The Movie topic there is none
Nausicaa, Totoro, Grave of the Fireflies and When Marnie Was There, for me. I listen to Marnie’s OST semi-regularly.
I saw Spirited Away at the cinema a couple of weeks ago. It was aces.
Some really good films I've seen recently on Netflix include "The Babysitter" and "I don't Feel at Home in this World Anymore".

The first one is about a babysitter who has an amazing relationship with the 12 year old boy she looks after (the only person in his year who still has one). The boy is afraid of everything and bullied by everyone. However the sitter has a sinister side...

The second one is about a woman who thinks everyone is a selfish arsehole when she gets robbed and the police are little help, so she enlists her neighbour (Elijah Wood) to help her set the world to rights.
I watched the Secret Life of Walter Mitty (Ben Stiller) on TV the other day and thoroughly, thoroughly, enjoyed it. Possibly more than any other film I've seen for a long time. It's quite a sweet-natured film with characters that I cared about and wanted to succeed. It was funny, in a light hearted and charming way rather than a silly lol-fest. And it wasn't violent.

OK, some of the adventures or clues were a touch far fetched but that didn't really detract from what, for me, was an engaging journey. It was a good looking film too.

Looking at what I've written here seems like pretty feint praise but it was just a wonderful film for me.
Pitch Perfect was great, Pitch Perfect 2 was reasonably good, Pitch Perfect 3 is utter trash. I doubt even Malia would like it.
Trooper wrote:
I doubt even Malia would like it.

Trooper wrote:
Pitch Perfect was great, Pitch Perfect 2 was reasonably good, Pitch Perfect 3 is utter trash. I doubt even Malia would like it.

Concur, although I'd give more props to PP2.

3 was dogshit. Why did Fat Amy become a fucking ninja all of a sudden? And why would you take the hottest Bella out of the film?!
Concur with the views on 3, but I loved 2.
Yes. Pitch Perfect 3 is The Matrix 2.
The child got to choose the movie last week. She skipped over plenty of great films for kids and chose 2005’s “The Adventures of Shark Boy and Lava Girl”.

I thought it had a chance of being okay, since it was by Robert Rodriguez (indeed the very next film he made was Sin City).

It was not.

Still, it had a 12 year old Taylor Lautner pretending to be a shark. That was vaguely amusing.

Child loved it though.
Curiosity wrote:
The child got to choose the movie last week. She skipped over plenty of great films for kids and chose 2005’s “The Adventures of Shark Boy and Lava Girl”.

I thought it had a chance of being okay, since it was by Robert Rodriguez (indeed the very next film he made was Sin City).

It was not.

Still, it had a 12 year old Taylor Lautner pretending to be a shark. That was vaguely amusing.

Child loved it though.

My daughter used to love it. And must have watched it about a dozen times a few years back. I don't think I ever sat through a whole viewing.
Doctor Glyndwr wrote:
It doesn’t exist?

Giphy "yup":
The Predator looks good.
The young uns have watched The Greatest Showman at least once a day for the last week solid, and have also requested the soundtrack be played in the car. Despite this, it's not become grating (...yet?).

It's a good film actually, visually stylish and with a warm heart. The musical numbers are delightful and the JackMan is, as usual, very watchable.
Sir Taxalot wrote:
The young uns have watched The Greatest Showman at least once a day for the last week solid, and have also requested the soundtrack be played in the car. Despite this, it's not become grating (...yet?).

It's a good film actually, visually stylish and with a warm heart. The musical numbers are delightful and the JackMan is, as usual, very watchable.

Week two and three have become tiresome.
My mum's over visiting and asked to watch a film last night so I put on UPGRADE for her which she very much enjoyed.

She did that mum thing where she was asking who had done the bad deeds and trying to guess who the villain was and then asking me who the villain was so I told her to either be quiet and watch it or I would turn it off.

And she guessed the villain wrong but then tried to twist it so that her guess was correct in a roundabout sort of way which I was having none of.

(I thoroughly enjoyed it on a second watch, it's a fucking solid film UPGRADE, it really is.)

The evening before she watched BAD DAY FOR THE CUT which she thought was good but 'didn't have a proper ending' which I pooh-poohed.

I tried her with Breaking Bad a few years ago and before the end of the FIRST EPISODE OF THE FIRST SEASON she was asking how it finished, I don't mean that episode or that season, but the entire thing at the end of Season Five. I mean, really.
But don't you read about the plot of the films you're about to watch on Wikipedia?
Grim... wrote:
But don't you read about the plot of the films you're about to watch on Wikipedia?

Unexpected beex plot twist
We watched Rampage last night.

I enjoyed it as I wasn't in the mood for something heavy and thought provoking. It's a good old popcorn film.
Watched ‘Logan Lucky’ last night.

It’s a heist caper starring Channing Tatum, Daniel Craig and Adam Driver, amongst others.

Very funny, neatly plotted, definitely worth a watch.
My neighbour has just told me about a film he watched last night called Tomboy.

It sounded quite interesting but there's absolutely no need to watch it now as he told me everything that happened in it.
I hate that. Also trailers that are practically a speed run of the film.
Curiosity wrote:
Watched ‘Logan Lucky’ last night.

Wolverine remembers to retract his claws before wiping his arse.
Bamba wrote:
I watched The Girl With All The Gifts last night and really, really enjoyed it. It's ostensibly a post-apocalyptic zombie film but it's done with a slant I doubt you'll have seen before and a surprising amount of time goes by before they even bother explaining that's what's going on (which I mean as a compliment). Atmospheric as all shit and brilliant performances throughout, not least from the titular 'girl' who's fucking incredible despite being only about 12 when it was filmed. The rest of the main cast is Glenn Close, Paddy Considene and Gemma Arterton if you need that further hook. Very good stuff indeed.

I watched this last night and I agree with Bamba - it's quite something to find a fresh slant on the zombie genre but they've managed it here with aplomb.

The CGI isn't exactly top tier but it doesn't really distract from the film, and it being set in the UK/London makes a nice change as well. (Apart from, y'know, 28 Days Later and suchlike.)

895/100 - Paddy-tastic.
Hearthly wrote:
Satsuma wrote:
Watched a film. It was called Upgrade.

Here’s the pitch: Man gets microchip in his neck and then does violent murders.

It’s great.

(Summary: It doesn’t break any new ground; nonoutstandig acting, simply serviceable; the kooky IT wizard is shit; it’s a bit daft; the cinematography is quite good though; the violence is groovy; i think it’s filmed on digital camera so it looks a bit cheap; it nicely tips over 90 minutes run-time which is just right.)

I watched this tonight and whilst I think you're selling it rather short in some regards, it is basically a superb B movie experience with some splendidly over the top violence.

I didn't get the 'cheap' looking side of things at all, they obviously didn't have a mega-budget to chuck at it but I don't think anything looked out of place or cheaped out on either.

This film comes HIGHLY RECOMMENDED as some great revenge movie thrills with sci-fi overtones and sentient computers can be bad and stuff.

A solid 8/10 but a bit better than that so 830/1000.

(Give BAD DAY FOR THE CUT a go, Mr Satsuma.)

I watched this last night. I think you are being a bit generous and i'm fully snuggled up to Satsuma on this, with the proviso that it was merely good, not great.

Nothing new in it, very derivative, reasonably well done action scenes, some terrible acting, some ok acting. Tesco Value Tom Hardy was ok, Definitely Not Elon Musk was terrible. Gaping plot holes when you think about it. The film had a nice "feel" about it though.

706 baked beans.
I was watching The Martian on Film4 last night. Can someone answer me this cause it’s been doing my nut in:

The door of the HAB explodes and his potatoes die. He fixes it with a big sheet of plastic and manages to repressurise the HAB. Now he’s going to stave cause he can’t make potatoes.

Here’s the question:

What’s stopping him from restarting his farm? He has all the equipment still (as far as I could tell) (or rather, they never say, ‘that was his last plinky plonk’) and I’m thinking the only thing he might not have is loads of shit left, but surely he’s been doing big shits every day and can use his own. Has his shit machine ran out of bags? Can’t he just do a dump on the floor? It’s not like he’ll attract any flies on Mars.

So, yeah, any guesses?
Not enough potatoes to start again? The potatoes he has left are dead and won't grow if he plants them?
Dunno really, I don't think it's made clear in the film either IIRC.
He has eating potatoes left and the ones he started with were vacuum sealed anyway so, I suppose my question is, can you kill a potatoe?
No, you can kill a potato or potatoes.
I think it's the temperature, not the vacuum. Potatoes won't sprout after freezing, water expansion smashes the cell structure up. They would have flash-frozen when the HAB door blew open. It's well below freezing on Mars almost everywhere and almost all the time.
The book said it was the bacteria in the soil that died, IIRC.
Grim... wrote:
The book said it was the bacteria in the soil that died, IIRC.

Oh, that was it! They mention something very briefly, which made me think why can’t he just shit on the floor.
I think he'd need to shit on the floor a lot.
What else has he got to do with his time.

Hasn’t he been shitting for like 400 sols anyway?
The only thing you really need bacteria for in soil is nitrogen fixing, and that doesn't help when you don't have a nitrogen cycle and you're looking to get all the nitrates you need from shit, so that's a fluff explanation.
I mean, if you go down that road then the wind on Mars would never get strong enough to blow the rocket over (it would need to be gusting at something silly like mach eight), so he would have got off the planet as planned.
Satsuma wrote:
What else has he got to do with his time.

Hasn’t he been shitting for like 400 sols anyway?

This would have been an immensely entertaining film.
Grim... wrote:
I mean, if you go down that road then the wind on Mars would never get strong enough to blow the rocket over (it would need to be gusting at something silly like mach eight), so he would have got off the planet as planned.

Well indeed, I have no objection to fluff explanations in films, just pointing out that it was one.
The problem I have, is how easy he found the old mars rover. Just walk to the right spot and scrape away a bit of sand.
I couldn't even find a time capsule that was buried 1 pace away from a tree when I was at uni, when we went back 10 years later, and I was the one who put it there in the first place!
My problem with it was that it was a good story but really uncinematic in how it was shot and presented. It had moments of spectacle etc, but it all felt at least a decade out of date.

I'd have preferred either they didn't bother trying to compete in that manner (have it plainly presented and let the story/performances carry it), or they put a bit more effort into the presentation.
If I went to Rekall and had memories of being an Olympic skier, would I actually have the ability of an Olympic skier?
Satsuma wrote:
If I went to Rekall and had memories of being an Olympic skier, would I actually have the ability of an Olympic skier?

Total Rekall, yep.
I don’t think so. Rekall isn’t sold as a way of augmenting Your skill tree. It’s sold as a holiday in your brain.
Film wot I watched: Skyscraper

Someone told me “[Sat] it’s like Diehard.” No. It. Isn’t. It’s more watchable than, say, Rampage and it’s a way to pass the time but, I mean, come on, when do we stop praising these “just about passable” films. Just, just, it’s shit. You can watch it if you like but it’s just not interesting.

I also rewatched the Total Recall (2016? Remake).

Fuck me that film takes a big steaming dump on the original. All the actors are just crap in it. I bloody hate this film.
The Total Recall remake is definitely better than the original.
Jem and I watched Skyscraper the other night. It was vaguely watchable, but yep, it was still shit. Notable plot holes:
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The Rock is given a tablet at the start that controls the building's fire systems. The tablet can only be unlocked biometrically, using The Rock's face.

The Rock is robbed while on a boat shortly after, and has his bag stolen by baddies that were after the tablet so they could fuck about with the fire systems. The bag is thought to contain the tablet.

It then transpires that The Rock took the tablet and put it in his coat pocket for safe keeping, thus scuppering the baddies plan, so they need to attack The Rock to get the tablet back off them.

This they do, and then force The Rock to unlock the tablet using his face.

So what was their plan if the tablet *had* been in the bag?

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When the fire first breaks out, the building's anti-fire systems succeed in stopping the fire spreading, but are seemingly incapable of extinguishing it, even though it's confined to just one floor. The fire rages for at least 10 minutes.

The anti-fire systems are disabled and the fire spreads upwards, engulfing basically the entire building from the initial floor up.

At the end, Mrs. Rock reboots the anti-fire systems, which turns them back on and magically the entire fire is extinguished literally within seconds.
I went to see Black Klansman yesterday. I have to say it is a great film, quite hard to watch because of the subject matter. It is done in a brilliant funny way, and it is mad to think it is a true story.

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the 2017 footage is hard to watch, as the thing is fucking real. We still have idiots that believe the KKK shit.
I saw that new Predator movie. You needn't bother.
Oh no, I wanted that to be good.
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