Crafty stuff
I'm making things!
Kern wrote:
I went to a wedding once and the couple did a symbolic inter-twining thing with ribbons as part of the service. If I can remember what the ritual was called I'll post a jokey reference to it here.

hello, bolton!
Kern wrote:
I went to a wedding once and the couple did a symbolic inter-twining thing with ribbons as part of the service. If I can remember what the ritual was called I'll post a jokey reference to it here.

Hand binding? My mother had a Wiccan handbinding ceremony.
Grim... wrote:
Knit the church and the vicar!

And a really tall husband!
Mimi wrote:
Hand binding?


Bring your own needles!
Mimi wrote:
Kern wrote:
I went to a wedding once and the couple did a symbolic inter-twining thing with ribbons as part of the service. If I can remember what the ritual was called I'll post a jokey reference to it here.

Hand binding? My mother had a Wiccan handbinding ceremony.

An ex of mine had one recently, although she called it a 'fasting'.

Ah, here we go:

It was in some woods. And the reception was in big teepees. You had to bring you own food. It had to be vegan food.

It was like the anti-BeexBeeQueue.
Yeah, I think her partners family called it a handfasting, though I think my mother uses the term handbinding. They also had to jump over a broom in a field.
Ah, broom jumping! Used to recognise an unconventional marriage which although not proper in the eyes of god was acceptable enough to let the couple live together without reproach from the other villagers. Funny folk up north. Totally did not mention prostitites.
The handbinding I saw was in a church ceremony.
It's a but more manly than sewing ties, but I'm going to be crafting a cat run out of timber and wire mesh, bolted to the outside of our house so that we can let the cats outside without worrying about them running orf.
Does constructing a raised bed all by myself using the highly technical jointing technique of "using fucking enormous screws and a power drill" to tie the 8 pieces into a box and fastening a trellis onto the back edge count as crafty?

I totally did that last night. Three down, and 90% of the new greenhouse (bloody missing-then-wrongly-sized glass). We're so going to be ready for the growing season! Oh.
Grim... wrote:
It was in some woods. And the reception was in big teepees. You had to bring you own food. It had to be vegan food.

Seriously? Wow... I'd have took a bag of M&Ms.
GazChap wrote:
It's a but more manly than sewing ties,

Sewing is extreme maths with sharp objects.
Mimi wrote:
I am going to knit my wedding shawl, though

Hello, Scarf Lady!

P.S. Sarah and Duck toys have been approved for production, but won't be for sale until march 2014!
Sarah & Duck is excellent and they should make more episodes.

MiniPaz has started to say 'hullo' like Sarah.
TheVision wrote:
Grim... wrote:
It was in some woods. And the reception was in big teepees. You had to bring you own food. It had to be vegan food.

Seriously? Wow... I'd have took a bag of M&Ms.

Nuh-uh. There were recipes you got "assigned" (I think you chose them, actually).

Also, I think M&Ms have milk chocolate in, right?
DavPaz wrote:
Sarah & Duck is excellent and they should make more episodes.

MiniPaz has started to say 'hullo' like Sarah.

They've commissioned another twenty episodes, I think.

It's definitely my favourite CBeebies show, and my daughter's favourite by miles.
Trooper wrote:
Plus I went to the hitherto unexplored top floor of John Lewis, to a land called Haberdashery. It was fucking great, I plan to visit again.

I really do love you Troops, that's awesome :DD Nice work on the chairs!!!
and ties... also good ties...

You could sew some inserts for my handmade cards!!! That would be awesomes :) I love sewing, but I don't have enough time to do it for the cards...
Yeah, intricate detail work? Not really my forte. I'm more of a broad stroke that'll-do kinda guy :D
If your cards are 6ft tall and need poorly made inserts, then i'm your man...
Trooper wrote:
Yeah, intricate detail work? Not really my forte. I'm more of a broad stroke that'll-do kinda guy :D
If your cards are 6ft tall and need poorly made inserts, then i'm your man...

They're not, but you've just given me a new product line idea ;)
That's reminded me that I have to go to our local haberdashery so that I can get some felt of some sort for this cat run.
You should really make an exact replica of the Nurburgring for it.
Cras wrote:
You should really make an exact replica of the Nurburgring for it.

What, full size and flat broke?
Curiosity wrote:
Mimi wrote:
I am going to knit my wedding shawl, though

Hello, Scarf Lady!

P.S. Sarah and Duck toys have been approved for production, but won't be for sale until march 2014!

DavPaz wrote:
MiniPaz has started to say 'hullo' like Sarah.

So has Russell.
Hey Trooper,

I remembered to put up a post today which happened to be about wedding crafting so I sent a hat-tip your way :)
Ta very much, I just saw that :) 1 hit already! That's infinitely more than I had yesterday :D
I has a new sewing machine! woop woop!
Trooper wrote:
I has a new sewing machine! woop woop!

Is that what they're calling MX5s these days? ;)

Sew some stuff, Trooper!

Russell and I are starting to gather materials for wedding invites and stuff.
Sew far, sew good.
And by gather, she means fill an entire car boot, plus some of the back seat with shopping for the craft supplies.
Trooper wrote:
I has a new sewing machine! woop woop!

I reallllllllly need a new one

Any recommendations? Something small and light and cheap...
Ah, I saw a lovely little Janome at the car boot sale today :(
Aw shame! Maybe I should try carboot sales for one... Do you often see them in good nick?
It was the first proper car boot I had been to since I was about 10, so I'm not that sure :(
How small do you want? John Lewis do a fully featured half size one.
Alternatively, I've got a sewing machine I no longer want. Works perfectly...

<quickly amends blog>
Trooper wrote:
How small do you want? John Lewis do a fully featured half size one.

I love those little sheets!
Machines. Don't even know where sheets came from. Russell confused me by talking.

Can't even edit the post because Tapatalk hates my typing.
(Tapatalk is driving me nuts at the moment...)

Does it really work perfectly? Because I might think about it if you're not telling big fibs ;)

Alternatively, found this today! ... 24e8696030

Figure that's really light and portable and fine for the odd dress alteration / simple making which is all I really want it for at the moment... thoughts?

I LOVE car boot sales Mimi, I used to go all the time as a kid and found some great stuff. I've sold a few times and done ok too - really need to do some more this summer to shift all the c-r-a-p in my mum's house
This thread is amazing.. Really cheered me up... :)


Black Jeans - Black shoes
Blue / Brown Jeans - Brown shoes
TheFireFaerie wrote:
(Tapatalk is driving me nuts at the moment...)

Does it really work perfectly? Because I might think about it if you're not telling big fibs ;)

Define perfectly? Are you planning to use it for more than 5 minutes at a time, and how good are you at smelling the scent of mild burning?

The smelling I can detect, but I'm going to need it to work for more than 5 minutes at a time...
I've got one of those tff, you can pick them up for about £12 new. It's too light for me tbh, I find there isn't much stability in it. If you want it I can bring it to the BBQ.

I promised myself a proper one when I passed masters, so will do some research soon myself. :)
If anyone has one that doesn't require any amount of clear workspace to use, that'd probably also be useful.
Oooh, really Jazzy? That would be super wonderful!!! :luv:
Cras wrote:
If anyone has one that doesn't require any amount of clear workspace to use, that'd probably also be useful.

Shush, you. It's my artistic nature, I need my craft things around me, to feel and see and breath in the crafty vibes...
TheFireFaerie wrote:
Cras wrote:
If anyone has one that doesn't require any amount of clear workspace to use, that'd probably also be useful.

Shush, you. It's my artistic nature, I need my craft things around me, to feel and see and breath in the crafty vibes...

... and to hide the tea mug rings on the table
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