Not PSVR. Learn to read.
Hearthly wrote:
MaliA wrote:
If the ps4 one was punted out at 200 notes I would snap it up.

Except it's going to cost £349 and you need to buy a camera on top of that, which is another £40, so basically twice the price you say you'd be keen at.

Plus even Sony are saying that the more expensive Oculus and Vive provide 'better VR' but they're promoting their implementation more on price, and considering the performance deficit between a PS4 and a minimum spec VR-capable PC I can well imagine the PS4's take on it won't be a premium VR experience.

Have you tried one??
KovacsC wrote:
Hearthly wrote:
MaliA wrote:
If the ps4 one was punted out at 200 notes I would snap it up.

Except it's going to cost £349 and you need to buy a camera on top of that, which is another £40, so basically twice the price you say you'd be keen at.

Plus even Sony are saying that the more expensive Oculus and Vive provide 'better VR' but they're promoting their implementation more on price, and considering the performance deficit between a PS4 and a minimum spec VR-capable PC I can well imagine the PS4's take on it won't be a premium VR experience.

Have you tried one??

Do you think he'd be able to admit being wrong?
I was a total sceptic before playing with the Vive, which made me more excited about video games than I have been in ages.

I appreciate that it is expensive and may not be a mainstream commercial concern right now (though Tesla show you can make money with high end tech), but it's definitely something that's going to get better, bigger and cheaper.
Curiosity wrote:
it's definitely something that's going to get better, smaller and cheaper.

I agree with Curio. The Vive was absolutely ace and thanks again Dave for bringing it to the cottage. I'm hoping that there's some innovative games that will take advantage of the tech as the games that I saw over the weekend, whilst great, didn't seem that in depth.

But still, it was amazing and I could see me playing Space Pirate for ages! I also enjoyed Project Cars and saw some massive potential there. I'd like to see a futuristic racer like Wipeout on there.
If Sony announced Sky Odyssey 2 or something similar for the PSVR thing then I'd be all over it. As it is I'll probably just wait and see how it pans out for a while. I do think the Sony one has more chance of making an impact, though. Far more titles and you don't need to be a total IT geek to make it work properly.
I've been pondering VR over that few days since having a go on the Dave's Vive (and after a conversation with DocG about the Google Daydream) and I reckon I can see where it's going. Here's my prediction of were we'll be in ooohh, 3 years.

- Self contained, wireless headset. All processing done on the unit itself. We all know that graphics chips are chewing along at an amazing rate, so how long before there's a mobile GPU that can do 90fps at 4k? Not long I reckon. The headset will need to more like a pair of specs. Think of those big old Asian-Grandma sunglasses that fit over other specs. Or Imax 3D glasses. Probably with built in headphones
- Courtesy screen tethering. Think Chromecast. Sync the technohat up to an HDMI dongle so others can watch.
- Full body tracking. Think Kinect. There was a moment when Curio was dodging his legs out of the way of lasers. Imagine if you *had* to. This might require more active cameras, but if they're similar to the the little satellites that the vive uses... it could work.
- Local mutiplayer. Self contained units and full body tracking means local multiplayer. Even if it's in another room.
- Some sort of glove controller. Even if it's only one hand. It would open up a world of puzzles.

There's my prediction. Remind me in 3 years to see if I was right, would you?

edit: I forgot haptics. Even a subtle feedback is awesome. The lightsabers humming in your hand was awesome
And the burnt hair smell when you got sizzled
TheVision wrote:
I agree with Curio. The Vive was absolutely ace and thanks again Dave for bringing it to the cottage. I'm hoping that there's some innovative games that will take advantage of the tech as the games that I saw over the weekend, whilst great, didn't seem that in depth.

Had you left before we gave Budget Cuts (Demo) a try?

Because that showed probably a whole lot more depth, particularly given its not-yet-being-complete ness. If/when that gets released, it should do well.
KovacsC wrote:
Hearthly wrote:
MaliA wrote:
If the ps4 one was punted out at 200 notes I would snap it up.

Except it's going to cost £349 and you need to buy a camera on top of that, which is another £40, so basically twice the price you say you'd be keen at.

Plus even Sony are saying that the more expensive Oculus and Vive provide 'better VR' but they're promoting their implementation more on price, and considering the performance deficit between a PS4 and a minimum spec VR-capable PC I can well imagine the PS4's take on it won't be a premium VR experience.

Have you tried one??

What difference does that make?
Mr Dave wrote:
TheVision wrote:
I agree with Curio. The Vive was absolutely ace and thanks again Dave for bringing it to the cottage. I'm hoping that there's some innovative games that will take advantage of the tech as the games that I saw over the weekend, whilst great, didn't seem that in depth.

Had you left before we gave Budget Cuts (Demo) a try?

Because that showed probably a whole lot more depth, particularly given its not-yet-being-complete ness. If/when that gets released, it should do well.

Nope. I didn't see that one and given the title, I guess I know why I skipped past it in the menu. I'll have to have a look at it later and see what it's all about.
Grim... wrote:
KovacsC wrote:
Hearthly wrote:
MaliA wrote:
If the ps4 one was punted out at 200 notes I would snap it up.

Except it's going to cost £349 and you need to buy a camera on top of that, which is another £40, so basically twice the price you say you'd be keen at.

Plus even Sony are saying that the more expensive Oculus and Vive provide 'better VR' but they're promoting their implementation more on price, and considering the performance deficit between a PS4 and a minimum spec VR-capable PC I can well imagine the PS4's take on it won't be a premium VR experience.

Have you tried one??

What difference does that make?

Just curious, if AE had tried one.
Sweet! They were clearly listening to me at the cottage.
DavPaz wrote:
Sweet! They were clearly listening to me at the cottage.

I'm glad somebody was
Touch controllers shipping soon!
Touch controllers in my hands!

DPD will be delivering mine today :)

Where'd you order yours from? Amazon?
Gah, cursed myself. DPD just texted me to say they'd not received my parcel yet so couldn't deliver it today (despite texting me on Saturday to tell me it'd be delivered today!)
GazChap wrote:

DPD will be delivering mine today :)

Where'd you order yours from? Amazon?

Nah, direct from Oculus.
Egg on my face. I had a pre-order with Oculus but I cancelled it after the astounding lack of communication last week, wasn't confident at all that they'd get it to me in time for the 6th.

Oh well, should be delivered tomorrow so that'll do - apparently all the Touch content on Oculus Home isn't available until tomorrow anyway so no great loss.
GazChap wrote:
Egg on my face. I had a pre-order with Oculus but I cancelled it after the astounding lack of communication last week, wasn't confident at all that they'd get it to me in time for the 6th.

Oh well, should be delivered tomorrow so that'll do - apparently all the Touch content on Oculus Home isn't available until tomorrow anyway so no great loss.

They emailed me last week saying I'd have my touch controllers soon.

It may not work on the Oculus store tonight, but works on Steam, amusing.
Yeah, all the Steam content will be available - and they've updated SteamVR to support Touch haptics now too, which is mucho primo good.
Set up the second sensor for room scale in Oculus. Seems to be ok even in my small office. Compared to SteamVR which wasn't happy with it at all. Touch controllers are much like the Vive wands but with extra functionality - it's cool being able to point and give thumbs up depending on which triggers and grips you're holding down.

Played a bit of basketball in Sports Challenge - quite fun and a bit of a workout. I've run out of time now but will give some other stuff a whirl tomorrow!
Mine are definitely out for delivery, woo :)
Full port of Surgeon Simulator: http://store.steampowered.com/app/518920/

The mini TF2-level I played at the cottage was my best VR experience yet.
Doctor Glyndwr wrote:
Full port of Surgeon Simulator: http://store.steampowered.com/app/518920/

The mini TF2-level I played at the cottage was my best VR experience yet.

Yes, it does lend itself to VR very well. I was giggling the whole time and really didn't want to step through the patient
I completely fluked Surgeon Sim at the cottage. Guy didn't look great but he survived.
Highlights of that include the Doc putting his foot out to stop an instrument he’d dropped and how amused I was at smashing the patients rib cage in with a baseball bat to get it open.

Also, throwing the old tools over my shoulder when I’d finished with them. Amazing.

Relatedly… I *may* be going to a Microsoft event next Monday where they *may* have hololens on display. I know nothing about the system but can compare it to my experience with the Vive.

I shall report back if it goes ahead.
TheVision wrote:
Highlights of that include the Doc putting his foot out to stop an instrument he’d dropped
It was even better than that -- I was trying to kick away something I had dropped, because I was worried that otherwise I'd trip over it!
VR is fucking great.
Lonewolves wrote:
VR is fucking great.
stop watching the VR porn then, pervert.
Superhot VR is a bit fucking great, innit?
Satsuma wrote:

That's a lot of zeros.

Not in the grand scheme of things for Facebook.
GazChap wrote:
Superhot VR is a bit fucking great, innit?

It's on my wishlist, waiting for it to be a bit cheaper.
Soooooo my GTX 970 theoretically brings a technohat within reach, right?
Doctor Glyndwr wrote:
Soooooo my GTX 970 theoretically brings a technohat within reach, right?

Give the steam vr performance thing a try.
Good point. Will do.
It did with mine. I've got that i5 going for me though. Which is nice.
Doctor Glyndwr wrote:
Soooooo my GTX 970 theoretically brings a technohat within reach, right?

Certainly worked when I had one.
Grim... wrote:

Doccy G has more shopping to do.
Grim... wrote:
Doccy G has more shopping to do.

"PSVR or Oculus/Vive" isn't an easy decision. Months of pondering.
Doctor Glyndwr wrote:
Grim... wrote:
Doccy G has more shopping to do.

"Oculus/Vive" isn't an easy decision. Months of pondering.


PSVR is in the fucking little leagues compared to Oculus/Vive (in terms of positional tracking and motion controllers, although the game library may be more extensive)

Although ZeniMax are apparently going to push to have Oculus headsets taken off sale until they sort out this litigation, so you may end up not having much of a decision at all ;)
GazChap wrote:
Doctor Glyndwr wrote:
Grim... wrote:
Doccy G has more shopping to do.

"Oculus/Vive" isn't an easy decision. Months of pondering.


PSVR is in the fucking little leagues compared to Oculus/Vive (in terms of positional tracking and motion controllers, although the game library may be more extensive)

Although ZeniMax are apparently going to push to have Oculus headsets taken off sale until they sort out this litigation, so you may end up not having much of a decision at all ;)

Isn't it sorted?
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