Eat Photon Death!!!
Rising Star Games have added an Akai Katana page to their website. It's now available to pre-order for £22.79, and will be released on the 27th of April.
Sounds like the embattled project to bring Raiden Fighters Aces to the PAL territories might finally be dead. The publisher (DTP) filed for insolvency a couple of days ago.

Date for Akai Katana up there is slightly off, too. It's coming in 12 days according to ShopTo.
BTW, ShopTo seem to be offering a free t-shirt with preorders. I ordered mine ages ago, so hopefully I'll get one. :)
Cave in trouble? Resignations and cancellations. have got Raiden Fighters pegged for a release on the 6th of July, so I suppose there's a chance it's still coming out in spite of DTP's situation. Might place an order and wait to see if my money's taken. :p
DDP DFK is currently on sale for under a tenner at ShopTo, if anyone was interested but didn't fancy spending much on it.
Some of you will get a kick out of Life Fortress Volcabamba, an MSX-style shooter from 2010. It's very, very good.
A new STG from the developers of Eschatos has been announced. There's not much info apart from the release date (2012/08/30), though. It's called "Ginga Force". No, really.


商品名 ギンガフォース
商品分類 新品ゲーム/Xbox360
メーカー Qute
ジャンル STG
販売価格 6,880円(税込)
I don't know if anybody here played Dux, the indie Dreamcast game released a few years ago, but they're doing a sequel to it, and have started a Kickstarter for it. It'll be on iOS and Steam, too. If you like the idea of an R-Type game with a scoring system, you may want to bung them a few quid. ... -dreamcast

Ed: or not - it seems they've reached their goal.

(Sorry if it looks like I'm using this thread as a personal news blog! Feel free to tell me to get tae fuck.)
I like your updates. Keep doing it! You keep your shmup ear to the ground, we'll slurp up the news.
WTB wrote:
I like your updates. Keep doing it! You keep your shmup ear to the ground, we'll slurp up the news.

:this: My DoDonPachi turned up today (I really should pay attention to where I have my ShopTo stuff delivered - I don't really see my parents playing it too much). :)
I too had Do Donpachi turn up. Keep coming with the updates though Yog! I'm always interested.
Oh, ace - cheers, chaps! :)
Next iOS release from llamasoft is a vertical scroller. Yak's first, iirc.
cave's release schedule and new versions for iOS seem to be getting a bit nasty, now black label version of bug princess 2 coming soon ... from-cave/
Satazius is currently selling for peanuts on Steam, as part of their summer sales. There's no excuse for not picking it up at that price (or at that place - it was admittedly a bit fiddly buying it from a Japanese distributor). :p

Ed: I think Jamestown is on sale, too.
Blazing Star is out on iOS and Android. Excellent Neo-Geo shmup from Yumekobo. Dunno what the European price is, yet, but it should only be a couple o' quid. :)
Excellent news! And a deluxe edition too.. colour me interested.
A good-lookin' Raiden collection, featuring iCade support, is headed to the App Store. It includes the original game and all three Raiden Fighters titles.

Sadly, I have neither the Cade nor the Pad (which is why I'm a bit late with this, heh). Shame Raiden II emulation still hasn't quite been cracked, too...
Shopto have just added Under Defeat to preorder. Released on the 26th October.
Ordering now! Ta la'!
I've not been in a Shmupping mood at all lately, but last night I finally unwrapped Otomedius Excellent and gave it a quick blast. Not terribly impressed by it so far, to be honest. I'd never class the Gradius series of games as a particular favourite, but the first few levels are fairly bland and uninteresting. There really doesn't seem to be any innovation going on and, worst of all, the backgrounds are so detailed at some points that it's really hard to keep track of the enemy bullets, which results in quite a few "Where the fuck did that come from?" deaths.
On the whole, one of the least impressive of this gen's Shmup releases I think.

But, wahey! Norks! Boobies! Tatas! Etc, etc...

Also: looks like you lot in the Old World are turning the tables lately in terms of Shmup releases - quite jealous of a few of the games you're getting that aren't making their way over here.
Under Defeat HD will be getting a US (and presumably Canadian) release, mate! Hopefully not too far behind ours, either.

I haven't played the 360 versions of Otomedius, but I know one of 'em is definitely supposed to be much worse than the other - just can't remember if it's Gorgeous or Excellent.
YOG wrote:
Under Defeat HD will be getting a US (and presumably Canadian) release, mate! Hopefully not too far behind ours, either.

I could be totally wrong, but I thought I saw an article that said it was PS3 only over here for some reason? If that's the case, I'm out of luck.
I think Rising Star are still negotiating with MS about it. They also said something along the lines of "don't assume the European version will be region-free just yet", so I hope they're pushing for it...

Also, listen to this (skipping to 0:22 and ignoring the speaker), then this. Must be a trad Chinese folk melody, or something.
New Neo-Geo shmup, NEO XYX:


Looks a lot like an old Toaplan game, but with some sort of Raizing-style medalling system going on. Nice! It's by the German developers NG:DEV.TEAM, who have a pretty hit-and-miss track record (Fast Striker was good, Last Hope was hummin'). Certainly one to watch, though...

CGR's reviews aren't the most in-depth, but I always like his shmup videos - it's great to see someone who "gets" the genre reaching a broad, mainstream audience. Let's hope IGN et al can get their shit together in time for the release. ;)

(Sounds like he hasn't heard about the Western releases, though - as TheVision mentioned up there, this'll be out on the 26th in Blighty.)
Bah... Under Defeat has been put back till November 9th. >:|
Who said that, mate? Rising Star? If so, bollocks! I pre-ordered a copy a while ago, but actually paid for it last night, so that it'd arrive the day before the official release (i.e. the 25th). Hoping this wasn't a waste...
I pre-ordered it through Amazon a few weeks ago (it was the cheapest I'd seen at just £22.50) and I've had an email from them today saying:-

Amazon wrote:

Unfortunately, the release date for the item(s) listed below was changed by the supplier, and we need to provide you with a new estimated delivery date based on the new release date:

"Under Defeat HD Deluxe Edition (Xbox 360)"
Estimated arrival date: November 12 2012 - November 14 2012

One of Amazon's aims is to provide a convenient and efficient service; in this case, we have fallen short. Please accept our sincere apologies.

You haven't been charged for this item yet as we don't debit money from your payment card until just before your items are dispatched. We'll send you a confirmation e-mail when your items are dispatched to confirm the date, contents and method of delivery.

Warmest regards,

Customer Service Department

I'm guessing that the release date is the 9th from the estimated delivery date.
Bummer! I've just checked RSG's twitter (though I don't have an account myself), but they haven't mentioned anything about it. I'll let you know if ShopTo change their date.
Cool, it's still saying 6 days on the ShopTo site but we'll see.

Of course, I could just get out the Dreamcast version and play that but it's not the point... I want shiny and new!
Hehe, yeah! I've actually been playing it on the DC with the arcade stick, but only so I'll be able to notice the differences in the HD version, really. Can't wait to try "New Order" mode!

I hope there's a helicopter avatar prop, too. A free one, of course. :p
From the developers of Stalker:

Good luck to 'em, but this has Euroshmup written all over it. :P
ShopTo have adjusted their date, now. Nov 9th it is!

Edit: ... 0731874304

I don't rate it myself, but Sine Mora is coming out on the PC soon:
My copy of Under Defeat HD has arrived a day early! Splendid.
I don't think mine has shipped yet.. Hmmm... I don't remember seeing an email about it anyway?

Gimbal! It's really cool. A multiplayer space combat game. Not strictly a shmup, but it's the most relevant thread I can see right now. You get to build your ship and put arbitrary thrusters everywhere.

ANOTHER REASON TO BUY THE GAME: innovative save format!
That png file is the ship! Just drag and drop it into gimbal/hanger and YOU TOO could play that ship. (It saves the data in the metadata)


e.g. that's a ship! You just drop that in the game file and you can start using it.
just bought under defeat hd.. should be glorious.. was too early and then too late for dodonpachi maximum, so put it into appshopper..
New XBLIG STG, Aeternum: ... 0258550c43

Won't be able to pick it up until Friday, but I enjoyed the demo. The bullet patterns were particularly impressive - a lot of indie devs seem to think "bullet hell" means "throwing lots of formless shit around and hoping some of it sticks". Feels a bit like Trouble Witches, but with a variation on the 'grazing' mechanic from Psyvariar or Shikigami no Shiro. Nice that it shows the hitbox, too.

Edit: a CAVE shooting collection has popped up on Amazon -

Contains all CAVE games ported to the 360 thus far (except the 5pb stuff, if the screenshots are representative), seven replay DVDs and two booklets. Sounds like an excellent package, but it's awfully expensive at 25,000 yen.

Here's hoping it includes the first-print DLC, too - the matsuri modes that were limited to rare scratchcards, etc.
Locomalito's Hydorah has been patched, with some substantial improvements:

Zosite at the shmups forum wrote:
- Up to 6 graphic modes, no less, including fullscreen proportional
- Old blurriness significantly reduced; leveled to NONE if played under 640x480 desktop resolution.
- Added optional SCANLINES using Game Maker surfaces!
- Added optional VSync!
- Added custom joystick button configuration
- Slightly lighter backgrounds, to better appreciate its superb pixel art
- 'Wave' primary weapon fixed: now escorts can also shoot through obstacles
- Scoring adjusted; downgraded on several cases.
- Infinite Milking is finally OVER; there's no boss timeout but you won't get any points while fighting middle and final stage bosses except those coming from the destruction of the boss itself or its sections if it applies
- Final score displayed in game over screen and both endings for your screenshot needs
- Sound and music work much better now; using FFdshow no longer necessary (at least not for me)
- Difficulty also adjusted and toned up a little
- Savegame system improved; now it won't force you to play with initial configuration which used to get saved along with the game itself. Any new change on config will find its way to your saved game on loading
- Implemented in-game usage of F4,F5,F6 keys to change graphic mode or toggle scanlines and vsync
- Several other minor fixes
mmm 24k yen is bout 200 pounds isn't it? mighty expensive :(
Did anyone tried Sine Mora yet on Steam? Looks like it might be great.
I really didn't like it. It's gorgeous, but it's a Euroshmup through and through, with simple whack-a-mole stage design, farty underpowered weapons, and a timing system in place of lives (you lose seconds off the clock instead of dying immediately, etc). I haven't seen such a frustrating penalty for getting hit since the original Darius, either; rather than simply being partially or fully lost, your power-ups spread out across the screen, supposedly giving you a chance to pick them back up again. Quite often, though, they'll be ejected in one big lump headed straight for one of the edges of the screen, which will mean an instant loss of everything if you're already close to an edge. And then you're left to play with a peashooter and slowly try to regain your power. It's just full of tedious shit like that*. It also has a rubbish story (hailed as a work of genius by professional journos) that breaks up the action every few minutes.

So, aye, I can't really recommend it. I heard it was dirt cheap on the PC, though - if that's true, you might as well try it and see what you think. You can definitely squeeze some fun out of the arcade mode. Make sure you have an analogue controller, though. It's not for standard sticks/d-pads/arrow keys...

*Even Gradius, which has a reputation for being unforgiving, has well-designed checkpoints that give you plenty of opportunity to power back up.
YOG wrote:
It also has a rubbish story (hailed as a work of genius by professional journos) that breaks up the action every few minutes.

Turned me off the demo completely, considering I could barely get thirty seconds of play before some interminably long conversation broke up the action.
For the last bloody time you foolish developers, shmups don't need to have a fucking plot.
Actually, I'd love it if someone brought out a shmup, and under "Plot" all it said was PEW PEW.
I think RevStu once said that Raiden doesn't have a story at all, which is awesome if true. The enemy invaders have a name, though, so presumably there's at least the outline of a conflict established on an arcade flyer somewhere. Bah.

Anywho, I've finally got around to playing Eschatos, and it's absolutely wonderful. Just pure concentrated joy. Listen to that bloody music. I love the way the game is broken up into distinct 10- or 20-second waves of enemies - the complete destruction of which you're rewarded for with multipliers and bonus points - even though it's essentially one continuous level. It feels old-school and completely fresh at the same time; some of the enemy waves look like they should be in some Galaga remake, but they're integrated into this frantic barrage of different ideas, different ways of attacking you and keeping you on your toes. The crazy on-the-fly perspective changes take some getting used to, but you have a recharging shield that you can activate by holding the two shot buttons, so you can always just use that while you're getting used to them. It has loads of modes, too - Original and Advanced each have several difficulties with their own leaderboards, as well as an 'Endless' variation which lets skilled players loop the game as many times as they can, whereas Time Attack mode times you on taking out enemy waves, and punishes you by deducting seconds rather than lives when you get hit. There's an awful lot to do.

It also comes with Judgement Silversword and Cardinal Sins. And you get to choose your WALLPAPER BLIGHTNESS. It's altogether far too much of a bargain. You should buy the Wonder Price version on Play-Asia. You can kiss me later.
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