Floating priest - missing
Don't try this at home.
Oh dear

Keep your eyes on the skies
Really? don't thnk you do - he's still missing ?:|
If he lands in my back garden do I get a Golden Cleric award?
No, but you get the best kid's party, ever!
"Hey Kids, ignore the dead priest - look - BALLOONS!"
But he'd have to poo and wee up there!
Think of it as a form of blessing for the unwashed.
There's no need for levity. This will have been a deflating experience for many.
He's just that bit closer to God now.
Doesn't God get angry when people try this sort of thing? See Icarus.
Have the Russians shot him down yet?
Zardoz wrote:
Have the Russians shot him down yet?

Well, when they deny it we will know the truth.
I remember when they did this on Brainiac: Science Abuse.

But without the priest. Or the missing/death angle.
Also Mythbusters.
Does whoever find him send him back to some address and win a prize?
Priest still sadly missing, but at least they've found the balloons!
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