It's Wednesday
Not to long to go for me at work now.

But my T-Shirts have arrived at hte post office so I can pick them up on the way into work.




What's new in BETEO World?
I got into work at 7.

I normally get into work at 10.

I'm not doing well.

Bright side, leave at 4.
I should be at college today- but I'm not. Oh dear.
Wednesday's are dull at college.
Four more hours, and the week is half gone. That's about the only positive thing I can say about Wednesdays.

It's pissing it down, too. June!
I'd quite like it to thunder today, I like thunderstorms, me.

Groggy from fiddling with creatures last night and still a little tense after the EA Store debacle. Fortunately its meal and movie night tonight, and I think its my choice. So I might be doing a big Spanish omelette for friends and making them watch either:

Dark City
The Lavender Hill Mob
Whiskey Galore
The Man In the White Suit

Can you choose, BETEO?
I'm going to pick my overnight cultures and go home.

Sorting office was shut until 9am, so I wasn't going to hang around there for 30 minutes so came into work. Ride in was dull although I think I really should start using the clutch when I change gear again. Or retro fit a crash box into it.
nynfortoo wrote:

He lives!


What's it been like being dead for the past 20 years?
nervouspete wrote:
Whiskey Galore

chinnyhill10 wrote:
nynfortoo wrote:

What's it been like being dead for the past 20 years?

Quiet, really.

MaliA wrote:
Ride in was dull although I think I really should start using the clutch when I change gear again. Or retro fit a crash box into it.

Heh, yeah, you probably should.
Tam wrote:
I should be at college today- but I'm not. Oh dear.
Wednesday's are dull at college.

Do they teach proper use of apostrophes on Wednesdays? ;)

Those mad dutch loonies.

Grim... buy it for me, please.
Dudley wrote:
I got into work at 7.

I normally get into work at 10.

I'm not doing well.

Bright side, leave at 4.

I normally get into work at 9am.

Today I got into work at 10am.

I'm not entirely sure why, as I did everything I normally do. All I can think is that my alarm went off, and I somehow then slept for exactly another hour before waking up, and proceeding as usual. I only even realised I was late when I was halfway over London Bridge, and was disturbed by the lack of other people there.
Curiosity wrote:
I only even realised I was late when I was halfway over London Bridge, and was disturbed by the lack of other people there.

I've had that heart-jump more than a few times when the schools have been on holiday. I just don't keep up with half-terms since leaving yonks ago, so when all of a sudden there aren't any kids walking to school when I travel to work, I can't help but panic about being catastrophically late.

The best one, though, is when I managed to re-set my clock back an hour while checking the time when I woke up in the night. I've no idea how that happened, but needless to say, I spent the entire journey in a state of utter confusion about how quiet everything was.
I got back from Grimsby OK. The hotel was nice.
Zardoz wrote:
nervouspete wrote:
Whiskey Galore


Not happening now, they've both got a cold. It'll be Friday more like. :(
I woke up at 7.30am, and decided I hadn't had enough sleep, so slept again until about 9.15. Got up, showered, had breakfast and walked to the train station for the 10.24am train. Got into work at about 11.

Good job they're flexible here, and I feel mega fab for the extra sleep.
Shuttled a couple of kids off to school then lay on my bed to finish a book I was reading last night but was too tired to finish, but then fell asleep reading it :-|

Got my elsdest out of bed as he has his final exam today. This is good as he has a job interview tomorrow at Alton Towers. :)
Goddess Jasmine wrote:
Got my elsdest out of bed as he has his final exam today. This is good as he has a job interview tomorrow at Alton Towers. :)

Bonus points if the interview takes place on a rollercoaster.
First day back at work in a week after a music festival at the weekend, followed by two days lounging around in front of the TV at home. Bad to be back, I feel like I've just been beamed in from an alien spaceship or something, the office feels really strange.
Goddess Jasmine wrote:
Shuttled a couple of kids off to school then lay on my bed to finish a book I was reading last night but was too tired to finish, but then fell asleep reading it :-|

Got my elsdest out of bed as he has his final exam today. This is good as he has a job interview tomorrow at Alton Towers. :)

Awesome. Presumably you'll be the go-to discount woman of the forum then? That place is enticingly close to my work.
nynfortoo wrote:
Goddess Jasmine wrote:
Shuttled a couple of kids off to school then lay on my bed to finish a book I was reading last night but was too tired to finish, but then fell asleep reading it :-|

Got my elsdest out of bed as he has his final exam today. This is good as he has a job interview tomorrow at Alton Towers. :)

Awesome. Presumably you'll be the go-to discount woman of the forum then? That place is enticingly close to my work.

Mrs A has been talking about taking the little 'uns there over the summer.
nervouspete wrote:
Bonus points if the interview takes place on a rollercoaster.

I cannot see what you've posted there Gazchap as I'm at work, it's just a blank space, but I'll bet anything that its the You Tube video of the Big Train skit where an appeal is made by the parents and police on a rollercoaster. :)
You know me so well.
I can see that video, which means Websense is down - YES!
Or you're being monitored manually.
nynfortoo wrote:
Goddess Jasmine wrote:
Shuttled a couple of kids off to school then lay on my bed to finish a book I was reading last night but was too tired to finish, but then fell asleep reading it :-|

Got my elsdest out of bed as he has his final exam today. This is good as he has a job interview tomorrow at Alton Towers. :)

Awesome. Presumably you'll be the go-to discount woman of the forum then? That place is enticingly close to my work.

I have no-idea what he'll be entitled to to be honest - he's got to get the job first anyway!

*keeps fingers crossed*
I hope he's applying to be Barnie, rather than working on the rides.
I suspect he'll be in some foody place, probably clearing tables.
I'd want to be dressed up as a giant cartoon character if I worked at a place like that. A cartoon character giving out balloons - even better.
MaliA wrote:

Those mad dutch loonies.

Grim... buy it for me, please.

Okay, done. Feel free to come round and have a go on it any time you like.
I added a bunch of snazzy stuff to my development house script. Not that this means anything to anyone. :munkeh:
nervouspete wrote:
Goddess Jasmine wrote:
Got my elsdest out of bed as he has his final exam today. This is good as he has a job interview tomorrow at Alton Towers. :)
Bonus points if the interview takes place on a rollercoaster.
Even more if it involves chess puzzles.
richardgaywood wrote:
nervouspete wrote:
Goddess Jasmine wrote:
Got my elsdest out of bed as he has his final exam today. This is good as he has a job interview tomorrow at Alton Towers. :)
Bonus points if the interview takes place on a rollercoaster.
Even more if it involves chess puzzles.

I am so doing that.
Mimi wrote:
I'd want to be dressed up as a giant cartoon character if I worked at a place like that. A cartoon character giving out balloons - even better.

One of my clients owns a kids ball pit place in a shopping centre, I've asked if I can dress up one day and do this and she's agreed! :D
Goddess Jasmine wrote:
Mimi wrote:
I'd want to be dressed up as a giant cartoon character if I worked at a place like that. A cartoon character giving out balloons - even better.

One of my clients owns a kids ball pit place in a shopping centre, I've asked if I can dress up one day and do this and she's agreed! :D

Aceness! I'd be too busy kicking the kids outta the way so I could play, I'd be a bad giant cartoon character.

Even though I don't know Mimi or what she looks like, I can't imagine her as a giant cartoon character, I imagine her as a teeny tiny button nosed fairy/angel/pixie being. One that draws flowers on walls with colouful chalk at night....awww, Mimi.
flis wrote:
Even though I don't know Mimi or what she looks like, I can't imagine her as a giant cartoon character, I imagine her as a teeny tiny button nosed fairy/angel/pixie being. One that draws flowers on walls with colouful chalk at night....awww, Mimi.

I'm pretty sure Mimi is a cloud with the words 'Dead Ace' written on the side.
Goddess Jasmine wrote:
Got my elsdest out of bed as he has his final exam today. This is good as he has a job interview tomorrow at Alton Towers. :)

Poor bastard.

(From a Towers Veteran... kinda like a Vietnam Veteran, but with more PTSD)
I had to go into Newcastle (the other one) this afternoon, and saw loads of Alton Towers signs. Why does the world tease me so!
I was in the very same Newcastle today. I got rained on. The end.
There are at least 3 Newcastles in the UK, although to be fair, only 2 at the outside that are ever likely to get an Alton Towers sign.
under-Lyme is the important one. ;)
Although only the one on the welsh border near Clun gets to call itself simply "Newcastle" rather than "Newcastle, just down from the shops, if you hit Tesco you've gone too far".
devilman wrote:
under-Lyme is the important one. ;)

Agreed. I was, after all, born around those parts.
Pundabaya wrote:
Goddess Jasmine wrote:
Got my elsdest out of bed as he has his final exam today. This is good as he has a job interview tomorrow at Alton Towers. :)

Poor bastard.

(From a Towers Veteran... kinda like a Vietnam Veteran, but with more PTSD)

Good, might teach him to appreciate a thing or too.

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