Animal Crossing Switch
The bells, the bells!
Mimi wrote:
Mimi wrote:
Yes, I’m sure that’d be good. We haven’t played through all of the courses yet though, so let me get a little more accustomed.

I just realised I posted this in completely the wrong thread :DD

Ah, and i responded in this as well, but did know what it was about;).
I'm still pottering about on my island retreat, although for only short bursts at the moment. I've been spending some time hopping to various random islands in dreams to get ideas for new areas and rooms but nothing has grabbed me yet. But that's the charm of the gam: I don't need to do anything until I'm ready.
I love that you are still pottering about Kern!

some nice speculation: ... -horizons/
I'd forgotten about the August fireworks! Better start thinking about what custom designs to light up the sky with.

As my island's clubhouse is already a den of toxic privilege, with its spa, wood-panelled lecture room, dining hall, and trippy chill-out space, I've decided that it needs an underground fight club. Already set up the ring, now looking for the right floor, walls, and decor to really bring out the sense of sweat.
ooh interesting, I've had a look and there is a diy for a steel-frame wall that might suit, there is also a graffiti wall for sale at nooks, and there should be a Ringside seat wallpaper from sahara that I haven't seen in the game
floor wise maybe the paintball floor?
If we bring our Switches to Cottage, would we be able to use the local play or does it need a router?
I think local play works without any sort of external thingies so should be fine.
Excellent! Will happily open the gates of Wits' End to anyone suitably equipped!

Come and see my Clubhouse of Toxic Privilege!
Can you be virtually licked?
That's OnlyFans.
Darwin pretty much runs Sheppey now, and he requested an Animal Crossing cake for his birthday this year (which is today), specifically featuring Bob.
I love it! I'd be trying to open that sack, mind.

Aww yay! I'd seen a rumour a few weeks back, but didn't want to post it and disappoint anyone - this is great :D
yes.. Brewster back baby! ... 3619943428

okt 15th for the nintendo direct!
I am ready too, made a special little sign! ... 2303284224

And October 15th is Brewster;s birthday!
Dove Milk explained.. doidn't know this ... l-crossing

Only one day left to Brewster's birthday!
2 more hours! am soooo excited!
Today is not going to plan. I got woken up at 1am, after Julie passed out and tried to knock herself out on a door. I needed new doors anyway.

We have spent most of today in A&E getting her checked, CT scan and bloods. Just waiting the results.

The Yay, the double big mac is quite good :)
KovacsC wrote:
Today is not going to plan. I got woken up at 1am, after Julie passed out and tried to knock herself out on a door. I needed new doors anyway.

We have spent most of today in A&E getting her checked, CT scan and bloods. Just waiting the results.

The Yay, the double big mac is quite good :)

You’re in the AC thread, @kovacsC, but honestly, that sounds like a terrible 12hours. I hope that she is ok and getting all the help she needs. You probably need some rest, too, so take it easy x
omg I hope everything is ok!
Ooops... All is ok, we are back home. I do need a new door :P
GUYS!!! OMG guys!! AC Direct was HUGE. I am all in. Kapp’n is back! Omg. I honestly cried at one point because I am having a shitty time at the moment and then OMG some joy. Just SO MUCH.
And there is a MANATEE.
AAAAAAALLLLL the things!! farming! :luv:
Weirdly more excited by the free update than I am by the DLC. Maybe it's the farming/cooking. :D
That’s nore than i expected. Looking foreard to sharing a coffee with you guys. (Bit dissapoinred that the barista minigame wasn’t mentioned). The cooking is ncie though. Dven though i’m nit yet sure what you can do with the things you make.

@kovacs. Glad you guys are back home. Sounds like a nasty situation
Oh wow, this update is more than I hoped for! Like Mimi I am most excited about the free update, with its farming and its pro-photographer mode and all the little furniture additions - yum! Hopefully they'll sneak in new villager dialogue as well, which I feel is needed. Nice to see Brewster but as I haven't really played previous editions it doesn't strike quite a big a chord. I really like the look of the quality of life improvements as well. Shortcuts to storage and bells, ladders for cliffs, more incline / bridge slots and the ability to squeeze past furniture! The marketplace island also looks cute.

There's enough here for me to start properly tinkering with my island again. I think the orchard is going to be drastically cut down to make room for changes, and myabe some of the wildnerness I've carefully cultivated is going to go too. Sigh, I really could do with a second island or a larger one. It would have been lovely if they'd added a feature to expand your existing island - perhaps terraform out another two dozen squares with some new shoreline and beaches. A second island slot with the expansion would have been most welcome.

Speaking of which... wow, the expansion looks pretty neat! I like the notion of being a straw-boater wearing Lyle Langley hustling vacationing rubes with the hollow promise of a vacation of a life-time, though I'm sure in reality I'll be a devoted facilitator of their idlest whim. Partition walls and columns with the ability to resize looks neat, and craftily only unlocked for your village if you buy the expansion. Still this will allow us free reign to really go to town with our design aesthetic impulses, and it's kind of cool that it'll allow you to do so with your villager's huts as well.

So it looks like I'll once again be Animal Crossing's utter slave for the next couple of months at least post release, so expect to see a lot of me. Also with the garden expansion I can make a proper one now instead of relying on beachball water melons that the fiendish Dr. Wu covets so. :)

I'm so happy a little Animal Crossing joy has brightened your day, Mimi! Can't wait to check out what you and Darwin create!

Also @Kovacs, yikes, that sounds a stressful day. Glad to hear all is well though. Hugs.
Just saw a video which showed there is a photo of blathers and brewster together in The Doost. So cute. Real friends!
Aw. I’d love to be able to get a copy of that picture in the game
I've been quietly trawling Animal Crossing Reddit, getting ideas for island changes. I'm figuring maybe I'll go for a more New England Cape Cod coastal vibe, with lagoons at the southern end of the island, and a fish market and fishing pier. That'll transition to a Japanese spa and restaurant in the upper half, and a more Pacific North West style campsite woodland with a carnival at the foot of it. Also pondering an entrance canal with double bridges, and a farming area beside my house and a bus-stop. I'll be keeping the Nook Store area the same though, along with the library and the museum area. But anyway, lots of changes! Just got to piece it all together, it's going to take a while!

Anyone else got big island changes planned?
I thought about it, but then I’ve decided I just like it as it is. My island has always felt a bit empty compared to most, but I think that’s how I like it most, just pottering about. Darwin and I did start to recreate our (real life) garden in the game, but I knew there was a rumour of vegetables coming to the game, so I said we’d wait and see the announcement before completing it, so we could add more of those.
I've cleared some space by my house for more vegetables, but that's about it. I may bring back my fun fair at some point - haven't decided!
Mimi wrote:
I thought about it, but then I’ve decided I just like it as it is. My island has always felt a bit empty compared to most, but I think that’s how I like it most, just pottering about.

As a long time Sim City / Cities Skylines fan I've always loved designing places, so AC really has that itch scratched for me on the Switch!
NervousPete wrote:
Anyone else got big island changes planned?

Not sure yet.. i guess i will have to make quite a bit of space for the Farm, but I think i can do that without changing the setup that much...
I have a bit of luna park so might increase that for the new attractions.... (on the other hand it is not doing that much)
I'm not planning huge changes yet, I have demolished my seaside promenade to make space for the new farm though
o looking forward to it!
Just did the system update, you cna see the dlc now under switch online... 10 days to go...
Seone a nice turnip price (>110 is ok). Did buy turnips for the first time in ages. But decresing pattern
sorry my turnip prices are dismal

I pre-ordered the DLC, I'm so excited!
Yeah.. it's Sint Maarten next thursday, our version of halloween where kids with lanters cross the street singing songs wearing lanterns, and finally Aninmal crossing has given us something to celebrate! ... mited-time
Aw, that's nice. I've just picked up one now in my lunchbreak play.

So the big island rework is coming along nicely and I'm looking forward to opening the doors a couple of weeks from now and giving people a tour. My proudest new feature is the rock garden. Yes, it took many days and horrific sweat and tears but I finally got all my rocks neatly in one place - a little sandy zen garden. I almost cried when I saw it and I live in mortal terror of accidentally whacking one with a shovel while I have a bit of fruit in my belly. Other features are a better hub island with four bridges connecting all sectors and a farm next to my house with silo, well, orchard and four patches set aside for farming veg. It took blimmin' ages too because when you're day-dreaming designs on your walk to work or scribbling them on the back of an envelope, you're always struck with that sinking feeling that said designs take up a lot more space than you anticipated. I had to say goodbye to a fair bit of wilderness to fit it all in.

Anyway, next on the list is a proper lighthouse peninsula, fishing dock and fish market, restaurant / diner, bus stop and when I finally get to buy one a gazebo. Oh, and a carnival area in the woods when the plaza stuff comes in the DLC. Big dreams, big dreams.

I've also finally had my dream come true in that Del the grumpy alligator finally (FINALLY) asked to move out, taking his house packed with dangerous explosives and toxic waste with him. He has been replaced by a cranky deer called Bruce. We're getting along. Ed has also replaced Cherri the bear. I had two cute wanna-be pop star bears on my island, and it was a tad excessive. Ed has an emo/hipster fringe and dreams of being in the movies. He has a photo of himself on his mantlepiece. He is blue and yellow. He is a horse. He's great.

Finally I'm trying to get one of each tree for my fruit market and orchard. I've got pear, cherry and apple. I need orange and peach. Can anybody mail me some to plant, or can I pop round and thieve some? Six fruits of each would be most wonderful, ta.
I’ll send you some fruit over now, Pete x
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