Middle Age Spread
Doing something about it
You should have 12 party rings instead!
Been lax with my diet of late and with a few family / home stresses my blood pressure is higher than my Dr would like :(

Time to get strict again, and cut out/down on the crisps and treats.

Still not been regular to the gym with moving house but I've been working on the garden and garage for what seems forever.
I've given up unhealthy snacks completely and now, apart from the odd bit of fruit during the day, I only eat at meal times. I'm also still doing my yoga (DDP yoga for those that are interested) and I'm loving it!

I do believe I'm actually noticeably slimmer!
Nice, love yoga based on wrestling moves. Doesn't it hurt your partner's head though?
She's getting used to it. She just needs to sell more. Make it believable.
I'm carrying on smashing the gym as usual, but I've pretty much come to terms with the fact that I'm unlikely to lose any more actual body fat without making lifestyle changes that I don't really want to. There being a new Mrs Bamba isn't helping much at the moment because we're doing the usual load of eating out and drinking that a new relationship tends to bring; but obviously I'm far from unhappy about that.
I've lost a bit of weight this year, but probably only half a stone. I'm often just snacking instead of having actual meals and that's not helping. A friend of mine who is about my age has lost something like 10 stone in the last 18 months, which is pretty amazing, so it's inspiring me to do something about myself.
Bamba wrote:
I'm carrying on smashing the gym as usual, but I've pretty much come to terms with the fact that I'm unlikely to lose any more actual body fat without making lifestyle changes that I don't really want to. There being a new Mrs Bamba isn't helping much at the moment because we're doing the usual load of eating out and drinking that a new relationship tends to bring; but obviously I'm far from unhappy about that.

Congrats mate :D
Took a frontal nudey pic this morning and compared it to one from about 6 months ago and I've lost noticeable amounts of size (fat) from over the right hip (which for some reason has always been disproportionately bigger than the other side) which explains why being able to fit into new sizes has happened. I genuinely never thought I'd shift my wonky hip.
that is great... well done
my weight looks to be coming off again. which is a yay.
KovacsC wrote:
my weight looks to be coming off again. which is a yay.

Nice. Upping the training, drinking less, both?
Both... 3 weeks till race day.

Panicing now.. :)
Ahhh you'll be fine :D
Excellent work Jem! Could the wonky hip be the one you'd rest a young child on when picking them up?
Was asked to feed my friends' cats this weekend. With no car I looked at the bus, but it would take 24 mins and cost me £3.80, so eff that right in the ay.
It's a 40 min walk, which meant 1 hour 20 mins round trip. This seemed a bit long so I decided to jog it instead, expecting I'd die halfway, have to walk the rest and then walk home.

In fact I made it all the way there and back again, only stopping for 20 mins to feed and fuss the cats. It was pretty slow at 26 mins there and 28 mins back at about 5 mph for a 3.6mi round trip, but I'm pretty pleased all the same.

Tired now. I have to do it again tomorrow morning.
You should take that as a positive exercise moment!
DBSnappa wrote:
You should take that as a positive exercise moment!

I did even better today. 25 mins there and 22 mins back. During the hottest part of the day. :S
Lonewolves wrote:
DBSnappa wrote:
You should take that as a positive exercise moment!

I did even better today. 25 mins there and 22 mins back. During the hottest part of the day. :S

Good stuff
This has come round quick
TheVision wrote:
Excellent work Jem! Could the wonky hip be the one you'd rest a young child on when picking them up?

Thanks :D Nah, I'd always used my left hip for that. It's been my fatter hip since I was a kid, anyway. I don't think anyone notices but me though. Hopefully.
Jem wrote:
TheVision wrote:
Excellent work Jem! Could the wonky hip be the one you'd rest a young child on when picking them up?

Thanks :D Nah, I'd always used my left hip for that. It's been my fatter hip since I was a kid, anyway. I don't think anyone notices but me though. Hopefully.

Most of us are asymmetrical — this is why most of us don’t like pictures of ourselves as it’s the reverse of what we’re used to seeing. Fortunately, attractiveness isn’t predicated on this. Also, people with symmetrical faces look odd. I work out and it doesn’t matter how conscientious I am at exercising both sides of my body, my right side looks better! Conversely, the left side of my face looks better proportioned IMO. It’s a fact and at 49 I don’t care anymore ;-)
Pfff, as if Snappa knows anything about being bad looking.
My right bollock is distinctly more appealing.
Cras wrote:
My right bollock is distinctly more appealing.

More appealing than....
Well I've been taking one for the team this week with non stop eating and drinking. Do you don't have to.

I've been so busy moving I've barely eaten a thing so we're balancing the universe out Jazzy!
I struggled at the gym last night. Really makes a difference when you get out of your regular routine.
Jem wrote:
I've been so busy moving I've barely eaten a thing so we're balancing the universe out Jazzy!

I've just had some nuttella on toast for you. :P

Hope the moving is going okay? :)
Top choice, I love nutella on toast (and compulsory spooning out of the jar while the bread toasts)

Apart from half of our stuff still sat in Zeppo's garage, we're in and nothing is broken (yet). I can't find anything I need mind you.
Jem wrote:
Top choice, I love nutella on toast (and compulsory spooning out of the jar while the bread toasts)

Apart from half of our stuff still sat in Zeppo's garage, we're in and nothing is broken (yet). I can't find anything I need mind you.

At least you're in, that's the important bit. Everything else will fall into place. :)

Nice walk this morning. However, it did leave my right foot looking like this:
ZOMG Spoiler! Click here to view!

Spoiled for people who don't want to see skin peeling off a foot.
Ouch! Hope it's not feeling too sore. 8)
Excellent stuff. Hope the foot recovers quickly.
The foot is quite raw and sore this morning.

ZOMG Spoiler! Click here to view!

However, my wife has bandaged it up, and it's not so painful now.
In other news, I have trying to eat more healthy since early Feb, as when I weighed myself on the 10th of February I was 19 stone 5. By March the 17th I was down to 17 stone 8, however, I was back up to 18 stone 13 by the 25th of March (my birthday is on the 20th and I really enjoyed myself that week!). Any way it's taken me until today to get below my St Patrick's day weight. I weighed myself today and I'm 17 stone 6. What took me 5 weeks in the winter has taken me almost twice as long in the spring.
I've plateaued. I lost 20lbs from November to March but now I've lost 2lbs in 8 weeks or so.

Stepped up fitness and limiting sugary snacks during the week now in a bid to get going again.
Lonewolves wrote:
I've plateaued. I lost 20lbs from November to March but now I've lost 2lbs in 8 weeks or so.

Stepped up fitness and limiting sugary snacks during the week now in a bid to get going again.

2lbs is still a lot of weight. Awesome going.
I have put on about 7lbs, which I am attributing to being constantly hungry of late
MaliA wrote:
I have put on about 7lbs, which I am attributing to being constantly hungry of late

Jem wrote:
MaliA wrote:
I have put on about 7lbs, which I am attributing to being constantly hungry of late


Biscuits, mainly
MaliA wrote:
Jem wrote:
MaliA wrote:
I have put on about 7lbs, which I am attributing to being constantly hungry of late


Biscuits, mainly

'The truth about carbs' on the Beeb.

Blimey, that was interesting. I watched the prog tonight and if I can replicate the results of those people who tried the recommended foods and all of whom lost half a stone in two weeks, some also heading towards curing their diabetes, I’ll be very happy.

I did the 5:2 thing for a couple of years and lost 10 kilos, but I lost momentum last year and am sure I’ve put some of it back on, though I’ve been too scared to weigh myself for months. I’m going to give the good carb lifestyle a try.
IF is alright but the worst bit is when you want some cake and it's not time to break fast yet.

That's why I just eat/drink what I want; the only person who cares what I look like and weigh is myself.
Malc wrote:
In other news, I have trying to eat more healthy since early Feb, as when I weighed myself on the 10th of February I was 19 stone 5. By March the 17th I was down to 17 stone 8, however, I was back up to 18 stone 13 by the 25th of March (my birthday is on the 20th and I really enjoyed myself that week!). Any way it's taken me until today to get below my St Patrick's day weight. I weighed myself today and I'm 17 stone 6. What took me 5 weeks in the winter has taken me almost twice as long in the spring.

And loads put on again, but then I've barely done any exercise this week due to my foot, and like Malia I've been really hungry this week and have eaten loads. I suspect it will be at least next weekend before I am able to do any serious walking. So I hope I can control my hunger, especially with the world cup starting in 5 days!
Jem wrote:
I'm hovering around 160lbs because I can't be arsed to eat less, which is basically the only thing stopping me from reaching my goal of 150lbs that I set yonks ago. :S :DD

I reached 150lbs this week. I'm eating a teeny bit more sensibly but mostly it's just through the increased cardio I've been doing this year (lots of races).

I was hoping 150lbs would make my muscles more obvious, but it's not really done anything other than equal out that fatty hip I mentioned before (and depleted my generous boobage) so now not really sure what to do.

I guess I want to look like I work out. I'm not talking visible abs, because you have to lose crazy amounts of body fat to do that as a woman and I don't have the time/patience and I like burgers too much, but IDK... more obvious shoulders/upper back, bigger biceps? Not sure if losing another 10lbs would make a difference to that or if I just need to concentrate on hypertrophy. :shrug:
Congrats on hitting your target weight, though!
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