Game Of Thrones (TV)
Spoilers after the 9pm show!
Very good. I agree with all of above. Hollyoaks tits.
Caught up with this last night.

The Arya scenes are becoming my favourites now - each a little vignette on how she's nothing like what she used to be. The bit with the direwolf where basically they have both gone a bit wild and she just flat out says "it's not you" was well done on a few levels, also she is having to act with either CGI or Ed Sheeran which makes the performance even better. The fact that she chose to go to Winterfell rather than to poke Cersei's eyes out hopefully means she's on the way back to finding Arya beneath the nameless pie making machine so she may end up with all the skills combined with the Stark moral compass but tempered with a healthy dose of worldly-wise cynicism.

One thing I continue to love about GoT is when you're watching that battle between Euron, Yara and Theon you have no idea at all which way it's going to go. Any of them could die horribly at any point, or be maimed, or skinned so you're far more invested in what's happening than when, say, Jason Bourne is attacked with a machete and all he has is a copy of the Beano and a pencil sharpener. (Having said that when Euron declared he would bring a "gift" back for Cersei the fact that he didn't say what it was did make me think he would end up returning so we could all find out what that was - I still wasn't sure though)

Contrast between the cockless pair Theon and Greyworm was stark - "I am not afraid of anything, except maybe losing you" vs "Captain Jack Slice-me-do has an axe at my sister's neck? Fuck this I'm off." but even then they showed enough of people getting the shit maimed out of them that you can have some sympathy for his plight or at least undertstand his motivations for not wanting any more bits of him lopped off as trophies.
Nobody commenting on this week?

Shame, some real developments plot wise.
I've only just watched it. There's a lot going on every week. It seems odd to try and cram it all into 7 episodes.
Dr Zoidberg wrote:
I've only just watched it. There's a lot going on every week. It seems odd to try and cram it all into 7 episodes.

There's only seven episodes?

What the heck?!
I watched it. It was good.

Shame there weren't much sexy chemistry between Jon and Dee.

The Queen of Thorns was excellent.
I think I will have to watch it a second time. A lot going on.
That was fackin' great.

Euron is a proper scenery-chewing mad bastard and I love him.

Cersei though! She has become terrifying! Constantly outsmarting Tyrion and that scene in the dungeon. Really scary and horrible. I think Ms Headey has her eye on an Emmy!

Prediction: This season ends with her dying, and the Nights King getting past the wall.

Though I have no idea who would kill her now, besides Jaime.
Mimi wrote:
Dr Zoidberg wrote:
I've only just watched it. There's a lot going on every week. It seems odd to try and cram it all into 7 episodes.

There's only seven episodes?

What the heck?!

Yep, it's a shorter run for this and series 8, and that one might be more than a year away.
Euronext looks like Ewan McGregor.
Dr Zoidberg wrote:
Mimi wrote:
Dr Zoidberg wrote:
I've only just watched it. There's a lot going on every week. It seems odd to try and cram it all into 7 episodes.

There's only seven episodes?

What the heck?!

Yep, it's a shorter run for this and series 8, and that one might be more than a year away.

Watched the first 2 so far and its really good shame about the shorter season this time though.

ZOMG Spoiler! Click here to view!
The blood bath on the Iron fleet at the end of Ep2 was a shock!

The final episode of this season is supposed to be longer around 82 minutes.
Satsuma wrote:
Shame there weren't much sexy chemistry between Jon and Dee.

I mean... There's enough of that sort of thing in the show already.

Unless we got thrown a massive curvball and R+L!=J, which wouldn't shock me that much.
Bran is like the teenager who goes away on a foreign exchange trip and comes back as a goth.
Curiosity wrote:
Bran is like the teenager who goes away on a foreign exchange trip and comes back as a goth.

All I could think of;

No. He's the Three-eyed Raver.

Grim... wrote:
Satsuma wrote:
Shame there weren't much sexy chemistry between Jon and Dee.

I mean... There's enough of that sort of thing in the show already.

Whut? There can't ever be enough. More. MORE. MOAR.

Unless we got thrown a massive curvball and R+L!=J, which wouldn't shock me that much.

R+L=J was confirmed in season 6, dude.
Latest episode is one of the best yet, and it was mostly just long conversations.
There was enough in Bram's vision to strongly hint at R+L=J but not to confirm it, unless I'm mistaken?
Cras wrote:
There was enough in Bram's vision to strongly hint at R+L=J but not to confirm it, unless I'm mistaken?


And I'm not sure I ever want to see more siblings fucking (although it was funny when Theon tried it).
Cras wrote:
There was enough in Bram's vision to strongly hint at R+L=J but not to confirm it, unless I'm mistaken?

It confirmed that Lyanna is Jon's mum but doesn't overtly confirm his dad, but we know that Lyanna had sexy times with Rhaegar. I think GRRM has more or less said that the internet figured it out years ago (subcheck).
Which is why I wouldn't be shocked to find out he's Robert's son, or something.
ZOMG Spoiler! Click here to view!
He's Robert's son, or something.
Satsuma wrote:
Cras wrote:
There was enough in Bram's vision to strongly hint at R+L=J but not to confirm it, unless I'm mistaken?

It confirmed that Lyanna is Jon's mum but doesn't overtly confirm his dad, but we know that Lyanna had sexy times with Rhaegar. I think GRRM has more or less said that the internet figured it out years ago (subcheck).

Well quite - but they haven't closed the door on them changing their mind for SHOCK PLOT TWIST.
I'm sure they have. GRRM has said he ain't changing nowt because it's all planned out.
That's what he wants you to think!
The rightful king will turn out to be Ed Sheeran and the finale of the final season will just be him performing his latest hit pop album.
Zardoz wrote:
No. He's the Three-eyed Raver.


Psst. Wrong day. And wrong thread. Try again tomorrow.
No need for spoiler tags in this thread, chums, as long as the episode you're talking about has had it's PM airing on Sky.
Trousers wrote:
Curiosity wrote:
Bran is like the teenager who goes away on a foreign exchange trip and comes back as a goth.

All I could think of;


L- lol.

Cersei is totally off the deep end in her clingug to power and revenge. She's really, really, bad. I hope Jamie listens to the Queen of Thorns (best character in the series, I think). Pirate Mad Bastard Goon is superb. He's stealing every scene with his swagger. Positive role model, there. Jon Snow's bits remain interesting, Danny's "it's my sandpit" less so.

Loved last week's episode
Oh shit oh shit that was the best episode yet.

That was possibly the best episode of anything.

All of them.
Grim... wrote:

Fucking shit to the yes!

We've been waiting forever to see those big fuckers in action. That did not disappoint.

Jamie's not dead though, right?

Anyone see who saved him? Was it the young guy they were talking to earlier?

Also - fuck yes finally some Brianne!

Also also - is Sansa on The List?
Yes yes yes yes yes.

Epic. Loved Sansa's expression at the end of the training session. :)

I think the guy who saved Jamie was either Jerome or Billy from Black Sails Dickon.

I'm fairly sure sansa was on the list.

I was hoping danaerys died though - she's the new Sansa
It was defo Bronn wot saved Jamie.

Sanaa's not on the list. Pretty much just Cersei and the mountain still alive on the list. The Hound might still be on there, but I reckon Arya thinks he's dead
Why is it, whenever I mention GOT on Facebook, someone has to say "I've never seen it!", like I give a shit?
You're right. Sansa should be on the list though.
Has little finger stopped being clever or is he properly biding his time?
MrChris wrote:
Has little finger stopped being clever or is he properly biding his time?

I reckon he's got something else. Gods know what though. If he didn't have a plan, beyond boning Sansa, why is he personally hanging out in the North? He could easily be holed up in the Eyrie, safe from everything besides dragons.
I really can't work out what it might be. He'd want to be sat at the top of any pile left over, but I can't see how that would happen.
Was sorely disappointed in Danny's "I will if you bend the knee" approach , even after the cave, it just doesn't chime with who she's supposed to be. She's not in it for the power after all, right?
MrChris wrote:
I really can't work out what it might be. He'd want to be sat at the top of any pile left over, but I can't see how that would happen.
Was sorely disappointed in Danny's "I will if you bend the knee" approach , even after the cave, it just doesn't chime with who she's supposed to be. She's not in it for the power after all, right?

She wasn't, but I think she's been corrupted by it. She has become obsessed with sitting on the Iron Throne for the sake of power only.
DavPaz wrote:
It was defo Bronn wot saved Jamie.

Sanaa's not on the list. Pretty much just Cersei and the mountain still alive on the list. The Hound might still be on there, but I reckon Arya thinks he's dead

Mel is still on the list! And she's going to die in Westeros! Link!?
Mr Russell wrote:
MrChris wrote:
I really can't work out what it might be. He'd want to be sat at the top of any pile left over, but I can't see how that would happen.
Was sorely disappointed in Danny's "I will if you bend the knee" approach , even after the cave, it just doesn't chime with who she's supposed to be. She's not in it for the power after all, right?

She wasn't, but I think she's been corrupted by it. She has become obsessed with sitting on the Iron Throne for the sake of power only.

well yes, I can see where they've landed with her character this series but it's been a fairly sudden change
MrChris wrote:
Mr Russell wrote:
MrChris wrote:
I really can't work out what it might be. He'd want to be sat at the top of any pile left over, but I can't see how that would happen.
Was sorely disappointed in Danny's "I will if you bend the knee" approach , even after the cave, it just doesn't chime with who she's supposed to be. She's not in it for the power after all, right?

She wasn't, but I think she's been corrupted by it. She has become obsessed with sitting on the Iron Throne for the sake of power only.

well yes, I can see where they've landed with her character this series but it's been a fairly sudden change

I dunno, she's been talking about the iron throne for absolutely ages but now it's her be all and end all rather than an end game while she frees some slaves first.
Again, I get that but it's been a fairly quick switcheroo on motivation. It just jarred a bit.
That was AWESOME!

Bit of a cop out ending assuming everyone lives though. And if they don't all live then they should totally have died by dragon instead of drowning.

But fuck me the effects budget on that dragon! That looked incredible. Wow.

Loved Arya's little sword fight. And Gothic Bran being oh so Gothic.

Littlefinger is always scheming. As he said last week, always assume everything will happen and play out every eventuality. He's clearly angling for something.

I did read somewhere that the perfect ending would be for everyone to ignore the White Walkers, and fight amongst themselves. Then in the last episode, Littlefinger is finally sat on the Iron Throne as the Night's King et al barge into the room to kill everyone.

Almost a climate change allegory!
Also interesting that we don't know whether Jon did kneel or not. Intrigue!
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