General Purpose US TV thread
Since August, I've gone through the four seasons of Person Of Interest on Netflix three times 8) Hopefully they'll add the fifth and final one soon.

I noticed it was mentioned earlier in this thread, but it's definitely worth a look if you've not tried it yet. I find it makes good background TV too as there is so much talking done into earpieces and phones, you can follow an episode without actually watching it.
You've watched them all three times? In a month? Wow!
I've seen Halt and Catch Fire mentioned a couple of times. I wanted to check, as sometimes my judgement is way off.

I'm 4 episodes in.

Joe MacMillan. Clearly meant to be a flawed character, perhaps like Don Draper.

But is he also meant to be a complete joke?

Because Draper = usually awesome, often nasty, occasionally stupid.

But MacMillan = usually nasty, often giving the illusion of awesome off the back of speeches which are, in fact, pompous nonsense.

Because if he is meant to be a bit of a joke, and these 'visionary' speeches are, in fact, knowing, then me and this show are on the same level and we'll get along fine.

But if he's actually meant to be someone who should be rooted for and venerated as some visionary genius, we're going to struggle.

Also, the closeness of his eyebrows doesn't help. Nor does the fact he sounds like Peter peter Serafinowicz playing an Ameroocarn.
Nope, joe is definitely a bullshitting arse at times, but sometimes has great ideas.
New series of Lucifer started today, which seems remarkably fast.
Grim... wrote:
New series of Lucifer started today, which seems remarkably fast.

You may have accidentally pressed the fast forward button.
What is Lucifer? I tried Googling it but just keep finding descriptions of evil in Christianity, on film (?)

Also, where is it shown? (Say Netflix, because I don't have the other one. Amazon thing.)
Amazon prime in the uk. Or pirate it.
Mimi wrote:
What is Lucifer? I tried Googling it but just keep finding descriptions of evil in Christianity, on film

Turns out the hot dude from Miranda is Satan, and he's solving murders in Chicago.

As you do.

Mimi wrote:
Also, where is it shown? (Say Netflix, because I don't have the other one. Amazon thing.)

You can watch it in the same place you watched series 3 of Brooklyn Nine-Nine.
Ha, you mean Miranda the British comedy series? Brill. I'll keep an eye out for it or see if Russell can find a way to obtain it perfectly legally - Ed.
Mimi wrote:
Russell can find a way to obtain it perfectly legally - Ed.

I'm fairly confident that's possible.
I'm glad you revealed that one of the things we watched was Brooklyn Nine Nine, rather than the Fifty Shades film, Dirty Dancing and Footloose.
I mean, thanks for keeping that on the down low.
Ah, I hadn't seen that. Awesome-most awesome.

Did we actually watch all of the 50 shades film? It was awful. I thought we turned it off. Also, there's no sex in it, which is good because if the fusligue is that cringey, can you imagine the sec scenes?
Mr Russell snuck back down after you went to sleep and watched the rest.
I hate cringey fusligue - really ruins a good BDSM film for me.
Squirt wrote:
Mr Russell snuck back down after you went to sleep and watched the rest.


Did you even try to read the book? It was unreadably bad. The fusiglue (dialogue) is more stunted than a 6 year old's report of the day the went to the park. At least in the film she didn't keep saying 'oh my' (nobody says that) and telling me about the limestone interior of the office block for 30 pages.

It makes Belinda Blinked read like Milton.
The sequel where it's written from his point of view is apparently even worse.
Heh. On a list of "People's point of view I have no interest in seeing things from"...
Mimi wrote:
Squirt wrote:
Mr Russell snuck back down after you went to sleep and watched the rest.


Did you even try to read the book? It was unreadably bad. The fusiglue (dialogue) is more stunted than a 6 year old's report of the day the went to the park. At least in the film she didn't keep saying 'oh my' (nobody says that) and telling me about the limestone interior of the office block for 30 pages.

It makes Belinda Blinked read like Milton.

I've never read any of it, but it's one of the two books that Mrs Squirt has hurled across the room in a rage at it's awfulness ( the oher being The Notebook ).
I remember once listening to a group of three women discussing the books after they'd all read what I think was the third in the series. They each declared that they were actually in love with the character, and how he made them feel all giddy, and how well written it was (even though there was a pretty open consensus between every other human on earth that it was awfully written).

A couple of weeks previously I'd been chatting to one of these girls and she said how much she loved reading. I recommended One Hundred Years Of Solitude and The Name Of The Rose. She described 50 Shades as the best book she'd ever read, so I think we just liked different genres.
Squirt wrote:
Mimi wrote:
Squirt wrote:
Mr Russell snuck back down after you went to sleep and watched the rest.


Did you even try to read the book? It was unreadably bad. The fusiglue (dialogue) is more stunted than a 6 year old's report of the day the went to the park. At least in the film she didn't keep saying 'oh my' (nobody says that) and telling me about the limestone interior of the office block for 30 pages.

It makes Belinda Blinked read like Milton.

I've never read any of it, but it's one of the two books that Mrs Squirt has hurled across the room in a rage at it's awfulness ( the oher being The Notebook ).

It's one if only two books I've thrown away (the other being The Lovely Bones, which I just hated).
The UK's fastest and best selling paperback of all time, folks.

Let's not forget that the UK also thinks that Mrs Brown's Boys is the best sitcom of the 20th Century.
Worse than that they thought it was good idea to vote Tory and leave the EU.
markg wrote:
Worse than that they thought it was good idea to vote Tory and leave the EU.

Nah, Mrs Browns Boys is worse.
Grim... wrote:
The UK's fastest and best selling paperback of all time, folks.

Let's not forget that the UK also thinks that Mrs Brown's Boys is the best sitcom of the 20th Century.

I know the publisher, not well, but I have met her a few times. She is a good friend of one of my good friends. Boy, has she made a lot of money. Last I heard it was somewhere in the region of £50m 8)
Curiosity wrote:
markg wrote:
Worse than that they thought it was good idea to vote Tory and leave the EU.

Nah, Mrs Browns Boys is worse.

Well I suppose I can't really comment since I haven't ever watched an episode of Mrs Brown's Boys and for that matter we haven't actually left the EU yet so for all I know they might all be right.
Hooten and the Lady clunked a bit but was OK.
Just downloaded that for tomorrow night.
I think it has legs. You won't feel let down
Watched an episode of Lucifer last night and really enjoyed it. Not sure if it was the first episode or pilot that we watched, but it was great all the same.

Gary from Miranda as Lucifer was a bit slow to settle in my head as I kept expecting him to dance badly or something. Also he's not as attractive in this, I think because he's supposed to be a bit more edgy and less lovely.
Brooklyn Nine-Nine is back today whoooooo
Grim..., What happened to season 6 of GoT on Plex?
MrChris wrote:
Grim..., What happened to season 6 of GoT on Plex?

Hang on, it's there on PC but not Xbox. Odd
MrChris wrote:
Grim..., What happened to season 6 of GoT on Plex?

I have no idea what you are talking about.
MrChris wrote:
MrChris wrote:
Grim..., What happened to season 6 of GoT on Plex?

Hang on, it's there on PC but not Xbox. Odd

Xbox? You have a PS4...
MaliA wrote:
I think it has legs. You won't feel let down

It's light, fairly forgettable entertainment that hit the spot.
Mrs K: "Theon will be crowned king by Colin the octopus"
Cras wrote:
MrChris wrote:
MrChris wrote:
Grim..., What happened to season 6 of GoT on Plex?

Hang on, it's there on PC but not Xbox. Odd

Xbox? You have a PS4...

Plex runs v shit on the ps4. So does PS plus funnily enough
devilman wrote:
Since August, I've gone through the four seasons of Person Of Interest on Netflix three times 8) Hopefully they'll add the fifth and final one soon.

I noticed it was mentioned earlier in this thread, but it's definitely worth a look if you've not tried it yet. I find it makes good background TV too as there is so much talking done into earpieces and phones, you can follow an episode without actually watching it.

Netflix US had the fifth and final season added last week, but there's no indication of when the UK will get it, so I watched it via VPN yesterday. The final season starts a little poorly as it tries to tie up the loose ends from the end of season 4, but by the end of the series, it's all rounded off nicely.

Excellent show, if a little far-fetched at times (the whole premise of a supercomputer AI watching everyone and making predictions actually becomes one of the least far-fetched plot points)

Argh Christ Amy Acker!
Grim... wrote:

Argh Christ Amy Acker!

Umm, is that a good or bad thing?
Nooo, she annoys me. Wheedon was in love with her and threw her in for all the "really hot girl" roles he had, but I just didn't like something about her.
Fred was fairly dull but Illyria was good. And she's excellent in Much Ado About Nothing.
She was good in that, but she was rubbish in Dollhouse.
Grim... wrote:
Nooo, she annoys me. Wheedon was in love with her and threw her in for all the "really hot girl" roles he had, but I just didn't like something about her.

Amy Acker >>> Felicia Day.
Grim... wrote:
She was good in that, but she was rubbish in Dollhouse.

Was she scarred in Dollhouse? And timid?
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