Middle Age Spread
Doing something about it
Jem wrote:
Mr Chonks wrote:
Bamba wrote:
The day after my proper resistance bands arrived the 50kg dumbbell/barbell set also arrived, so at least now I don't need to be concerned with how many (filled) beer cans are in the house before I start working out.

Which set did you get btw? I was thinking about perhaps doing some weight training at home on my off days from running.

You can do a lot with your own bodyweight. Would recommend doing some of the 'PE with Joe' stuff.

Mr Chonks wrote:
Jem wrote:
Mr Chonks wrote:
Bamba wrote:
The day after my proper resistance bands arrived the 50kg dumbbell/barbell set also arrived, so at least now I don't need to be concerned with how many (filled) beer cans are in the house before I start working out.

Which set did you get btw? I was thinking about perhaps doing some weight training at home on my off days from running.

You can do a lot with your own bodyweight. Would recommend doing some of the 'PE with Joe' stuff.



I've been doing it every morning for the past few weeks and it's good fun. (I recognise not everyone considers exercise "fun", though)
I prefer PE with Frank.

ZOMG Spoiler! Click here to view!

[edit] How do you embed a You Tube these days?
[edit edit] there you go ;)
Jem wrote:
Mr Chonks wrote:
Bamba wrote:
The day after my proper resistance bands arrived the 50kg dumbbell/barbell set also arrived, so at least now I don't need to be concerned with how many (filled) beer cans are in the house before I start working out.

Which set did you get btw? I was thinking about perhaps doing some weight training at home on my off days from running.

You can do a lot with your own bodyweight.

For sure, this. I've been doing everything recently with bodyweight plus a couple of shopping bags with cans in them and still managing to successfully destroy myself most days. Some things are easier than others without access to properly heavy weights (legs is surprisingly easy as you can just do one leg at a time; back not so much) but it's all doable. Plus you can make it more strenuous by doing things slower and/or upping the reps/sets. I'm doing every exercise at the moment with a four second eccentric stage (e.g. do the actual bicep curl quickly as you can but then take four seconds to slowly lower your arm back down to your side again) and it really lowers the weights you need.

This is my current set of workouts, all done as three sets of 10, if it's at all useful. In each 'set' you'd do 10 reps of both exercises then take a minute and a half rest. Do that three times then move onto the next pair of exercises.

Chest and biceps
- Decline push up off the couch
- Dumbell incline bicep curl using shopping bags of beer cans while sitting at an angle on two chairs pushed together

- Deep push up with hands on two dining chairs and feet up on the couch
- Hammer curl with shopping bags of beer cans

- Flat bench chest fly with shopping bags of beer cans on my coffee table
- Standing inner-biceps curl with shopping bags of beer cans

- Push up
- Bicep curl with shopping bags of beer cans

Legs (for anything that hits one leg a time, do ten on each leg)
- Weighted squats wearing a backpack filled with cat litter and holding shopping bags of beer cans
- Split squat holding a bag of cat litter in each hand and with a foot up on the couch behind me

- Steps ups on the coffee table holding shopping bags of beer cans
- Straight leg deadlift holding shopping bags of beer cans

- Reverse lunges holding shopping bags of beer cans
- Prone leg curl with a resistance band

- Wall sit for 40 seconds
- Walking lunges holding shopping bags of beer cans

Back and triceps
- Dumbell single arm bent over row holding shopping bags of beer cans
- Bench dips with feet up on the couch

- Dumbell Standing Row using a backpack filled with cat litter bags
- Diamond push up

- Resistance band pull against the corner of my coffee table
- Bodyweight triceps extension against my fireplace

- Back extension
- Overhead tricep extension using resistance bands

Shoulders and abs
- Pike press
- Russian twist with bag of cat litter

- Upright row with rucksack containing cat litter bags
- Leg raises on coffee table very slowly

- Shrug using a cat litter and 16 beer cans in each hand
- Ab crunches

- Dumbell front raise with eight cans of beer in each hand
- Dumbell lateral raise with eight cans of beer in each hand
- Standing rear delt dumbell raise with eight cans of beer in each hand
MaliA wrote:
May half marathon now in late October

Given Cardiff half in October has just been postponed until March 2021, I think I'll not be do any this year, so will keep plodding the same 5km
Yes, I am going the same. Did my first fun in ages today, a steady 5K
Haven't had a run since March. Been doing a lot of squats though
DavPaz wrote:
Haven't had the runs since March. Been doing a lot of squits though

Findus Fop wrote:
DavPaz wrote:
Haven't had the runs since March. Been doing a lot of squits though


It's Mexican menu week.
I did an indoor bike challenge in May, did 609 miles.. was chuffed with that
DavPaz wrote:
Haven't had a run since March. Been doing a lot of squats though

Giphy "buns of steel":
...thanks giphy.
Jem wrote:
DavPaz wrote:
Haven't had a run since March. Been doing a lot of squats though

Giphy "buns of steel":

2.5 weeks since I’ve done anything. :(

Lost 1lb of course.
Jem wrote:
...thanks giphy.

It's like looking in a mirror
Jem wrote:
DavPaz wrote:
Haven't had a run since March. Been doing a lot of squats though

Giphy "buns of steel":

I’ve been working out twice a week with weights, just maintenance stuff, don’t want to be any bigger than I am so more reps. 4x14 50kg squats, 5x8 22.5kg dumbbell curls, 4x50 press-ups
I’m also cycling most days, usually doing 25k on mixed inclines on my mtb and doing longer rides when I have the time. Did I say “time”? I meant inclination
I can’t do a single press-up. Never have been able to.
DBSnappa wrote:
I’ve been working out twice a week with weights, just maintenance stuff, don’t want to be any bigger than I am so more reps. 4x14 50kg squats, 5x8 22.5kg dumbbell curls, 4x50 press-ups
I’m also cycling most days, usually doing 25k on mixed inclines on my mtb and doing longer rides when I have the time. Did I say “time”? I meant inclination

You're doing mad reps if you don't want to be bigger dude. Probably teaching my grandma to suck eggs here, but usually more reps = hypertrophy / less reps, more weight = strength. (Loosely.)

Did my first bench session yesterday in weeks (having really lost my mojo during lockdown) and was pleasantly surprised to find 45kg still moving, so probably not lost too much strength which I'm really pleased about. Haven't tested squats/deads yet though.

Mr Chonks wrote:
I can’t do a single press-up. Never have been able to.

If you ever decide you want to get to that point, start with incline push ups, not push ups from the knees (which is what some people teach). :D
Jem wrote:
DBSnappa wrote:
I’ve been working out twice a week with weights, just maintenance stuff, don’t want to be any bigger than I am so more reps. 4x14 50kg squats, 5x8 22.5kg dumbbell curls, 4x50 press-ups
I’m also cycling most days, usually doing 25k on mixed inclines on my mtb and doing longer rides when I have the time. Did I say “time”? I meant inclination

You're doing mad reps if you don't want to be bigger dude. Probably teaching my grandma to suck eggs here, but usually more reps = hypertrophy / less reps, more weight = strength. (Loosely.)

It is more complicated though. I always understood (but haven't looked in to it for some time) muscle development depends on muscle twitch rate ultimately, which can only be ascertained through surgery, i.e. fast twitch and slow twitch respond differently to lower reps/higher weight, higher reps/lower weight. I've always been hard gain; have to work out incredibly hard to "build" muscle and more often than twice a week. I was at my biggest in my early 30s, but then I was gymming three times a week and shifting stupidly heavy weights, which I simply couldn't do nowadays. And wouldn't want to, because at those sorts of weights you're in danger of exceeding your ultimate tendon strength and damaging yourself. For example, I was smith press benching 160kg 6*10 reps, deadlifting >300kg similar reps
Yes, in so much as (my understanding is) fast twitch muscles grow faster, but you hit those with high intensity (i.e. high reps) normally. Most people have to work hard to build though - even the guys in my gym are eating serious cals and working out 5 days a week (christ, even those on 'roids have to work for it). Obviously genetics, workout style, existing strength / size, food intake, sleep etc all play a role though, so I trust you to know what's best for your own body - hope it came across that I was curious rather than lecturing or anything :S :luv:
Jem wrote:
Yes, in so much as (my understanding is) fast twitch muscles grow faster, but you hit those with high intensity (i.e. high reps) normally. Most people have to work hard to build though - even the guys in my gym are eating serious cals and working out 5 days a week (christ, even those on 'roids have to work for it). Obviously genetics, workout style, existing strength / size, food intake, sleep etc all play a role though, so I trust you to know what's best for your own body - hope it came across that I was curious rather than lecturing or anything :S :luv:

Not at all. :kiss:

I used to work out with one of the instructors who was a "clean" bodybuilder insofar that he took nothing. He was properly ripped though through diet. I was never and never will be as I could never countenance the taking of supplements and controlling my diet. It is a thing that there is a lot of misinformation around. As you say, most people have to work out incredibly hard to gain muscle significantly. And one of the things I admire about you Jem is that you do this at all. The number of women who don't do it mistakenly thinking that they're going to turn into Shwarzenegger after 3 months always amused me and I have always, when asked, encouraged women to do it as the benefits are many. Yes, I know it's widely recognised now, but that is really quite recent.

I do this largely to look after my frame. I'm tall, have had persistent back problems since my late 20s and am firmly of the view that keeping the muscles strong alleviates the joints and your frame.

It works for me.

Coincidentally, I do know that there are all kinds of unhealthy and illegal things that you can take that can see dramatic results quite quickly and not just steroids. It's a potentially lethal dose of anabolic steroids, HGH and deeply worrying fat burning enzymes. This instructor I worked out swore blind you could go from Gaz to Arnie in under 6 months with this combination. Fuck knows what it would do to your system though. There are numerous anecdotal stories of many Hollywood action stars doing this to get ripped super quick in the 80s/90s/00s using these methods. I think it's much less of a thing nowadays as the health issues are well known.
DBSnappa wrote:
I do this largely to look after my frame. I'm tall, have had persistent back problems since my late 20s and am firmly of the view that keeping the muscles strong alleviates the joints and your frame.

It works for me.

Can you shout this bit louder so that Gaz listens to me?!

Thanks DB. I've been trying to look like Arnie for 3 years now and it's not working :DD It's definitely more popular with women to lift weights, especially with crossfit making people see that it's not all "arnie or nothing", but there's still a lot of myths out there.

One of the guys who I see (or saw, rather) at the gym regularly freely admits to taking steriods to get bigger and he said that his insides were "mush". That's not a path I would see myself going down, ever, but whatever floats their boat. The only things I 'use' are whey powder (because it's cheap) and creatine, and I'm still not 100% sure I see the benefits in the latter despite the science.
110kg deadlift this morning moved smoothly. That's not too far off my PB, and after not deadlifting since March. To say I'm thrilled is an understatement, I genuinely thought I'd be starting again from scratch after this big a gap.

Giphy "party":
MaliA wrote:
MaliA wrote:
May half marathon now in late October

Given Cardiff half in October has just been postponed until March 2021, I think I'll not be do any this year, so will keep plodding the same 5km

Booked up for the Cardiff half in October, too.

Looking forward to next year. I love a race
MaliA wrote:
MaliA wrote:
MaliA wrote:
May half marathon now in late October

Given Cardiff half in October has just been postponed until March 2021, I think I'll not be do any this year, so will keep plodding the same 5km

Booked up for the Cardiff half in October, too.

Looking forward to next year. I love a race

Is it the Irish?

I miss running properly. I am hobbling about a bit, and some days it's okay, but I miss just heading out for a run of undecided distance.
I have my 30 min swim slot booked for Wednesday.

Going to see what it is like at the gym.
MaliA wrote:
MaliA wrote:
MaliA wrote:
May half marathon now in late October

Given Cardiff half in October has just been postponed until March 2021, I think I'll not be do any this year, so will keep plodding the same 5km

Let me know if you want any tips

Booked up for the Cardiff half in October, too.

Looking forward to next year. I love a race
Gained almost a stone since the start of lockdown. Cutting down on snacks and I went for a very slow run this morning.
I went in the opposite direction. Having said that, I suspect I’m about the same weight, but I’ve burned a lot of body fat through working out twice a week and doing a lot of cycling
DBSnappa wrote:
I went in the opposite direction. Having said that, I suspect I’m about the same weight, but I’ve burned a lot of body fat through working out twice a week and doing a lot of cycling

Unfortunately I got very depressed and anxious and started comfort eating. Couldn’t bear to leave the house for exercise because work were being so shit.
Much like Monsigneur Chonks I've dedicated myself over the last four months to really exploring and expanding my previous hobby of eating things, ideally as many as possible of the things.
If it makes you feel any better, I think a lot of us have been comfort eating.
Yep. Another comfort eater too. Work has been stressful and without the purpose of my website, I've just been lazing around and having more takeaways than usual. Lost 4lbs since reopening the site though, so hopefully I'm slowly turning things around.
Mr Chonks wrote:
DBSnappa wrote:
I went in the opposite direction. Having said that, I suspect I’m about the same weight, but I’ve burned a lot of body fat through working out twice a week and doing a lot of cycling

Unfortunately I got very depressed and anxious and started comfort eating. Couldn’t bear to leave the house for exercise because work were being so shit.

Sorry to hear that. I got anxious and angry about things, but exercise has always been meditative for me and I’ve always just done it, without thinking about it. I’ve been through the whole mind games issue in the past where thinking about exercise routinely turns into myriad reasons not to do it. So I don’t think about it and just do it, when I can. And when I’m doing it, I find exploring the “protective” parts of my brain quite helpful.
Yeah, that’s exactly what I did this morning. Didn’t think about, just got my gear on and went.

And I feel much better for it.
Jem wrote:
If it makes you feel any better, I think a lot of us have been comfort eating.

Yes we have..
When my anxiety kicks in it stops me eating, so i've actually lost weight since covid kicked in! Sliver linings and all that...
I'm sure i'm nowhere near as fit as I was though, as I used to rack up the steps each day on the commute. However, according to BMI I'm healthy, and that's the main thing... right...
I started lockdown with losing a stone and a half and feeling good and so on but it's actually turned out to be a very busy and stressful time for me so it's all back, and it brought friends. +1 for comfort eating.
My local gym/pool has reopened. You can only book 30 min swim slots, but it worked well.

Temp was read as you got there, self scanned in. Only swimmers can use the changing rooms and showers. I had it to myself, and it was spotless.

At the moment 30 mins is enough, i was knackered... :)
I felt weirdly restless yesterday evening (couldn't be arsed doing a weights workout which probably contributed) which culminated in me deciding to go out for a run at nine in the evening. Bearing in mind that the last time I went for any kind of run was about 15 years ago (even then only a handful of times) so this was quite the random impulse. And unsurprisingly it fucked me up pretty hard.

The actual run itself was fine and at the point it was brought to a crashing halt I was actually happy to carry on going from a cardio perspective. My calf muscles had a very different idea though and I had to stop as they pretty much seized up entirely. The next half an hour was spent stretching them out, hobbling for a distance, having them begin cramping again, stop and stretch; rinse and repeat all the way home.

This was also a bit of a feature the previous times I'd ran (which I'd totally forgotten about) but this time was so much worse despite ostensibly being in better shape now. Even by the time I'd managed to hobble home and the worst of it had passed I still couldn't sit without having my legs stretched out straight for any length of time or my calves would start to stiffen up, and this morning was 'fun' getting out of bed. They're pretty much fine now mind.

Fuck knows if this impulse will happen again (although it is nice to be able to just exercise so flexibly rather than having to get equipment out, count reps, etc) but the lesson there is to stretch to absolute fuck before leaving the house. I suspect this sort of thing is just a feature of my body and won't go away entirely, but certainly I can't deal with it being that bad again.
Relatedly, I started lockdown being in comfortably the best shape of my life after a couple of months of really controlling my calorie intake. Fast forward to now and I'm probably fatter than I've been in ages due to increased food and booze intake. A chunk of that is drinking more than once a week which as of last weekend is getting knocked on the head and that will help immensely. It's just so much more tempting when (a) I have loads of genuinely nice and interesting beer in the house because I'm specifically ordering good stuff and (b) having Aran live with me means it's more social/fun to have a drink of an evening and play some Pool or whatever. It's properly annoying me now though (the fatness) so I'm done with that.
I’ve just been out on my third run of the week! Going to do a long run on Sunday.

It may sound daft, but you might be going too fast. I’ve been trying to keep my heart rate below 150 for two runs this week (for fat burn and to develop different muscle fibres) and I could easily have a conversation at that pace.

Then I went for a faster but short run today and I was absolutely bollocksed at the end.
Yeah, I'm definitely struggling to find my pace and wouldn't have been able to chat while running, but even at the highest I wasn't sprinting along or anything. I'll probably give it another try once my body settles down again and see how it goes with some proper stretching beforehand.
It's probably far more important to warm up rather than stretch before your run. If you go out the door and immediately hit your out of breath pace then it will be horrible all the way round, you'll go slower, you might get cramp and it'll make you less likely to want to do it again. Walk for a bit then jog, walk again etc. then start your run. Or try using one of the couch to 5K apps and just do what that tells you.
Honestly, I feel ridiculous at how slow I start runs. I expect to see snails whizzing past. But I’m at my fastest and strongest at the end of my runs which means I’m probably doing it the right way.

If you’re out of breath after 1min and it feels like a horrible slog like it used to be for me then you’re running way too fast.
markg wrote:
It's probably far more important to warm up rather than stretch before your run. If you go out the door and immediately hit your out of breath pace then it will be horrible all the way round, you'll go slower, you might get cramp and it'll make you less likely to want to do it again. Walk for a bit then jog, walk again etc. then start your run. Or try using one of the couch to 5K apps and just do what that tells you.

All good advice and stuff I'll make sure to do that if there's a next time. I didn't do any research partly because it was such a random, and randomly timed, impulse.
Yeah, you're almost certainly going too far, too fast, too soon. You wouldn't (I hope) jump straight into lifting 100kg, so don't go mental with runs. Assuming you've familiar with progressive overload in terms of weights (and if you're not, it's pretty obvious what this means) - the same defo applies to running, even if you're in good shape otherwise. You're using muscles in completely different ways for a start.

Do you do other cardio - swimming, cycling, long walks etc?

(For what it's worth, I regularly take breaks from running then jump back in and fuck myself up for days because I don't pace myself - in my head I've done X miles so I should be able to do that again. You're definitely not alone :DD )
Jem wrote:
Do you do other cardio - swimming, cycling, long walks etc?

Long walks for sure, and the odd bit of cycling, but obviously none of that is close to the same level of physical stress so doesn't really help prep for this. Anyway, warm up and run slower. Got it!
Booked into a ten mile race around a reservoir in the peak District in November. Might get me out again.
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