Kindle Question
MrsKov is getting me a kindle paperwhite, for my birthday in a few weeks.

Is there anything I can do in advance, like sign up somewhere and load books?
Get a kindle app and start buying books if you like, or d/l .mobifiles from torrent sites. Only nbought books sync bookmarks across multiple devices, quaity for both paid and yarrrred ebooks is entirely a lottery.
google the Gutenberg project.
KovacsC wrote:
MrsKov is getting me a kindle paperwhite, for my birthday in a few weeks.

Is there anything I can do in advance, like sign up somewhere and load books?

It uses your amazon account so you probably already have everything set up - if you want to look at what you can do one of the easiest things is going to be to download the Kindle program and have a look at it on your main computer.

Amazon do have a number of free books so you could pre choose some stuff
Cheers Malia.. will look on there.

I am downloading the app now..
Well that is about 15 books queued up :)
Does anyone know if Kindle still do that thing where you can do a one-off ‘loan’ of a book to a friend for 14 days?
I think so, but only for certain books.
Cheers. I keep getting an error message saying it can’t connect (on all books) so maybe none of mine support it.
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