So this new Ron Gilbert/Penny Arcade thing
Anyone biting? It's 1600 pts!
Lave wrote:
I'm enjoying it and warming to the combat system a little (though I wish I had it for The Xbox now, as mouse clicking is a chore).

Although apparently, even more of a chore is using an XB controller to click on the various things the environment that provide the funny flavour text.
Thats a point. Seems a Wii version would be best then.
Lave wrote:
That and games like Puzzle Quest absorb hours upon hours, but eventually I realise I'm not enjoying myself (mental note - sell puzzle quest). Where as ZooKeeper Time attack has been glorious.

I agree with that utterly. I finished PQ, but it was more like a job by the end, rather than fun. ZK, on the other hand, still has me engrossed, although I don't get on to my high-score table much these days.
Having played (and finished) the trial... I have to admit it's decidedly meh.

Customising your character is cool. The fact that they look different from different angles in 2D, never mind when you're running around in 3D is not.

The combat is like an extremely crappy version of that seen in Eternal Sonata. Blocking is not explained (or even mentioned) at any point.

Rather like combing the screen with you points in bad adventure games, here I was having to run back and forth across the street to ensure I smashed open/examined every single trash can and mail box, as the unadjustable camera meant that the side of the street nearest the camera was always out of view.

The writing was simply not funny at all. The descriptions of objects and events were not a patch on the old Sierra adventures (Space Quest in particular) while the banter looked in at the Lucasarts bunch enjoying a feast of excellence in a private club. The only thing that even raised a smile was the armour dissolving potion, with the description 'don't keep this near your armour collection'.

So, not very good at all, by my reckoning.
I finished it a while ago, and thought it was great. Blocking is explained in the second fight on the Xbox. I look forward to Episode 2.
Aye it explains in detail the blocking.
In the trial version? Because I played right through the trial version in one go and didn't hear a mention of it.
Yup. Second fight, I believe.
I don't remember that on PC I have to say, I found out elsewhere.

But it's entirely possibly I panicked and missed it.
It's also possible it's not on the PC.
I just tried the trial, and got told on the first fight.
Not sure how I missed it, then. Weird.
Customising your character is cool. The fact that they look different from different angles in 2D, never mind when you're running around in 3D is not.

Not having both 2D and 3D previews (they only have 3D) on the character customisation screen for a game based around a comic is a bit daft.
I must admit that I'm a big fan of the tagline on the advert.

"This game sucks and anyone who likes it sucks. Penny Arcade sucks and is as funny as something that's not funny at all."

-ddf, Wired blog
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