Hearthstone thread
Chatting about Hearthstone

Just lost to a Mage.

I had 30 health and 12 armour, 7 minions (incl Ysera and some massive taunts), a full hand, and direct damage spells.
They had 1 health and the "Don't kill me" secret. I activated it, and they put it back, and I activated it again.

They then played 6 apprentices, timewarp, the legendary who gives you fireballs, and killed me to bits via infinite free fireballs. I like how if I had 200 health the only danger of them not winning would have been the time limit.

That's a sneaky deck.
Curiosity wrote:

Just lost to a Mage.

I had 30 health and 12 armour, 7 minions (incl Ysera and some massive taunts), a full hand, and direct damage spells.
They had 1 health and the "Don't kill me" secret. I activated it, and they put it back, and I activated it again.

They then played 6 apprentices, timewarp, the legendary who gives you fireballs, and killed me to bits via infinite free fireballs. I like how if I had 200 health the only danger of them not winning would have been the time limit.

That's a sneaky deck.

That would be 'Exodia Mage', named after the chap who first came up with the evil creation, I believe it's been refined again for KFT.

It does well in slow and greedy metas, especially when the likes of Jade Druid and Control Priest are popular. (As it doesn't care about board state or enemy hero health.)

Also, you really should be learning the names of cards better by now, 'Legendary who gives you fireballs', for goodness sake :D :nerd:
I'd guess as Antonidas, but it looks even sillier if you get the guess wrong.

I tend to know the names of cards if I have played with them.
Curiosity wrote:
I'd guess as Antonidas, but it looks even sillier if you get the guess wrong.

I tend to know the names of cards if I have played with them.

It amuses me how different people describe the cards they don't know the names for, one of the chaps at work goes with the sound sample that gets played when they're plopped onto the table.

So 'Let me change your mind' is Cabal Shadow Priest, and so on :D
Ah, my PC doesn't have any speakers, so I have been blissfully unaware of any noises for years now.
Curiosity wrote:
Ah, my PC doesn't have any speakers, so I have been blissfully unaware of any noises for years now.


Hearthstone has fantastic sound. You're missing out.

I quite like Doomsayers. When you play one he screams 'The end is coming!', then if he successfully blows up and destroys the board he gasps, 'I knew it!'.



World of Warcraft

In World of Warcraft, Doomsayers were NPCs who stood in Stormwind and Orgrimmar as part of the pre-Cataclysm Elemental Unrest event. The Doomsayers would, as their name suggests, spread rumour and panic about the incoming cataclysm.

The Doomsayers returned to Azeroth with Legion, as part of the expansion's launch event, heralding the coming Legion Invasion. Although there are no blood elf Doomsayers, the appearance of the NPCs seems to have been inspired by their Hearthstone counterparts, wearing the same outfit depicted in this card's art. These Doomsayers stand around the major cities of Azeroth handing out pamphlets announcing the impending invasion of the Burning Legion, variously offering advice on how to survive it ("LIMITED SUPPLY: HIGH-QUALITY DEMON DISGUISES"), escape it ("FOR SALE: EZ-123 BUNKER BUILDER"), surrender to it ("EMBRACE THE LEGION"), or even defy the Legion - by killing yourself before they arrive. When spoken to, the Doomsayers say "The end is coming! Would you like a pamphlet?". Each time a new Doomsayer appears they /yell one of a number of possible messages to the zone, one of which is "The end is coming! Again!".

https://us.battle.net/hearthstone/en/bl ... 1-9-5-2017


Now reads: Gain 1 Mana Crystal this turn only. (Down from 2)

Fiery War Axe

Now costs 3 mana. (Up from 2)


Now costs 4 mana. (Up from 3)

Murloc Warleader

Now reads: Your other Murlocs have +2 Attack. (Down from +2 Attack, +1 Health)

Spreading Plague

Now costs 6 mana. (Up from 5)

They all seem reasonable, to be honest. Will break some decks beyond repair, I'm sure, but c'est la vie.
That does seem incredibly fast considering how long they normally take to reballance after a new set of cards - and innervate basically becomes a coin
Druid is fucking ridiculous at the moment though, a lot of the deck guides you see, in the comments will be exchanges such as 'How do you win against Jade Druid with this deck' and the replies will be to the effect of, 'You don't, just concede'.

The nerf to Innervate basically kills the card, it'll be interesting to see if it reigns in the worst excesses of Druid though.

Fiery Win Axe probably needed a tweak although it's a shame to see such an iconic Warrior card get a hit with the nerf bat.

Not sure I really understand the reasoning on Hex - is it really such a problem anyway?

Spreading Plague is a bullshit card so good to see that get hit too.

Murloc Warleader will still be viable I think, but it'll tone down the worst excesses of snowballing Murloc starts.
The minion that kills 1 mana cards is a good counter to Druid, though obviously not enough. Stops some of the madness though. Was thrashing one yesterday who was looking weak with only two cards until he played that 7/7 'refresh your crystals' one, then drew 3 cards, played Fandral and innervated until he played three more golems (and shuffled more into his deck).
Hearthly wrote:
Druid is fucking ridiculous at the moment though, a lot of the deck guides you see, in the comments will be exchanges such as 'How do you win against Jade Druid with this deck' and the replies will be to the effect of, 'You don't, just concede'.

Druid was already a really strong deck and got a lot of powerful cards in the last update , some of the other DK are good but Druid is one of the better ones (Jade Druid was already one of the 'top' decks - why give it more power?)

Hearthly wrote:
The nerf to Innervate basically kills the card, it'll be interesting to see if it reigns in the worst excesses of Druid though.

I don't think it will , I have two druid decks I'm switching between and the Innervate card is only really of use in 3 scenarios for me :

1) Playing Ultimate infestation and getting close to 10 cards so use it to play a card
2) Getting either the Death Knight or the Lich king on the board 'early' (can be devastating with double innervates so death knight on my turn 3 with coin / innervate (x2) )
3) Getting that extra point to play Fandral first and then either Death Knight or Ancient of war in the same turn

Hearthly wrote:
Fiery Win Axe probably needed a tweak although it's a shame to see such an iconic Warrior card get a hit with the nerf bat.

It also slows down pirate warrior and the other 'quick' warrior decks who would often drop this , buff it and get quick damage

Hearthly wrote:
Not sure I really understand the reasoning on Hex - is it really such a problem anyway?

I assume its to try and level it with the other 'transform cards' like the mages sheep one

Hearthly wrote:
Spreading Plague is a bullshit card so good to see that get hit too.

I use it all the time and will keep using it at 6 , its basically the druids best defense card , and totally stops zoo , pushing it one further away may make things a little more touch and go but 'meh'

Hearthly wrote:
Murloc Warleader will still be viable I think, but it'll tone down the worst excesses of snowballing Murloc starts.

This is one i'm not sure of , yes there are a lot more murloc's around now with the last few expansion packs but other than the Shamen quest , or Murloc Paladin I dont really run into many decks using them.

If you have a Murloc deck , you obviously have 2 of those in there but I'm not sure , most have 1 health point and the +1 typically just protects them from Mage , most other decks have a 2 point 'damage all' card which would still take them out.
Curiosity wrote:
The minion that kills 1 mana cards is a good counter to Druid, though obviously not enough.

Your problem is your relaying on drawing that one card - and its often a 'wasted' card against anything but Druid (although it works perfectly if they have played the 'swap your whole deck to be discover a card' )
Spreading plague + that asshole that adds 2/2 to all taunt minions is the bane of my life.
Curiosity wrote:
Spreading plague + that asshole that adds 2/2 to all taunt minions is the bane of my life.

Druid also has a few +1/1 to all minion cards that I like to throw out with it as well - and I dont have it but there is a spider legendary card that just plays all your taunts again as its death rattle

One of my decks also has savage roar which gives all your minions +2 attack for that turn

So you play a handfull of minions , I play spreading plague + Strongshell scavenger + mark of the lotus gives me a board full of 4/8's and next turn i play Savage roar and they are all 6/8's :-)
Here's one of the very fellas, in fact.

Maaaaaan, I thought I was really clever. A Druid played the 'turn your crystals into treants' card and filled the board. I responded by devolving them into 1 mana minions.

Despite having a hand full of decent cards he still bloody won easily. Next couple of turns he added +4/+4 to all the shitty minions via innervates, two marks of the lotus and two rage of the panthers. just tore through all my taunts and minions.
Yea man droods r fuckin wack.
Fuck Druids, with Mr Kibler.

Boo Anomalus!

Enemy down to 1 health, has both immune secrets spent, plays the mage frost knight card, kills the Anomalus on the board and the explosion damage gets lifesteal, heals back to 30.

Lifesteal on deathrattle explosions is absolute bullshit.
Pirate warrior's a bit of a dick, isn't he?

I had basically perfect draw, and got absolutely annihilated. A 2/4 weapon and two minions on your first turn is bollocks.
Curiosity wrote:
Pirate warrior's a bit of a dick, isn't he?

I had basically perfect draw, and got absolutely annihilated. A 2/4 weapon and two minions on your first turn is bollocks.

I must confess I'm quite partial to a bit of Pirate Warrior myself from time to time, as it can smash the various stupid Druid decks to pieces before they start getting their nonsensical shit together.

Decks like Pirate Warrior rise when control decks get too greedy or stupid, so once the nerf bat hits Malfurion in the face it might recede a bit.

My personal preference is to play midrange and control decks, but when you're frequently put into a match-up where you know you're heavily favoured to lose just because Malfurion's beard appears on your screen, one can justify the transgression.
Got the Warrior knight legendary. He doesn't seem too great, and AFAIK has the weakest of the hero powers.

Anyone know of cheap decks he is useful in? All the ones I can find need about 10k of dust to play.
Curiosity wrote:
Got the Warrior knight legendary. He doesn't seem too great, and AFAIK has the weakest of the hero powers.

Anyone know of cheap decks he is useful in? All the ones I can find need about 10k of dust to play.

It's a kind of 'build around' card really, and not a particularly great one at that, belongs only in Control Warrior decks which used to be referred to as 'Wallet Warrior' because it needed so many legendaries to function.

There's the Fatigue/Mill Warrior deck that it works well in, but an incredibly hard deck to play well and a very specific listing - https://twitter.com/Liquid_hsdog/status ... 9848663040

Plus once the Fiery 'Win' Axe nerf hits who knows where warrior will be?

Do you not watch any of the main Hearthstone streamers Curio? They all have digests of their play on YouTube and are great to watch. Trump/Kripparian/Kibler/Raynad etc, they almost always do specific videos about stuff like this as well, nerf commentary, overpowered deck/cards commentary etc.
Nah. I find watching people play video games to be exceptionally dull.
Then you are cursed with a debuff to make it harder to learn things about Hearthstone. -10 HP.
Played against a fun priest deck. All the 'if you have no duplicates' cards plus the Knight card, plus Lyra, makes a world of pain. He must have played over 100 cards. Could literally clear any board at all, then just as you think you have a chance, out come two greater healing potions... and then two more the next time he's down low. And three power word horrors. And a whole slew of things. He ended up with a full hand, full health, and 7 minions. Two turns earlier he had no minions and about 7 health, whereas I had full health and 7 minions, including a 5/20, a 7/7, and three with deathrattles that gave me new minions :( He also must have discarded about five or six times from having too many cards. Madness. His actual deck didn't have any minions that could attack for shit, or damage cards, just relies on creating dozens of cards and hoping to get good ones.
Gah, best ever Arena run and then thwarted at the last by a nonsensical Priest deck that had formidable early game, curved perfectly into a fucking Lich King, and then finished us off with a Mind Control, and even then we were one turn away from killing him for the 12th win.

(He used the Mind Control to pull our Taunt over to his side, and then smacked us in the face for lethal with the card he'd got off Lich King which was the 5/3 weapon. If the Taunt would have stuck for one turn we'd have beat him.)

Still, it was a good run, and I say 'us' and 'our' because it was a joint effort between me and my chum who is over visiting, I was dual-outputting from my PC to my normal monitor and the big telly so he could sit on the coach to watch the game on the big telly and we did the run as a team endeavor.

Our deck was a decidedly average-looking Rogue deck that somehow punched above its weight. It had no Epics and the single legendary was the AWFUL Prince Keleseth who was basically just a two mana 2/2, and we chose him over Sergeant Sally and Mayor Noggenfogger.....

We said we'd settle for 3 wins, and were somewhat startled to find ourselves managing 11. Many of the games were very close though.

Whereas I got a really good Rogue deck and lost 0-3.

The final loss was to a perfect Murloc Paladin deck. He didn't play a single non-Murloc minion all game. Even had the ninja legendary Murloc. Was weird as fuck.
Yeah one of our two first losses was to a Pally deck like that, he had a Murloc Warleader, a Finja (he's the legendary Murloc) which he then buffed with two other Murlocs to allow Finja to get a clean kill on one of our minions, and then Finja then pulled another two Murlocs from his deck, and we're like, 'How many Murlocs did this motherfucker get to pick?'

Decks like that are very annoying in Arena.
Yeah. I seem to do better with decks that I think are rubbish. Had one stacked with awesome cards that had good synergy and always came up against well crafted decks with a proficient player. When I had a bundle of crap, I seemed to play against other decks full of dross and wielded by fools.

I'm not aware of any matchmaking that sets people against each other based on perceived deck strength, but I suppose there could feasibly be some hidden mechanic.
Is there any way to look back at games you were in?

I played against a Warlock, and had three minions out at turn 3 or 4. Opponent had a 1/1 possessed villager.

I looked away briefly, at my phone, and then saw him play that elemental that fires 3 damage when it dies, and the Warlock card that kills a friendly minion to get +2/+2.

This killed my one remaining minion.

So, somehow in the 2-3 seconds I looked away from the screen, he killed a 3/8 and a 1/1, without playing a card that shows up in the little card tracker on the left hand side, and without using much in the way of mana (possibly 2).

Is there a Warlock card that randomly kills two minions for that cost, and is somehow invisible? Neither minions were attacked as I had a Hunter secret that would have triggered. It couldn't be something that hits all my minions, as the surviving one had 1 health, and one that died was a 3/8 that I had just played.

Any ideas?
An interesting outlook on the possibility of true F2P of the most popular card games:

https://rngeternal.com/2017/10/01/going ... t-to-play/

Unsurprisingly Eternal is the most generous while HS is the most stingy. Everytime i tried to get back at HS i just bounced back from how far i am in the expansion curve. It's getting into MTG levels of ridiculousness.

Eternal right now is really F2P, and way more fun.

Gwent is also great, but it's a totally different game. I'm hoping they'll release an android app.
So the next expansion is due mid-December and they've revealed a lot of the cards now.

Things that are annoying me:

1) They're blatantly just recycling cards now, for a lot of the cards the reviewers are making comments along the lines of 'So this is like Card X, which was rotated out of Standard, and now Card Y does something like Card X'. Of course you can't use Card X in Standard any more, so you have to get hold of Card Y. KERCHING.

2) So many obviously awful legendaries and epics, which just dilute the card pool at these rarities and make getting the very powerful new epics and legendaries out of packs less likely. KERCHING.

3) As per (2), lots of epics and legendaries that are clearly going to be key cards in the decks they go into, and the decks just won't work without them. KERCHING. If you think back to Classic and Naxx, a lot of the time with a legendary in a deck for example, it was kind of like 'If you don't have Ragnaros it's fine to run Ysera', or something like that. This is very often not the case now. KERCHING.

4) And whilst we're on the subject, two new legendaries per class. KERCHING.

5) I think the game has been hurt as a result of the dispensing with adventure expansions alternating with all-card expansions, to just all-card expansions. KERCHING.

I'll have enough gold to freeroll it again (currently got just over 9000 gold, I expect that to be over 10000 gold by the time the expansion hits), but the game is rabidly unfriendly for newcomers these days and also for established players who are lacking in gold or the inclination/ability to spend a chunk of cash to keep up. I know a few folks who play nothing but Arena these days as they've given up trying to maintain a Standard Constructed capable card collection.

It's still a good game and it's possible to have some great tussles in it, but it's not what it was IMO.
New expansion has landed, I've opened just shy of 100 packs (which would cost £105 in real money (!!!)), and yet going through the decklists at Metabomb of what are looking like reasonable decks, I find I'm missing multiple cards for pretty much all of them.

I did get a dreadful run with Legendaries in that I statistically opened about as many as you'd expect, but they were a selection of the awful ones (see my post above about how they pad out the collection with known shit cards), and a similar thing happened with the Epics. (Although I did get some of the good ones there.)

Of the 30 card decklist for the new 'Big Warrior' deck, I'm missing 6 cards, albeit some of those are legacy gaps from previous expansions.

I had a Hunter quest yesterday and wanted to try the new Midrange Hunter archetype but was missing several cards for that including the two new Hunter legendaries, and I don't want to spend 3200+ dust on an archetype that might turn out to be shit as the meta settles. So in the end I put together the new Face Hunter deck and did the quest with that.

Greedy fucking Blizzard. Greedy motherfuckers.

The new 'Dungeon Run' mode is really good fun though, entirely independent of your card collection, and completely F2P. Would go as far as to recommend it to anyone as it's genuinely entertaining.
Play Eternal.

or Zaccaria Pinball
RuySan wrote:
Play Eternal.

or Zaccaria Pinball

Or net runner on jinteki.net
RuySan wrote:
Play Eternal.

or Zaccaria Pinball

I still really like Hearthstone, I play it nearly every day and it still has the ability to deliver a fantastic gaming experience on a regular basis, not least because you know every single game is your brain against another human brain. (Outside of the single player content, of course, and I will say again that the new 'Dungeon Run' mode is great single player content.)

I do resent how Blizzard have tipped it very deliberately towards 'gouge mode' though, I'm sort of OK in that I can stay ahead of the curve (mostly!), but fuck knows how new players are supposed to get on without spending serious wedges of cash if they want to be competitive, or at the very least get to play with the cool new cards.
Is it really all people? I have my suspicions.
Curiosity wrote:
Is it really all people? I have my suspicions.

You mean you think it pits you against AI sometimes? What is your reasoning for this suspicion, good sir?

Also, it looks like 'SPELL HUNTER' is actually a thing. A lot of the new Hunter cards were getting totally trashed in the reveals as being shit and absolutely the last thing an already weak class needed, with the legendary weapon being seen as worthless since it belongs in an archetype that would be completely non-viable. (Spell Hunter.)

So Brian Kibler went away and came up with this, and it works! (I'm doing OK with it at my usual pogger ranks of 15-13, but it's been winning games at 5-Legend in the hands of better players than me.)

Great fun to play too, I had to craft an Epic and a Legendary so that's 2000 dust gone, but a real change of pace for Hunter.

I think for the speed it matches you up, across Standard, Wild, Ranked, Casual and Arena, with the alleged matching by skill level, it would need a frankly insane amount of people on at the same time.

So they’re likely telling porkies about something.
Curiosity wrote:
I think for the speed it matches you up, across Standard, Wild, Ranked, Casual and Arena, with the alleged matching by skill level, it would need a frankly insane amount of people on at the same time.

So they’re likely telling porkies about something.

Well as of May this year Hearthstone had 70 million registered accounts (they call it 'players' but I'll call it accounts), so it doesn't seem hard to believe it'll find you a game quickly when the regions are as broad as 'Europe', 'USA' and 'Asia'.

And yes I entirely realise that of those 70 million accounts there will be dead accounts, duplicates and suchlike, but I honestly don't think for one second that Blizzard would put players up against bots in any of the PvP modes, mostly because they don't need to, but also because if it ever became public that they'd done that it'd kill the game stone dead.

You only need to look at some of the top-tier streamers who play at very anti-social hours, when they re-queue sometimes after a win/loss, they get put straight back in against the same opponent as they both hit the 'PLAY GAME' button at pretty much the same time and both fit the criteria to get put back in a game together.

It's hard to overstate just how massively successful Blizzard are, any other developer in the world would give their right arm for 10% of the monthly subscribing playerbase that WoW has.
Maybe not bots, but then ther matching algorithm must be a lot wider than they say, otherwise you’d probably need 10-20 million online and playing at the same time, 24/7.
Curiosity wrote:
Maybe not bots, but then ther matching algorithm must be a lot wider than they say, otherwise you’d probably need 10-20 million online and playing at the same time, 24/7.

i don't even remotely see how that's the case TBH, if I'm looking for a game and the catchment area is 'Europe' (population 741 million, of which 87.5% are confirmed active Hearthstone players), it's entirely believable that it'll be able to quickly and reliably find an opponent of roughly equivalent level.
Hearthly wrote:
'Europe' (population 741 million, of which 87.5% are confirmed active Hearthstone players)

Grim... wrote:
Hearthly wrote:
'Europe' (population 741 million, of which 87.5% are confirmed active Hearthstone players)


So that's what my parents have been doing during the weekends
Grim... wrote:
Hearthly wrote:
'Europe' (population 741 million, of which 87.5% are confirmed active Hearthstone players)


That was the flippant part of my post :)
Ever since the 3rd expansion or something i saw right away that i would be behind the curve unless i spent serious money. Then i just did daily quests for Arena runs. Ever since Eternal i never looked back. Every once in a while i get the urge to play it, but HS takes way too much space in the phone.
My numbers were (quite a bit) off, but my fag packet math shows it still needs more people than I think it has (are there stats for active concurrent users at a given time?)
Bye Bye Patches :-(

https://news.blizzard.com/en-us/hearths ... pdate-10-2

Bonemare - Now costs 8 mana. (Up from 7)
Corridor Creeper - Now has 2 Attack. (Down from 5)
Patches the Pirate - No longer has Charge.
Raza the Chained - Now reads: Battlecry: If your deck has no duplicates, your Hero Power costs (1) this game.

Once these card changes are live with Update 10.2 next month, players will be able to disenchant the changed cards for their full Arcane Dust value for two weeks. Thanks for reading, and we’ll see you in the tavern!

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