Taking the Brexit
This session ends in June 2019, as I understand it.
Trooper wrote:
What defines a "session"?

Your hangover.
Doctor Glyndwr wrote:
Holy shit, Bercow is telling May to go piss up a rope

I didn't see this one coming!

Ah, the British constitution... you never cease to surprise and delight me.

Seperation of powers in our system is locked up in the attic like Mrs Rochester. But occasionally she gets out and gives the executive sleepless nights.
Malc wrote:
A queens speech I think

Yes. Technically they open and close with one, although the latter is usually read out by some Lords.

Whilst the Fixed Term Parliament Act removed the right of the Crown to dissolve Parliament and hold an election, Liz retains the right to prorogue Parliament and start a new session (a soft reboot if you like). So the Prime Minister could advise her to do so.
Kern wrote:

A fun verb. The bishop likes to prorogue on Tuesdays.

Giphy "prorogue":
Well this just took a turn for the interesting.
I can't see how any meaningful vote on an amended deal could take place with the current time limits and restrictions.
There's a very significant chance that the EU will only allow a lengthy extension if anything, and with the time rapidly running out are we really only left with Cancel Brexit as the available course of action?
Cancellation of Brexit
Vote of no confidence
General election
Resurgence of ukip
Hung parliament
Restart of Brexit
Economy tanks even more
Russia invades
Nuclear war
Maila takes cover in sink
Only survivor
Becomes king of the cockroach
Cockroach parliament is created
Cockroaches vote to oust Malia
Trooper wrote:
Cancellation of Brexit
Vote of no confidence
General election
Resurgence of ukip
Hung parliament
Restart of Brexit
Economy tanks even more
Russia invades
Nuclear war
Maila takes cover in sink
Only survivor
Becomes king of the cockroach
Cockroach parliament is created
Cockroaches vote to oust Malia

Seems legit
Kern wrote:
Doctor Glyndwr wrote:
Holy shit, Bercow is telling May to go piss up a rope

I didn't see this one coming!

Someone brought it up the other day, somewhere, and I just assumed it was you, here!
Just reading the statement and the replies from honorable members. Wish I'd seen it live, as Bercow is clearly enjoying himself.

I am always grateful to the right hon. Gentleman [Mark Francois, Con.]. I have often reminded the House, and I say this for the benefit of those attending to our proceedings, that I first came to know him in September 1983 when I unkindly and wrongly suggested that, intellectually, he was knee-high to a grasshopper. That was very unfair of me and, to his great credit, he did not appear to bear any grudge and we have got on pretty well over the ensuing 35 and a half years

Meanwhile, their Lordships decided to pontificate on that most pressing of matters: the planned Grand Farewell Party Festival for the United Kingdom in 2022.

Lord Kirkhope of Harrogate (Con):
My Lords, why is the title of this proposed festival as it is? In 1951 we had a Festival of Britain. We are now talking about a festival of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. Surely it would be more appropriate to have a festival of the United Kingdom.

Lord Ashton of Hyde:
I do not know why that title was selected but it seems to explain exactly what the festival is all about.

Lord McNally (LD):
My Lords, is this new festival an opportunity to establish a museum of Brexit, where the record of this Government can be preserved for future generations? Would not the advantage be that there is already a perfect location in the Chamber of Horrors?
I thought the Brexitocelots wanted Parliament to have more control?
If it will be done, it has to be done properly with no gaps, not even one water could get through. No chunks in the armour, parliament must be squeaky clean, and this helps that
Check out @BBCNormanS’s Tweet: https://twitter.com/BBCNormanS/status/1 ... 5328334849

Well, bring it.
Hang on, aren't Corbyn and Milne the obsessive ideologues who will stop at nothing to get their plans through?

Steve Double will be storming the Winter Palace next.
Who hooo. Ten rollercoaster days left!

Who the heck even knows what might happen today, eh?
Aren't we due a royal baby?
Scathing op-ed in the Times that (I think) will be exactly how history records May's performance at the biggest job she'll ever hold. (no paywall)

https://www.thetimes.co.uk/article/blam ... f43d773764
Meanwhile at the march :

https://twitter.com/ByDonkeys/status/11 ... 8453325829

Bercow going to lay the smack down on some candy asses. If you smelllllllllllll what Bercow is cooking!
zaphod79 wrote:
Meanwhile at the march :

https://twitter.com/ByDonkeys/status/11 ... 8453325829

I hope they’re doing something useful along that verge, like picking up litter.
https://twitter.com/MichaelPDeacon/stat ... 6549496832

At least there are some lols to be had.

https://www.theguardian.com/politics/20 ... aos-bercow

The French EU affairs minister, Nathalie Loiseau, who it emerged on Monday has named her cat Brexit due to its indecision and reluctance to leave the house, said it was necessary to “have a sense of humour” given the state of the process.
Hon, hon, those crazy French!
When I was at senior school my girlfriend had a French exchange student stay with her for a week in the summer holidays, and we all went swimming one afternoon. I remember she had quite hairy armpits which I thought was a cliche but apparently is a real thing. Although admittedly my sample size is pretty small.

The leisure centre had a games area, as was the fashion of the time, one of the machines was a stand-up Chase HQ, but the turbo boost button didn't work, which made getting past Stage 3 pretty much impossible.
I reckon no new votes, EU says no extension and we revoke Art 50 on morning of 29th.

And Cras was right all along.
Wish I had your optimism. I can see the Prime Minister telling the Tory MPs that this is the final shot and they'd better not waste it, before bringing a motion to override the rules and support the agreement whilst Labour abstain.

But I have been wrong many times in the past.
(I also don't have a thread title for a revocation situation, but was working on something along the lines of 'Seeking a Brentry' for leaving)
Kern wrote:
Wish I had your optimism. I can see the Prime Minister telling the Tory MPs that this is the final shot and they'd better not waste it, before bringing a motion to override the rules and support the agreement whilst Labour abstain.

But I have been wrong many times in the past.

There's two scapegoats. Both can be considered The Establishment. Seems great.
Kern wrote:
(I also don't have a thread title for a revocation situation, but was working on something along the lines of 'Seeking a Brentry' for leaving)


Works on two levels!
Ruh roh.

https://twitter.com/nick_gutteridge/sta ... 9059027969

This is fine, because one thing May is very clear on is that she is very clear about things so this won't be any sort of problem for her to achieve.
If we'd done a no deal exit one day after the referendum, it would all be over now and we'd all be adjusted to our new way of life. I'm sure the coal mines would be at full capacity and the wollen mills churning out high quality garments for export.
DavPaz wrote:
If we'd done a no deal exit one day after the referendum, it would all be over now and we'd all be adjusted to our new way of life. I'm sure the coal mines would be at full capacity and the wollen mills churning out high quality garments for export.

To Scotland
MaliA wrote:
I reckon no new votes, EU says no extension and we revoke Art 50 on morning of 29th.

And Cras was right all along.

Check out @Peston’s Tweet: https://twitter.com/Peston/status/1107983373195202560

Update my thing to: A50 revoked, she calls election, resigns
It'd be hilarious if nobody told the March to Leave 60, and they walked all the way to London.
MaliA wrote:
It'd be hilarious if nobody told the March to Leave 60, and they walked all the way to London.

I think Leavers were much happier when this was all in the abstract.
I think I might revise this to just:

If I were Mrs May and I knew I was about to be defenestrated, I'd make a Prime Ministerial broadcast and tell the country that I'd be going to the House of Commons the next day and annoucing that a full notice of revocation was already lodged with Brussels. I'd then list all the complications and costs of the past three years and the likely long-time effects, going into detail about the impact on people's lives and in particular in Mr Johnson's, Mr Gove's, and Disgraced Mr Fox's constituencies, and give a lengthy homily on their own political and personal failings.

When the House of Commons finally gets restored to order, I would go to the Palace to resign, and recommend a newly-elevated Lord Dyer to the Queen as her next PM. I'd decline her offer of tea, then head straight to Heathrow and Latin America.
Of course.

https://twitter.com/henrymance/status/1 ... 8380471297

He will go to a relevant March when the time is right. It just isn’t the right time to march in March.
Email to mp sent.
I think May requesting only a short extension has made no deal significantly more likely. Great. Just really great.
Alternatively, and even then only slightly more reassuringly, the EU might reject the short deal so she can turn to the party and say "look how horrible those nasty foreigners have been - back my deal or we fall out". Schedule the vote for 28th March, and the Tories will fall in line whilst Labour will nobly abstain.
MaliA wrote:
Email to mp sent.

Ditto, twice now. Mine's Bob Blackman though, so pissing in the wind.
Doctor Glyndwr wrote:
I think May requesting only a short extension has made no deal significantly more likely. Great. Just really great.

She really is an absolute fucking clownshoe. Her and Cameron - pair of twats.
Sorry, that doesn’t add much to the debate.
Nik wrote:
Sorry, that doesn’t add much to the debate.

It contributes more than Jeremy Corbyn.
Kern wrote:

It contributes more than Jeremy Corbyn.
On which note
https://twitter.com/rosskempsell/status ... 1155503106

Amazing how every time he uses words he says he opposes the government's approach but every time he has to use actions, somehow, nothing happens.
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