Stick your thumb up
That crow one would make an awesome album cover. Good work Z!
The Warp Beast and especially Demon Crow have a real Inuit art look to them. Fantastic stuff!
Superb, Z. Do more, make a book. Much better than that Gervais nonsense.
I like the witches best
Brilliant mate... brilliant.
I've looked on the site they're posted on and read your little bit of blurb, and if I was going to be picky I'd say that the fact you went to all that time to place the letters individually doesn't really show - they wave up and down in a fairly uniform fashion.
They don't look bad, but they don't look 'odd' to my eyes, which seems to be what you're going for.

The font itself is good, though - can I get a copy, or is that not how Illustrator works?
I really should commission you for something, Z.
Wait, who was it who was doing the canvasses, that posted the abstract green background-in-progress?
Grim... wrote:
...The font itself is good, though - can I get a copy, or is that not how Illustrator works?

No, it's not a font that you can install. I could make it into one with the right software. It's just a set of letter shapes based on a serif font that I converted into outlines, redrew to break up the straight edges, then warped and angled them before setting.
At odds with Grim... I think the text looks really good off-grid like that.
Yeah, all the cool kids do. ;)

Thanks for all the comments folks.
Those are bloomin awesome Mr Z, think i like the Crow best
Are 'weird' canvas sizes a pain in the arse? Or, I suppose, 'weird' frame sizes? I ask because I quite fancy an arrangement something like this, with the wide, thin one literally being a couple of inches tall but 5 or 6 feet long. With, for bonus awkward, the image wrapped around onto the sides.
That actually is about as far as my artistic talents stretch.
I buy my box canvas premade, and generally only get square ones. The frames are over an inch thick so to make a 2" wide strip canvas you'd be basically wrapping the wood rather than stretching the material over the frame. It would have to be painted onto board for those dimensions.
Okay, I'm back.

But I am skint at the moment. When I figure out what the fuck, I'll get back to you.
Those are amazing mate, absolutely brilliant. Though your Airfix output seems to be suffering as a result.
I know, should have my P-51d finished this weekend though.
kalmar wrote:
At odds with Grim... I think the text looks really good off-grid like that.

At odds with you, I read my post ;)
Keep it down please, this is an arty thread.
Oh, has someone else posted some pictures?
Your Tomcat is a woofter wagon.
Zardoz wrote:
Your Tomcat is a woofter wagon.

Yeah, but then Zio got out again.
Just a quickie, forgot I did this to be honest.

So bogged down in boring Freelance stuff at home :( (but £ :) ) I haven't had much time for my own stuff.
Forgot about that.

Here's what I've done in October, been pretty busy...

Two paintings, one for Markg and one for Baz (can you guess which is which?)



And something for Halloween for a Shapeshifting Pork Fiend.

Image ... y/11393635

Few other new bits too over on my behance portfolio:
Pretty much everyone tonight has complimented the zardart. Good work.
As they should; it's bloody fantastic!
Cras wrote:
Pretty much everyone tonight has complimented the zardart. Good work.

Names and addresses of those who didn't, please.
Supreme work, Z-man. I will continue to be a patron of your art.

Also, seeing the spooky time-travelling Craster painting has reminded me that I'm sure I saw it in the background of a video or TV show or something - a man was speaking to camera and it was on the wall behind him. However, ow I can't remember if it was in real life, on here or in a dream.
More new stuff here: ... 4/14854385

Been doing a Demon Doodle every day since Jan 1st with my new Rotring pens. I'll be uploading them in monthly chunks so February will be up soon to.
I'm really enjoying seeing these on Twitter. Long may it continue.
February's Doodles are up now too:
These are amazing! Most of them look like they have strange and terrible stories behind them, ever thought about writing some?
krazywookie wrote:
These are amazing! Most of them look like they have strange and terrible stories behind them, ever thought about writing some?

Self Portrait
Self Portrait
Self Portrait
Self Portrait
Self Portrait
Self Portrait
Self Portrait
And so on...
Clearly we should write them.
Grim... wrote:
Clearly we should write them.

I'll do it right after I finish that book thing.
Curiosity wrote:
Grim... wrote:
Clearly we should write them.

I'll do it right after I finish that book thing.

You're meant to be doing online game ruleset first.
Grim... wrote:
Curiosity wrote:
Grim... wrote:
Clearly we should write them.

I'll do it right after I finish that book thing.

You're meant to be doing online game ruleset first.

I did that board game instead.
Where's the calendar in the list of priorities these days?
Grim... wrote:


What are you saying, that it's not a priority?

What a GazChap admin!
Great, that's sorted then. We'll all totally write one at a non pre-defined future date eh? Non pre-defined... Am I over-exaggerating there?
krazywookie wrote:
These are amazing! Most of them look like they have strange and terrible stories behind them, ever thought about writing some?

Thanks very much. I did do on a set of digital illustrations a while back. Feel free to give them back stories though.

Just get them right...
Thanks for all the back stories Krazywookie.

Here are 31 more that need them :) ... 4/15746055

Well, 32 I suppose with this one :)
To anyone who gives a fuck, there are thirty more now: ... April-2014

Third of the year gone already!
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