The Movie topic there is none
James Spader, though.
Finally got round to watching 'No Country for Old Men' this week.

Bloody brilliant.
Also really enjoyed The Conjuring. Very good possession type horror film rather than anything remotely Paul Daniels.

I wanted a bleak ending though really.
Yeah, I liked The Conjuring. The prequel, Annabelle, isn't as good, but still enjoyable.
Malc wrote:
I hated Lucy.

It was just stupid. I gave up watching after 30 or 40 minutes as it got worse and worse.

Well I went into with no real expectations, I had it in my head that she was created deliberately as a superhero or something, and didn't realise it was an accident.

Yes it was preposterous and based entirely on junk science, but it created a set of rules and then obeyed them, which is all sci-fi needs to do in my book.

Great special effects too, I'm not normally a big CGI fan but it was very well done here, and either they used practical effects for the stuff that they could (the car chase for example), or the CGI was so good I couldn't tell - either of those is fine.

Actually the car chase was silly really, because her powers were such that there wasn't really any need for it at that point, but it was still fun.
Holy shit, the number of famous people they've crammed into Con Man is pretty ridiculous.

That looks pretty cool.
I should watch that.
Watched 'THE TOWN' with Ben Affleck and one of my mate's wives in it last night (seriously, she looks just like him, I even sent him an FB message to say 'I'm watching a film with Sue in it!').

Anyway, like Ben Affleck's other films (he writes and directs and stars) it's a really solid, well put together film. There's no overall aspect of it that leaps out and screams AMAAAAZING but the sum of its excellent parts are indeed an excellent film.

There was only one sequence during the film that I felt was a misstep, and it seemed to be a pointless one at that, but then it turns out it was supposed to tie in to an alternate ending that was filmed but was dropped in favour of the theatrical ending. (And the alternate ending would have made more sense with the voiceover at the end of the film.) The theatrical ending is a bit happier than the alternate ending.

Apart from that though, splendid stuff.

8.5/10 - Not as good as GONE BABY GONE, but not far off.

SPOILER discusses the endings:

ZOMG Spoiler! Click here to view!
About halfway through the film, Ben and his friend beat up some local Hispanics and shoot one in the leg because they'd been hassling my mate's wife, and nothing is ever spoken of this scene again. At the end of the film Ben's entire crew of bank robbers get killed during a final heist, apart from Ben who escapes to Florida. The final scenes of the film show my mate's wife recovering some money that he'd stashed for her, along with a letter which is the voiceover for these final scenes. She uses the money to get some ice down in the community ice rink (which couldn't afford it before) and dedicates it to Ben's mum, and the final lines of the letter are along the lines of 'We have to pay for what we've done', showing Ben alone at a small house next to a lake somewhere in Florida, so he's survived, but alone, and he's lost the woman he loved.

The ALTERNATE ENDING runs with the same voiceover and scenes of my mate's wife, but instead as he's making his escape Ben runs into the Hispanics that they'd beaten up earlier in the film (including the one who got shot in the leg who is now crippled), who take revenge by killing him. This makes the 'We have to pay for what we've done' far more effective, because at the end of the day he is a violent bank robber. The final scene shows Ben dying on the floor, juxtaposed against the love of his life continuing with her life in Boston.
Your mate's wife is the spitting image of Rebecca Hall? Lucky bastard!
Bamba wrote:
Your mate's wife is the spitting image of Rebecca Hall? Lucky bastard!

Aye, she's a bonny lass likes.

(Mind you, he's quite a handsome bastard.)
I, too, have watched Turbo Kid and can confirm that it is amazing.

Not as amazing as Attack on Titan, mind. That's still film of the year.

This was goretastic though especially the guy with the legs on his head. Not his own legs either. Oh and the unicorn. And the head, neck, balls move. And the swivel head.

And when he punched a guy in the face with his own jaw.

It's great. Grim... would love this, I imagine.

But not as much as Attack on Titan. Watch Attack on Titan, you fools.
I AM SOLD on Turbo Kid.

That will be tonight's film.

Also, Michael Ironside, which is good because I like him.
And the trailer for the new Cohen Brothers movie as well

LewieP wrote:
BertyBasset wrote:
LewieP wrote:
Equinox is a fucking masterpiece.

Interstellar had aspects I enjoyed a lot more second time around, but I'd say it's flaws are much more apparent second time around too. Great movie.

Which "Equinox" are you talking about here ? Just wondering (IMDB or Rotten Tomatoes link would probably be helpful - I've searched myself but not found a film with that title that has generally good or great reviews).

It's a b movie, but it's a masterpiece. Every badly done aspect of it just adds to it.

Just a belated message to say thanks for replying. I assumed this was a modern film, and that IMDB score isn't too encouraging. Might give it a go at some point out of curiosity....

Latest Keanu Reeves film KNOCK KNOCK is a step-down from the excellent JOHN WICK but it's kinda fun in a B-movie sort of way, mixing bits of exploitation / thriller / horror / black comedy. Passed the time well enough and that's about all the praise I can give it....
And hot girls, right?
New Karate Kid: thanks for taking a steaming dump over everyone's happy memories of the original. And then Will Smith's little bastard does a rap with Justin Bieber at the end epitomising everything that's wrong with this dreadful garbage that has no right to exist.
But Will Smith reeeeeeeeeaaaallly wants his kids to be famous!
BertyBasset wrote:
LewieP wrote:
BertyBasset wrote:
LewieP wrote:
Equinox is a fucking masterpiece.

Interstellar had aspects I enjoyed a lot more second time around, but I'd say it's flaws are much more apparent second time around too. Great movie.

Which "Equinox" are you talking about here ? Just wondering (IMDB or Rotten Tomatoes link would probably be helpful - I've searched myself but not found a film with that title that has generally good or great reviews).

It's a b movie, but it's a masterpiece. Every badly done aspect of it just adds to it.

Just a belated message to say thanks for replying. I assumed this was a modern film, and that IMDB score isn't too encouraging. Might give it a go at some point out of curiosity....

It's genuinely a masterpiece.
So Sicario is pretty fucking good. It starts out tense as shit and barely ever lets up, every moment when nothing's really happening just feels like a pause before the other shoe drops. The look of it's also worth mentioning; the beautifully composed widescreen pans round the landscape as it introduces it's world are one of the few times recently I was genuinely glad I watched a film on the big screen. The sound design put me in mind stuff like Inception and Interstellar but where those were filled with overblown honks and blares this was done with a much, more more subtle touch and was all the better for it. While there's nothing genuinely upsetting in it the violence carried out on Emily Blunt always seems very personal and close-up which, weirdly, hit a lot harder than anything I've seen in a while. That's a load of barely connected rambling I realise so the tl;dr of it is you should watch it.
Well interested in Sicario, Director's previous output is pretty stellar.
LewieP wrote:
Well interested in Sicario, Director's previous output is pretty stellar.

I watched 'Prisoners' because 'Sicario' is getting such rave reviews. I was a bit underwhelmed by Prisoners (although it was still a decent film), hopefully Sicario is worthy of the hype.
Just watched Pixels, great film shite plot but who cares with all the classic gaming stuff!
The Day After.

Won't be watching that one again.
Macbeth (2015) (Not Macbeth 2015) (that would be something else entirely) (Like SPACE MACBETH or something) (Or perhaps not) - Grimy grimy dark dark mud splatter throat slitting misery fest. Kept me entertained despite the awkwardness of Shakespearian dialogue. In the modern day it's hard to watch a film with that dialogue, I find as it seems so stilted from the modern tongue. Who knows maybe it always did. Of course the words are wonderful when you look at them but when used to films flowing in more modern dialogue it's awkward (even when a period drama etc). It also frequently feel too much in Shakespeare productions that it's just people waiting their turns to deliver their lines rather than having a conversation. And for people to have those 'moments' where they get to deliver a famous monologue etc. People realise too much of the importance of the words. Anyway this is a pretty bleak and horrible production that is also a pretty tense one so quite good then.

The Martian - America has to rescue Matt Damon AGAIN. He should stop getting stranded on planets and stuff. Anyway a jolly good film that ever so slightly felt a bit long but well played by everyone and looks uttely lovely. Matt Damon is a vastly under rated actor I think. He was brilliantly relatable in this and did a great job.

Dragonfyre (Aka Orc Wars) - Another Netflix timer special (browse until a timer runs out, watch what you land on). Set around a portal between our world and a fantasy type world. In America. Fantasy world is going to come to our world and take over or something so we get Orcs vs a few blokes with machine guns. Which is a fairly entertaining premise and it does know its ridiculousness. The acting isn't horrific and has a jolly pretty female lead but does stretch its idea to just over 90 minutes when it could have done it in about an hour. If you like seeing Orc heads exploding then this is the film for you.
Derek The Halls wrote:
Matt Damon is a vastly under rated actor I think.

Best Actor Oscar, Emmy, BAFTA and Golden Globe-nominated Matt Damon?
Totally. He should win an oscar for EVERY role.

But in a way it feel like he's not really considered as a significant actor probably because he tends to do the more "nice" thing most of the time
'Team America' might also have some role in this too.

Had to skip most of this week's 'Skeptic's Guide to the Universe' as most of it is a discussion of the 'Martian', and I haven't seen it yet.
Kern wrote:
'Team America' might also have some role in this too.

Had to skip most of this week's 'Skepticism's Guide to the Universe' as most of it is a discussion of the film, and I haven't seen it yet.

You haven't seen Team America?
Looking forward to SGU's analysis of it. I spotted a fair few bit of dodgy science in it but they were plot necessary gimmes...
Derek The Halls wrote:
Looking forward to SGU's analysis of it. I spotted a fair few bit of dodgy science in it but they were plot necessary gimmes...

I've always enjoyed their analyses of films, even when I haven't seen them myself.
LewieP wrote:
Well interested in Sicario, Director's previous output is pretty stellar.

He's been given the helm of Blade Runner 2.
Seen a few lately. Must say most of them have been utter plop.

The Prophecy (with Christopher Walken) was rather crud really. The special effects were pretty poor too, looking more like something out of Poltergeist than a film made in 1995. 4/10

Fruitvale Station - was absolutely excellent. Really enjoyed this one... Absolutely disgusting outcome though. I mean, 11 months for basically a hate crime homicide. 9/10

Amityville (2012) this started out OK. But, some scenes from it were not in the original. I don't know whether to laud it for that or blow raspberries. I guess I totally agree with the above (where Karate Kid is mentioned) these films should just be left the fuck alone. Maybe sharpened up a little bit and then re-released but yeah, for the most part you're pissing on a memory doing this. 6/10. This would have been a decent film had it not been a remake of something else..

MaliA wrote:
You haven't seen Team America?

'Murica, fuck yeah.
JohnCoffey wrote:
The Prophecy (with Christopher Walken) was rather crud really. The special effects were pretty poor too, looking more like something out of Poltergeist than a film made in 1995. 4/10

Sorry but you must have been watching a completely different film from me as that is one of my faves (and one of Walken's most lunatic performances)...including Viggo Mortensen as Satan eating a heart, excellence all round.
LewieP wrote:
Well interested in Sicario, Director's previous output is pretty stellar.

I still haven't watched Sicartio, but Enemy is indeed fantastic. Prisoners was also good
Hey, Godzilla fans!

Just me?


Well, anyway, good "big monster" news! There's going to be a trio of films: KONG: SKULL ISLAND; GODZILLA 2; and then GODZILLA VS. KONG. The first is in 2017, the second in 2018, and the third, um, in 2020.

But still! Godzilla!
Anyone who hasn't watched Calvary should watch Calvary as it's awesome. Pretty similar in setting and tone (and lead actor) to Beex favourite The Guard but much better in my opinion.
Morte wrote:
JohnCoffey wrote:
The Prophecy (with Christopher Walken) was rather crud really. The special effects were pretty poor too, looking more like something out of Poltergeist than a film made in 1995. 4/10

Sorry but you must have been watching a completely different film from me as that is one of my faves (and one of Walken's most lunatic performances)...including Viggo Mortensen as Satan eating a heart, excellence all round.

I probably watched it twenty years too late is all.

It's kinda like playing Fallout 3 now. You look at it and think "Wow, I used to love this".
I second this. It's a wonderful film. There are some pretty funny moments woven into the dark subject matter. Great acting, great script, beautiful bleak scenery.
BTW: do you have that thing where you mis-read a word the first time and then forever misread that same word thereafter?

Because I assumed this film would have horses in...
So, for people I wasn't in a room with on Sunday, I kinda figured the movie thread needed a review of Singham Returns. So here it is:

On the off-chance anyone here is interested in the upcoming Star Wars film, here's a new trailer :
That looks amazing and once again, I'm excited!
i am really excited... :)
Not really fussed but it's sort of for kids anyway. I'm sure they'll love it.
I thought Mark Hamil was in it? I hope he's not just resigned to being a cameo.
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