Great "Awww man!" Moments in film
Movie peeps taste the sad...
(There are lots of spoilers in this thread, so be warned! - Grim...)

A thread for moments in films where something desperately sad happens in an otherwise rollicking fun-ride and you stare with disbelief at the screen, going, "Awww, man. No way. Not fair," because you like the characters too much to suffer.

What is your favourite "Awww, man!" moment?

For me it has to be William Hurt in Dark City.

Hurt: 8)
Me: "Awww, man. Why? WHY? Seriously, not cool. Man." :'(
There was that bit in AVP2 where the fit girl gets unexpectedly impaled against the wall by the Pred's chakra, but that wasn't so much as an 'Awwwww' moment, because I burst out laughing.
When Sgt. Elias Grodin gets shot in the back in Platoon.
Shaun of the Dead.
ComicalGnomes wrote:
There was that bit in AVP2 where the fit girl gets unexpectedly impaled against the wall by the Pred's chakra, but that wasn't so much as an 'Awwwww' moment, because I burst out laughing.

It does not count then. Start a, "Guffaw! Ouch that's gotta hurt! He dead!" thread then. Actually, please do this.
All of The Pianist. Note: at the start, not so much, but isn't that the point etc.
Not a film, but in a recent episode of Lost...

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...where Alex was shot in the head. I felt quite upset about that, I did.
That Lost is still running.

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"I'm a leaf on the wind"

I was at the World Premiere full of the most fanatical Firefly fans you could ever be in a room with. 500 people in a state of complete shock.
The ending of Requiem for a Dream:
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When the old lady is being given repeated electro-shock therapy, and in light of what led her to that in the first place.
Battlestar Galactica:
Series 2:
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Series 4:
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I blarted like a huge cunt all the way through A.I. His Mommy wants rid of him! :'(
Due South, the end of the first series. The entire episode.

Best series ending ever. If it had ended there, I would have been content (not that I am discontent about the following serieseses - they were also excellent).

House of Sand and Fog. Ben Kingsley is a legend.
sinister agent wrote:
Sir Ben Kingsley is a legend.

Litigation-Avoiding FTFY
sinister agent wrote:
Due South, the end of the first series. The entire episode.

If you mean the second part of "Victorias Secret", then that is the penultimate episode of Series 1.

<Removes Mountie stetson>
Hey, I remember Due South! That guy was gross!
Plissken wrote:

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"I'm a leaf on the wind"

I was at the World Premiere full of the most fanatical Firefly fans you could ever be in a room with. 500 people in a state of complete shock.


Dimmers, make me a "This" smiley that is not so damn happy about "This" =(
That was actually fairly gutting, of all the...
Shawshank Redemption:
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When the old man (Jake?) gets released and he can't stand life n the outside, he's been in so long that everything is moving too fast for him. he's institutionalised. The slow, touching sequence where he decides to take his own life. It gets me every time I have seen the movie, but I have only seen these scenes once, despite having seen the movie about a million times. As soon as he gets released from jail I have to go out of the room and miss 10 minutes of the movie, busying myself with making the tea.

Brokeback Mountain:
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After Jake Gyllenhall's murder, Heath ledger goes to his family home and finds his own shirt, hidden away down the side of the wardrobe which he thought lost after their first stay at the mountain. He holds it to his face and bundles it up and hides it in his jacket. When he goes downstairs the mother asks him if he'd like a paper bag to cary the shirt in, knowing in that way that mothers do, despit etheir love affair having supposed to have been a secret.

Actually, this whole film is a tear-fest, I supposed even more so now.

Some movies make me feel teary even thinking about them. This movie is particularly beautiful

Lost In Translation:
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The goodbye gets me - almost hurts me. I don't know why, I think it stirs up in me something that I have tried long and hard to forget, and maybe have succeeded, for I don't know what exactly.
I didn't put down the Serenity moment because I knew someone else would, and wanted to go for an obscurer but also deserving "Aw! Man!"

Mimi, I almost daren't watch Brokeback Mountain again. It'd probably have me bawling something rotten.

Must get Due South series 1. I've only ever seen one episode of it, and this is clearly an appalling omission.
Brooks. Jake was his blackbird. :'(
Plissken wrote:
sinister agent wrote:
Due South, the end of the first series. The entire episode.

If you mean the second part of "Victorias Secret", then that is the penultimate episode of Series 1.

<Removes Mountie stetson>

Eh? what happened in the last episode then?
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The start of series two was when he was in hospital recovering. Unless I have been told FILTH and LIES.

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Also, Jake as the blackbird, but even that bit made me sad - when he says goodbye to Jake. Sob.

Old or not, spoiling films is lame. Good ones doubly so.
Ah yes, that's right.

You've unspoilered me in the process, though, but it's not like everyone hasn't seen the film a thousand times or more :)
I'm of two minds whether this fits in this thread, but I watched Grosse Pointe Blank again last night, and the part where Blank holds a baby at his high school reunion and looks into its eyes, all while "Under Pressure" by Queen plays in the background seems to fit. It's definitely a sad moment, but I don't know if it's of the sort you want for this thread.
Mimi wrote:
Ah yes, that's right.

You've unspoilered me in the process, though, but it's not like everyone hasn't seen the film a thousand times or more :)

I've owned Shawshank on video, DVD and most recently the anniversary DVD edition and I've still never seen it. I need to put a few hours aside for it one day.

The only sad bit of a film that springs to mind would be the end of the Green Mile with
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Tom Hank's character 'cursed' to out-live the people around him
sinister agent wrote:
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The start of series two was when he was in hospital recovering. Unless I have been told FILTH and LIES.

You have been told FILTH and LIES.

"Victorias Secret" was the original ending to series 1, but after it was picked up for a second series, "Letting Go" was added to the end in order to leave viewers in no doubt after the ending of VS.

Series 2 starts with "North".
Plissken wrote:

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"I'm a leaf on the wind"

I was at the World Premiere full of the most fanatical Firefly fans you could ever be in a room with. 500 people in a state of complete shock.


The Matrix Revolutions

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It's not an 'awww man' moment. It's a similar demise though. I found it hilarious.

Similar, except Woshy boy wasn't an idiot who killed himself through his own awful driving.
MrD wrote:

The Matrix Revolutions

I think I'd stopped caring at that point. The first film was flashy shallow nonsense anyway* and trying to give it something deeper just came across as 6th form guff.

*The first Men in Black did exactly the same idea much better and more clever in just 30 seconds.
Plissken wrote:
MrD wrote:

The Matrix Revolutions

I think I'd stopped caring at that point. The first film was flashy shallow nonsense anyway* and trying to give it something deeper just came across at 6th form guff.

*The first Men in Black did exactly the same idea much better and more clever in just 30 seconds.

And indeed, Dark City did it better too.
Aw man I loves me Dark City me
I can remember the first film to make me cry - Batteries Not Included. Bawled my little seven-year-old heart out at that.
Oh, that is lovely, and sad.

Land Before Time made me cry when he sees his shadow and thinks it's his mum...

And Watership Down: Bright Eyes.... *sob*
Moments like this really make me struggle to enjoy comedies at times, purely because I am expecting something horrible to happen, so I try not to get attached to the characters in case they die horribly and I get upset. This leads to em enjoying a lot of films WAY more the second time around, as the first time I'm far too busy being worried to laugh.

This would be for films like 'Swingers' and 'Garden State'... ones that could conceivably turn on you, as it were...
Silent Running...
Curiosity wrote:
Moments like this really make me struggle to enjoy comedies at times, purely because I am expecting something horrible to happen, so I try not to get attached to the characters in case they die horribly and I get upset. This leads to em enjoying a lot of films WAY more the second time around, as the first time I'm far too busy being worried to laugh.

This would be for films like 'Swingers' and 'Garden State'... ones that could conceivably turn on you, as it were...

Mm, though I adore the show I was grimacing all the way through The Wire for this reason. And any indie 'comedy'. Usually there's always one family member or friend who carks it - the one you like the most usually.

Silent Running. *Sniff*
nervouspete wrote:
Curiosity wrote:
Moments like this really make me struggle to enjoy comedies at times, purely because I am expecting something horrible to happen, so I try not to get attached to the characters in case they die horribly and I get upset. This leads to em enjoying a lot of films WAY more the second time around, as the first time I'm far too busy being worried to laugh.

This would be for films like 'Swingers' and 'Garden State'... ones that could conceivably turn on you, as it were...

Mm, though I adore the show I was grimacing all the way through The Wire for this reason. And any indie 'comedy'. Usually there's always one family member or friend who carks it - the one you like the most usually.

Silent Running. *Sniff*

The Wire... *drools*

Just finished season four. Despite a relatively low body count considering the subject matter, you do spend most of the time on a knife-edge!

Too much of a spoil to even hint at. And the poor octopus too.
Homeward Bound. No, seriously. That bit at the end used to tear me up.
Mimi wrote:

And Watership Down: Bright Eyes.... *sob*

It's only the VERY end bit of Watership Down that makes me cry. Even thinking about it. And now I have to go to the toilet as I'm welling up.
When the Wind Blows, tear-jerking, horrifying and traumatising to kids all at the same time.
It's a book obviously, but I was seriously disappointed in Tolkien when I first read LoTR for killing off main characters ( I was mortified when Frodo supposedly got knobbled by Shelob) and then not having the guts to keep them dead.
Boromir stayed deaded. And Theoden. And Saruman.
Dimrill wrote:
Boromir stayed deaded. And Theoden. And Saruman.

But I'm talking about the hobbits themselves, and Gandalf for that matter. I was heartbroken when I thought Frodo was dead, it was great :'(
I was the same when Feanor died in The Silmarillion. He was such a twat :'(
I started the Silmarillion, but it read like all the sentences had been printed backwards and everyone had three dozen names so I gave up. It had a great front cover though and the paper smelled nice, so it wasn't a completely wasted purchase.
It starts out pretty heavy, but once they all fuck off back to Beleriand it picks up and gets more narrative.
I think the very first word in the book is 'And...'. I had a sinking feeling right from the off.
I picked up some old Lovecraft books last week and they smell absolutely excellent. Brilliant old paper smell :luv:
My Silmarillion smelled of fish and chips, it was excellent.
I remember reading some old Fighting Fantasy novel, one of the characters was describing the smell of a meal that had been brought to him and he inadvertently described the smell of the book in staggering detail. It was almost like smell-o-vision.
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