Hearthstone thread
Chatting about Hearthstone
And this is mine

Again the cards at the end dont matter - you can spam any 0 minion cards you get off the draw and you'll probably play a secret on round one but the rest all ramp up (the Giants are actually just in there so they don't interfere with the general 'run' of the deck) because you know the cards you will get i only have 1 of each value from 2 up

Games typically end on turn 7 , when they start hitting the secrets

Screenshot 2016-07-10 18.02.23.png

I have around 20 wins , and 2 loses , one to a hunter who got a bit lucky with their deathrattle hits taking out my minions and one to a paladin who had secret eater ready to retaliate - however that did seem to be almost setup specifically to take down decks like mine (most peoples 6 drop is Sylvanas and running her into either my sludge belcher or the 2/1 secret minion will not trigger her deathrattle.)
Japanese Hearthstone advert

That's a rather unfortunate opening image :)

Fair play to Blizzard, the new Tavern Brawl is hilarious.

Rather a lot of randomness, to say the least, but pretty LOL-tastic.
So this week you can play your challenges against friends which may make things interesting

And looks like announcement of the next adventure will be on the 28th

http://hearthstone.blizzpro.com/2016/07 ... july-28th/

The Hearthstone team just sent out an invite to an event that will be streamed on July 28th, and with it presumably the announcement for the next adventure mode (especially considering the invite literally says they have an unforgettable adventure planned)
All these standalone adventures are making constructed play a very costly endeavour. More than ever i will focus on arena as much as possible.
RuySan wrote:
All these standalone adventures are making constructed play a very costly endeavour. More than ever i will focus on arena as much as possible.

Once you get on or ahead of the curve it's entirely possible to freeroll the game, admittedly I sunk a decent chunk of cash into it earlier on, but I did the last expansion for free (ended up cleaning out my entire gold supply IIRC and bought 100 packs of cards or thereabouts) and I'm sat on 5625 gold at the moment which will buy all wings of the next adventure expansion and leave me with a chunk of gold left over, which I'll keep adding to ready for the next 'pure cards' expansion, and so on.

As long as Blizzard don't change the functioning of the game, I honestly don't think I'll ever need to spend another penny on it.

(Also got 8000 dust, despite the fact I crafted loads of legendaries and epics for WOTOG, plus have two crap golden legendaries I could DE at any time for another 3200 dust.)

Now yes admittedly this is against the backdrop of a total spend of around £160 (as best I can recall, it was around that anyway), but then again this is a game I've played every damn day for 29 months, so there can be no complaints about value for money.

Just keeping up with daily quests nets around 500 gold per week, and the Tavern Brawl effectively amounts to 52 free packs per year as well.

I still say Blizzard have done a commendable job of making the game extremely wallet-friendly.
You should be a politician Hearthly.
For me to freeload the game i had to not play anything else and use all my freetime on this one. Not going to happen
RuySan wrote:
For me to freeload the game i had to not play anything else and use all my freetime on this one. Not going to happen

To 100% freeload it from Day One required a large and ongoing commitment of time and I'm not disputing that, but what I'm saying is that with a chunk of cash injected into the mix as well, you can hit a point on the curve whereby you only need to make minimal effort to stay there (daily quests and weekly tavern brawl), and can sort of 'ride the wave' to infinite freeplay with just that minimal amount of effort. (What's a daily quest? 15-20 minutes per day, tops?)

If someone is determined to never pay a penny for the game then I think they lose all rights to moan about any aspect of it that they feel is 'too expensive' in terms of the regularity of new expansions or card sets, in all honesty.

(I don't know if you've ever paid for anything or not in the game, BTW.)
Next expansion confirmed, it is indeed Karazhan and an adventure comprised of four wings, with, apparently, a 70s disco theme which sounds extra fabulous.

£13.99 in cash monies (although for some reason it costs £14.99 on iOS), or 700 gold per wing.

I've got over 6000 gold in the bank so I'll be golding this one out.

http://www.eurogamer.net/articles/2016- ... n-karazhan

http://hearthstone.metabomb.net/game-gu ... azan-guide

Hearthly wrote:
RuySan wrote:
For me to freeload the game i had to not play anything else and use all my freetime on this one. Not going to happen

To 100% freeload it from Day One required a large and ongoing commitment of time and I'm not disputing that, but what I'm saying is that with a chunk of cash injected into the mix as well, you can hit a point on the curve whereby you only need to make minimal effort to stay there (daily quests and weekly tavern brawl), and can sort of 'ride the wave' to infinite freeplay with just that minimal amount of effort. (What's a daily quest? 15-20 minutes per day, tops?)

If someone is determined to never pay a penny for the game then I think they lose all rights to moan about any aspect of it that they feel is 'too expensive' in terms of the regularity of new expansions or card sets, in all honesty.

(I don't know if you've ever paid for anything or not in the game, BTW.)

I'm not really entitled to argue about this. If Blizzard wants to sell this single player expansions for so much cash, it's their option. And because of that i mostly focus on arena. But the older the game gets, the more expensive and harder it gets for new players to come in.
Sounds like a con to me.
RuySan wrote:
But the older the game gets, the more expensive and harder it gets for new players to come in.

I wouldn't necessarily disagree with you there, but the addition of the new STANDARD mode earlier in the year, and the way that older card sets are now being cycled out of the game has definitely improved things. Goblins vs Gnomes in particular contained a lot of insanely powerful cards which made investing a fair chunk of cash in GvG packs for new players almost mandatory.

With Whispers of the Old Gods, the freebie C'Thun legendary and easy 13 free packs for new players, I honestly don't see what more Blizz could have done to give new players a decent boost into the game, with straightforward access to a powerful, ladder-viable deck. (Almost all classes can put together a decent C'Thun deck.)

Trump tried a F2P climb this month with a Pirate Warrior deck using a brand new account, admittedly he conked out around Rank 7-8, but if you look at the deck he was using it was incredibly cheap to put together and very much within reach of any new player.

I wouldn't call £13.99 for an adventure expansion 'so much cash' though, if you look at the work that they put into these expansions, they're not a trivial undertaking, it's not just 45 new cards, it's everything else around them that delivers the adventure expansion itself.
RuySan wrote:
But the older the game gets, the more expensive and harder it gets for new players to come in.

Is this not true of any game that allows PvP and "levels / progression" of some kind?

Unless it shards the skill levels, I guess.
Grim... wrote:
Unless it shards the skill levels, I guess.

Blizzard have stated that it does make an effort to match you with people who have similar card collections, so not only does it matchmake directly based on your rank or skill level, it also makes an effort not to put you up against folks who might not be very good, but happen to have ALL THE CARDS EVER.

Given that this is a collectible card game with a constantly expanding card collection, I'm not sure what else one could really expect Blizzard to do in an effort to give new folks a decent experience with the game, and this is on top of the fact that it's really very generous IMO with free card packs for doing all sorts of things.
Blizzard would make a load of money anyway with all the newer players that needed to catch up. My opinion is that it would be much better without single player adventure, or at least if we had the option to craft those cards. Since these adventure take maybe 1 hour to complete, we're basically paying 20€ for a bunch of cards.

Anyway, it's still loads of fun even if not paying anything, but like i said, in that case focusing on arena is the obvious choice.
Some Arena changes : http://us.battle.net/hearthstone/en/blog/20271286/

I agree with their first point that in the Arena not all classes are equal , and i think removing Cthun minions is a good step (far too random to get them and Cthun in a draw) but after saying how 'underpowered' some of the other classes are they then ban / remove some of their best minions and spells ?

Removing Windspeaker or Dust Devil from Shaman for example
I'm not a big arena player at all so this will make little difference to me, I do however watch all Trump's arena videos on his YouTube channel and he refers to arena as 'Curvestone' which is exactly what it sounds like, just look to get the best stats on the board for the mana cost, on curve, from a 1/2-drop upwards. Yes he'll go for synergies where possible but it's entirely possible to lose an arena game by the end of Turn 3 or 4 with bad draw or a deck that lacks a good chance of getting a solid curve.

I mostly play tempo decks in Standard now, I'll still have the odd game with ANYFIN or FREEZE MAGE in Wild, but pretty much all my Standard mode decks are tempo, which is just a variation on curve really.

It'll be interesting to see what players such as Trump and Kripp have to say about these arena changes.

On a wider note the Karazhan expansion was possibly the weakest adventure yet I think, in terms of a story and characters and generating laughs (I found the Naxx expansion genuinely LOL-worthy on more than one occasion), when it launched I had just over 7000 gold, by the time all four wings had opened I still had the best part of 6000 gold, which is just down to keeping on top of daily quests. It has introduced some decent new cards though, a few of which are seeing competitive play.

Currently building gold up again for the next pure cards expansion.
So i missed out on the announcement of the 'starter' pack while i was on holiday - basically for £5 you get 10 standard packs and a guaranteed "class based" legendary card - that should make things slightly easier for newbies to pick up on - however last night they also announced the next set of nerfs and some of them are big


The change to charge in particular removes one big thing from warrior decks that could do crazy damage (the wargun + faceless that could do 40+ damage but has been in there forever)
I wouldn't take issue with any of these nerfs TBH, some of them really needed doing as well, like Tuskarr Totemic which can basically win the game in some situations if it pulls a Totem Golem or Mana Tide Totem (or even Flametongue sometimes).

Yogg was highly entertaining but his ability to win a game from an otherwise lost position was too consistent in certain decks, as once you got past a certain number of spells you could quite reliably get him to clear the board, get a couple of secrets up, and draw some cards.

Almost like a Deathwing but without discarding your hand (admittedly Deathwing left a big body on the board).

The others all seem reasonable too, Execute at 2 mana hurts those insanely aggressive Warrior decks that use them as massively cheap removal to get rid of anything that stands in their way, but for a slower control Warrior it won't really matter.

Basically, decent changes IMO. Trump and Kripp seem to think so too.

http://www.eurogamer.net/articles/2016- ... -entry-fee

Fundamentally I guess it isn't really that different to the current Arena format, but a £10/1000 gold entry fee, really?

Break-even is 6-7 wins by all accounts, and at 12 wins you're properly quids-in. I'll give it a miss though.
Blimey that's a bit quick after the last expansion.

A more cynical man than me might suggest that they're going to try and ramp up the speed with which they release expansions to make it harder for people to just keep freeloading the game from now on with gold (like I'm trying to :D), which would tie in conveniently with the undoubtedly more troublesome daily quests they've recently put into the game.

See how it pans out I guess, at least they're trying some new ideas with this expansion, and as long as it can still all be done with gold that'd be OK.

I'm not going to feel guilty about trying to get a Hearthstone free ride from now on, I've sunk around £160 into the game in total, and Blizzard are getting £30 per month off me for three WoW subscriptions anyway, plus my Hearthstone play is much less than it used to be - I'm quite routinely waiting until I've got three daily quests stacked up now, so I can knock them down efficiently as a batch.

Anyway, there's only so much leisure time in the day, and with WoW running full bore again, along with a fruit machine emulator release having recently happened, Hearthstone is in third place games wise.
This is a bit of a spicy meatball. The new Tavern Brawl format has landed.

I know that on paper it's merely an extension of the existing Tavern Brawl model, and maybe it's just me, but it really does feel rather like a gambling proposition.


Decent video from Kripp here talking about the new player experience, and specifically how bad it is.

I agree with him, I'd honestly be hard pushed to recommend the game to anyone at the moment because the bar to entry is so ferociously high, and having to explain all the different expansions and how they feed into card collections is very awkward, then you have the separation between Standard and Wild. For a new player to hit the ground running with a competitive card collection, and the chance to play a selection of decent meta decks, the investment required would be, what, something like £100-£150 or so? And divided up across several expansions too.

I'm still keeping up with my daily quests (although I often let two or three of them stack, so I'm not necessarily playing the game every day). As such I spend all my time down at the lower ranks, and the frequency with which you come up against really strong meta decks, even at Ranks 20-15, must be incredibly dispiriting for new players. (It's fine for me as my collection is effectively 'complete' (I'm constantly sat on a pile of gold and dust, there are literally no cards I feel like I'm missing.))

I think Blizz need to implement a 'WoW-style' system, whereby a reasonable single one-off purchase basically gets you the entire game up to and including the previous expansion, and then you pay full price for the current expansion. So in the case of Hearthstone there'd be a single purchase of £29.99 or so, which gets you maybe all commons, rares and epics, and something like twenty random legendaries, from everything up to and including One Night In Karazhan (in the case of adventures you get all the adventures), and then you pay the normal price for Gadgetzan packs.

Even with older expansions rotating out of Standard, the bar to entry for new players is still far too high IMO.

If you have not done it yet have a try of this weeks Tavern Brawl - a very interesting Diablo themed mission - winning is only part of the puzzle you need to pop their 3 secrets (with all the anti secret cards removed from your deck)
Isn't there no pack this week though? I had a look at the reward and it was just a card back, which I don't care about. (I'm still using the original vanilla card back!)
interesting that it is apparently harder than ever for new players, just as they have started really pushing it in commercials on regular telly (unless they have done that for ages and I'm only just noticing).
Well I guess only Blizzard have the numbers. Maybe new players come along, get absolutely hammered a few times, and instead of packing up their bags and leaving, spend MEGA MONEY on packs and adventures, and Blizzard are laughing all the way to the bank.

If it's working out for them commercially, I suppose they won't see any reason to change the model. (Even though you could argue it's rather short-sighted.)
Hearthly wrote:
Isn't there no pack this week though? I had a look at the reward and it was just a card back, which I don't care about. (I'm still using the original vanilla card back!)

Correct - the reward is just a cardback , however its an interesting 'mission' and as you've said a card pack should not really be that useful for you as its really just 40 dust
Well yes but 40 dust is at least a small amount of a useful resource so I'll always make the effort to do the Brawl when the reward is a pack of cards, if it's just a card back then I'm not interested at all from a reward perspective.

I do appreciate that the structure of the Brawl itself might make it worth investigating though, so I'll take a look on that basis :)
Some weird re- balancing stuff on its way :

https://us.battle.net/forums/en/hearths ... 0753287770

Update 7.1 Ranked Play Changes – Floors

We’re continuously looking for ways to refine the Ranked Play experience. One thing we can do immediately to help the Ranked Play experience is to make the overall climb from rank to rank feel like more an accomplishment once you hit a certain milestone. In order to promote deck experimentation and reduce some of the feelings of ladder anxiety some players may face, we’re introducing additional Ranked Play floors.

Once a player hits Rank 15, 10, or 5, they will no longer be able to de-rank past that rank once it is achieved within a season, similar to the existing floors at Rank 20 and Legend. For example, when a player achieves Rank 15, regardless of how many losses a player accumulates within the season, that player will not de-rank back to 16. We hope this promotes additional deck experimentation between ranks, and that any losses that may occur feel less punishing.

Update 7.1 Balance Changes

With the upcoming update, we will be making balance changes to the following two cards: Small-Time Buccaneer and Spirit Claws.

Small-Time Buccaneer now has 1 Health (Down from 2)

The combination of Small Time Buccaneer and Patches the Pirate has been showing up too often in the meta. Weapon-utilizing classes have been heavily utilizing this combination of cards, especially Shaman, and we’d like to see more diversity in the meta overall. Small Time Buccaneer’s Health will be reduced to 1 to make it easier for additional classes to remove from the board.

Spirit Claws now costs 2 Mana (Up from 1)

Spirit Claws has been a notably powerful Shaman weapon. At one mana, Spirit Claws has been able to capitalize on cards such as Bloodmage Thalnos or the Shaman Hero power to provide extremely efficient minion removal on curve. Increasing its mana by one will slow down Spirit Claws’ ability to curve out as efficiently.

These changes will occur in an upcoming update near the end of February. We’ll see you in the Tavern!
More big shakeups of cards coming

I dont agree with this constant nerf or removal process , could they not look at some of the crap cards created and buff those a little instead - i have dozens (hundreds) of cards that i will never put in a deck because they are poor compared to the equivalents

http://us.battle.net/hearthstone/en/blo ... -2-16-2017

No more Rag / Sylvanas / Azure drake :-(
Looking at Blizzard's reasoning in the blog post, the issue for them is that it the power level of cards like Sylvanas in the 6 mana slot is such that they either need to buff an old card to make it more powerful (at which point it simply becomes the new Sylvanas and is the new auto-include), or they have to print a new card that makes it better than Sylvanas, which has the same problem - and represents awful power creep.

(i.e. Your suggestion that they buff existing cards 'a little' simply doesn't work, because Sylvanas is so damn good. Think of an old 6-mana card you'd have to buff to make it competitive with Sylvanas, without making it vastly overpowered.)

They cite the same issues with Azure Drake and Raggy, for example, in that they're so solid they're almost a default choice for their respective mana slots in control decks, with the likes of Raggy and Azure Drakes even finding their way into aggro decks because they're just so damn good.

The goal (they say) is for there to be several meaningful choices for the heavier cards, which due to the 30 card deck format is always going be a heavily contended section of your deck, and cards like Sylvanas being over-the-top awesome limit their design space.

Also of course, they want to sell lots of card packs. It's no coincidence that they're shifting the expansion format to 'all cards' rather than alternating cards and adventures, so everyone has to get loads of packs to make sure they can get the 'new' Sylvanas, which doubtless will be along in some form or other.
You should try netrunner on jinteki.net
More balancing inbound this time for Arena to basically remove some cards and make some of the most useful cards 'rarer'

https://us.battle.net/forums/en/hearths ... 0753189941

Hearthly wrote:
(i.e. Your suggestion that they buff existing cards 'a little' simply doesn't work, because Sylvanas is so damn good. Think of an old 6-mana card you'd have to buff to make it competitive with Sylvanas, without making it vastly overpowered.)

That's one of the things I think they are doing wrong - they end up with an overbalanced card and instead of buffing other cards to similar standards they just remove it - however if their complaint is that this card is *so* overpowered why have they done nothing with it till now - its one of the original cards and has been around forever - same with Rag - yes they are strong but neither is a must have in any deck (which i could argue that Doctor Boom at 7 was)
zaphod79 wrote:
That's one of the things I think they are doing wrong - they end up with an overbalanced card and instead of buffing other cards to similar standards they just remove it - however if their complaint is that this card is *so* overpowered why have they done nothing with it till now - its one of the original cards and has been around forever - same with Rag - yes they are strong but neither is a must have in any deck (which i could argue that Doctor Boom at 7 was)

There are two issues with that approach though.

1) They've stated that they muck about with old cards by the absolute the bare minimum they can get away with, because they want the game to be a consistent experience for current and returning players, so that folks don't find decks stop working overnight, or after a break the game has changed a lot for a returning player, in terms of cards they'd previously used and learned.

2) And this is the more obvious (unspoken) one for me, in that if they just buff old cards then they're basically making new cards, for free. They want to sell you new cards in the form of packs, not magically make poor cards you've owned for months or years already competitive with something like Sylvanas.

Furthermore for Syl and Raggy specifically, they've stated that Sylvanas is limiting their Deathrattle design space, as Syl's Deathratte is so potent. For Raggy he's just about as solid an 8-drop as they can make, so they either go down the power creep route, or farm him out to Wild to give them more space to breathe in the 8 mana slot with other cards in Standard.

TBH I feel Trump, Kripp and Kibler all covered these changes pretty well in their respective videos - and all were on board with them, as am I.

But let's not lose sight of the commercial side of things, at the end of the day Blizzard want to sell cards, shuffling out really powerful cards to Wild and introducing 'similar' cards to Standard, is a very efficient way for them to do that.

I think it'll still be possible to keep up with 'gold only', as long as packs can be bought for 100 gold still, but it's going to be trickier now, and more people will probably have to drop real cash if they want to keep up.
It will cost $670 to get 90 percent of 2017's 'Hearthstone' cards.

https://www.engadget.com/2017/02/23/hea ... sive-year/

How pricey does that make Hearthstone now? If players only spent real-world money buying enough packs to get 90 percent of this year's content, it would cost them about $670 up front.

Up from $470 last year, as they've ditched the adventure format expansions.

It's a slightly misleading figure as not all cards are desirable of course, indeed a reasonable percentage of the epics and legendaries (which are the rarest) are utter horseshit.

Plus most people will (hopefully!) have a decent stash of dust to fill out their collection where opening packs falls short of delivering the required wanted cards.

Nonetheless it's a pretty stark indicator of where Blizzard are going with it, aggressively rotating out old expansions AND retiring cards that are 'too good' to Wild format, whilst pushing three full card expansions in a single year.

Make sure you don't miss any of those daily quests, people, the more gold you have, the better!
Journey to Un’Goro Announcement Video

Un Goro launches today..... Ish.

Looks like it'll be evening launch in the USA which will equate to tomorrow morning for us.

I've got about 10600 gold saved up so will be going in with about 60 packs (cost of 6000G) to start with and then take it from there.

It looks like all the new 'Quest' cards are legendaries but not all of the are going to work out to be viable so I'll wait to see how the meta settles a bit before going mad on crafting. My dust stash isn't too bad (about 7600 dust) and of course that will increase as I dust all the duplicates out of the new packs.

With a few of the stalwart cards being removed from standard (Sylvanas! Azure Drake! Raggy!) it'll be interesting to see how things settle down.

I just hope Jade decks don't get any stronger, they're seriously depressing to play against as if they're not dead by about turn 8 or 9 you're going to lose. Horrible match up for reactive control decks, which are kind of my favourite deck to play.
Free 'un goro legendary' last night for just logging in (not sure if everyone got the same i got a 7 drop beast which i dropped into a hunters deck and then never drew in the few games i played)

Jade decks (Rouge and Druid) are very depressing to play against and yes unless you hit big / hard / early your dead.

I've been having fun playing with a murlock paladin deck just now - filled with murlocks and the 'buff every card in your deck' cards so the right draw gives me a big board presence of big cards - the wrong draw leaves me dead quickly so at least you dont get into looong games
So the missions seem crazy OP - i'm playing with the rogue one (i got none after opening about 40 packets with all my saved gold so crafted it)

Always in your hand turn 1 , play 4 of the same minion - with shadowstep / brewmaster etc thats generally do-able about turn 4 or 5 and from then on all your minions are 5/5 - even the ones already on the board - game is over by round 7 or 8

The druid one is play 5 minions with more than 5 attack and then all your minions are free (so again turn 8 or 9 they flood the board with free minions your dead)

Priest is reset your heath to 40 (so with other big heal options they take forever to knock down) - not really seen the others yet

I'll say one thing for it - the game has totally changed - you dont really see any old decks (or at least where i am in the 15 - 20 range)
Mission rogue if you want to try it

Turn one mission
From there you want to play a low cost minion and then grab it back into your hand - ideally a 1 pointer and if it does something else then great (southsea will gain charge and drop patches into the deck / swashbuckler is a card + patches) - really only play if you have 2 of the card in hand or have some way to get it back

Once you've hit 4 plays you ideally want a preperation so you can play the mission spell for cheap and then anything you play turns into a 5 / 5
Moroes just gives you a 5/5 on the board each turn and the shadowcasters turn anything else into a 1 cost 5/5 to drop

I've played against varients that have Van Cleef in there because he then starts as a 5/5 and gets buffs after that so with some crazy combos he regularly comes out as a 11/11 or better (probably swap one of the acolytes for him - they are just there in case your not getting enough card draws but you really should have plenty)

Screenshot 2017-04-08 11.16.05.png
Yes I hit that deck a few times last night, the RAGE POTENTIAL is great. First time I got sucker-punched with a fucking 5/5 Stonetusk Boar :D

That 'all taunts' Warrior deck is a gruelling match-up as well, the amount of stuff you have to work through is terrifying.

The game has definitely been shaken up big time, which is something I very much approve of.

I'm actually glad to see the back of Sylvanas and Azure Drake, and to a lesser extent Raggy and Power Overwhelming, they were just too ubiquitous.

None of that compares to the sheer joy of there being NO MORE FUCKING RENO in Standard. Fuck me I hated that moustache-festooned motherfucker.
Reno going is great , although i'm sad to see the end of Brann

I've played against most of the missions now and if they trigger your really struggling - about the only one i've not see triggered yet is the warlock (although he got close)

Probably the least effective is the Murlock one for Shamen - its very random if they are going to get their hand filled with good cards or not

There also seems to be some weird pirate warrior deck out there that hits you hard and fast - if they get the right draw your dead by round 4 (the Rouge deck really needs around 7 even with the perfect draw)
Ahhhh so Aggro Pirate Warrior totally destroys that dreadfully annoying Rogue deck.

They're still busy shadowstepping/Brewmastering/Cuntering a load of cheap cards back into their hand and then playing the legendary, as you smack them in the face with lethal damage.

Haven't lost the matchup once so far.

Hearthly wrote:
Ahhhh so Aggro Pirate Warrior totally destroys that dreadfully annoying Rogue deck.

The Warrior taunt deck (with their quest) and the mage quest decks also regularly beat me - just about anything else I'll take down if i don't get a really crappy draw

The mage deck is just as 'cheap' as the Rogue one , with the ability to clone the Sorcerers apprentice they can also draw and play their time warp card that gives them 2 goes in a row for 'free' - if they get it to trigger your dead and that's pretty consistently round 7 or 8

Made it to the dizzying heights of level 11 last night (from 20 at the start of the day) and hit the 'you've won too many games to get gold' for the first time in ages.
The perfect crime

That UTTERLY DISGUSTING Rogue deck is the single reason I'm sticking religiously to Aggro Pirate Warrior on ladder, haven't lost a single game against DISGUSTING ROGUE yet.

Normally I hate aggro, but I hate that DISGUSTING ROGUE DECK even more, so aggro is very much the lesser of two evils.
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