MeatUp 2024
22nd June
More details to follow, as always.
Oh noooes :'( can't do that weekend
Did you forget about this? I absolutely didn't. Not me. No way.

Expect a rather hurried website tomorrow.
You are the king for making those sites each year. Always a joy.
That's kind of you, but some are certainly better than others.
Ha! Well, yes, but even the lowest effort is funny in places.
Unfortunately I have my son this weekend :(
KovacsC wrote:
Unfortunately I have my son this weekend :(

What about the weekend of the barbecue?
You know, I might be acually able to make this. Meet a few more of you magnificent bastards in the flesh.

Anyone likely to need a lift from the West Country?
You’re only allowed to come if you make your famous moussaka
Squirt wrote:
You know, I might be acually able to make this. Meet a few more of you magnificent bastards in the flesh.

Anyone likely to need a lift from the West Country?

Squirt! Squirt! Squirt! Squirt!
Grim... wrote:
Squirt wrote:
You know, I might be acually able to make this. Meet a few more of you magnificent bastards in the flesh.

Anyone likely to need a lift from the West Country?

Squirt! Squirt! Squirt! Squirt!

That's the sort of chant that gets the neighbours interested
Legs akimbo, geysers of thick pork juice everywhere.
Grim... wrote:
That's kind of you, but some are certainly better than others.

I get this for both of those links

Meatup - connection not private.jpg
Guess I better update my certificate.
Hmm, the cert is good until July. What do other folk see?
The connection isn't private for me too.
It's a config error of some sort, it happens if www. is in the URL but not if it isn't.

Ie follow one of those, get a warning, strip www. out of the address bar, no warning.

I probably should've mentioned at the time.
Grim... wrote:
Hmm, the cert is good until July. What do other folk see?
I don't know anything about this any more, but it used to be if you didn't specify Https in the URL it would go to the default of the server which sometimes is just http. Which would give that error. No idea if that's the case here
BikNorton wrote:
It's a config error of some sort, it happens if www. is in the URL but not if it isn't.

Ie follow one of those, get a warning, strip www. out of the address bar, no warning.

I probably should've mentioned at the time.

Ah yes, you're quite right. All fixed now.
Mimi wrote:
KovacsC wrote:
Unfortunately I have my son this weekend :(

What about the weekend of the barbecue?

myp wrote:
You’re only allowed to come if you make your famous moussaka

I wouldn't dare overshadow the Yes Chef's valiant efforts by turning up with a show-stealing moussaka.
BikNorton wrote:
Mimi wrote:
KovacsC wrote:
Unfortunately I have my son this weekend :(

What about the weekend of the barbecue?


Thank you, Bik, for the recognition of my attempt :DD
Hello! We're going to start thinking about how much stuff we need soon - some of you have bought tickets, obviously I assume you're coming ;) But if you haven't sent any money ( ) but do intend to come, please shout out here so we can get our numbers straight. Don't worry about paying yet, it's not like we've got a max capacity and you'll miss out ;)
Zeppo and I are still in, likely going to camp if there's room. I'll send some sponds once I get paid at the end of the week.
GazChap wrote:
Zeppo and I are still in, likely going to camp if there's room. I'll send some sponds once I get paid at the end of the week.

Nice one! No rush.
Sod it, in. Also camping, if there's room. Internet money will be heading your way within a week or so!
In. And I'll try to actually make it this time.
Tragically I can't make this. I'm doing a photo shoot up in Anglesey. Blub. :(

Will be up for the Cottage though. Also wondering if anyone fancies drinks in say Bristol at some point in the summery future?
I'd be up for that.

Or down, given the geography.
NervousPete wrote:
Will be up for the Cottage though. Also wondering if anyone fancies drinks in say Bristol at some point in the summery future?

Pete, I don't have you on my cottage list. Is this you confirming? :luv:
Yes, this is me confirming. I'll pop myself on the thread too and fling my quids over. xx
Afraid I can't make it this year.

NervousPete wrote:
Also wondering if anyone fancies drinks in say Bristol at some point in the summery future?

Come to MeatUp, tits!
What time can we rock up?
2pm-ish, but I am (as always) not fussy.
Awesome! I shall rock up at somepoint after 2pm with a big old load of ice.
Whoever brings the most ice gets a special prize!
Is the prize a nice cold drink?
You're bringing that, right??
Another successful MeatUp!

I have a Google Photos album for any&all pics, this link will join the album to post yours if you’d like:

If you just want to view the album without adding yourself to it, here’s a different link:
Thank you all, I had a grand time and it was great to fnally meet a few more of you in-person ( and to catch up with some I haven't seen since about 2010 ). The food, drink and company were all top class.
Thanks for a great MeatUp, everybody! Haven't taken a look at the camera yet to see how well the photos I took came out, but I'll get any that I uploaded over on to Gaywood's album (and Peex, if there's an album there) too!

Awesome food, great people, an Absolute Unit of a dog, and a giant inflatable unicorn. What's not to love?
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