My dad has had his cruise cancelled and refunded, which ok glad about, as he was debating whether to go or not.
Trooper wrote:
Looking online it looks like I just need flour, water and time, right?

Yup. It'll take around 10 days or so before it's ready. Doesn't always work first time; you'll find lots of lightly conflicting advice online to attempt to mitigate this. But you've nothing to lose by trying except a few hundred grams of flour.
DBSnappa wrote:
MrChris wrote:
The other concern is that the UK gets added to the travel restriction list here so we might not be able to come back to the UK ...

Well that sucks...

Its almost inevitable at this rate. Biggest worry is if my folks get ill...
Doctor Glyndwr wrote:
Trooper wrote:
Looking online it looks like I just need flour, water and time, right?

Yup. It'll take around 10 days or so before it's ready. Doesn't always work first time; you'll find lots of lightly conflicting advice online to attempt to mitigate this. But you've nothing to lose by trying except a few hundred grams of flour.

Could you not do a few batches at once and use the most successful?
You're relying on airborne bacterial colonies to find a home. I see no reason why that would be concerning right now.
Grim... wrote:
I pay about £5k a year, plus £1.5k to park the car.

Same job would be ~£15k less outside of London, and the same house in London would cost... Probably over a million.

I don't think that's an exaggeration. Maybe right on the outskirts. Londoners?
Grim... wrote:
Same job would be ~£15k less outside of London, and the same house in London would cost... Probably over a million.

I don't think that's an exaggeration. Maybe right on the outskirts. Londoners?

I don't know, I've not seen your house. Possibly a lot more if you're within zone 3

Yardstick is that Islington and nearby Hackney is between £900-1000 per sq ft
devilman wrote:
One of my colleagues has a holiday to the US coming up this month. He was told at the weekend that his flight would no longer be going direct but via Dusseldorf instead. I wonder if it might be cancelled outright now or switched back to direct.

Well whichever it was, I don't see it happening now.
I was supposed to be going to Spain next month. That's that buggered then.
We have a trip to Croatia planned for May.
Can’t see it happening.
I’m pretty sure the play Sal and I are performing in will get postponed. It’s end of May.
MaliA wrote:
Mr Russell wrote:
MaliA wrote:
Half marathon tomorrow.

I hope you’re not being serious.

Yeah, my view is that people have risk assessed it more than I have and if they say it's OK, it's OK.

Not that many'll turn out to cheer me on. ... ronavirus/

“When you get to the high end of training and/or a postrace situation, then you are more vulnerable to infection,” he said. “For example, after a marathon, runners are six times more likely to get ill with a respiratory infection than in people who didn’t race, because in a race you will always push harder than you would in training. This causes a lot of stress to your immune system, which increases your risk of coming down with an infection in the coming weeks.”

Hospitals don't need to be treating people who bring it on themselves.
Well that's smokers and diabetics done then
P&O cancelled my ma's friend's cruise earlier.
markg wrote:
Looking at the empty shelves apparently the other essentials for doomsday are crisps and biscuits.

*says nothing*
Cras wrote:
Well that's smokers and diabetics done then

And old people.
Dr Zoidberg wrote:
We have a trip to Croatia planned for May.
Can’t see it happening.

Me too!
Grim... wrote:
Cras wrote:
Well that's smokers and diabetics done then

And old people.

Thin the herd I say
Tight feeling chest, restricted breathing, mild dry cough, bit achey.

Guess I'm staying home for the next 7 days!
Grim... wrote:
Cras wrote:
Well that's smokers and diabetics done then

And old people.

I'm not that convinced old people brought it on themselves
Cras wrote:
Grim... wrote:
Cras wrote:
Well that's smokers and diabetics done then

And old people.

I'm not that convinced old people brought it on themselves

Grrr, those old people living such a long time! It’s unnatural. *shakes fist*
Trooper wrote:
Also, tried to pick up some yeast on the way home, as i'm at home for the next few weeks I might as well do some baking. No yeast anywhere.

I've got some you can have. Might need a scraper though.
Trooper wrote:
Tight feeling chest, restricted breathing, mild dry cough, bit achey.

Guess I'm staying home for the next 7 days!

That's exactly how I feel, but I've smoked 30 fags this weekend
Cras wrote:
Well that's smokers and diabetics done then

Not really what I was getting at, unless they reacted to the current epidemic by doing something that places them at high risk for no good reason at all. Like thousands of otherwise very fit adults deciding to go out and temporarily get themselves the immune systems of an ill old person. Crazy.
So we've had to cancel the trip, which is obviously a very minor thing in the greater scheme of things (and thanks to airbnb and ANZ being great, it looks like we'll get back pretty much all of our money), but it is making the world feel a lot more scary. The rug can be pulled out at any time, and things are going to get a lot worse.

As mentioned before, I'm very worried that travel restrictions will change such that we won't be able to visit the UK in the summer, and as my parents are in all the risk categories, I'm a bit concerned.

It's not clear what is going to happen medium to long term - the "herd immunity" thing the CSO trailed but which Hancock is now rowing back on doesn't make sense, as immunity to these sorts of things usually isn't long lived. It feels like this is something that is going to be around for a long while (At least until large scale vaccination is possible), or it disappears as mysteriously as SARS and the 1918 influenza did.

Ruth's research for the Ministry of Health here is scaring the shit out of me, but I think we're probably in one of the best places of earth if this goes titsup (there are orders of magnitude more hospital beds per head here than the UK, for instance, and we've got a very sensible government that is providing constant updates and explanations)
I cannot believe how lame our measures of containment are compared to nearly every other country in Europe.
Trooper wrote:
Tight feeling chest, restricted breathing, mild dry cough, bit achey.

Guess I'm staying home for the next 7 days!

I think we need to confine you to this thread. :D

Hope you're okay though. :)
Goddess Jasmine wrote:
Trooper wrote:
Tight feeling chest, restricted breathing, mild dry cough, bit achey.

Guess I'm staying home for the next 7 days!

I think we need to confine you to this thread. :D

Hope you're okay though. :)

I'm fine :) Bit more of an effort to breathe, feels like i've got something sitting on my chest the whole time, but other than that nothing to worry about.

Do I have it? Who knows. I have a lot of the symptoms but they aren't testing folks unless they are in hospital, so I guess I will never know.
The guy at the Local post office tells me that he is doing pre-orders on toilet rolls.
Trooper wrote:
Goddess Jasmine wrote:
Trooper wrote:
Tight feeling chest, restricted breathing, mild dry cough, bit achey.

Guess I'm staying home for the next 7 days!

I think we need to confine you to this thread. :D

Hope you're okay though. :)

I'm fine :) Bit more of an effort to breathe, feels like i've got something sitting on my chest the whole time, but other than that nothing to worry about.

Do I have it? Who knows. I have a lot of the symptoms but they aren't testing folks unless they are in hospital, so I guess I will never know.

Well either way, look after yourself.

I ache from head to toe, and feel like crap. No Coronavirus symptoms though. I'm really hoping we get sent home from work tomorrow.
Our play has been postponed until the autumn.
Mr Chonks wrote:

It's also based on assumptions, when nobody really knows how many people have it and what the critical infection rate and mortality rate is.
Unfortunately we aren't going to know for sure for a long time, as now they are only testing the people who are hospitalised.

This is a bit better reading ... bookbutton

but again, it's based on assumptions and guesswork.

As with all these things, I supsect the truth lies somewhere inbetween the two positions.
high temp: check
cough: check.

(I don't think its corona,as I feel alright and I'm developing a snotty nose, but better to be safe)
Zoom appears to be struggling, our usual 9:36am standup was a flick book brady bunch where everyone was in australia from each other.
That's interesting, we're on the verge of rolling it out, good stress test.
Teams for us struggled a bit this morning but picked back up half an hour later.
Royal Mail are certainly taking no chances with their parcel delivery: Postie has to place the parcel on the ground for me to pick up. He then has to sign for it himself and add CV19 after the surname.
Cras wrote:
That's interesting, we're on the verge of rolling it out, good stress test.

Under normal circumstances it's the best one we have found (we've tested a lot of them as we have two permanent remote folks on the team).
It's much clearer than Slack, Hangouts and Skype.
Yeah Teams had a blip this morning at the Microsoft side ... oronavirus
We have had issues with teams and skype
We bought someof the last remaining BBQ baked beans from morrisoms and along with about 2kg of pasta dumped it in the food bank trolley.
Trooper wrote:
Cras wrote:
That's interesting, we're on the verge of rolling it out, good stress test.

Under normal circumstances it's the best one we have found (we've tested a lot of them as we have two permanent remote folks on the team).
It's much clearer than Slack, Hangouts and Skype.

How is it with Doc's echo?
Cras wrote:
Trooper wrote:
Cras wrote:
That's interesting, we're on the verge of rolling it out, good stress test.

Under normal circumstances it's the best one we have found (we've tested a lot of them as we have two permanent remote folks on the team).
It's much clearer than Slack, Hangouts and Skype.

How is it with Doc's echo?

Idiot. everyone knows Doc's quacks don't echo
Cras wrote:
Trooper wrote:
Cras wrote:
That's interesting, we're on the verge of rolling it out, good stress test.

Under normal circumstances it's the best one we have found (we've tested a lot of them as we have two permanent remote folks on the team).
It's much clearer than Slack, Hangouts and Skype.

How is it with Doc's echo?

No need for Zoom, just ask him to speak up a little.
MaliA wrote:
Cras wrote:
Trooper wrote:
Cras wrote:
That's interesting, we're on the verge of rolling it out, good stress test.

Under normal circumstances it's the best one we have found (we've tested a lot of them as we have two permanent remote folks on the team).
It's much clearer than Slack, Hangouts and Skype.

How is it with Doc's echo?

Idiot. everyone knows Doc's quacks don't echo

Giphy "facepalm":
Just grabbed a load of BBQ baked beans and about 2kg of pasta someone had put in a Morrisons food bank trolly!
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