Cot1ag3 - date confirmed
Co13age? Cottage13? Whatever

Your preferred weekend for cottage 2023?
Poll ended at Tue Jan 31, 2023 12:38
22 - 25 Sept  16%  [ 9 ]
29 - 02 Oct  20%  [ 11 ]
06 - 09 Oct  20%  [ 11 ]
13 - 16 Oct  25%  [ 14 ]
20 - 23 Oct  18%  [ 10 ]
Total votes : 55
We got communal milk and coffee but I forgot to get bread so if anyone is going to the asdas can they grab a loaf please.

Oh and ice
Yo-ho! At Derby Station shortly, anybody aboot to pick me up?

On (mumble mumble)

Morning folks! Some peeps have already sent/given me sponds for pizza last night — if you haven’t as yet, could I trouble ye for a tenner please? is probably the best way!

Thank you :)
Home now -- cheers everyone for yet another blast of a weekend :D

Highlights for me:

- Enjoying a civilised bit of pointy-arrow-shooty-tooty on the lawn
- The sheer insanity of Kov falsely roleclaiming as the doctor (while just being a normal townie), making the actual doctor claim, only to then actually *be* the doctor on the second game
- The sheer insanity of that second game in general, to be honest
- The rollercoaster of emotions that was watching the Saga of Stardew Valley, and it going from being a shit game that takes forever to set up, to being an actually good and enjoyable game
- Playing Alien: Fate of the Nostromo for the first time, very funky little game and seems like it would have the potential to be brutally difficult if you're not paying attention
- Going out for my first Cottage Run, and completing my first 10K at the same time
- The always-amazing Curio Quiz, and team X somehow managing to claw back into third place from solid last in the buzzer round
- Potting two balls in one shot with a very lucky hit, at pool, only for most people in the room to not see it at all
- That bloody lovely chicken and couscous meal from the Yes Chefs on Saturday -- had a nice kick to it!
- The first official Myld Stallions event. I feel like I was the only person in the room that had never heard that Tenacious D song before, but it was entertaining nevertheless!
- Losing at poker, OBVIOUSLY.

Thank you to @Jem for organising it all, @Curiosity for quizmastering, @Grim... and @Cras for super-cheffing, @Trooper for letting me live it large as Craig David even if just for a few minutes, to @Jem, @MaliA and @KovacsC for running with me (and for gently encouraging me to push on to the 10K), and basically to everyone else too just for being the same cracking bunch of folk you always are.

Roll on Cot14ge...
MaliA wrote:

Ha ha.
KovacsC wrote:
MaliA wrote:

Ha ha.

Worth it.

Omaha 2: Electric Boogaloo
Someone stole my blanket!!!
Bobbyaro wrote:
Someone stole my blanket!!!

YOUR blanket?! :DD
Just got home, exhausted.

A huge thank you to everyone for all of the hugs and the awesomeness. :luv:

Highlights have to include;
Queue of hugs
Wine tasting
Yes chefs!
Myld Stallions
Kovacs MD

A huge thank you to Jem for organising it. :)
Knackered but happy.

What a fantastic weekend!

Thoughts and photos to follow, but in the mean time.,,,

BeeX Cottage - How It Started


How It's Going

Poor horse... But, a fitting tribute.
Urg, Cottage Lurgy.

Thanks for another excellent weekend folks. Too many highlights to list them all, but here's a few that stick in the memory:

"Kov MD, thankyou very much!"
The Omaha Incident II
Myp's continuted and persistent disbelief that MaliA was getting a lot of questions right in the Quiz.
Scottish accents and hands on heads on Friday night for the random drinking game
Excellent food from the Yes Chefs, although I put too much coriander (?) in my first portion. Rookie error
The Hotel California fake-out by the Mild Stallyns

Great fun. Same time next year?
and we still haven't killed anyone!
Nice horse. Is that the new quiz trophy?
Trooper wrote:
and we still haven't killed anyone!

As long as we keep practising with the bow, our time will come
Yayyyy! I just beat Advance Wars on the train!

Oh ye of little faith! Final mission only took me six hours!
Good Cottaging, Cottage-fans. Brain not work hard today.
Here is a Peex Album, if you want to upload your pictures.

Loved all of it.

I don’t think my brain copes with mafia. :)
Excellent weekend, despite my knee causing me quite some pain.

Lots of highlights, most people have mentioned them already so I won't repeat them.

Thanks to Jem for organising, Gaz for pizza (well chicken strips for me), Curio for quiz and Mafia, Grim... For mafia and movies, Trooper for archery, Ross for putting up with my snoring, Myld Stallions for excellent tunes, Pete and Myp for playing on their Switches and everyone else for their company.
Very tired, so I'll leave it there.
Bossed it, as always. You're all great. Jem is extra great for making it happen. Bosh.
Grim... wrote:
Here is a Peex Album, if you want to upload your pictures.

It wasn't just me on the archery, I promise :DD
Had an amazing time and I love you all, even though I've spent most of the day collapsed on the sofa with a case of the cottages.
Thank you for another amazing cottage! I think I’ve been to half of them now.
I already miss you all :(
I’ve added my shit pictures of archery to the album but unfortunately can’t add the videos of Jem struggling to get a card (from the drinking game) out of the sofa cushions with her feet/mouth :DD
Most of you owe me some money, too.

£5 for the Chef eats and [some amount] if you ate curry on Sunday.

Curry folk - do any of you care if we just split the bill 7 ways?
How would you like the money, my good man?
Uploaded the pictures I took!

Cheers to everyone that's sent me sponds for pizza so far, if you haven't yet please don't forget! :)
DavPaz wrote:
How would you like the money, my good man?

There's a link at the bottom of every page on this forum ;)

(GazChap needn't pay as I only sent him £5 for pizza)

Curry eaters:

To be clear, Curry was £13.70 and Chef food was £5, so you don't need to pay both!
Grim... wrote:
DavPaz wrote:
How would you like the money, my good man?

There's a link at the bottom of every page on this forum ;)

(GazChap needn't pay as I only sent him £5 for pizza)

Curry eaters:

Naturally I knew that, I was asking for someone else...
Grim... wrote:
DavPaz wrote:
How would you like the money, my good man?

There's a link at the bottom of every page on this forum ;)

(GazChap needn't pay as I only sent him £5 for pizza)

Curry eaters:

All squared away.
I believe I've paid up... Grim... Would you mind checking? Paypal gave me a blank screen instead of confirming the money had gone.

Also, Gazchap, I've sent over the money for the Quest 2 minus a little for the sick bags I need to now purchase. :zombie:
Aye, all received, cheers dude. Hopefully you get your 'VR legs' pretty quickly!
To be clear, Curry was £13.70 and Chef food was £5, so you don't need to pay both!

I've sent £5 back to you, Kov.
Grim... wrote:
To be clear, Curry was £13.70 and Chef food was £5, so you don't need to pay both!

I've sent £5 back to you, Kov.

On the buzzer round, is it intentional that you can't answer the question after one you've answered correctly? Or was it just a coincidence that my phone seemed not to work.
I presume Mali would know due to him single-handedly winning the quiz for his team.
Joans wrote:
On the buzzer round, is it intentional that you can't answer the question after one you've answered correctly?

I guess I should follow up with Why?
To stop the same team answering the whole round.

It wasn't written specifically for the Cottage Quiz.
Starting to wake up and process the weekend!

Highlights for me included:

- Archery. Great idea for a Saturday morning. Thanks Trooper for sorting it!
- Gaz arbitrarily picking "luck" on Codenames and scoring a point for the team.
- Gaz repeating the trick in the next round with "casino" and hitting the assassin
- Introducing people to Heat but concentrating so hard on making sure everyone knew what they were doing I forgot to check what I was doing and crashed my car at the first bend.
- The food! Thanks Chefs!
- Watching rugby with everyone. Even a dodgy signal didn't disrupt the enjoyment of watching with mates.
- The band!
- Swapping clothes with Zeppo. We have similar tastes in navy t-shirts, just very different builds.
- Coming second in the quiz!
- Cowboy Town Adventures with NervousPete.
- The sex lighting and the Mar-a-Lago Throne Room
- And other stuff I'll add when I remember.

Thanks everyone for being excellent, and many thanks to Jem for sorting it!
Eurgh, post cottage depression hitting hard today!!

I had a great time, thanks all.

Not sure anything will beat the look on Jem's face when, having spent 2 minutes picking a card up with her teeth, for it to slide off her leg down the side of the couch before she could read it!! :DD

Thanks Jem for organising, seriously herding cats.
Thanks Trooper for the archery lessons; it was really good.
Thanks to Curio for the quiz
Thanks to Myld Stalin for their communist propaganda
Thanks to the chefs for cooking - even if it did need salt! :DD

Thanks to everyone else for being the lovely people you are.

All money should be paid, let me know if you haven't received it.
Bobbyaro wrote:
Not sure anything will beat the look on Jem's face when, having spent 2 minutes picking a card up with her teeth, for it to slide off her leg down the side of the couch before she could read it!! :DD

I've heard rumours of a video...

I love this picture. The way everyone seems to be moving in different directions
Bobbyaro wrote:
Eurgh, post cottage depression hitting hard today!!

I had a great time, thanks all.

Not sure anything will beat the look on Jem's face when, having spent 2 minutes picking a card up with her teeth, for it to slide off her leg down the side of the couch before she could read it!! :DD

Thanks Jem for organising, seriously herding cats.
Thanks Trooper for the archery lessons; it was really good.
Thanks to Curio for the quiz
Thanks to Myld Stalin for their communist propaganda
Thanks to the chefs for cooking - even if it did need salt! :DD

Thanks to everyone else for being the lovely people you are.

All money should be paid, let me know if you haven't received it.

I just remembered that game of higher or lower where Grim... was dealing from the bottom of the pack so we could see what the next card was.
Joans wrote:
Bobbyaro wrote:
Eurgh, post cottage depression hitting hard today!!

I had a great time, thanks all.

Not sure anything will beat the look on Jem's face when, having spent 2 minutes picking a card up with her teeth, for it to slide off her leg down the side of the couch before she could read it!! :DD

Thanks Jem for organising, seriously herding cats.
Thanks Trooper for the archery lessons; it was really good.
Thanks to Curio for the quiz
Thanks to Myld Stalin for their communist propaganda
Thanks to the chefs for cooking - even if it did need salt! :DD

Thanks to everyone else for being the lovely people you are.

All money should be paid, let me know if you haven't received it.

I just remembered that game of higher or lower where Grim... was dealing from the bottom of the pack so we could see what the next card was.

Sssshhh! Don't tell him!
When I went loser than a four and got a two!!

It's crazy how long ago that seems.
Kern wrote:
- Gaz arbitrarily picking "luck" on Codenames and scoring a point for the team.
- Gaz repeating the trick in the next round with "casino" and hitting the assassin

I'd forgotten all about this :DD
Page 7 of 8 [ 399 posts ]