Trials Evolution
It's evolved!

Out tomorrow at 10am apparently. 1400 points. Xbox 360 if you didn't already know, and the sequel to one of my favourite games of recent years :)

I assume everyone here will be getting it and will be challenging my amazing awesome times?
I'm trooperlooper2 if you don't have me on your list already.

GT list:
Ian Aris
Dr Curiosity
Lord Rixondale
Chasing times?
You know it's got four-player Micro Machines-style races, right?
Grim... wrote:
Chasing times?
You know it's got four-player Micro Machines-style races, right?

I do :)

I assume it will still have the time chasing aspect too, as that was the most fun part of the last one. But the multiplayer should be all kinds of awesome.
Watching the video, I like the look of the four-player races, particularly as they'd be less about repeating a course over and over to shave a bit of time off or to negotiate some of the obstacles, but more about one-off races.

But 1400 points? I'll pass.
1400 points? They certainly know hot to squeeze it out of people don't they. I don't think this will be a day one for me purely because of the cost.
1400 pts? That's a bit sneaky. Is this the new 1200?
£15 for the sequel to a game that I put countless hours into. Seems a bargain to me ;)
I paid £15 for 2100 points thanks to LewieP a couple of weeks ago.. I work out that this will cost me £9.80.

Is that too much for a game? Probably not when I think about it but still, it’s the principle of the matter.
Trooper wrote:
£15 for the sequel to a game that I put countless hours into. Seems a bargain to me ;)

Oh, I'm still probably going to get it and the price isn't an issue as such - just worried about the precedent it will set. If it sells well (which it will), MS might see it as a green light to raise all 'premium' XBLA games to this price point.
Trooper wrote:
£15 for the sequel to a game that I put countless hours into. Seems a bargain to me ;)

I feel much the same about Pinball Arcade and that's 800 points. ;) Like Myp says, I hope 1400 doesn't become a precedent.
I remember a similar conversation taking place when they announced the 1200 points price range. I can see this taking off you know.
I'll still be getting it, obviously, but I read on Major Nelson's blog just last week that it'd be 1200. Seems a little underhand. A cunt's trick, if you will.

edit: Trooper, where are you actually getting this 1400 from? ... 30#p128948

Another weird rumour out there is we are 1400 points. No, we are 1200 Microsoft Points.
devilman wrote:
I hope 1400 doesn't become a precedent.
WTB wrote:

Another weird rumour out there is we are 1400 points. No, we are 1200 Microsoft Points.

It was on there at 1400 points this morning. Yet strangely that post has been deleted, I assume that is where the rumour came from.
It's got a LIMBO themed level so I'm in. Plus I never really played Trials but really enjoyed the, um, trial. Ho-ho.
I bought Trials (and the add-on), and have only spent about half an hour with it, max. I am a schmo. It does seem very good, though, so I'll probably get in on this while there are still leaderboard lulz to be had.
I adored the first. Completed every Extreme course barring one on the DLC that is a right cunt. I could probably polish it off if I put the time in, but fuck it, new one tomorrow!
Got Trials HC (Hand Cramp).
Amazing as usual. So many tracks available without even looking for user made ones, and I'm looking forward to 4 player offline multiplayer.
This is pretty awesome. Not to sure about the player tracking being a dot that follows you, seems a bit intrusive and distracting.
Gold on all the easy tracks :D My "accelerate at all times" approach doesn't seem to work too well on the medium difficulty though ;)

Done a couple of multiplayer races and they were pretty fun, if a little limited in scope.

I need more people to time race against though, so come on, get riding...
Are you still on my friends list?
are you jonarob?
He doesn't know, he just asked you...

I'm downloading now.

(I'm halfway through the Medium tracks, but I've been golding every track before moving on. In Trials HD that became impossible mid-way through the Hard tracks. See how it goes this time around!)
Then I have been steadily destroying all your times ;)
Trooper wrote:
Then I have been steadily destroying all your times ;)

Ah bugger off! Wait until I go back with the A class bike. You'll be all :'(
I have made myself a snazzy green and white bike, to go with my black and yellow clothing scheme.
Only found one squirrel so far..
I'm going to have to get this. I was playing the old one the other week for the first time in ages and really enjoyed it.
The expert bike seems way more tricky to ride this time round. If you land on your back wheel with any throttle on, you'll flip over.
I've only played a bit of this and its great but, I don't like the friend dots that are on screen. I wonder if you can turn them off?
You can turn them off in the settings I think.
Well I must say this one "feels" nicer than the first. Bike handles differently and I seem to be much more in control of how my bike responds when landing or climbing. So far it's done properly with tightened up controls.
Dimrill wrote:
Well I must say this one "feels" nicer than the first. Bike handles differently and I seem to be much more in control of how my bike responds when landing or climbing. So far it's done properly with tightened up controls.

I'm shocked you bought it after how much you criticised the first one.
I only started loathing the first one as soon at the Hard levels started asking you to use your handlebars as a pivot and sticking whacking great pipes in the middle of a steep uphill climb.
I just like hammering the early levels trying to beat times etc. the harder levels on the first ones didn't interest me at all. My memory is too poor to remember the longer, more intricate courses. They don't call me jellyhead for nothing.
The server's a bit unreliable. They haven't done it properly.
Dimrill wrote:
The server's a bit unreliable. They haven't done it properly.

:this: None of the leaderboards were working for me earlier.
I just thrashed everyone on the sewer medium level but the lack of tightened up code meant that my time wasn't recorded.
I have a feeling that none of my times have been recorded so far.. Great.
I have seen your name floating around.
Was it not doing very well? If I was crashing a lot and struggling to get up the slightest incline, then that's the servers that is. They're bost.
Dimrill wrote:
I just thrashed everyone on the sewer medium level but the lack of tightened up code meant that my time wasn't recorded.

Yeah right!
I'll be on the leaderboards tomorrow. I will crush you all.

...after some practice. You wouldn't mind just stop playing for a bit, would you? Much appreciated.
Not had any server problems here, all my times are getting recorded ;)
They admitted the server problems on Twitter last night but they've since been fixed apparently.
Yeah, bastard servers. I'd destroyed you all on every track as well.
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