What are you playing right now ....
I love the tonal shifts, personally. With the set-up, it had the potential to be darker-and-edgier, and I think that really doesn't suit the 60s-Superscience-Nazis-with-Lasers aesthetics.

The guns are awesome, the fully upgraded shotgun is just mental (fires three rounds at once, the pellets ricochet around and it has a forty shell magazine.)

The bit with
ZOMG Spoiler! Click here to view!
is ace.
Satsuma wrote:
Preggo tatties.

What the fuck? I expected some chat about a video game and got a non sequitur PornHub comment instead. Or, y'know, whatever the least classy alternative to PornHub is.
Sorry, wrong thread.
There's a right thread for that?
Bamba wrote:
There's a right thread for that?

Secret Santa?
Bamba wrote:
There's a right thread for that?

We buried it. It was the Grot, “Grumble” (maybe?) and Scud thread. It was your fave.
I've been playing Fallout 4 again.
nickachu wrote:
I've been playing Fallout 4 again.

Again? I mean, I enjoyed it enough the first time round, but the idea of playing it multiple times never appealed to me at all. The previous Fallout games would certainly reward that but F4 seemed too lightweight for that.
I'm enjoying it, it's been over a year since I played it the first time, so there's lots I'd forgotten.
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