Nintendo Switch 2
Nintendo have made the formal announcement that the Switch 2 will be available this year.

Just watched the teaser trailer and it looks like a slightly bigger Switch. There’s probably more to it, but detail
is scant and rumours abound.

It does say that it’s backwards compatible with Switch games (both digital and physical) but that maybe not ALL Switch (1) games will be supported. It also says there will be Switch 2 exclusive games.
They did well to mention it was backwards compatible because last year they made it sound like it might not be.

Yeah, a bit bigger, probably a bit faster. It's fine I guess but that's not what you want from Nintendo. You want some sort of mad innovation.

Gamecube - shaped like a cute little cube
DS - Dual screens
3DS - 3D
Wii - motion control
Wii-U - screen in joypad
Switch - handheld/docked switcharoo

If this is just a Switch that's a jump from PS3 to PS4 quality games, that's not very exciting. They announced a Direct in April though so hopefully they'll blow minds and not just do another version of Mario Kart 7 and Smash Bros.
They’d better be bringing me a new Animal Crossing
I think there’s already a couple of switch games that don’t work on the OLED model (Labo stuff possibly) so 99% compatibility is good enough.

I’m quite tempted as I only had a Switch Lite and fancy some more big screen Mario
Dr Zoidberg wrote:
I think there’s already a couple of switch games that don’t work on the OLED model

It's the Spectrum +2A all over again.
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