General Purpose US TV thread
The penultimate episode of Bliod Drive was superb. It is way ahead of now.
Grim... wrote:
Cras wrote:
Yeah but it says nonsense shit about IP addresses in text files.

Right?! Fucking idiots.

Fortunately series 4 of a realistic tech show started the other day.


I could never watch a program like that, but I'm very glad it exists.
Gotham is surprisingly good. Why did nobody tell me Gotham was surprisingly good?
I'm glad you quoted that, because I missed it before.

Utter nonsense. Glorious, glorious nonsense.
Cras wrote:
Gotham is surprisingly good. Why did nobody tell me Gotham was surprisingly good?

Pretty sure I've mentioned it before. I'm on S3 now.
Finished S2 of the Expanse last night.

I openly wept in the penultimate episode, which perhaps says more about my current work-annihilated state of mind than it does the show, but I did find the refugee scene terribly affecting.

Loved this series though. The crew's slow loosening of their morals and increased lengths they'll go to have been very interesting to watch.

Findus' Expanse Scoreless Scorecard:

Miller great as ever*
Amos - really enjoyed him this time around. He was a one-note meat-head in the first series. This time he was the brutal, blunt oracle of truth and wisdom, afflicted with self-doubt.
Alex - increasingly endearing, especially his blossoming relationship with the ship
Naomi - her accent grates, but she's playing an important, unreliable role as the ship's wayward moral compass.
Jim - often too emo for my liking, he needs to wind his neck in.
Indian UN lady (Chrisjen, I had to look it up) - Fucking bad ass.
Fred Johnson - love the way he's never just Fred, he's always Fred Johnson. I like him.

Looking forward to series 3.

*though watching Chris Packham's show about asperger's, made me occasionally think I was looking at a Belter in rural England.
Cras wrote:
Gotham is surprisingly good. Why did nobody tell me Gotham was surprisingly good?

I think I watched about half of the first season before giving up. Some aspects of it were decent but then loads of it was pure soap opera nonsense which ruined it. And Jada Pinkett Smith's horrendous scenery chewing just fucked the tone every time she was on screen.
DavPaz wrote:
I'm glad you quoted that, because I missed it before.

Utter nonsense. Glorious, glorious nonsense.

That - let me assure you - is one of the more realistic bits.

Genius: I need to make an EMP cannon to shoot that satellite! I need about 25 microwave ovens.
Army man: You're going to make an EMP out of microwaves?!
Genius: [looks legit confused] Well, how do you make your EMP cannons?
Findus Fop wrote:
Miller great as ever*
Amos - really enjoyed him this time around. He was a one-note meat-head in the first series. This time he was the brutal, blunt oracle of truth and wisdom, afflicted with self-doubt.
Alex - increasingly endearing, especially his blossoming relationship with the ship
Naomi - her accent grates, but she's playing an important, unreliable role as the ship's wayward moral compass.
Jim - often too emo for my liking, he needs to wind his neck in.
Indian UN lady (Chrisjen, I had to look it up) - Fucking bad ass.
Fred Johnson - love the way he's never just Fred, he's always Fred Johnson. I like him.

These are some powerful correct opinions.
Gotham is pretty batshit crazy, and they just kind of throw anything at the wall to see what sticks. There's some extremely jarring and misguided tonal shifts, loads of threads that are obviously just abandoned part way through because they had no idea what to do with them, and it has a really bad habit of most of the time when someone is killed, it just means that they'll be back with super powers or something in a few episodes time.

But I do really like it, it's got some incredible performances. Their take on Heart of Ice is great, the episode about the Red Hood is a nice little standalone story, and the kid they got playing a Young Joker is a lot of fun. On the whole I would say the production design is a league or two about other similar shows.

It's inconsistent as hell, but definitely worth watching for the highs. To some extent it got over it's identity crisis by the end of the second season, but not entirely.

It plays pretty fast and loose with continuity, where a bunch of the characters/events pulled from the Batman canon get reinvented. Sometimes to great success, but other times it's just a bit of a mess.

Main weakness imo is the dude playing Jim Gordon has a pretty limited acting range, and he's the least enjoyable guy from the main cast. A lot of the young Bruce Wayne stuff is weak, too.
I like Jim Gordon, but young Bruce is indeed terrible. Though Sean Penn is an amazing Alfred.
Sean Pertwee, not Sean Penn!
I thought Sean Penn was an odd choice when you told me about it last night.

The Sarge, though - hell yes. He should be in everything.
His dad Jon Penn was a great Doctor Why
He's ex-military in it too, so I like to think it's in the continuity. Somehow. Despite the inherent issues with that.
It's a separate continuity. The creators have already said so
It took a bit of time for me to warm to Pertwee's Alfred, but I think it's one of the better depictions of the character now.

Yeah it is it's own continuity, the timeline doesn't really make much sense otherwise, and it does kind of undermine the idea of the increasingly outlandish villains being a direct response to Batman that is usually a pretty important part of Batman, but I can forgive it because they do some interesting stuff with it.

But sometimes they're not very creative with it, and sometimes it doesn't work. The show's version of Azreal is dumb, and there's a few villains who got decent origins replaced with "oh their wife/mother/daughter was killed so they went bad".
Lonewolves wrote:
It's a separate continuity. The creators have already said so

Oh, I meant same continuity as Dog Soldiers
Mindhunter on Netflix. If no-one has talked about it yet, watch it, it's amazing.
nickachu wrote:
Mindhunter on Netflix. If no-one has talked about it yet, watch it, it's amazing.

Just started it, very good so far
I once again appear to have hit a dearth of programs for my commute that meet the following criteria:

- My wife doesn't want to watch (anything genre or action-leaning tend to be of little interest to her)
- I do want to watch because they're excellent
- They are available to download on Netflix or Amazon

The last was the Expanse, whose sci-fi setting precluded it from Mrs Fop's watchlist (more fool her).

So now I'm considering starting the second series of the Designated Survivor but can't quite shake the feeling it's a colossal waste of time. How does S2 fare against the patchiness of the first series?

And I started Lucifer this morning, which feels annoyingly like a police procedural with a gimmick, a la Numbers. Which feels like a waste of Lucifer in the land of the living. Does it develop a more interesting arc?

Edit: and Mindhunter which is mentioned just above, Mrs Fop has decided she is interested in that. Grr.
Edit edit: And Stranger Things is something she's interested in too. I realise I'm not making it easy. Blame my wife.

All the Marvel ones? Including (especially) Legion.
Curiosity wrote:

All the Marvel ones? Including (especially) Legion.

Ozark includes Bateman, who generally piques her interest.

Legion, good shout. Got a little Marvelled out after S2 of Daredevil, but Legion sounds suitably weird to freshen things up.
Findus Fop wrote:
I once again appear to have hit a dearth of programs for my commute that meet the following criteria:

- My wife doesn't want to watch (anything genre or action-leaning tend to be of little interest to her)
- I do want to watch because they're excellent
- They are available to download on Netflix or Amazon

Have you watched any of the documentary series/standalones on Netflix? Most of them are really good.

Stuff like Making a Murderer and The Confession Tapes, for example.
Hearthly wrote:
Findus Fop wrote:
I once again appear to have hit a dearth of programs for my commute that meet the following criteria:

- My wife doesn't want to watch (anything genre or action-leaning tend to be of little interest to her)
- I do want to watch because they're excellent
- They are available to download on Netflix or Amazon

Have you watched any of the documentary series/standalones on Netflix? Most of them are really good.

Stuff like Making a Murderer and The Confession Tapes, for example.

Watched Making a Murderer and nearly finished The Keepers. Haven't watched The Confession Tapes, will look it out, thank you!
Grim... wrote:

I've never watched Start Trek. So I've assumed that NuTrek won't be my cup of consomme. Does it require any knowledge of Trek lore?
Narcos is well worth your time as is House Of Cards, although just be aware that it's going to be sort of missing a proper ending. On Amazon Black Sails starts off pretty good and stick with it because it ends up absolutely brilliant.
Wouldn't bother with Star Trek if you aren't really into any previous series or films. Not that you wouldn't be able to follow the story but you there's a lot of stuff in there that would be a bit meaningless.
markg wrote:
Narcos is well worth your time as is House Of Cards, although just be aware that it's going to be sort of missing a proper ending. On Amazon Black Sails starts off pretty good and stick with it because it ends up absolutely brilliant.

This looks like it could be exactly what the doctor ordered. Sons of Anarchy on the high seas. Suitably undemanding entertainment on the slog home.
Obviously if you haven't seen any of the following you should fix that:

Battlestar Galactica
The West Wing
The Wire
Breaking Bad
Grim... wrote:
Obviously if you haven't seen any of the following you should fix that:

Battlestar Galactica
The West Wing
The Wire
Breaking Bad

I should probably have seen more than just Firefly from that list. Might seek out The West Wing.
devilman wrote:
Grim... wrote:
Obviously if you haven't seen any of the following you should fix that:

Battlestar Galactica
The West Wing
The Wire
Breaking Bad

I should probably have seen more than just Firefly from that list. Might seek out The West Wing.

Then seek out the rest.
An aggregation of recommendations so far:

Legion - Will seek it out
Ozark - Features wife-coveted Bateman
NuTrek - Didn't like OldTrek
Making a Murderer - Watched, got angry
Confession Tapes - Will seek it out
Narcos - Loved it, even better without Pablo
House of Cards - Enjoyed Francis's ascent to power, got bored after that and glad it's been cancelled.
Black Sails - Will seek it out
Firefly - Have watched it once, should rewatch
Battlestar Galactica - Gave up halfway through. Too many annoying lead characters (Starbuck, Gaius)
West Wing - Loved it, what I wouldn't give to live in that alternate reality right now.
The Wire - Season 2 is still my favourite series of anything, ever.
Californication - Is it just about David Duchovny shagging? Because I don't really want to watch lots of episodes of that.
Breaking Bad - Loved it. Best pilot of any show, ever.
Buffy - I was planning on watching this but it's no longer on the streaming services (as far as I can tell).
Riverdale - Is this basically Mali + Glee all over again?
You've watched Santa Clarita Diet already, I take it?

Because if not deffo totes watch that.
And 'The Good Place'.
devilman wrote:
And 'The Good Place'.

ooh, I hadn't heard of that but it looks excellent. Unfortunately it's useless for my needs as it features a Danson, and therefore will be must-watch territory with Mrs Fop.
Findus Fop wrote:
An aggregation of recommendations so far:

Legion - Will seek it out
Ozark - Features wife-coveted Bateman
NuTrek - Didn't like OldTrek
Making a Murderer - Watched, got angry
Confession Tapes - Will seek it out
Narcos - Loved it, even better without Pablo
House of Cards - Enjoyed Francis's ascent to power, got bored after that and glad it's been cancelled.
Black Sails - Will seek it out
Firefly - Have watched it once, should rewatch
Battlestar Galactica - Gave up halfway through. Too many annoying lead characters (Starbuck, Gaius)
West Wing - Loved it, what I wouldn't give to live in that alternate reality right now.
The Wire - Season 2 is still my favourite series of anything, ever.
Californication - Is it just about David Duchovny shagging? Because I don't really want to watch lots of episodes of that.
Breaking Bad - Loved it. Best pilot of any show, ever.
Buffy - I was planning on watching this but it's no longer on the streaming services (as far as I can tell).
Riverdale - Is this basically Mali + Glee all over again?

Man, if Making A Murderer got you feeling angry, don’t seek out The Confession Tapes.
Discovery is making some hardened Trekkies gnash their teeth, if that helps? I am a fan of old Trek but this is tonally quite different and I'm loving it.
But do try American Vandal which is an excellent and compelling send up of Making a Murderer et al.
Mr Russell wrote:
But do try American Vandal which is an excellent and compelling send up of Making a Murderer et al.

American vandal is superb
Thanks for everyone's recommendations, going to do American Vandal and Black Sails next, followed by NuTrek. And also S2 of Mr Robot, though tonally there's something that doesn't jive with me about that show. Halt and Catch Fire is on the list, but I think that's a Mrs Fop show.
The Sopranos, if you haven’t watched it you should.
Utopia is good as well
DBSnappa wrote:
The Sopranos, if you haven’t watched it you should.
Utopia is good as well

I'm gearing up for a Sopranos rewatch, I think the time is right.

And Utopia was superb. From its aesthetic to the lumbering threat of Neil Maskell.

While we're at it, any folk who missed Shadow Line six years ago should watch Shadow Line now because it's the best.
Yeah Utopia, Shadow Line and obv The Sopranos are all top tier.

Life on Mars and Ashes to Ashes are fantastic too.

The Suspicions of Mr Whicher and Red Riding are also excellent.

Wait none of these are US.
Mr Robot is always great but next week should be special. It’s commercial free and there’s a rumour that it’s a single camera one-shot throughout the episode. Should be interesting &/or exciting. Probably both.

Riverdale s2e4: The fuck??!
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