The Grot, Grumble and Scud thread
Probably NSFW pr0n babble
Would one of the mods kindly split the stuff from the manchester thread into here now that Dimrill has heroically accepted the badge of threadstarter? :kiss:
Dimrill wrote:
I have no idea. I just know it exists. He was trying to relaunch his career. Quite what else he does apart from being Screech in Saved By The Bell, I have no idea.

I think he did stand up for a bit.
superdupergill wrote:
I actually didn't realise how much everyone would know about this subject,I'm so naive!

I don't even understand what Dimrill is saying. Or what the thread is about. Although I could probably have an educated guess. Educated in terms of sujects Dimrill likes.
Runcle wrote:
Dimrill wrote:
I have no idea. I just know it exists. He was trying to relaunch his career. Quite what else he does apart from being Screech in Saved By The Bell, I have no idea.

I think he did stand up for a bit.

and missonary.
superdupergill wrote:
Would one of the mods kindly split the stuff from the manchester thread into here now that Dimrill has heroically accepted the badge of threadstarter? :kiss:

What, everything from the Manchester thread? Sure.

Just the porn stuff? Nah. That would run the risk of pleasing myp, and I'm really not about that at all.
Runcle wrote:
Dimrill wrote:
I have no idea. I just know it exists. He was trying to relaunch his career. Quite what else he does apart from being Screech in Saved By The Bell, I have no idea.

I think he did stand up for a bit.

I suppose he'd have to. To wipe, of course.
Already this thread is made of win.
Anyway, Gill! Danni Ashe did a rather tender scene with Chloe Vevrier back in the 90s if you fancy a search. It's rather good.
I will have a search for her, I have so far managed to find her on IMDB which amused me. I really have led a sheltered life.
protip. Turn off filtering on google image search, then search for practically anything. For a laugh, type rule 34.

Also, visit
Also - ensure you've got a pop-up blocker and visit
Nice thread start Gill.
Dimrill wrote:
Placeholder for Gilly. :DD

Oh, umm, I may have messed this up slightly. Gill's thread now :hat:
(soz Dimrill)
Foolish monkey off-shoot species. You with your masturbation, pornography, obsession with sex and crapping in cups. Soon, soon, your creators and overlords will return and find you wanting... and then it's KABLAMO! for you lot.

I've said too much.
My missus didn't care for most lesbian stuff but quite enjoyed a Belladonna video I had (the Con-ass-eur I think it was).
Ah, like a moth to a flame.
How did a porn thread get THREE PAGES IN before I found out??
MetalAngel wrote:
My missus didn't care for most lesbian stuff but quite enjoyed a Belladonna video I had (the Con-ass-eur I think it was).

Why would you bother to show your missus pr0n when you could just be doing your missus?

These question, and more!, from Era TV Productions, exclusively for Channel 5's Sexrobates Season.
Saves time. :whistles innocently*
I've just downloaded Gothsend 3, and am APPALLED at what Joans is getting up to in scene 6.
love your shaggin jumper Joans x
I really hope we don't get any new members right now or they'll get totally the wrong impression of me. :)
I don't think pr0n is for me, I don't really find anyone involved particularly attractive and I hated how it was described online. (for some reason I don't count you lot as 'online' since you all live in my iPhone or sometimes in my PC at work).

I'm going to be a total woman about this and say that I actually went to bed last night hoping that girls who had been involved in some of it had not regretted it and stuff-I just didn't see anything nice or sexy or romantic or anything. Which surprises me, I thought. It would have been right up my street.
superdupergill wrote:
I don't think pr0n is for me, I don't really find anyone involved particularly attractive and I hated how it was described online.

I'm at work so not going to search in any way but there are plenty of 'themed' mainstream films which you may enjoy more rather than what people class as pr0n , go to somewhere like Amazon and search for lesbian themed films which may contain (some brief) nudity but will have a story and character development
Dimrill wrote:
I've just downloaded Gothsend 3, and am APPALLED at what Joans is getting up to in scene 6.

Wait till you see scene 7 :hat:

Zardoz wrote:
love your shaggin jumper Joans x

It was cold. :(
superdupergill wrote:
Ok the last time I tried to watch porn was a couple of years ago and I remember now what the problem is. Guys make porn for guys. I don't really find anything too hot about it because it all just seems totally fake. I think that for most women to be interested in it, there would need to be some sort of story and I also don't think women are too bothered about seeing in close up detail exactly what is going on. In fact that is more a turn off and there also never seems to really be a connection between the people. To be honest, I would probably find a sex scene in a TV show or film hotter than that stuff.
*tries to think of an example*
Oh, like the L word. At least when you watch the L word it seems real. Oh well, I always thought I would like porn. I guess I don't. Turns out I'm a total girl! :p

This doesn't really belong in this thread but I don't think it deserves its own.

I agree with pretty much all of your criticisms there. Porn directors, worryingly, seem to think zooming in on a man's gooch is going to get me, a man, off. I don't care for closeups; give me a wider picture, please — I want to see the girl's face, not just her flaps.

You know what's infinitely better than straight up porn? A well-written erotic story. There are a million of them online, and of course you have to filter through the shit.
superdupergill wrote:
I'm going to be a total woman about this and say that I actually went to bed last night hoping that girls who had been involved in some of it had not regretted it and stuff.

I've done tons of research, and I've come to the inevitable conclusion that there is not one woman who has ever regretted getting her bits out on camera. 's true.
Oh my god you have just reminded me of a fanfic story I read when I was either just coming out or had just came out..
I found it after [geekmode] reading some Buffy books that my little sister had bought. I had a look online for more and my search term must have been too generic because I stumbled across internet fanfic. I had never encountered this before and was intrigued, especially since it took stories to places that the tv show didn't. Then, i started reading a story about Willow and Tara that had been written as an alternative to Tara dying (from the part of the series where Willow got addicted to black magic). It was awesome. I think I got nervous about someone finding me reading it and thinking I was big dirty gayer though so I stopped. [/geekmode]

I might try and find that again, the story was so good it could have been a series in its own right and I'd like to know what happened.

Oh and also, Malabar? I think you've got a keeper in your girlfriend ;)
superdupergill wrote:
Oh and also, Malabar? I think you've got a keeper in your girlfriend ;)

Hah. I didn't see what she sent you, but I heard it was more than a few Tweets long, all about porn advice :S
superdupergill wrote:
I really hope we don't get any new members right now or they'll get totally the wrong impression of me. :)
I don't think pr0n is for me, I don't really find anyone involved particularly attractive and I hated how it was described online. (for some reason I don't count you lot as 'online' since you all live in my iPhone or sometimes in my PC at work).

I'm going to be a total woman about this and say that I actually went to bed last night hoping that girls who had been involved in some of it had not regretted it and stuff-I just didn't see anything nice or sexy or romantic or anything. Which surprises me, I thought. It would have been right up my street.

Abby Winters ;)
superdupergill wrote:
Oh my god you have just reminded me of a fanfic story I read when I was either just coming out or had just came out..
I found it after [geekmode] reading some Buffy books that my little sister had bought. I had a look online for more and my search term must have been too generic because I stumbled across internet fanfic. I had never encountered this before and was intrigued, especially since it took stories to places that the tv show didn't. Then, i started reading a story about Willow and Tara that had been written as an alternative to Tara dying (from the part of the series where Willow got addicted to black magic). It was awesome. I think I got nervous about someone finding me reading it and thinking I was big dirty gayer though so I stopped. [/geekmode]

I might try and find that again, the story was so good it could have been a series in its own right and I'd like to know what happened.

Erotic stories here :
zaphod79 wrote:


Beat me to it zaphod....I do think most ladies prefer a story with their filth and get a bit grossed out by the ugliness of pr0n. I like filth but I'm quite wrong in the head.

Literotica is pretty good though Gill, hope it inspires you :)
I don't mind an erotic story, same with letters in porn mags, they often contain far more detail than the story itself. Even if they're are made up, they seem more real than most porn.

As for pr0n movies, I can't really watch it with the sound on. I normally either turn the audio off or completely down. I can't really take that much soft rock or easy listening, or if its black pr0n, hip hop.
I might try and find that again, the story was so good it could have been a series in its own right and I'd like to know what happened.

According to Google there appears to be an *entire genre* of Willow and Tara (and Faith too) lesbian erotic stories, on the internet. Whole websites devoted to it in fact.

Who'd have thought!
kalmar wrote:
Who'd have thought!
Rule 34, dude:


(The author of xkcd later registered
Don't know about you guys, but I like it, and maybe Gill will, also. :) ... 1728524001
GovernmentYard wrote:
superdupergill wrote:
I really hope we don't get any new members right now or they'll get totally the wrong impression of me. :)
I don't think pr0n is for me, I don't really find anyone involved particularly attractive and I hated how it was described online. (for some reason I don't count you lot as 'online' since you all live in my iPhone or sometimes in my PC at work).

I'm going to be a total woman about this and say that I actually went to bed last night hoping that girls who had been involved in some of it had not regretted it and stuff-I just didn't see anything nice or sexy or romantic or anything. Which surprises me, I thought. It would have been right up my street.

Abby Winters ;)

This. It's the only porn site I've ever seen that wouldn't be insulting to the intelligence of a particularly slow gibbon. If more porn was like theirs (not to mention more porn companies), the world would be a much better place. To list the embarassing, stupid, pathetic and misogynistic shit that features in 99.998% of porn would take longer than I currently expect to live. AW avoids pretty much all of it.
sinister agent wrote:
To list the embarassing, stupid, pathetic and misogynistic shit that features in 99.998% of porn would take longer than I currently expect to live. (NSFW)
I think anti-porn writers have a very bad habit of ignoring Sturgeon’s Law. They fail to recognize that, yes, 90% of porn is crap… but 90% of everything is crap. And in a sexist society, 90% of everything is sexist crap. I’ve seen some very good arguments on how most porn is sexist and patriarchal with rigid and misleading images of women… but I’ve never seen a good argument for why, in a world of sexist TV and movies and pop music and video games, porn should be singled out for special condemnation — to the point of trying to eliminate the genre altogether.
Although she goes on to note
But I also think that pro-porn advocates — myself included — need to stop pretending that there isn’t a problem. We need to recognize that the overwhelming majority of porn — or rather, the overwhelming majority of video porn, which is the overwhelming majority of porn — is sexist, is patriarchal, does perpetuate body fascism, does create unrealistic sexual expectations for both women and men, does depict sex in ways that are not only overwhelmingly focused on male pleasure, but are rigid and formulaic and mind-numbingly tedious to boot. And we need to be trying to do something about it.
I single out porn because it's not just 90% of it that's shit - it's perhaps one in a million films that isn't. Plus it's tied in with sexuality, and people in this country have enough neuroses and hang-ups about sex as it is. I genuinely think that our and the next few generations are going to have some serious sex life problems as a direct result to the explosion in the availability and acceptability of shitty pornography. I don't think porn is inherently bad, but as it is now, it seems to do little but convince people into thinking that sex is about getting women to do whatever it takes to get a man to crank one out. And even that's largely done mechanically.
Bobbyaro wrote:
Don't know about you guys, but I like it, and maybe Gill will, also. :) ... 1728524001

What film is that? I recognise the blonde girl but hadn't realised that was Megan Fox.
superdupergill wrote:
Bobbyaro wrote:
Don't know about you guys, but I like it, and maybe Gill will, also. :) ... 1728524001

What film is that? I recognise the blonde girl but hadn't realised that was Megan Fox.

No idea! I want to see it though.
superdupergill wrote:
Bobbyaro wrote:
Don't know about you guys, but I like it, and maybe Gill will, also. :) ... 1728524001

What film is that? I recognise the blonde girl but hadn't realised that was Megan Fox.

Think it must be Jennifer's Body. It's a new one.
Bobbyaro wrote:
superdupergill wrote:
Bobbyaro wrote:
Don't know about you guys, but I like it, and maybe Gill will, also. :) ... 1728524001

What film is that? I recognise the blonde girl but hadn't realised that was Megan Fox.

No idea! I want to see it though.

Have you ever watched The L Word? It's awesome at times, but also has some really weird bits. The writers decided to cater for every possible...'interest'?
sinister agent wrote:
GovernmentYard wrote:
superdupergill wrote:
I really hope we don't get any new members right now or they'll get totally the wrong impression of me. :)
I don't think pr0n is for me, I don't really find anyone involved particularly attractive and I hated how it was described online. (for some reason I don't count you lot as 'online' since you all live in my iPhone or sometimes in my PC at work).

I'm going to be a total woman about this and say that I actually went to bed last night hoping that girls who had been involved in some of it had not regretted it and stuff-I just didn't see anything nice or sexy or romantic or anything. Which surprises me, I thought. It would have been right up my street.

Abby Winters ;)

This. It's the only porn site I've ever seen that wouldn't be insulting to the intelligence of a particularly slow gibbon. If more porn was like theirs (not to mention more porn companies), the world would be a much better place. To list the embarassing, stupid, pathetic and misogynistic shit that features in 99.998% of porn would take longer than I currently expect to live. AW avoids pretty much all of it.

I'd go so far as to say the Abby Winters stuff reminds me of actual sex, with actual girls. The titular director can make pretty much any Australian girl attractive as well, which is impressive.
GovernmentYard wrote:
I'd go so far as to say the Abby Winters stuff reminds me of actual sex, with actual girls. The titular director can make pretty much any Australian girl attractive as well, which is impressive.

That's exactly it. They try to make films of people enjoying sex, not films of people trying to make porn.
Stupidest spang website title: Cumshot Surprise. Well what did you expect would happen? :S
Awesome! Monster Tit Sex Zombies!
Got a dimlie for that?
Dimrill wrote:
Awesome! Monster Tit Sex Zombies!

Real Zombies , do they run or are they infected ?
I didn't download it to find out in the end. Plackky num nums >:|
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