The Walking Dead
Fuck Yeah!
Also I admire your perseverance.
You guys obviously haven’t read the Zombie Survival Guide. That explains what happens to zombies when they freeze and thaw out.
The last episode was pure filler: nothing happened and it went nowhere. Some of the zombies did freeze though.

I suppose we’ll have to wait until next season to see them thaw. Maybe that’ll be how it ends in the final season. They just turn to goo. The. End.
Lonewolves wrote:
You guys obviously haven’t read the Zombie Survival Guide. That explains what happens to zombies when they freeze and thaw out.

There's more detail in World War Z (which is a properly good book, and tonally much more serious than the Survival Guide.)
Doctor Glyndwr wrote:
Lonewolves wrote:
You guys obviously haven’t read the Zombie Survival Guide. That explains what happens to zombies when they freeze and thaw out.

There's more detail in World War Z (which is a properly good book, and tonally much more serious than the Survival Guide.)

I’ve read them both, obviously.
It’s finally ended.

Jesus Christ, the last season and especially the finale was absolutely unapologetically completely utterly fucking terrible.

Everything about it was terrible. The story? Hopeless. The big baddies were the least terrifying bunch they’d come across yet (basically just ‘some rich woman with an army of incompetent stormtroopers’). The musical score? Dreadful. Fucking daytime television soap drama bullshit. The characters? The worst of any season. People you could barely give a shit about. The directing? Again, just soap drama level.

I see it got about 2m viewers for the finale which is really bad. At its peak it had like, what, 50m?

Good riddance. But wait, what, there’s 5 fucking spin offs coming next year? Jesus H Christ. And they introduced variant zombies in, about 3 episodes from the end? Will this corpse just fucking rot away already.
I was aware this had finally come to a close, when was it last watchable? 2015 maybe? IIRC I gave up on it at the end of 2016 midway through one of the seasons, just didn't return for the second half of the season.

I do remember I fell out with it whilst many others were still enjoying it, for me the writing was well and truly on the wall from a reasonably early stage. Certainly by Season 6 a lot of the shine had worn off.

The best bits of this whole thread were definitely the arguments about how the zombies would make it through winter.
My Mum mentioned that she has only got the final episode to watch now. I had not even realised that is was (until recently) still going.

I think I stopped watching around the series set in the prison (S3 or S4, I forget, whatever).

Reading this thread, I'm glad I didn't ever bother to go back and try again.

myp wrote:
You guys obviously haven’t read the Zombie Survival Guide. That explains what happens to zombies when they freeze and thaw out.

Every time I see someone mention this book I remember how much Zardoz HATES the illustrations from it, and I like remembering that.
So what was the message of the show then? Was it about the farms we made along the way?
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