Beyond: Two Souls
Heavy Rain too?

I'm playing Beyond: Two Souls and, y'know what, I'm enjoying it more than I think I should be. I touch the controller every now and again when I'm told to and occasionally I'm given free rein to walk around in with ponderous, glacial steps.

Sometimes, in an action sequence, I push forwards while occasionally pressing buttons. In fight sequences I push the stick in the direction my arms and legs are moving. Even with the kooky camera angles I manage to push the stick in the direction that I'm actually supposed to push them.

When I'm a spirit I wander about looking for a blue dot and push BOTH sticks in a direction. Sometimes OPPOSITE directions! A-maze.

Yet despite all this, it's interesting and I want to play it some more.

Walking clumsily around most environments I'm spirited back to playing The Getaway on PS2, for some reason. I can't for the life of me think why most of these sequences couldn't have been done in a traditional way with a proper camera, fire buttons and stuff. It feels alien for little reason. It could be done Resi /The Last of Us-style and traditional gamers would be right at home and I'm sure it'd still have the same effect.

Sometimes the characters are amazingly life like and you could swear you're watching a little girl stumble around a house and sometimes they look like wax models and walk upright like robots. Then you play with dolls and it's awesome. Then you play outside in the snow and throw snowballs at the local kids and it's awesome. Then you look in a mirror and it's awesome. Then you visit a birthday party and it's awesome. It's awesome.

But is it? It must be. But I've that nagging feeling that it's not.

Bloody game.
I've helped a pregnant homeless woman give birth; surely a Gaming First.

The result: Heavy Rain two with ghosts.

It ain't worth forty quid but I only paid twenty, so I win. It's just about worth that twenty quid for 8 hours of over simplified Fighting Fantasy stuffs.

Best bit about choosing your own destiny rocks up near the end after a near death experience:

"Man (breathless from almost drowning. The air explodes into a white cloud as his breath meets the arctic air): I've always loved you. Do you love me?


Woman: Not really Mr. Go fuck yourself."

Also, it'd be nice if someone could play this as I'd love to see a lively debate about women in video games reborn.

Especially since the ending to this game is, surprise, surprise, a choice of living with 3 different men who all want to shag you or dying alone. Facking genius David Cage - genius.
And FYI, I never got shagged once and chose to die alone as a futuristic space ranger.

Is it PS only? 9sounds like it)
You ain't got a playstation? You've missed stacks of awesome. Not this game, but loads others! You won't find nowt like this on your console of choice though.
yeah, i will probably pick up a PS3 in 6 months or so. I am just finishing off the 360 back catalogue first.
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