Middle Age Spread
Doing something about it
I was a tad disappointed... over it now.. :)
Kris wrote:
I went the other way, I was down to slim-fit shirts; I gained a bunch of weight over a year after getting a girlfriend (wtf is that about) and now have to wear regular ones; I tried one of my shirts on the other day I am at a loss how this shirt EVER fit me at all.

Semi-related however, I threw in a couple of chin-ups when I was doing my pull-ups as I was curious as to whether or not I could do these now. I could do definitely do them but still find the pull-ups MUCH easier!

I was a UK large when I met my ex. 13 stone ish, , maybe 13.5. Then there was a culmination of loads of things. I was put on Quetiapine (massive weight gain) and Pregabalin (massive weight gain ffs) as well as terrible water retention. Before I knew it I was up to over 18st, and in XXL Tshirts (which I swear in England means XXlong ffs). I was eating three times a day (too many, I don't do anything much) and pigging a bit. Sandwich for lunch (with like three bags of crisps) then a large dinner. Then I would go to bed, and eat a bowl of cereal and then sometimes a sandwich and three bags of crisps. Was a bit of a nightmare tbh. The pills I take (Quetiapine) firstly make you feel like you've not eaten for days, then you don't feel full :( so to go on this diet now (just my main meal, all sugar cut) has been very hard. Especially the bedtime bit.

That is why I was a little disappointed that I had "only" lost a stone. Cut 30-45% of my food intake (and all of the crap and 6 sugars a day I was putting in my coffee) and only lose a stone :( thing is, I can feel muscle everywhere now. Especially in my legs and stomach. Still got tits (apparently Quetiapine also causes that ffs) but yeah I feel much better.
Mate fat man legs are the best (I am guilty of these too) when you lose weight you keep your huge muscular legs.

How long was the 'only a stone' lost in? 'Cause at the end of the day you can't lose all that weight instantly it'd be unhealthy and cause you more problems.
Kris wrote:
Mate fat man legs are the best (I am guilty of these too) when you lose weight you keep your huge muscular legs.

How long was the 'only a stone' lost in? 'Cause at the end of the day you can't lose all that weight instantly it'd be unhealthy and cause you more problems.

It's been about two months now. Having said that I didn't weigh myself before I started, so I may well have been heavier than I thought as I hadn't weighed myself in two months but had been stuffing my face.

I've always had those thighs man. I got them from living in London for 27 years and always riding a BMX because cabs were ridiculous and buses and trains packed, unreliable and expensive. Cars were a a joke (£2k third party only in 1997 insurance) so I just rode.

I started out my GT on 42/16. It was stupid. I could step through it in about two cycles. So I increased it to 48/18, then found myself pushing past that too easy so now I run 48/16. Thing is that bike is ultra light and the tyres are 110PSI so there is absolutely bugger all rolling resistance lol.

When I first got the orange PK Ripper it was so light it scared me (19 odd pounds for a big bike like that) but thankfully the mags put some weight onto that. Anything under 30lbs is fine. If a bike is too light I find it unnerving for some reason. I still have the spoke wheels, so if the mags piss me off I can switch them back. It just feels nicer with them on. More grounded. As I learned with my GT race bike the lighter and stiffer you go the more crap your wrists and hands need to take.
Mate that's not bad; as long as you make the change and stick to it you'll be set.

(I say this and eat basically whatever I like and try to offset that by going to the gym frequently)
2lbs a week seems to be the target for a sustainable weight loss, so 1st in two months seems right to me, especially as you are exercising at the same time and should be building a bit of muscle.
Yeah. It is very visible tbh. This is JC & Co at my uncle's 70th. That's my fat ass on the right hand end. See how I am sticking out my leg, 'cause I was so fat I was getting pins and needles.


I definitely look a bloody good sight slimmer than that ! mind you that was at the worst time. My other uncle had died from cancer shortly before that and there was a lot of sadness about :( So we had a nice family bash to cheer us all up. I almost smiled :D
John, you're doing really well. Like Kris & Trooper said, that loss is at a good pace. Too much too soon and it'll bounce straight back on again.

If you're feeling hungry after meals, up your protein intake.
Judging by the earlier picture you're looking good mate; keep at it and before long you'll be even slimmer than you were before! :DD
Kris wrote:
Judging by the earlier picture you're looking good mate; keep at it and before long you'll be even slimmer than you were before! :DD

It wouldn't be so bad but my frame simply isn't made to carry that sort of weight. I was tiny as a child (Run Forrest ! run !)


And remained under 14 stone throughout my entire adulthood. This was taken about a month after I moved in with my ex wife.


This was taken in 2001




So yeah, dealing with this sorta weight has been really difficult. I also packed up smoking shortly after the pic with me there smoking (switched to vape, not smoked since) so I know that has taken its toll too. Add in a new girlfriend back then (so stuff your face) and the pills and etc? yeah, was like the perfect storm of weight gaining crap lol.
Well, a lot of the time, realising there is an issue is the first and hardest step.

Guess we'll see what you look like in a couple of months!
I got a letter from the doc about two months back. It said what I already knew, that I was pre diabetic. They wanted me to go in for a test (6 months after the last) as it was getting quite bad. I decided to hold it off for about 6 weeks to see what I could do about it first.

Had the blood test on the 12th. Then did not hear anything (which with bloods is usually good news). Turns out my suspicions were correct, I am not longer pre diabetic and my BSL are completely normal.

God, that's a weight off. Especially when you are terrified of needles !
That is bloody great news...
Yeah for sure. Like, lottery winning news.

I'm so stoked. Sometimes when my legs hurt from riding and my bum is sore I think "Ugh, why am I doing this?" and then I get days like today.

I would have died. It would have killed me, no doubt. There is no way I would have ever stuck a needle in myself knowingly (when I get blood taken I have to look away, get my arms held down so I don't jump, and then be told exactly when it is going in). So it would have killed me.

I was fine with needles until I was 7. Then I got ran over, and they came and stuck me three times a day for about 5 weeks. That was where my phobia began. Now? god if I saw it going in I would faint.
I said that, trust me you get used to the needles pretty fast. I can now watch them draw blood.
Took a shameless "suns out guns out" selfie for instagram on Saturday and on a whim put it side by side with a shot from the end of April to compare arm/shoulder growth (which I've been putting more effort into this year) and was pleasantly surprised:


Not just arm/shoulder gains but you can see the weight loss around my middle so that's nice.

Aiming for 140lbs now in the hope it'll bring out more definition, whilst also working constantly towards those pull-ups >:(

Also need more sleep because I look knackered :DD
It's in the downstairs loo now, and that's where the cat trays are. Nobody wants to see cat shit in their feed.
Jem wrote:
It's in the downstairs loo now, and that's where the cat trays are. Nobody wants to see cat shit in their feed.

Much appreciated. Cracking guns, btw!
I always seem to just end up with 'before' photos (of me, not Jem). One day I might reach the 'after' photo stage.
No such thing as an 'after' photo, just constant ongoing progress ;)
Just committed to a half marathon in August. It will be the first running race I've done since school. It's also about twice as far as I've ever run. Quite excited!
Um... Get training, I guess?
Was going to look into performance enhancing drugs instead tbh.
markg wrote:
Was going to look into performance enhancing drugs instead tbh.

I can hook you up with fashionable performance enhancer salbutamol for a reasonable price
In't that what they put in inhalers?

Looking great Jem :)
JohnCoffey wrote:
Looking great Jem :)

Thanks dude :)
I will have to start doing that sort of stuff once I am done losing weight. I noticed the other day that my moobs have changed shape. They are more triangular, and half empty :o If I pick them up and let them go it don't half bloody hurt. So yeah, I am going to need to tone up my chest in order to beat the saggy skin. Not that I won't have any, because I know it's par for the course when you lose a few stone.

Talking of which I did lose another 4lb, but this week I am doing nowt (staying with family spending time with family). I am still behaving though, all apart from a piece of birthday cake from my cousin's 18th which I missed. First sweet thing I had eaten in weeks. It was terribly, terribly sweet. I cut sugar about three weeks ago now and I don't miss it at all. Am using that spoonful stuff now.
I sympathise, my boobs have also changed shape. They're shrivelling up, gradually being replaced by muscley man-pecs.

Hit my 2st goal today. I haven't weighed this little in four years.
DBSnappa wrote:
You weigh 2st!

One of my legs probably does.

I meant weight *loss* obviously.
Lonewolves wrote:
DBSnappa wrote:
You weigh 2st!

One of my legs probably does.

Hmm. Well now I'm wondering how much an average leg weighs.
Grim... wrote:
Lonewolves wrote:
DBSnappa wrote:
You weigh 2st!

One of my legs probably does.

Hmm. Well now I'm wondering how much an average leg weighs.

Me too! 2st seems light for a leg.

Edit: https://www.quora.com/If-a-person-weigh ... -arm-weigh

Huh, seems 2st is pretty much exactly right!
Well done fella
Kov is more impressed than I am that you can guess the weight of a leg.
Yes I am... not sure how heavy mine is
Onto the next goal! I've set myself another half stone target. If I achieve that it'll be my lowest weight since 2013.
My goals are, finish my tri, then get fat :P
KovacsC wrote:
My goals are, finish my tri, then get fat :P

Why? :DD
because i have trained for the tri.... might as well do it... :P
Surely that means you've just got to lose it again for your next one?
Good point.. i could retire :P
Motivational tattoo done. I will finish my race next year.

Busy week on holiday.
I've probably put some back on in my slump of depression over the last month. However, now until November is prime riding time for me (so you can warm up and get warm enough without dying of heat) so I will be riding lots.

The holiday I booked for October (nothing fancy just a few days in Hampshire) is partly done around taking a bike with me. Which will be ace, as it's a beautiful part of the world.
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