way and watching it totally fresh with no expectations :)

Like you should for every film.
Bruce Willis is a ghost.
Craster wrote:
Bruce Willis is a ghost.

That thought just happened to cross my mind about the first time he talked to the kid, and then stuck there, and then the film was just sort of all right :(
Wullie wrote:

Very disappointing, it's just Superman dicking about. Where's Stalin?
Grim... wrote:
Craster wrote:
Bruce Willis is a ghost.

That thought just happened to cross my mind about the first time he talked to the kid, and then stuck there, and then the film was just sort of all right :(

My brother went to see it at the cinema with his (now) wife, who is notoriously ditzy. She figured it out within the first 30 minutes and ruined it for my brother and everyone around them. The single most incredible thing she has ever done.
They're trying it AGAIN, eh? Hope they do a decent job this time.

Is comic book movie fatigue going to set in anytime soon, by the way? I realise we've always had comic book movies, but in the last 10 years or so we've seen a significant dredging of the comic book pool, as it were. Anyone getting tired yet?
Just finished watching 'The Divide':

It's far, far better than Rotten Tomatoes says it is, but fuck me it's bleak.

I like bleak films, but this had even me reaching for the 'some kind of redemption, please!' button.

There is no spoiler in saying that button does not exist.

Bug is worth a watch. Really well acted, it escalates from unsettling to utter psychotic paranoia, and there's plenty to think about afterwards. Give it a shot.
WTB wrote:
They're trying it AGAIN, eh? Hope they do a decent job this time.

Can't ever fault that music, though.
WTB wrote:
They're trying it AGAIN, eh? Hope they do a decent job this time.

Is comic book movie fatigue going to set in anytime soon, by the way? I realise we've always had comic book movies, but in the last 10 years or so we've seen a significant dredging of the comic book pool, as it were. Anyone getting tired yet?

Nope. We've had some of the best comic book films ever made been released in the last 5 years. Superman Returns didn't really work, why not give it another go? Directed by Zak Snyder and produced by Christopher Nolan? Yes please!
The Last Salmon Man wrote:
WTB wrote:
They're trying it AGAIN, eh? Hope they do a decent job this time.

Is comic book movie fatigue going to set in anytime soon, by the way? I realise we've always had comic book movies, but in the last 10 years or so we've seen a significant dredging of the comic book pool, as it were. Anyone getting tired yet?

Nope. We've had some of the best comic book films ever made been released in the last 5 years. Superman Returns didn't really work, why not give it another go? Directed by Zak Snyder and produced by Christopher Nolan? Yes please!

It's the "Directed by Zak Snyder" bit that's the worry though.
Watchmen was good. :shrug:
It dragged like an itchy dogs arse.

The Last Salmon Man wrote:
Watchmen was good. :shrug:

I feel it was good if you were a Watchman fan...and even then I know some who hate it. Personally I thought it was about as good as it could have been (and the only cut that should be considered is the extendo one).
I enjoyed Watchmen in the cinema, as someone who'd never heard of it before. But watching the extended cut at Myp's house over what seemed to last six hundred years bored me to death.
I enjoyed Watchmen at myoptika's house as I'd not seen it and mentally written it off as impossible to do justice to the source material. Pleasantly surprised. Scott Pilgrim however almost had me thrashing around with mind numbing tears of boredom. I kept going to talk to the pigs in the kitchen for a while before coming back and finding it was still on 5 years later.
Dimrill wrote:
I enjoyed Watchmen at myoptika's house as I'd not seen it and mentally written it off as impossible to do justice to the source material. Pleasantly surprised. Scott Pilgrim however almost had me thrashing around with mind numbing tears of boredom. I kept going to talk to the pigs in the kitchen for a while before coming back and finding it was still on 5 years later.

Scott Pilgrim thinks you suck balls.
Zardoz wrote:
It dragged like an itchy dogs arse.




Pundabaya wrote:
Zardoz wrote:
It dragged like an itchy dogs arse.





It's coming, maybe:
It's going to be R rated too, apparently.
LewieP wrote:
Everyone should watch the Pusher trilogy. Strong stuff from the director of Bronson & Drive.

I've not seen Pusher yet, but Valhalla Rising is still his awesomest thing to me. So fucked!
throughsilver wrote:
Valhalla Rising

It's a skull.
throughsilver wrote:
LewieP wrote:
Everyone should watch the Pusher trilogy. Strong stuff from the director of Bronson & Drive.

I've not seen Pusher yet, but Valhalla Rising is still his awesomest thing to me. So fucked!

That's the only one of his I've not seen. Will watch.
I quite liked Valhalla Rising...although it's not what you'd call action packed and to be honest I'm not sure I could actually say what the point of it was...but I enjoyed it none the less.
GazChap wrote:
throughsilver wrote:
Valhalla Rising

It's a skull.

I'm scared!
i want to go home
Sucker Punch. What the fuck?
Morte wrote:
I quite liked Valhalla Rising...although it's not what you'd call action packed and to be honest I'm not sure I could actually say what the point of it was...but I enjoyed it none the less.

I don't want to get all Frankfurt School, but there's no actual point to most entertainment is there?

In terms of action packed...
ZOMG Spoiler! Click here to view!
Refn did say he wanted to lull people into a false sense of security with that opening fight; have people think it would just be a tough guy barbarian flick. Then he does the slow death psychedelia thing. I think it worked really well, but then I like films that gradually warp you.
I don't suppose anyone has that Valhalla tune as an MP3 do they?
TheVision wrote:
I don't suppose anyone has that Valhalla tune as an MP3 do they?
Awesome.. Why didn't I think of YouTube? Anyway, thanks.

I still say "I'm not that strong" to this day. Funny how things stick with you, isn't it?
Craster wrote:
Sucker Punch. What the fuck?

Yup. I still quite liked it, although I'm amazed that the subject matter and the pretty ladies could be so boring at times.
Nolan has dropped a real clanger with TDKR.

ZOMG Spoiler! Click here to view!
as you see, I rather enjoyed it
DerekFME wrote:
Nolan has dropped a real clanger with TDKR.

ZOMG Spoiler! Click here to view!
as you see, I rather enjoyed it

Dammit man, I'm going to see it tonight and now it's ruined!

TheVision wrote:
I still say "I'm not that strong" to this day. Funny how things stick with you, isn't it?

You too, eh?
This film has everything in it:
And everyone. Cripes. It also appears to score 1 on the Craster scale.

However, I'm left with one nagging question after watching that: what the fudge is it about?
LewieP wrote:
This film has everything in it:

That car crash was incredible.

And Friday 15th in 1849 was in June, fact fans.
Interested how Cloud Atlas is going to work as a film...if the trailers anything to go by it's going to be six hours long.

Not sure how they are going to make a consistent film narrative out of the book's structure and I have concerns over the involvement of the Matrix lads.
'Get The Gringo' this evening.

Mad old Mel can still carry a film.

It wasn't great, but it was compact and watchable. Obviously you have to set aside the fact that Mel himself is a FUCKING LUNATIC, but lunatics do make good actors, as is the case here.

Might rewatch Payback.

Edit: HOLY SHIT. According to wikipedia, Get The Gringo is a spiritual sequel to Payback. I now must watch it.
LewieP wrote:
Might rewatch Payback.

Edit: HOLY SHIT. According to wikipedia, Get The Gringo is a spiritual sequel to Payback. I now must watch it.

It's certainly a watchable enough flick, and it's the right length too, 90 minutes is plenty for most films, I hate it when directors just can't help wanking themselves off with two and a half hour runtimes when there's just no need for it.

Goodfellas, yes. The Dark Knight, no.
I've just finished watching Paranormal Activity 3.

If you've seen the first two, then you've already seen this. Exactly the same plot.
TheVision wrote:
I've just finished watching Paranormal Activity 3.

If you've seen the first two, then you've already seen this. Exactly the same plot.

Is that really surprising though, I mean, what was the twist going to be? It was a crazy old man banging things in the cupboard all along?

Some films absolutely scream 'DO NOT WATCH THE SEQUEL(S)' to me, and Paranormal Activity was definitely one such film.
AtrocityExhibition wrote:

Some films absolutely scream 'DO NOT WATCH THE SEQUEL(S)' to me, and Paranormal Activity was definitely one such film.

I couldn't agree with this more... There's 90 minutes I'll never get back. :shrug:
AtrocityExhibition wrote:
It was a crazy old man banging things in the cupboard all along?

I think I've seen.... no, wait - that was porn.
Mr Kissyfur wrote:
And everyone. Cripes. It also appears to score 1 on the Craster scale.

However, I'm left with one nagging question after watching that: what the fudge is it about?

From what I can make out from the trailer, and from the Wachowski sex change, I'd be incredibly surprised if it wasn't some sort of sci-fi reworking of Virginia Woolf's Orlando regarding an immortal human gender-bending through time. (Already done rather excellently with Tilda Swinton.)
Get The Gringo was OK, but Payback is loads loads better.
Alrighty, time to start watching The Grey.
Grim... wrote:
Alrighty, time to start watching The Grey.

Big mistake, bloody awful film
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