Borderlands 2
September 21st 2012
Morte makes a good point there, though - the robot was awesome.
I love me a bit of Borderlands (and yes, Claptrap is the best thing in it)...I've gone through the game multiple times, including the DLC with all the characters and really enjoyed it. I suppose I can see why some can't get on with it but I for one am looking forward to some BL2 action...and some BL1 action this weekend (if the laptop can manage to run the game).
borderlands was good but a bit flawed. he dlc was poorly judged though, which I think soured many peolpes view of the game.
if they address the flaws then i could be interested.
Zardoz wrote:
And if you are playing with friends you're 200 yards behind them, picking up the thousands of guns they've left behind.

If you could break the guns down into the individual parts (barrel, magazine, scope, receiver, etc) and then have a stock of parts from which to re-assemble your own personal arsenal of awesome weapons, then the thousands of worthless shit guns wouldn't be quite as bad. This is something they've added to Boringlands Too, isn't it?

Also, stop ruining the plot, Dimrill.
I never noticed any plot.
You'll need to toughen up if you're going back to a life of wrestling grizzlies, man.
Day 1 purchase for me & I can't wait :)
According to Steam, if you own the original you can get 10% off the sequel if you prepurchase it this week.
xbox 360 for me

Using Phase to throw things is all well and good, but it can't beat Phasewalking once you take some damage, and either running behind cover or running around behind the baddie and then smacking them good and hard, and meanwhile your health has started to recharge.

Plan your characters now with the skill tree thingies!

Suicide Girl
Sergeant Sergeant Most Important Person Of Sergeants
Grey Fox

EDIT: And I stand corrected! Phaselock (the new Siren ability) can do things like drain enemies' health and distribute it among your team, drag other enemies towards the one you've locked, and even turn them against their comrades. Awesome!

EDIT EDIT: Waaaaait a second.



*hits 'preload' button*
I might get this.
If the usual crowd get it, I'll probably get it too. Otherwise not so much.
PC or 360?

<runs for cover>
Trooper wrote:
PC or 360?

<runs for cover>

Don't care.
It's sitting there, mocking me, knowing I can't play it until later.
Doctor Glyndwr wrote:
90% on Metacritic from 24 critics reviews


Make sure some cunt doesn't spoil the story for you, though.
metalangel wrote:
It's sitting there, dancing, knowing I can't play it until later.
Umf umf umf umf. Ted Danson.
The Last Salmon Man wrote:
Doctor Glyndwr wrote:
90% on Metacritic from 24 critics reviews


Make sure some cunt doesn't spoil the story for you, though.

Borderlands has a story?
metalangel wrote:
Umf umf umf umf. Ted Danson.

:D Glad to hear that's still stuck in your head.
The Last Salmon Man wrote:
Doctor Glyndwr wrote:
90% on Metacritic from 24 critics reviews


Make sure some cunt doesn't spoil the story for you, though.

I knew there was a reason to disregard my growing desire to get B2. And there it is -- I'd have to play it with people who mock me relentlessly for asking them not to yap over the mission briefings or rush off and kill everyone in sight while I'm still figuring out where I'm supposed to be going because I couldn't hear the briefing and consequently have no clue what's going on.
I liked those people who did that as it meant I could get it over and done with and traded in. :attitude:

Better than people who start playing RE5 co-op with you then leaving you high and dry anyway. :'(
Zardoz wrote:
I liked those people who did that as it meant I could get it over and done with and traded in. :attitude:
I felt like a passenger in my own game. Maybe that was my fault, maybe it was the game's, maybe it was no-one's fault. But it wasn't fun, and £40 is a lot to pay to not have fun.

Better than people who start playing RE5 co-op with you then leaving you high and dry anyway. :'(
Yeah. Those people are cunts.
I like to take my time and explore the environments and mess about a bit in FPS games. Not really things that are compatible with multiplayer. I enjoyed Borderlands but just got bored with it after a while. It seems like this one will have more variety so I'll probably give it a go. Not really fussed about playing it with others, though.
Doctor Glyndwr wrote:
I knew there was a reason to disregard my growing desire to get B2. And there it is -- I'd have to play it with people who mock me relentlessly for asking them not to yap over the mission briefings or rush off and kill everyone in sight while I'm still figuring out where I'm supposed to be going because I couldn't hear the briefing and consequently have no clue what's going on.

I flicked a switch! That I was standing next to!
If I put my cock through a hole in the toilet wall would you pull it?
Zardoz wrote:
If I put my cock through a hole in the toilet wall would you pull it?

If he could somehow get a purchase on it, I'm sure he would. Unfortunately it's like trying to pull at an errant doghair on your coat.
markg wrote:
I like to take my time and explore the environments and mess about a bit in FPS games. Not really things that are compatible with multiplayer. I enjoyed Borderlands but just got bored with it after a while. It seems like this one will have more variety so I'll probably give it a go. Not really fussed about playing it with others, though.

Me too, but they didn't get the balance quite right between it being a good 1 player game or a Team game in my opinion.

It got dull very quickly for me, then Curly, Larry and Moe picked me up and threw me across the finish line.
Plus! PLUS! The person speaking to tell you the mission details is only audible to the player standing next to them. If, IF, I were, say, on top of a rooftop three buildings away opening a loot chest while talking shit to a massive chinned cannuck, I wouldn't know you were talking to them. Headphone cables have a volume wheel.
The Last Salmon Man wrote:
Zardoz wrote:
If I put my cock through a hole in the toilet wall would you pull it?

If he could somehow get a purchase on it, I'm sure he would. Unfortunately it's like trying to pull at an errant doghair on your coat.

No purchase necessary.
Oh good!

Steam support wrote:
Dear Steam Users.

We'll be performing routine maintenance on some of the Steam servers tomorrow, Tuesday September 18th, 2012 around 16:00 PDT (23:00 GMT).

Chat, game lobbies, and the community web site will be affected for the duration of the maintenance. Some content downloads may be briefly interrupted. Game play should generally not be interrupted but may be impacted for some multi-player titles.

Borderlands 2 also has the most current players of any game on Steam:

And so, naturally, I can't even complete my preload's installation and start playing it. It's Diablo 3 all over again!
About five minutes after I posted that, Steam came back at full strength and installation began (and took another 20 minutes to install yet another version of .NET and VBC and stuff).

Still, a pleasant evening...


It's very much a return to, and expansion and refinement of the original. The interface is a bit nicer (though even on PC there's too much scrolling up and down in lists of very large icons of things) but also needs more practice - I NEVER needed the 'buy back' option at a vending machine in the original, but accidentally sold several weapons here while thinking I had to click on them to view their stats while on the SELL page. Nope, you mouse over them to see, click to actually sell.

As before, 99% of the guns you find are completely hopeless, and often you find two extremely similar variants of the same theme, sometimes with the same name. There's no option yet to 'break down' guns but the first area is a fairly large tutorial so that might be still to come. I've only just seen my first car drive past, so I haven't tried any of the new vehicles yet either.

The initial setting is beautiful. Towering canyons of snow and ice, snowflakes melting unobtrusively on the edges of your visor. Get down to the frozen inlet and you are walking on ice... look down at the ice and you can see down through it and faintly make out the water on the other side of the sheet. It's a hard effect to describe but it's amazing. Everything is bright and sharp and colourful like so many games today aren't.

The new enemies thus far are mostly marauders and 'bullymongs' which are strange gorillas with multiple sets of arms. Some charge while others tear up chunks of ice to hurl at you. These chunks can be shot but that leaves you with nothing to engage the bullymong with. Encounter several of these, the 'slinger' variety and you have an interesting approach, dodging past the flying chunks, especially if one of the melee types is pursuing you as well. As for marauders, shotgun Gaywoods are back along with axe-throwers, grenade throwers and (sigh) suicide psychos who run at you and explode.

The writing this time around is better, in my opinion. Amusing dialogue, item descriptions, quips from your own character and the enemies... it comes a lot thicker and faster than before. I shot a 'killer marauder' in the head and he remarked "Ah, I've been shot in the face loads of times before!" Handsome Jack is like a more malevolent General Knoxx in his frequent communiques: while Knoxx was weary and resigned, Jack is outrageously cocky and has become bored in his overconfidence. He has just the right dose of asshole to make him an amusing villain as opposed to a subject of outright hate.

Besides, Claptrap is back. And features extremely heavily. Throughout the entire opening section so far. Indeed, he declares that you're his 'minion' (and address you as such) and that as your leader you will escort him to the nearest city from the starting location. You're given numerous opportunities to harm him or through inaction allow him to come to harm (DYSWIDT) but it doesn't change the fact that he's your travelling companion and that he'll nag you to work on HIS objectives before another questgiver's. I don't know how long this goes on for but having played for four hours and defeated the first proper boss, I'm still not at the city nor am I rid of Claptrap. I can honestly see this being a dealbreaker for some people. On the flip side, he hasn't danced yet.

So far, I'm enjoying it. I'm building a healer-type Siren but it'll be about level ten before I'll have genuinely useful abilities in that respect - I'm level 8 now and have done every single quest and sidequest.
Pretty much everything Perkies says is spot-on. It's more of the same, with some gratuitously gaudy bells and whistles on.
You'll want to murder Claptrap. Hundreds and hundreds of times.
I'm loving it so far.
Hunyurgh! Stop making me want this. Not on PC as games are always better on a console no exceptions always. The cheapest price I can find in £35. Batsdrartdguisdanklgsdabjkogasr.
Stupid foreigns getting this early.
Ooh! Oooooh! I'm loading it up RIGHT NOW!
This is getting quite a lot of promotion. I've seen the TV ad a few times now over the last couple of days, and there was even an ad on "Morrisons Radio" earlier when I was getting some shopping.
Only played a little bit further today but it seemed I stopped playing yesterday at the moment when you leave Claptrap behind... at least for a while. Most of the weapons I have, I've noticed, are not hitscan and so the enemies (who all love to leap around) are hard to hit. My own stupid fault for what I've picked up.

The Rakk (flying things) are back and annoying but I've only encountered them twice so far. I've just met Scooter and gotmaself a ride, which has a new 'powerslide' button which is fun but I haven't really found a point for yet.

Maya's default Phaselock is nice, it traps your target in a floating bubble in the air so you can easily shoot them (good for fast and annoying foes, and it even works on bosses!) plus I've added an ability so when I kill them, they release little health orbs that fly towards me (or my allies) to recharge our health. Given the non-instant use medkits haven't appeared yet, and nor have the health shields, this is the only practical way of recharging my health in the field unless the game deigns to drop an instahealth kit as loot for me.

Also, it's great that some guns might fire multiple bullets per trigger activation... but why not just show how many actual discharges I'll get per clip? The handgun that fired flaming bullets always fired two per shot so just say I have three shots, not six.
I was chatting to my chum about this last night, he played Borderlands 1 all the way through and had a real blast with it.

The only problem I have with giving Borderlands 2 a try at the moment is that:

a) It's £30 and it'll be a tenner or less in the Steam Christmas Sale
b) I'm still bumming CSGO
c) WoW Pandas are out in a week

Borderlands 2 is on my watch list, I'll grab it when it's a tenner or less on Steam.
I have no interest in knowing what a foreigner playing games on a word processor thinks.
Craster wrote:

One more sleep! Or you gonna stay up for a midnight launch?
Nah, Amazon sending it out, so it'll be after work tomorrow.
Hmm. I'm undecided. Part of me wants to get it as a reward for my first week of work in a while. Part of me can't be arsed.
The Last Salmon Man wrote:
I have no interest in knowing what a foreigner playing games on a word processor thinks.

Actual POTW. Which would be a first.
Mr Kissyfur wrote:
The Last Salmon Man wrote:
I have no interest in knowing what a foreigner playing games on a word processor thinks.

Actual POTW. Which would be a first.

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