Brown paper packages tied up with string
Just a list of stuff I like.

Roland 303 and lets face it the 808 and 909 as well.
D+G Grape soda
Shin Megami Tensei and all its many spin offs.
Vic 'n' Bob.
Ducks, cos they're funny.
My Neighbour Totoro, just because its so endearing.
Father Ted.
Aphex Twin. Massive respect for RDJ here.
Runcle wrote:
Wes Anderson Films

I love Wes Anderson films. I loved Life Aquatic, I loved Darjeeling Ltd. Why are critics so completely wrong about him? His films are like being transported into strange and beautiful alternate realities where everything is more colourful, people talk cooler and things unfold like children's storybooks.

I'm surprised when critics say his films are heartless. I don't think they are at all.

Also, I like cats too, though I am mildly allergic to them. Bah.


The films of Powell & Pressburger
The films of Hayao Miyazaki
Not Now Bernard & Angry Arthur
Hills and lakes
Bluebird Bitter
The Lake District
Going places with my mates who are all ace.
Runcle wrote:

Oh and to keep up the cider appearances, Brothers Strawberry Cider.

Ooooh, I love that grog. Except it does remind me of drinking so much I get horribly sunburnt and fail to notice for a few days. Ow.
[*] My new house
[*] Doing DIY in said new house
[*] The missus
[*] Messing with my old Xbox in a modded kind of way
[*] Sega Superstars Tennis (for now)
[*] In fact... Sega
[*] Slipknot, Burning Skies, Opeth and any other heavy music
[*] My pond

That is all for now but I'm sure I'll come up with more..
There's so much to like in life at the moment! (Deep breath and break into song while skipping down the street) :kiss:
Skimmed your list there, and my mind showed me:

[*]My new house
[*]Doing The Missus in said new house
[*]Kirsty MacColl.
[*]Home-made strawberry pavlova.
[*]The solo in Sweet Child O’ Mine in Guitar Hero 2.
[*]Paying for things with money won playing poker.
[*]The Crow.
[*]Mashed potato.
[*]Biggles Of The Royal Flying Corps.
[*]Getting into bed that you’ve just changed the bedclothes on after you’ve just had a bath.
[*]Richard Thompson.
[*]Waitrose sparkling pink grapefruit crush.
[*]The Lasombra clan from Vampire: The Masquerade.
[*]The way my wife flaps her arms like an excited baby penguin when something enthuses her.
[*]The fight in the hanger in Jedi Knight 2 that’s you and Luke motherfucking Skywalker against half-a-dozen evil Sith bastards.
[*]My Bill Hicks T-shirt that says “I don’t mean to sound bitter, cold or cruel. But I am, so that’s the way it comes out”.

Will prettify those lists in case people were wondering.
That high bit of the M1 when there isn't much traffic around on an early morning.

Actually driving anywhere at about 5am on a summers morning. A couple of years ago I drove down to Bath to be there for 6.30am and it was bliss. Then I got the run of an empty Co-Op which was fun.
Or driving or walking around the deserted streets pretending that you're in the start of a zombie film when everyone else is in the pub or at home watching the England football team get beaten.
I generally walk around pretending I'm in a zombie film anyway. Result: I WIN.
Rodafowa wrote:
[*]Richard Thompson.

I can't think of anything. :(
Isn't Pear Cider called Perry?
I think that's only certain sorts of pear cider. There shoud be some sort of global communications network that we could look this sort of thing up on.
Perry is fizzy, non?
Nik wrote:
Rodafowa wrote:
[*]Richard Thompson.


I saw him at the Roundhouse last year. Bloody amazing. How is it possible for anyone to be this good over this length of time?
He's playing at the Green Man Festival this year as well, which I am determined to go to.
Perry is not all cider.
I don't know enough about perry itself but I think most is fizzy but not all? I know there is fizzy perry.
But then not all fizzy ciders are perry.

I must have cider now.
A mate of mine works for Banks' brewery, now owned by Marstons. He gets a discount at the staff shop - I make 'requests' occasionally. Last week I got 24 bottles of Brothers* pear cider for a tenner ;)

* Eh.
I believe that Perry is British Pear Cider. If it's not from Britain in can't be called Perry. Or something.

Kinda like champagne.
Not all british cider is perry I say.

CUS! Gief!
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