A question
A riddle me do
1) What is greater than god, more evil than the devil, is not needed by the rich, but the poor have it and if you eat it, you will die?

2) What is the next letter in this sequence: M A M J J A S O
1) Nothing
2) N

(edit - I had that 'someone else was quicker than you' kinda message but thought I'd post anyway.
Post something harder!
i) Nothing
ii) N
Well, that was over sooner than I expected.

I hear that all the time
Curiosity wrote:
Post something harder!

ComicalGnomes wrote:
Whats in my pockets?

String or nothing (if I've remembered this properly).
You have. here, have a billion points.
The mottling on Hogan's lower torso on that photo makes him look like a 2 day old corpse.
Dimrill wrote:
The mottling on Hogan's lower torso on that photo makes him look like a 2 day old corpse.

a) nothing
b) N
A) You don't bury survivors!

B) You can't dig half a hole!
Joans wrote:
ComicalGnomes wrote:
Whats in my pockets?

String or nothing (if I've remembered this properly).

I really DO have some string in my pocket!

I just bought string (as avid watchers of the 'Thursday' thread will know.)

String for the win!
Mimi wrote:
String for the win!

Indeed! Better than Dimrill, anyway.
If you've got Dimrill in your pockets, you've got problems.
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