Christmas trees! SHOW US YOUR RIG
I added flashing LEDs to mine!
It's raining and thunder and lightning outside. Earlier it was a hailstorm! That was fun to be out in. Plus, Mrs Meaty and I are both feeling ill which is putting our trip to visit my parents tomorrow in jeopardy.

So, to try and cheer me up, let's see your Christmas trees (or Menorahs or Kwanzaa candles or whathaveyou) and festive stuff.

Here's ours:


And here's one from a few years ago with 'us' standing in front of it:
Haven't put ours up yet. I think the Wiff has scheduled it for this weekend, I bell hive.
Pretty much standard, completely un-modded, but it'll still cope with even the latest decorations with ease.
Hmm, try again...
Mimistletoe and Wine wrote:
Double post :p

(me, I mean)
Oh, what AM I doing? Confusing forum is confusing.
markg wrote:
Pretty much standard, completely un-modded, but it'll still cope with even the latest decorations with ease.

Nice two tone split there. Dual boot?
I like markg's layering, and Mimi's FROSTY BLUE!
Don't know why it is so small - the picture, not the tree, that is.
I think my wife must have flashed the BIOS or something as i ran a speedtest and the lights literally come on as soon as you press the switch.

Includes bonus picture of rear half of cat:
Ill post mine later when the girl is done with hers, am slightly confused as it looks like markg and I have exactly the the same living room. Same carpet, same window and same blinds. 8)

Last year I split the tree into three and dumped the lot in the back of the wardrobe, this year it was just a case of taking it all downstairs and unbending everything.
Will have to post ours when I put our star up....
I’ve put as much effort into my tree as I do a day at work. Luckily the wife has an artistic touch.

I’ll try and get a picture later.
We're never at home on Christmas day, so our house is entirely free of Christmas paraphanalia. The wife has an advent calender, that's it.

Front living room


Back Living room

Oh, and it appears I have the same blinds as markh!

Craster wrote:
We're never at home on Christmas day, so our house is entirely free of Christmas paraphanalia. The wife has an advent calender, that's it.

Hello Mr Scrooge!

I *think* it's in this box :shrug:

Also: too many wires in your tree photos! Gah! *strangles Myp with fairylight wires*
Bobbyaro wrote:
Craster wrote:
We're never at home on Christmas day, so our house is entirely free of Christmas paraphanalia. The wife has an advent calender, that's it.

Hello Mr Scrooge!

I'm worse than Craster. I'm usually home all over Christmas and I don't put any decorations up at all. I don't even own Christmas Nights on the Saturn any more.
Bobbyaro wrote:
Craster wrote:
We're never at home on Christmas day, so our house is entirely free of Christmas paraphanalia. The wife has an advent calender, that's it.

Hello Mr Scrooge!

You misunderstand. I've nothing against it, I'm just astonishingly lazy.
Call me a sentimental old softie, but one of my favourite parts of Christmas is early on Christmas morning when all the presents are under the tree, waiting to be unwrapped.
I just like having a christmas tree up, i am not normally home on Christmas Day, or if I am it is for about an hour before driving to parents', but having one up on the run up is nice, plus they smell nice.
Angelman wrote:
I don't even own Christmas Nights on the Saturn any more.

You mean you had it, and sold it? 8)
Kern wrote:
Call me a sentimental old softie, but one of my favourite parts of Christmas is early on Christmas morning when all the presents are under the tree, waiting to be unwrapped.

Well that's my point. Being the childless couple in the family, Christmas day is always at someone else's house.
TheVision wrote:
Angelman wrote:
I don't even own Christmas Nights on the Saturn any more.

You mean you had it, and sold it? 8)

Several times over. Maybe I should load up Animal Crossing at Christmas instead.
Bobbyaro wrote:
I just like having a christmas tree up, i am not normally home on Christmas Day, or if I am it is for about an hour before driving to parents', but having one up on the run up is nice, plus they smell nice.

Bobby confirmed for girl.
When did real trees get so fucking expensive?
Likewise, what's up with artificial ones? Mine cost £20, a virtually identical one (same height and everything) was £70!

Also, I was initially going to buy mine from AS'DA's but when I got to the checkout the cashier pointed out it was black. Not racist or anything but I don't want a black tree, I want a green one. She said already that day someone had returned a tree after opening it and realizing it was black and not green.

They'd sold out of green ones!
Black Christmas trees? Also, £70??? The most expensive in my local Homebase was £35, and that was for a 5-6ft Needlelast tree.
Grim... wrote:
When did real trees get so fucking expensive?

Don't people just wander out behind the farm and cut one down?
My rig this year has external storage running across the mantle piece.

Our living room and a close up of the tree. Zardoz I love all your cuddly Santa's :)
Treeinnabag. All of that for £8. Rest of stuff is in the Shire. It'll do.
Bobbyaro wrote:
Black Christmas trees? Also, £70??? The most expensive in my local Homebase was £35, and that was for a 5-6ft Needlelast tree.

You local Homebase is different to my local Homebase, then. Also, I'm fairly sure they stick the Needlelast needles on with snake oil.

Anyway, my tree!

Gilly wrote:
Our living room and a close up of the tree. Zardoz I love all your cuddly Santa's :)

He doesn't have a fucking GIRAFFE!

Very cozy looking room... Xmas tree, fire, giraffe, whisky.

Zardoz wrote:
My rig this year has external storage running across the mantle piece.

What light-transmission speed have you got?
Grim...'s tree looks like Grim...
Grim... wrote:
Bobbyaro wrote:
Black Christmas trees? Also, £70??? The most expensive in my local Homebase was £35, and that was for a 5-6ft Needlelast tree.

You local Homebase is different to my local Homebase, then. Also, I'm fairly sure they stick the Needlelast needles on with snake oil.

Anyway, my tree!


I like the fuzzy look, like it was taken through a frosty window on a cold winter morn by a street urchin bemoaning his lot before running off to pick pockets and tell people the day and the price of turkeys.
Mimistletoe and Wine wrote:
Grim...'s tree looks like Grim...

If I were 8 feet tall and had a skinny neck, then maybe.
Gilly's tree is pretty. Zardoz's is likely too, and a similar shape to my tree. I wasn't sure of the slim shape of the tree at first, but the choice wasn't exactly extensive and the traditional shape tree was a really unrealistic green (so it makes total sense to get a white tree, right?) so ended up with the narrow tree, but I kind of love it now, plus it doesn't take up too much room.

@Flis: visible wires on trees really bug me, too! Lights first, hide wires, then decorate :D
Grim... wrote:
Mimistletoe and Wine wrote:
Grim...'s tree looks like Grim...

If I were 8 feet tall and had a skinny neck, then maybe.

Goodness, I LOVE Christmas trees. This thread needs more pictures, please!
Mimistletoe and Wine wrote:
Grim...'s tree looks like Grim lying down...


I have taken a nice picture with the SLR, but I couldn't be arsed transferring it over last night, so this abstract camera phone shot will have to tide you over.

Davpaz's tree looks like it is emerging from the dry-ice filled hatch of a UFO in a poorly produced sci-fi series from the 70s. I love it!
Mimistletoe and Wine wrote:
Davpaz's tree looks like it is emerging from the dry-ice filled hatch of a UFO in a poorly produced sci-fi series from the 70s. I love it!

Ta. 'Yule' love that radio link too :)
I don't have Internet at the moment :sadface: so can't listen to it.
DavPaz wrote:
Mimistletoe and Wine wrote:
Davpaz's tree looks like it is emerging from the dry-ice filled hatch of a UFO in a poorly produced sci-fi series from the 70s. I love it!

Ta. 'Yule' love that radio link too :)

I lasted one and a half songs before turning it off.
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