John Prescott
World's worst bulimic
"My secret bulimia shame", says extraordinarily fat man

Shocking revelations, this morning.

I'd been under the impression that bulimia was more associated with people on the slightly, er, thinner side of the scale than Mr Prescott, but maybe it's just his personal commitment to food that's overcoming the bulimia.

Joking aside: nothing to be laughed at, shocking, poor man, etc.

Yes. Hilarious.
You miss the point, Chris - if he weren't bulimic he would be larger than television's famous The Moon.

The Times wrote:
JOHN PRESCOTT, who as deputy prime minister punched a protester in the face,

Not only is that possibly the best irrelevant introduction ever, it's also the best thing that Prescott ever did. Whatever else I think about him and his work, I will always have some grain of respect for his twatting that grinning twat in the face in front of scores of cameras.
sinister agent wrote:
The Times wrote:
JOHN PRESCOTT, who as deputy prime minister punched a protester in the face,

Not only is that possibly the best irrelevant introduction ever, it's also the best thing that Prescott ever did. Whatever else I think about him and his work, I will always have some grain of respect for his twatting that grinning twat in the face in front of scores of cameras.

Hmmm. I just remember being outraged that he didn't get arrested over it. Oh, and that the protester said he punched like a girl.

The BBC story is finally up, and contains this little gem:

Prezzer on The Beeb wrote:
"I thought, of course, I was being clever, and no-one would ever know, but Pauline realised in the end. The signs in the toilet gave it away, and all the missing food."

Ew, and heh.
Meh. He should maybe have been cautioned - the bloke did provoke him, and if I did that to someone in public and they twatted me, I wouldn't push for more than that. Especially if it was a rubbish punch and didn't do any harm.
Bulimia frequently involves eating e.g. 3 pies and then vomiting up 1.3 pies. How many pies are left in Prescott's tummy?

Bulimia is really nasty.
Well in this case it involved eating ALL the pies and then vomiting up 1.3 pies...
:D This is true in Prescott's case, yes.
Fucking shocking. He's only wheeled this out so he can flog some books.

Fat cunt stuffs himself with rich food and is then sick, that's not an eating disorder and to link it to a genuine disorder that many people suffer in order to flog books is disgusting.
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