as it has no thread of its own
It really is excellent, though so far theres something missing...

other people :(
As with saint's Row 2 I'm reluctant to join a game where people are further in than I, on my first playthrough as I want to get through it myself. Of course, the thing might turn out to be so sprawling that makes no difference. Maybe we should post our levels in here now and then to give an idea of where we are all at. I'm level 5 Joanna Dark Lilith. I assume each char is a separate play through, no swapping mid game?
Level 17 Hunter and Level 12 Brick
Lvl 15 soldier
Lvl 7 (I think) hunter...

haven't started the other two.

ETA: surely the best idea is to have the lowest level person as host?

Oh, anyone else found the mission structure to be wildly illogical? Like after you kill Nine-Toes, you get two missions from the bounty board, one is level 7 and leads to a level 10 mission, the other is a level 10 mission, the follow-ups are level 7 and 9. Both these starter missions involve walking a bit, and no combat. buh?
...also, Psycho Midgets are soooo cute.

You want to pinch their cheeks something rotten. And then stomp on them until their sweet breads ooze out.
Right am off to fight the great unwashed in town and grab a copy.

Don't finish it 'til I get back you bastards. (I'm looking at you Mr D. I. Mrill Esq. and you Sir Morte-mer of the Innernehz)
Any characters that would be beneficial to the great BEEX party?

I'm currently looking at either a stealthy assassin of Lilith (phasewalk and smahs people from behind) or a hardcore medic Roland (I SHOTS YUO FOR HELATHS)
After failing to steal Gaywoods copy I'm tempted to go trade some stuff in for this....
Just about to start a Siren char so I'll have a low level char knocking about if anyone's up for saucy midget smearing fun.
Dr Lave wrote:
After failing to steal Gaywoods copy I'm tempted to go trade some stuff in for this....

I thought about trading in some stuff, but I get the feeling I'd have to give away half of my games to get it. Last time I took a pile of twelve games into Gamestation, and they offered me £65 of credit, or about half as much cash — and the annoying thing was most of those games were only a few months old at most. Cunts.
Woo, I just picked this up by dumping a load of games I actually hated.

Guess I need to get to grips with it before I can start with multiplayer, but totally up for any co-op if anyone needs a co-op buddy. :hug:

(Game offered me £10 for 4 games, CEX offered me £29, I don't normally trade in stuff as it's throwing money away, but it was a decent deal and non of it was shifting on Goozex)
I'm at level 11 now and getting really confused about guns, struggling to tell which is better. I understand that I can be wells erved by having more than one repeater, say, so that they can be used for taking on different kinds of enemy.

But where is says Damage, someitmes it will then do into yellow and change the stat, or have x11. Id it is doing eleven x 8 damage why doesn't it just say 88 damage?

Then there's all the stuff below the stats, some of which seems important and some not, but when there's four different things to consider, how do you know what load-out to go with?

As a rule of thumb, how many of each type of gun need I carry with me? I love Borderlands but I'm really not well versed in the stats side of RPG stuff like this. FFVII bored the shit out of me once I realised the game was going to be materia juggling for the next fifty hours. With this title, I'm fairly certain I just need a few general guidelines to follow and I'll get plenty of love from it.
I dunno. Experiment! That's where I'm getting the love for this game. Well, was. I'm still waiting patiently for a Dave.
It's be nice to have a safe box or something. SOmewhere where you could stash things.
The multipliers are for multiple shots fired at once. So a twin-barrelled pistol will have x2, a shotgun will have x9 or x11 - but they won't all necessarily hit, especially in the case of the shotgun because of the spread.

So basically, an 8 x11 shotgun will do 88 damage if you're up really close and hit them with the full blast.

I carry one of each type of weapon I'm good with (sniper+revolver for hunter, combat rifle+shotgun for soldier etc), which gives you a choice of long or short range. I also usually carry a repeating pistol of a different elemental type just incase I need it.
Dimrill wrote:
It's be nice to have a safe box or something. SOmewhere where you could stash things.

Yes, especially as there's level-limited stuff.
Right, this is what I'm on about, I'm comparing 2 guns here -

TMP2 machine pistol

Dam: 28
Acc: 85.3
Fire: 13.0

BLR Bad Swatter

Dam: 22
Acc: 91.7
Fire: 3.6

So all in all, the first one, which is level ten beats the level six gun in general, accuracy be damned as I can knock out far more bullets. The first gun is 80 qiud more as well.

But then in the box below gun 1 has +36% fire rate. So that's +36% of 13.0, is it? So why not just do the maths and tll me that in the fire rate stat?

Then I look at gun 2 - it's got all this:

+50% Accuracy
+18% recoil reduction
+26% damage
+1.8x weapon zoom with all that lot, I'd say it must be the better gun, if not the equal. So why then is the first gun level 10 and 80 quid more? There's something about the stats in that box I'm not getting, isn't there? :/

Fallout 3 was never this confusing!

/edit thanks for the help so far though.
I'd say that the next gun you pick up will be better.
Craster wrote:
Dimrill wrote:
It's be nice to have a safe box or something. SOmewhere where you could stash things.

Yes, especially as there's level-limited stuff.

Could you create a 'mule' character? Get your main character to give stuff to a trusted friend, and then the friend gives it to your mule, who holds it until you want it.

Complicated, but it could work.
I'm playing as Joanna Dark as I've mentioned before. Early doors I tend to spread my stats so nothing is too difficult then specialise a little down the line, however I'm doing with with weapons as well, however my character prefers incendiary, shock and corrosive rounds. Thus, will a non-incendiary gun of any type be spackered in some way when I use it, compared to an identically statted incendiary one? After all, surely gun x with added incendiary is going to be better than gun x without, regardless of which class uses it?

And is she better with certain gun types?

You see, this is what happens when you spend your teens and twenties eating pussy instead of playing Eye of the Beholder and Zork. Fun at the time but I'm regretting it now.
I'll be about tonight if anyone fancies a game I'm about level 8 to 10 (i think 10) and a sniper dude.

MetalAngel wrote:
Craster wrote:
Dimrill wrote:
It's be nice to have a safe box or something. SOmewhere where you could stash things.

Yes, especially as there's level-limited stuff.

Could you create a 'mule' character? Get your main character to give stuff to a trusted friend, and then the friend gives it to your mule, who holds it until you want it.

Complicated, but it could work.

You can play it split screen, so if you've too controllers that would be easier than involving a 3rd party.
I think the 'preferred weapon types' actually refer to the weapon types which you can get bonuses for in your skill trees.

So the Soldier has things like -recoil +mag capacity for combat rifles available in his skill trees...

You can still use other guns to their full potential, but you won't get those bonus thingies on top...

I don't really understand the 'stats inna box' thing, I generally go 'its blue, it must be better than this green one'

One thing I will say is to try a weapon out before making it part of your battleplan, as some fire in incredibly bizarre ways...
Did I miss a colour progression chart somewhere?

Presently I'm picking up gear quicker than I can sell/store it and all I seem to be doing is killing wave after wave of slightly more skags than is fun to be fighting at any one time. Feels a lot like Halo presently, that five percent more hectic than I'd like. Naturally I can always refine my combat further but that little advantage the next level up might give me is negated by the apparent levelling of enemies. I'm sure skag whelps were a one shot kill wiht my old, half s good weapon five levels ago...
They Skags levelling is represented by the bigger bastards you come across, rather than the little uns getting better. I read the colour progression, but instantly forgot it and now can't find it in the manual anywhere.
Bonehead, next to Fyrestone drops a quite awesome plurply flavoured SMG that I've been using lots. Plus he respawns if you quit the game and load it back up again.
Yeah that's another minus for me, bosses should stay dead. Removes all sense of achievement.

Re: The skags, I should say my aim has probably gotten worse then. Much worse.

I've just realised I've not tried multiplayer yet - will be on after tea and fag.
The only drawback that I can post at the moment, is that my snipering always draws aggro immediately, and my targets know exactly where I am.

Bonehead's not a boss, just an elite I suppose you'd call him. Nine Toes (and three balls) was a boss, and he stays dead.
No he doesn't! I've just gone back and killed him for the second time.
I stand corrected.
The enemies stay the same level in the same place, so the skag pups outside Fyrestone will always be level 2. But, obviously as you level, you get sent into places with tougher enemies...

Colour progression for weapons and equipment: name and little ping that you get when its dropped.

White: basic weapons, only use if you've got no choice
Green: Better
Blue: Better still
Orange: THE best

Basically, WoW-like.

There are so many weapons, that you shouldn't always take the colour of the name and the level requirement as gospel.
Anyway, fuck that shit, lets get online and rock the co-op. like co-operative mode, not the shop.
Dimrill wrote:
I dunno. Experiment! That's where I'm getting the love for this game. Well, was. I'm still waiting patiently for a Dave.

Your wait is over.
Really? You has it?!"
I don't know, do I?
D'oh. I've figured out how to have 2 vehicles now, Gentlemen.
I love this game hard.
It is exceptionally good.
Stop it now.

Just stop it.
And the bit with the thing? Oh, man.
I'm trying hard not to buy another game until after Santa season. This and ODST are really tickling my pickle though.
There's not much between the two, though having completed ODST I'm glad I've got Borderlands to follow it up with.
Loving it. Put it on for an hour yesterday afternoon. Switched it off at about half seven. Got my Soldier class up to about level 11. Love the graphical style of the game and as someone has already said, it really satisfies my inner RPG Nerd need for loot perfectly.

I wish there was some form of locker/vault system though as I've had a couple of level specific drops that took up valuable space in my (limited) inventory.

Decapitating goons with a sniper rifle is fun, as is setting the fuckers on fire with incendiary rounds.

Not too sure how much co-op I'll get in though which means that I may miss out on a huge protion of the fun :(
I am willing to accept this as a gift from someone before Christmas.
I was playing a co-op game last night. As I carefully lined up my sniper shots, planning to pull the bad guys down a narrow tunnel towards my waiting soldier co-op buddy, I saw through my sights him charging into the middle of the pack of skags and start merrily handing out blows with the stock of his combat shotgun. At this point I thought that Grim... would probably like this game.
I also would like this game. Kthnxbibi.

Of course, by the time I get it you'll all be playing Halo 5, you bastards.
Ah the simply joys of reloading a savegame over and over again to see what ZOMG weapons the same crate will chuck out each time.
I've just picked up some sort of infinite ammo alien blaster. Awesome.
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