Jem wrote:
I normally figure out my main meat well in advance and order it to be delivered, but to keep costs down I'm winging it this year and hoping Tesco have something nice on offer when I do my big shop. Other than that, it'll be a Christmas ham in Dr Pepper which I've done the past few years (pretty sure I stole the idea off you Mimi XD ) and then similar trimmings to yourself, especially yorkshire puddings. Also the family tradition of glacé cherries wrapped in bacon (like a sweet pigs in blankets).
Oh, and lots and lots of wine.

Darwin loves glaze cherries and bacon. I bet he’d love those.
I’ve got a shopping order coming today, then one on Sunday as well. Today’s is complete, but Sunday’s will just have to be seen when it arrives. There’s nothing ‘critical’ that can be missing apart from sprouts. We’ve got carrots and parsnips in the garden, and stuff like that, and most stuff is already in the freezer.
Good luck for the Christmas shop, Jem. I’m hoping to make Thursday night the last time we have to go near a supermarket, and then I just want to get a nice loaf of bread and leave again.