Not PCVR. Learn to read.
Satsuma wrote:
Quick question cause I’m > < close to pulling the trigger and ordering one of these:

Is it worth it gamers of Beex?

I really enjoy any time spent on mine and think it's more than worth the money. Please for the love of god though tell me you're not suddenly considering buying one just for a stupid little Trico related toy? Plus, depending on the spec of your PC, it could be argued you'd be much better off with a Rift given it costs about the same now.
You can’t tell me what I’m thinking.


Anyhoo, I’d need a new graphics card for the PC and a) I’ve no idea how much they cost and b) me? Fiddling with the insides of a computer? I’d be fucking dead mate. I’d get liquid coolant in my mouth somehow. And my PC hasn’t even got liquid coolant.
Possibly stupid question - if I buy a PSVR here in Singapore (have I mentioned I'm now in Singapore?) will it work with a UK ps4? I've just about worked out how game and DLC region interaction works but I'm wondering about hardware before I drop several ton.
Satsuma wrote:
You can’t tell me what I’m thinking.


Anyhoo, I’d need a new graphics card for the PC and a) I’ve no idea how much they cost and b) me? Fiddling with the insides of a computer? I’d be fucking dead mate. I’d get liquid coolant in my mouth somehow. And my PC hasn’t even got liquid coolant.

I thought your PC had relatively recent insides, but I'm possibly just getting confused. Fitting a gfx card is a piece of piss so I wouldn't think of that as being a barrier but yeah, if you'd need to upgrade to bring your PC up to spec then it's probably not worth it as a new card would represent most of the cost of a PSVR kit. So yeah, you should totally buy a PSVR kit.
If only you had someone nearby who could help.
Lonewolves wrote:
If only you had someone nearby who could help.

Can you lend me some money, Myp? ;)
I absolutely love my PSVR, despite content being a bit thin this year. You definitely felt like an early adopter at times. Content seems to be picking up, so that's good. It's still scruffy -- like, thanks to Sony's throw-stuff-at-wall-and-see-what-sticks ideas, there are three different controllers you could be using, and games are still working out the right paradigms. But the good stuff (eg. SuperHot, I Expect You To Die, Batman, Job Simulator, Rush Of Blood, RE7) is enthralling.
I've not had mine long enough to be anything other than very enamoured with it but one thing to mention is it's a much more social VR than I have experienced previously, which I like a lot.

With the Gear VR you're locked in to your own little world and if you've got anyone around you they don't have much idea what's going on. Having the TV display to other people what is currently happening inside the space hat makes for a much better shared experience where her and myself have alternated goes on things and I can shout out words of advice and she can goose me when I am not expecting it because she's a sick fuck.
Doctor Glyndwr wrote:
I absolutely love my PSVR, despite content being a bit thin this year. You definitely felt like an early adopter at times. Content seems to be picking up, so that's good. It's still scruffy -- like, thanks to Sony's throw-stuff-at-wall-and-see-what-sticks ideas, there are three different controllers you could be using, and games are still working out the right paradigms. But the good stuff (eg. SuperHot, I Expect You To Die, Batman, Job Simulator, Rush Of Blood, RE7) is enthralling.

Oh and now I want SuperHot, I expect you to Die and Job Simulator.

Curse you Gaywooooooooooooooooooooooooood /shakes fist
VR with a crowd is best VR
Trousers wrote:
Doctor Glyndwr wrote:
I absolutely love my PSVR, despite content being a bit thin this year. You definitely felt like an early adopter at times. Content seems to be picking up, so that's good. It's still scruffy -- like, thanks to Sony's throw-stuff-at-wall-and-see-what-sticks ideas, there are three different controllers you could be using, and games are still working out the right paradigms. But the good stuff (eg. SuperHot, I Expect You To Die, Batman, Job Simulator, Rush Of Blood, RE7) is enthralling.

Oh and now I want SuperHot, I expect you to Die and Job Simulator.

Curse you Gaywooooooooooooooooooooooooood /shakes fist

Anyone with any VR system who hasn't played I Expect You To Die is doing it wrong.
The Psychonauts VR game is also very good, and a PSVR exclusive as far as I know.
Satsuma wrote:
Lonewolves wrote:
If only you had someone nearby who could help.

Can you lend me some money, Myp? ;)

Considering I'm not sure if I can pay my mortgage next month, possibly not. ;)
Trousers wrote:
Oh and now I want SuperHot, I expect you to Die and Job Simulator.

Curse you Gaywooooooooooooooooooooooooood /shakes fist

Job Simulator is fun, but not a game as such. Pretty funny in places. SuperHot and IEYTD are essentials though. Get that shit fixed.
Fucking hell.

I've so much stuff I need money for but the seed has been planted.
You should get one, be wonderful for Christmas. It's something the whole family can enjoy together (as long as they're at least 12 and they like video games).
I'll have to sell some of their stuff.
I played Farpoint with the Aim Controller at the weekend. That shotgun is worth the price alone, as was the high pitched scream I let out when a spider thingy jumped straight onto my face.

It was odd as at first I just stayed still in the firefights having not previously had the ability to move around but once I did casually taking out a jumping spider with the shotgun one handed is never, ever going to get old.
Zardoz wrote:
I'll have to sell some of their stuff.

Most of it could easily be replaced with virtual versions.
Trousers wrote:
I played Farpoint with the Aim Controller at the weekend. That shotgun is worth the price alone, as was the high pitched scream I let out when a spider thingy jumped straight onto my face.

It was odd as at first I just stayed still in the firefights having not previously had the ability to move around but once I did casually taking out a jumping spider with the shotgun one handed is never, ever going to get old.

What were you doing with the other hand?
Fingering your Mum.
*removes disguise*
markg wrote:

That's tomorrow sorted then.

This is just as good as I'd hoped. I mean it's a very pared down flight sim but all the basics are present and correct and VR makes it feel amazing. But I'm now just wondering how long I'll need to wait before someone makes a WWII or WWI combat flight sim for the PSVR and then that's all of the games that I'll ever need.
Played a few hours on this last night until I unlocked the ROCKET GLIDER! and did some stunts.

The challenges get steadily harder and there's fairly decent variety there too. Would definitely recommend to anyone who has PSVR as it's a lot of fun and it shows the thing off really well.
Please recommend this to my wife.
Doctor Glyndwr wrote:
Trousers wrote:
Oh and now I want SuperHot, I expect you to Die and Job Simulator.

Curse you Gaywooooooooooooooooooooooooood /shakes fist

Job Simulator is fun, but not a game as such. Pretty funny in places. SuperHot and IEYTD are essentials though. Get that shit fixed.

50% done - Superhot currently on offer for £8.49 ... -st-111284
Grabbed that but not even played it yet. Eve Valkyrie is cheap on there too atm so I'll be getting that as well, as I really enjoyed the very brief demo.

I got Skyrim VR for Christmas and it's ace, the graphics take a hit from what I remember but it just doesn't matter. Last night after my wife went up to bed and after a few whiskeys I was playing it and nodded off when some character was wittering away about something or other. I think I was only asleep for a minute or two but it was all pretty confusing for a moment or two when I woke up. :DD
Played Until Dawn: Rush of Blood.

It might just be because it was the first thing I’ve played where you shoot at stuff in VR but ... EXCELLENT! Man alive, I can’t wait to play it tonight in the dark.
You'll probably find it's just the same what with the massive light blocking VR headset on your noggin.
Bought one of these today... my goodness its ridiculously good fun.
Satsuma wrote:
Played Until Dawn: Rush of Blood.

It might just be because it was the first thing I’ve played where you shoot at stuff in VR but ... EXCELLENT! Man alive, I can’t wait to play it tonight in the dark.

Did you end up buying a VR kit then? I must've missed that, glad you're enjoying it. ☺️
Bamba wrote:
Satsuma wrote:
Played Until Dawn: Rush of Blood.

It might just be because it was the first thing I’ve played where you shoot at stuff in VR but ... EXCELLENT! Man alive, I can’t wait to play it tonight in the dark.

Did you end up buying a VR kit then? I must've missed that, glad you're enjoying it. ☺️


Seriously though. AMAZING.

Do you have the move controllers and do they improve the immersion much more? Shooting with the pad was just great as it was. Pew fucking pew. I was surprised how accurate I was just with the pad. I bet the Vive is out of this world.
You definitely want the Technodicks. Without them you can’t play the best stuff on PSVR (I Expect You To Die, SuperHot.)
Satsuma wrote:
Bamba wrote:
Satsuma wrote:
Played Until Dawn: Rush of Blood.

It might just be because it was the first thing I’ve played where you shoot at stuff in VR but ... EXCELLENT! Man alive, I can’t wait to play it tonight in the dark.

Did you end up buying a VR kit then? I must've missed that, glad you're enjoying it. ☺️


Seriously though. AMAZING.

Do you have the move controllers and do they improve the immersion much more? Shooting with the pad was just great as it was. Pew fucking pew. I was surprised how accurate I was just with the pad. I bet the Vive is out of this world.

You're playing Rush of Blood without the Move controllers? That's a mistake. With Move controllers you get a gun in each hand. Man, if you're enjoying it now...

For sure though: go buy the Move controllers, they're so much better in the shitloads of games that support them.
I’ll definitely be doing that now.

I’ve just had my folks around. My dad was going nuts for Until Dawn and my mum about had a heart attack on The Last Guardian. She was scared witness just looking at Trico! So I got her to look down over an edge and then pushed her forward. She almost shat herself. Mean, but it just proved how immersive VR is to all ages.
Satsuma wrote:
I’ll definitely be doing that now.

I’ve just had my folks around. My dad was going nuts for Until Dawn and my mum about had a heart attack on The Last Guardian. She was scared witness just looking at Trico! So I got her to look down over an edge and then pushed her forward. She almost shat herself. Mean, but it just proved how immersive VR is to all ages.

I've strapped most of my family into it plus a load of non-gamer mates and everyone's had a blast. Part of it's the 'Wii effect' taken to a better conclusion i.e. presenting people with a computer generated world that's easy to grasp *and* interact with. Getting used to a standard controller is rewarding but it is a very real barrier to most people.

It still doesn't take much to confuse people though. Arkham VR, for instance, generally goes down well but you still see people struggling to remember which button is grab and which is for teleport. And the levitate controls in IEYTD still annoy the shit out of me so I wouldn't expose any non-gamer to those; which is a shame because it's an incredible VR experience otherwise. Essentially, having to use interface tricks to paper over the inability to properly move within a space means it's still not properly universal.
I’ve just had a similar experience. Asking my dad to sit there and shoot things was an easy wild ride for him. Trying to communicate teleporting to different locations to my mum was an uphill struggle I’m still not sure she properly understood.

We tried a car racing game though (Tiny Trax I think) and neither could control the tiny vehicles but they both loved the experience of looking around the track, standing up, looking underwater and behind them in VR, while I moved the car around. It was fascinating to watch my dad shifting from watching it on TV and taking the piss out my mum to experiencing it himself and doing the exact same things she was (including trying to touch the onscreen obstacles).
Everyone I’ve put in IEYTD has managed the telekinesis controls, but I agree they are clunky on PSVR. (They’re far better on PC, where you drag on the controller’s glide pad.)
If you're looking for dad recommendations,* I found the Headmaster and Driveclub demos most effective. Driveclub can be configured to use the controller as a sort of virtual steering wheel using the accelerometer so if you do that and choose auto gears it becomes essentially a go kart simulator which anyone can pick up. And Headmaster is just a piss laugh in general.

*I realise that sounds a bit sexist but my dad drives and plays football, my mum is interested in neither of those things. My sister also loved Driveclub though.
Sat: Get the Kitchen "game".
Grim... wrote:
Sat: Get the Kitchen "game".

What’s it called? The kitchen? Get the Kitchen? I must know.

NB: Move controllers amazoned!
Grim... wrote:
Sat: Get the Kitchen "game".

The RE7 thing? But it's a pish 'experience', especially compared to the Beginning Hour demo.
Satsuma wrote:
Grim... wrote:
Sat: Get the Kitchen "game".

What’s it called? The kitchen? Get the Kitchen? I must know.

NB: Move controllers amazoned!

Actually, as a mate of mine recently asked for PSVR freebie recommendations this list might be useful to some. Apologies for the formatting, it's copied straight from an email.

The Last Guardian VR demo: ... -st-111284

Rec Room ... -st-111284

Demo disc 1: ... -st-111284

Demo disc 2: ... -st-111284

Bound demo: ... -st-111284

Spiderman film tie-in thing: ... -st-111284

Resident Evil 7 Begining Hour: ... -st-111284

CoD Jackal Assault: ... -st-111284

The Playroom: ... -st-111284

The two demo discs between them have shitloads of contents; there is some cross-over between them but they've both got loads of stuff that's exclusive to them so well worth getting them both. the RE7 demo has a lot of content as well, it's reaqlly much more than just a wee demo and apparently has multiple endings and all that kind of thing. The Call of Duty one is a space dogfighting level that's been ripped from the most recent game and handed out for free. Rec Room is some kind of online multiplayer hub thing with loads of games you can play in there; apparently the paintball is the highlight. The Playroom is a Sony thing full of minigames, most of which are designed to be played with other people in the room. I haven't touched those but there's a single player 3D platform game thing called Robot Rescue that's just a lot of fun and is well worth checking out.

Note that some of the games on the store also have free demos that I can't find on the website as separate download for some reason. So if you just go to the VR section in the store on the console itself and browse through what's there some stuff will have a free demo.
Isn't the COD one DLC?
From that list, absolutely definitely grab the CoD thing and The Playroom for Robot Rescue as they're both great fun. In terms of full games with demos I couldn't find at that time, get Statik as it's very cool.

Also I absolutely fucking adored Bound in VR; though it seems I was kind of alone in that.
Grim... wrote:
Isn't the COD one DLC?

Nah, it's a level from the main game that's been spun out as a completely free download for everyone. I haven't bought a CoD game in about ten years--and certainly not on the PS4--and it was happy for me to grab it. There's no depth to it but it's slick as fuck, just like you'd expect, and the initial high speed launch into space is the sort of thing that in VR leaves you properly grinning.
Bamba wrote:
Grim... wrote:
Sat: Get the Kitchen "game".

The RE7 thing? But it's a pish 'experience', especially compared to the Beginning Hour demo.

I’ve got Resi 7 - is this one of the DLCs? I doubt I can be bothered to play the campaign again but if the DLC stuff is good in VR I might see how much the season pass is.
@Bamba: Yeah, I've got it. I guess they did it as DLC first.
@Sat: Just get it. It's free!
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