Enemy Territory - Quake Wars
Hello. I have Enemy Territory for the 360. In single-player, it's okay, I guess. It's multiplayer-with-bots.

I am very interested in trying it online, as it's definitely got stuff about it that I like and am interested by, even in these post-COD4 days of uncertainty.

Anyone else play/played it? On any format, though it's the 360 that *I* have it for.

I would recommend it to anyone who liked the recent Frontlines, based on my singleplayer experiences.

I have it for PC, and rather spiffingly it works for Windows AND Linux. I doubt they can play together but as my copy only cost £5 for a brand new collectors edition, I'd say it was a good deal anyway.

Top Tip - The Strogg can control their health as they fire Stroyent...you can swap health for ammo or viceversa at any time. Also, when online first choose a Human Tech or Medic, it'll let you see the best ways to complete your objectives (sometimes they are very non-obvious!)
Is this the one that's an RTS, or am I getting confused?
It's basically Battlefield Quake.

Two teams, FPS, only with differing objectives to complete rather than holding flags.
Sheepeh wrote:
I have it for PC, and rather spiffingly it works for Windows AND Linux.

Yeah, hoorah for iD* in general, in that respect. It's smooth as a baby's bum on the 360 of course (if a bit 'plain' in comparison to Halo or COD). I've not even tried playing as Strogg yet, heh, but thank you for the tips!

edit: You're thinking of the similarly titled Halo Wars, Mr. Grim...

* with apologies to Spinglo Sponglo!
Also, note that XP doesn't carry over to the next MATCH, but it does the next ROUND. So the first round people will be XP whoring like crazy and YOU WILL DIE. I'd have preferred a CoD4 type system to be honest. Or even a BF2142 system.
CUS wrote:
edit: You're thinking of the similarly titled Halo Wars, Mr. Grim...

I am indeed.
This (QW) has been in production for ages, has it not? I remember getting excited about screenshots and videos a long while ago.
Been out on the PC for aaaaaaages.
I didn't know this was out for the 360, hmm...
Enemy Territory was released last week on consoles, so now's the prime time to beat the rush. Possibly. The singleplayer is much like that of Frontlines (or Battlefield, or any other multiplayer game taken offline), and you'll not exactly find yourself rooted with excitement during it. Especially if you've played a hearty online game of COD4 or Halo 3.

But, it's not *bad* in singleplayer. Achievements-wise, it's a mixed bag - there are some for multiplayer, but far too many are singleplayer-related, and gah, the 'Complete Africa Campaign on Easy' achievement can't be gained by completed it in Medium or Hard. I was only just scarcely entertained enough on 'Medium' - I imagine Easy mode will induce comas.

But! I reckon it'd be good on online*. And the levels are very big, and smooth, and fast. It's all bippety-boppety all over the place, very fast-paced. Also, I really like how they've implemented medics/spawning. But not enough to describe it here right now :p

* I have not yet tried it. I assume there are no insanities like 'No Voice Chat' and hope there is a 'Toggle Mute' button...
Reviews Ive read suggest the maps are too big for online multiplayer as the consoles have about half the online participants allowed as the PC version meaning there alot emptier.
Got this today for review. Anybody fancy a game tomorrow?
Tried the 360 demo and it left me thinking that it's quite good but it's just not CoD4.


If it gets adopted as the next BeeX multiple wargasm then no doubt I'll dive in.
It suffers from the same problem as Frontlines, that the maps are too big for the number of players supported on console multiplayer. I could imagine it being great fun with 50-odd people.
It is. On PC. As you say.

The PC one also has mods out the backside allowing all kinds of funky things.
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