Bad Album Covers
To cheer and educate...
Morte wrote:
"She sits amongst the cabbages & peas"?

Dude, the album's called 'My pussy belongs to Daddy', is that not enough? :)
WTFF happened in that marketing meeting?
I've been looking through this thread and I can't believe we've not had this one yet.


...although obviously this is the Best Album cover ever.

That's their first album isn't it? Metal Thashing Mad.

Well, there's always the Prince of Darkness:


Too obvious?

DISCLAIMER: I am a huge Ozzy fan. :metul: :metul: :metul:
Zardoz wrote:

That's their first album isn't it? Metal Thashing Mad.


Yep...tis a splendid thing.
MrDavPaz wrote:
Morte wrote:
"She sits amongst the cabbages & peas"?

Dude, the album's called 'My pussy belongs to Daddy', is that not enough? :)

I think they've used the words they have based on the principal of no-one in their right mind looking at that and bothering to read the words.
New Weezer album. No words required.

Does intentionally bad actually count? Granted, bad is bad, but if Cuomo et al are actively trying to make bad album covers, should we feature them in this thread?
You are thinking far too much about it.
Zen-Chan wrote:
New Weezer album. No words required.


But... but... that album cover is quite clearly awesome.
Just gets better (worse) the more you look at it.
That's quite the piece of art.
I want the record, but the idea of a 12" that in my room is almost too much to handle.
Dimrill wrote:

I was so impressed by the awfulness on view there that I had to look them up on Wikipedia. Their entry is almost as wonderful as that cover. I love the way that any pretence of impartiality completely disappears by about halfway through the second paragraph and turns into "How much shameless self-promotion can we get away with before our entry gets yanked?"
Yet more stuff from Discogs.
Found this abomination amongst my girlfriend's CD collection.

There are few things more unsettling than an ugly glam rock band. First of all, you think 'hey, they're not too bad'. Then you look further (generally at anyone who's not the singer or, at a stretch, the lead guitarist), and the stomach turns.

That lot are especially bad. More so when you consider the possibility that the book-ends have had the same face PhotoShopped onto them.
Someones list of the worst covers of the decade ... 2009/37511

I'm shocked at how bad the Iron Maiden cover is on this list, this was the band that gave us Killers, Power Slave and Number of the Beast for crying out loud.
Bah! That Regurgitate is one of the best ever. Seems the man writing this is oblivious to their piss take of the entire gore-grind/porno-grind covers.
Morte wrote:
I'm shocked at how bad the Iron Maiden cover is on this list, this was the band that gave us Killers, Power Slave and Number of the Beast for crying out loud.

It's almost like the artwork was done for some other metal band, then they decided to make it a Maiden album by pasting Eddie's head under Death's cowl.
This blog is rapidly becoming one of the greatest things on the whole web, playing host as it does to things like:




Morte wrote:

I'm shocked at how bad the Iron Maiden cover is on this list, this was the band that gave us Killers, Power Slave and Number of the Beast for crying out loud.

specially when the album is so good.

And i don't think that the Rise Against cover is that bad.
Love Ceephax stuff but this has to be the worst cover I've seen in a while.

Wow. Cock houses.
Never have human-legged mutant dolphins looked so bad in the medium of oil pastels.

Try telling me, honestly, that you don't want to kill him.

Not strictly an album but definitely worth sharing.
throughsilver wrote:
Try telling me, honestly, that you don't want to kill him.

I see someone's photoshopped DocG into the picture to save Zardoz time.
From the NME's recent list on bad covers - "A-tom-ic Jones"
That's awesome.
Sorry, that is brilliant. The NME being wrong? Shocking.

/not shocking
More like Music To Be The Yorkshire Ripper By.
I thought it said "music to massacre by" at first.
Definitely "Not Going Out"...
Possibly mildly NSFW. Or at least, you probably won't want colleagures peering over your shoulder asking just why you're looking at it. ... 9859-2.jpg
tossrStu wrote:
Possibly mildly NSFW. Or at least, you probably won't want colleagures peering over your shoulder asking just why you're looking at it. ... 9859-2.jpg

(It's just some almost naked men. No disembodied dogs in pools of sick).

Is the guy on (our) bottom-left the guy from the Beastie Boys?
I'm pretty certain that one's cropped up before, as I'm sure I remember making mention that the top guy is clearly Sir Clive Sinclair.
Craig wrote:
From the NME's recent list on bad covers - "A-tom-ic Jones"

Also a good entry for "Real Life BeExers".
Although after reading about Baker's life this LP cover seems quite normal:
Technically not terrible, but this album cover from my dad's record collection was one of the terrifying six that gave me scary dreams when I was a kid: [War of the Worlds, Pylons, Henry Moore sculpture, Cold War, Tornadoes, this record cover].

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