Being Nice about Rev Stu thread
You are Titler and I claim my £5.
Sheepeh wrote:
You are Titler and I claim my £5.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Nunc rutrum consectetuer dui. Cras sed libero. Cras faucibus neque non tellus. Etiam et eros eu est fermentum ornare. Etiam semper metus quis magna. Nunc quam diam, pharetra eget, consequat non, congue vel, orci. Proin ac purus eget odio condimentum tempor. Nam ut erat. Curabitur aliquam hendrerit neque. Donec ligula. Nullam odio. Fusce lorem. Sed malesuada, diam scelerisque condimentum molestie, augue augue ornare arcu, vitae congue ante dui condimentum eros. Integer at lectus. Sed rutrum eleifend turpis. Duis non metus. Etiam malesuada quam rhoncus elit. Nam dapibus pulvinar nibh.

Nunc augue eros, consequat ac, varius et, commodo id, odio. Praesent tempus ornare libero. Morbi eu eros. Quisque vitae orci eget lacus faucibus auctor. Etiam placerat pede in quam cursus mattis. Maecenas nunc tellus, sagittis hendrerit, blandit ut, vehicula nec, lectus. Ut commodo adipiscing mauris. Proin ac erat id leo lacinia luctus. Cras ultricies diam a quam. Curabitur non erat. Sed pharetra nulla non nunc. Aenean nunc. Suspendisse id lorem. Curabitur erat nibh, condimentum nec, ullamcorper quis, imperdiet vitae, enim. Quisque enim tortor, ultricies et, scelerisque vel, laoreet non, eros. Donec id justo. Donec adipiscing ante eget risus.

Nam scelerisque ligula non mi. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Fusce blandit auctor pede. Integer eu velit. Praesent cursus. Etiam condimentum arcu. Quisque vitae lacus sit amet tortor feugiat pellentesque. Vestibulum rutrum nisi eu enim. Vivamus id augue. Suspendisse condimentum pede. Integer varius. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Cras libero metus, cursus luctus, ultricies hendrerit, vulputate id, urna. Nunc pretium, lorem at adipiscing convallis, elit risus porta sem, lobortis lobortis tortor leo sit amet dui. Integer ut augue. Ut convallis, massa id sagittis condimentum, purus neque sagittis pede, id fermentum sapien libero at nibh. Mauris id quam. Morbi iaculis mauris elementum quam. Praesent eros tellus, commodo ut, placerat in, pulvinar eu, risus.

So, to conclude, I'm not.
Sheepeh wrote:
You are Titler and I claim my £5.

Or, surely: :titler:
Sheepeh wrote:
I employ liberal use of commas, I'm proud of it, but probably use far too many, really.

That first one should not be a comma :!:
Mimi wrote:
I like Oxford commas, they seem to represent the way people think and speak far better. Myself, anyway.

It's what, on typewriters, used to send the bit which, when it reached the end, going ding, all the way back.
Grim... wrote:
Sheepeh wrote:
You are Titler and I claim my £5.

Or, surely: :titler:

Sorry, I've got to ask. What is the story behind that image?

Also, I never actually had a conversation with Titler on WoS, come to think of it. That thread link earlier was a bit weird though, the way he accused you of boasting because you mentioned you had a lunch break in one post, and were off down to the pub in another. 8)
MrD wrote:
Sheepeh wrote:
I employ liberal use of commas, I'm proud of it, but probably use far too many, really.

That first one should not be a comma :!:

Indeed, it should be a semicolon.
nervouspete wrote:
I say, who gives a fuck about an Oxford comma?

Isn't that a type of van that the post office used to use in the 70s?

An Oxford Comma, yesterday.
kalmar wrote:
nervouspete wrote:
I say, who gives a fuck about an Oxford comma?

Isn't that a type of van that the post office used to use in the 70s?

You're thinking of the Rover Curly Bracket.
nervouspete wrote:
Grim... wrote:
Sheepeh wrote:
You are Titler and I claim my £5.

Or, surely: :titler:

Sorry, I've got to ask. What is the story behind that image?

Also, I never actually had a conversation with Titler on WoS, come to think of it. That thread link earlier was a bit weird though, the way he accused you of boasting because you mentioned you had a lunch break in one post, and were off down to the pub in another. 8)

Yeah, it was one of those links... Here it is: ... topic=6981
I don't see anything about that image there.

Indeed, it should be a semicolon.

It could be a full stop, exclamation mark, question mark, interrobang or semicolon. Not a comma or colon though.
MrD wrote:
I don't see anything about that image there.


Page four :)
Ohhh, so you... and... and asked... and... oohhh. *joins dots*

A very fitting, daft end to a very daft era. :hat:
AceAceBaby wrote:
myoptika wrote:
I'll have to criticize you for that.

Nice example of Oxford standard British spelling. :munkeh:

Yes, but we don't use it anymore. Americans do.
Today, all major newspapers and magazines in the UK use -ise. The Times had been using -ize until the early 1980s, when it decided to switch to the -ise spelling. The Times Literary Supplement, Britain's most influential literary review has continued to use Oxford spelling. Oxford spelling is also used in academic publications; the London-based scientific journal Nature uses Oxford spelling, for example. Even though British dictionaries generally give -ize variants first, the British government prefer -ise.

Outside Britain, Oxford spelling is the de facto spelling standard used in style guides of international organizations that belong to the UN System, for example the World Health Organization, the International Labour Organization and UNESCO. UN treaties and declarations, such as the Universal Declaration of Human Rights follow Oxford spelling. Other international organizations that adhere to this standard include the International Organization for Standardization, the World Trade Organization and the International Telecommunication Union.
You're not telling me anything i don't already know. :)
Yay! I remembered how to post videos. Now you can hear with your ears why I mentioned Oxford Comma!
myoptika wrote:
You're not telling me anything i don't already know. :)

Hi! I bolded the bits where "we" still use Oxford spelling for your convenience and safety! I personally use ize anyway. And gray, because that is also an acceptable British spelling.
The ize have it.
So how do people stand on the acceptability of words like 'theater' where pronunciation hasn't changed, but letter order has?
HTML coding has, unfortunately, forced 'center' into my head as the correct spelling.
I think griping about another country's spelling standards while accusing them of being inward looking is pretty ironic.
Grim... wrote:
HTML coding has, unfortunately, forced 'center' into my head as the correct spelling.

My brain does awesome linguistic programming stuff on computer languages, back when I hand-edited HTML I didn't need to pause for writing things like <color=red>Colour is spelled colour!</color>. Still don't, it turns out, woo!

Edit: Although I have just used up a non-existent tag, I noticed too late. Brilliant. Point made regardless!
mm looking for the sensi hread, but this feels me with nostalgia too
I see his forums are now completely closed. I presume everyone else already knew that but it's the first time I've noticed.
Fighting for freedom has proved more lucrative.
Am most sad because I wanted to read the Titler thread :)

MaliA wrote:
Mimi wrote:
I like Oxford commas, they seem to represent the way people think and speak far better. Myself, anyway.

It's what, on typewriters, used to send the bit which, when it reached the end, going ding, all the way back.

What? No it isn't, that's a carriage return. Which looks like this
Cras wrote:
Am most sad because I wanted to read the Titler thread :)

MaliA wrote:
Mimi wrote:
I like Oxford commas, they seem to represent the way people think and speak far better. Myself, anyway.

It's what, on typewriters, used to send the bit which, when it reached the end, going ding, all the way back.

What? No it isn't, that's a carriage return. Which looks like this

7 years, man, 7 years!
MaliA wrote:
7 years, man, 7 years!

Yeah, we should probably stop the £2 a month gags now.

It should be around £2.40 a month now
Wrongness has no statute of limitations.
I think he just wanted to find a way to get paid for his writing, albeit in a rather bizarre manner on that occasion which was never really going to fly.

As the Wings Over Scotland site has comprehensively proved, there's definitely a market for his passion and enthusiasm as conveyed via the written word.

In fact, he's getting paid sums of money that a lot of writers would be very thankful for, I'd think.
As I am without doubt the default 'Rev Stu' left on this forum, I understand his postings a lot better.

TBH, I agreed with a hell of a lot more with what he said than disagreed with it even back in the 2006-8 days. Ok, I disagreed with sugar in fizzy drinks, but..... anyway... his blood sugar levels are his own affair.

I guess most of you worked that out some time ago. It doesn't make you right though. It's just how life has dealt your cards and life has a way of pulling the rug from under your feet and changing your perspective.

Whatever you say, he managed to ask a question on Question Time, if I ever manage to do that, I hope its not the crappy "last 5 minute one" in which the panel just get a 1 sentence reply in before the credits. That was 5 minutes, but he already had more than another 10 mins of his allocated fame that we all can expect, writing for computer game magazines back in the day.

I'll always be reasonable to a reasonable person and unreasonable to an unreasonable one. Just the way I am.
Ooooooooooh... Who lives in a Rat Flat and eats sweeties for tea?
Flat Top Pinch Face.
I for one miss his diatribes against crap games. I always remember one post he did in UGVM (I think) about Vanishing Point where he kicked the fuck out of it the way only Stu can.
Writes about Politics, but never for free,
Flat Top Pinch Face.
Trousers wrote:
I for one miss his diatribes against crap games. I always remember one post he did in UGVM (I think) about Vanishing Point where he kicked the fuck out of it the way only Stu can.

To be honest, some of the funniest gaming reviews ever were those of crap games.

I think Action Biker (something to do with Skips crisps) was one of the lowest scores ever back in the 80's - in either Crash or Sinclair User.

Somewhere in the loft I've even got that wind-up toy you received (presumably for crisp packet tokens) I guess its never going to be worth a vast fortune on Ebay! :D
In 2006, Campbell wrote this:

Later, Lara finds herself standing on the roof of a flatbed truck which is thundering along a desert canyon in pursuit of her friend Anaya's jeep. Lara leaps off the cabin roof and, in a Matrix-esque bullet-time cut-scene, somersaults and spins through the air ahead of the lorry, shooting its driver through the windscreen and landing neatly in the passenger seat of the jeep. Never mind the fact that the instant her feet left the roof, what would actually happen would be that gravity and physics would catapult her "backwards" like a Wile E Coyote contraption gone wrong, at an effective reverse speed of 50 mph (depending on whatever speed the lorry was doing, given that unlike Lara it's still having forward-propulsive force applied to it) and smush her messily all over the canyon floor. Don't try this at home, kids.

Ok, so he has no idea how Newtonian physics works. I mean that's right up there with Craster and hand grenades or Mr Chris and whatever that stupid physics thkng he said was. God knows how Campbell catches things thrown at him, but no big deal, right?

He was still defending this in 2011! ... ent-743108

“Can a physicist come and explain this, please? As far as I can tell Stuart has this dead wrong. She’s travelling at the speed of the truck, and she doesn’t magically lose that speed when she loses contact with the truck. She’ll slow down because of air resistance, but surely that’s not enough to bring about the situation Stuart describes.”

Oh boy. What Lara does in the game is actually magically accelerate when she jumps, so that she’s going FASTER than the truck and is therefore able to smash through the windscreen and land in the cabin.

If you think air resistance is trivial, climb out of the sunroof next time your friend’s driving his car down the motoway and try to stand on the top. If you can manage that, then jump forwards at a 45-degree angle, and see if (a) you overtake the car and crash into the windscreen, or (b) the car shoots off into the distance – since it has the same forward momentum you do PLUS a continuing forwards force of 50mph or whatever being exerted by the engine – and you get smeared all over the tarmac some way behind it.

(If you’d rather not die, just wind down the window next time you’re moving at speed and stick your hand out, flat against the air.)

At very low levels of schooling, children studying physics in this country are taught to regard air resistance as zero because it simplifies the understanding of some principles. In fact air resistance is a very long way from being zero, as any pilot will tell you.

“The Rev is wrong – you’d maintain your forward momentum and indeed could slightly increase it by leaping.”

Sigh. You: momentum plus leaping power. Truck: momentum plus engine power. If you can jump forwards at more than 50mph, you may want to get yourself down to the British Olympic Association pronto. And obviously, jump there rather than taking the car, it’ll be faster.

His rambling, increasingly angry replies carry on in that comment thread for thousands of words.

This is the quintessential Campbell. A man who can cite the evidence of his eyes as proof of something that is incredibly and obviously wrong, and then hold a grudge about it for years later, ignoring the many patient and less patient attempts to educate him, continuing to cling to his views in the face of overwhelming evidence he was wrong all along, and greeting all such responses with biliuous anger. This is not an isolated example, although it is one of the most egrgious. He won't take telling about anything and he cannot distinguish between his opinions and the facts.

And you say he writes about politics now? Fucking shocker.
I wonder how his tiny brain deals with footage of people in action films running along the tops of trains where their feet leave the ground.
Quick to anger, slow to understand.

It's not just you. The amount of times I saw him overreact and spit his dummy just because he was wrong and some one called him out on it was remarkable.

The guy can waffle, that's for sure. But from what I could always make out he just seemed like a dole sponging lazy sod to me who spent his days sitting in the park feeding the animals.

He also seemed to have this whole thing going on about how he could insult as many people as he liked because you know? it's only the internet so it doesn't mean anything. Which of course as many of us have found out is utter bull because written down insults are often worse than real life ones because they remain in place.

I know this is a "Say nice things" thread but honestly I can't think of one fucking nice thing to say about the guy. He should host a chat show or something like Katie Hopkins, as he seems to be a lot like her in many ways.
Mr Russell wrote:
I wonder how his tiny brain deals with footage of people in action films running along the tops of trains where their feet leave the ground.

It's how the moonwalk was invented.
Doctor Glyndwr wrote:
, and then hold a grudge about it for years later,

Ahhh yes, holding a grudge for many years - that's what marks him out as the bastard here.
Hearthly wrote:
Doctor Glyndwr wrote:
, and then hold a grudge about it for years later,

Ahhh yes, holding a grudge for many years - that's what marks him out as the bastard here.

No what marks him out as a bastard is his natural ability to insult people so personally and so spitefully that it never fucking leaves them. To the point where every time you hear his name you think murder.
JohnCoffey wrote:

I know this is a "Say nice things" thread but honestly I can't think of one fucking nice thing to say about the guy. He should host a chat show or something like Katie Hopkins, as he seems to be a lot like her in many ways.

There are plenty of great things About Stuart Campbell. He can turn a great phrase, and his composition of language can be compelling. Where many people, myself included, feel a bit of resistance, I think, is when this is motivated only by anger and what is written as hatred (though I think this is often stylistic rather than actual hatred, as some of the things taken issue with are so petty that if you had that much anger in the world you would probably make yourself ill). On the flipside, if he writes about things he loves he can be equally wonderful with his words, but perhaps not as funny, because people find others being worked up about things amusing. I don't understand why, but I think it is the very reason that internet trolls exist. Thousands if not millions of people worldwide like to find a bear and poke it with a big stick of Internet.

And I am sure there are many times where he has backed don and admitted being wrong, but yes, the times he has stuck by something in the face of an entire crowd of consensus as to the opposite are the times people remember, because they often get spiked with vitriol and an amazing (to many) strength of feeling.

Anyway, I think with his most recent project he has been able to find a subject matter that he can really find things to feel angry about, and so with that writing many people can see him at what they may think he does best. I have no interest in the writing in that arena (it's not that I don't care for the subject matter, but I prefer a calmer, more reasoned and balanced feed of news and opinion I suppose).

You know... Several times a week now I start writing something and can't even remember why I started. I usually delete the intervening rambling, but not today! Have my brain trumpets!!!!
I don't mind him but that's because I was a member of his forum and managed to get about £600 worth of stuff off his gambling scam.

Good times.
TheVision wrote:
I don't mind him but that's because I was a member of his forum and managed to get about £600 worth of stuff off his gambling scam.

Good times.

Is that when he wasn't getting people to sign up for spam so he could get a free Ipod?
No, this was a different scam of exposing a loophole in the introductory offers of gambling sites.
Where you had to send photos of your passport and credit card to online casinos, if I remember correctly. Fuck that.
I was lucky in that I never had to do that. They all paid me exactly what they said they would and I only had to chase one. I thought I'd have problems with that but they apologized and then paid it.
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