French guffing at us
There was a strong smell of shit in the air as I left the flat this morning - nothing unusual there, I do live in east London - but it continued all the way into work this morning. I came to the natural conclusion that it must have been emanating from me, but when I just checked into the BBC News, it seems the French are to blame!
I once played cricket on a lovely hot early summers afternoon. The farmer with the field next door decided that it would be the ideal time to spread manure over the whole thing, and it reeked. I think I ended up fielding on the boundary nearest for a while as well. :spew:
Just not cricket, old boy. :hat:
Freaky, I think I smelt some of it on the way to work this morning here in Cardiff. Alternately, it could be the rubbish being collected, or a foul smelling new breed of alien invasion* hitting Cardiff once again through the rift.

*No Daily Express jokes please.
Rather awesomely, Miss Holland is talking about the eurowhiff.
Have you noticed a particular bad smell in the air near you over the past few days? Let us know.

How tempted am I to answer "Yes, it's my mate Pete"
Mr Dave wrote:
How tempted am I to answer "Yes, it's my mate Peat"

Possibly what you meant anyway-FTFY
Those dirty, dirty foreigns.
I think we should all prepare for when the wind changes direction and give them a taste of their own medicine. What smell do the French hate? Tesco Value cheese?
Mr Dave wrote:
Have you noticed a particular bad smell in the air near you over the past few days? Let us know.

How tempted am I to answer "Yes, it's my mate Pete"

I'll have you know I shower every day and my freshly washed clothes always smell apple blossom fresh. :'(
For once it's not smelling here.
Sadly in summer it's horrid becasue there is a sewer works a stones throw away and they won't move it.

Oh.. 'here' as in at Sheep's.
So what they're saying is that instead of landfilling our rubbish, we should just throw it up in front of a really fucking big fan mounted on the white cliffs?
BikNorton wrote:
So what they're saying is that instead of landfilling our rubbish, we should just throw it up in front of a really fucking big fan mounted on the white cliffs?

I'd vote for this.
Today's bad smell is in Southern England.

Such a shame Kevin Bouquet (Mr Bad Smell man from BBC news) has retired! Following the lead from Rev Goatboy on Popbitch, a cry of "todays bad smell is in...... Leeds" would go up every time Mr Bouquet popped up on News 24 (which we pretty much always had on it the office).
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