It turns out that i'm essentially a gay man trapped in a straight guy

If it wasn't for the fact that boobs exist and i'm getting married to a girl this year I'd be questioning myself...
It turns out I like to sew stuff, who knew! I inherited a 30yr old sewing machine from my late mother, and we bought some new curtains t'other weekend, which were a bit too long. Ah-ha! I thought, I can do something about that.
So the other weekend I hemmed my first set of curtains, and it didn't go too bad, not entirely straight but good enough.
This weekend however, I hemmed another set of curtains, one of which was pretty fucking awesomely straight if I do say so myself, and thought what else can I do. One trip to John Lewis later for some fabric and a staple gun (staple guns are cool, even though the one I bought was broken straight out of the box. Rather than taking it back, I took it apart and fixed it myself, to try and gain a few man points back) and I did this.

The seat base used to be a grubby white, now it is a sophisticated brown (good for hiding anal leakage)
But that wasn't enough to satisfy my urgings, so more fabric later and this

turned into this

I'm pretty fucking proud of that, all done with no instructions, just figuring it out with me old noggin. Some little bits that aren't finished too well, and the seams aren't exactly straight, but good enough

Table runner and cushions to match next I think, once I have done the second chair.
Sewing appears to fit my natural OCD tendencies quite nicely.
What craft stuff do you do Beexers? Mimi can play, but don't show us up too much