Beex, Yo.
PSN thread-oh
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Sounds like something went wrong. You should do more damage than that, which combined with the sword compass bug makes me wonder.

Although I didn't have any such problems with the help remake.
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PSN 4.5 adds:
Auto download of system software updates has been expanded to support all PSN users.
Auto download support of purchases made on the Web Store will be made available to all PSN users.
New options for trophy privacy settings allow users to set which trophies are visible.
Data can now be transferred from PS3 to PS Vita using wi-fi and ethernet connection.
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SilentElk wrote:
PSN 4.5 adds:
Auto download of system software updates has been expanded to support all PSN users.
Auto download support of purchases made on the Web Store will be made available to all PSN users.
New options for trophy privacy settings allow users to set which trophies are visible.
Data can now be transferred from PS3 to PS Vita using wi-fi and ethernet connection.

Just to be clear, having had to Google to check, it's PS3 firmware version 4.5 we're talking about here.

Anyway, the auto-update thing is a sensible move; it always seemed really weird to hide that behind a paywall when it's not a bullet point feature per se but simply a way to make the day-to-day management of the console less painful. Especially as the process and frequency of updates is one of the first moans people have always had when comparing the PS3 to the Xbox.

The trophies thing's a bit weird though, I wonder what scenarios they're expecting that to be a useful for? I mean I could maybe understand people wanting to hide all their trophies but why would you want to hide specific ones?
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RAIN, is out! And it's good.

Probably, I'll play it propah now. Gerrinit.
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Saturnalian wrote:
RAIN, is out! And it's good.

Probably, I'll play it propah now. Gerrinit.

The reviews all but put me off so do let us know what it's like once you've spent some serious time with it.
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So, you get a very generous demo of Diablo 3 on the old PS3 right now, it's just a shame the game itself is so dull. I've never played a Diablo game before, are they all so boring?
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Bamba wrote:
So, you get a very generous demo of Diablo 3 on the old PS3 right now, it's just a shame the game itself is so dull. I've never played a Diablo game before, are they all so boring?

The 1st one wasn't. It was short but had a great setting and atmosphere. The second one was just a very long and dull piñata smasher. I know a guy who played nothing else for 10 years, but that guy was just as boring as the game he liked.
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RuySan wrote:
Bamba wrote:
So, you get a very generous demo of Diablo 3 on the old PS3 right now, it's just a shame the game itself is so dull. I've never played a Diablo game before, are they all so boring?

The 1st one wasn't. It was short but had a great setting and atmosphere. The second one was just a very long and dull piñata smasher. I know a guy who played nothing else for 10 years, but that guy was just as boring as the game he liked.

The setting and atmosphere of Diablo 3 seemed very nice to be fair to it, it's just the game play that bored me so much I never even finished the demo. The perspective and quality of the graphics reminded me a lot of the Lara Croft game and that just made it worse because I spent the entire time wishing I was playing a game like that instead. Indeed if they kept everything else about it and just made the core combat like the Lara Croft game it would be fucking excellent; the quests and RPG elements would work just as well. Someone go and make that game for me right now.
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So Rain then... It's not very taxing, the graphics aren't very good (adequate enough I guess but, I mean, this is a PS3, man, and these graphics aren't running at pie frames per second) (ok, look, it's a bit PS2-ish) and the rain effect isn't very, um, effecting . Or affecting . Oh, and there one stock sound of rain. It's called Rain, man, have different Rain sounds for fucks sake.

Anyway, it's pleasant enough; nice even, but it's a Papa & Yo too far for me. Maybe I'm not in the mood after the awesome GTAV but whatever it is, it's not doing it for me.

Just got to chapter 6, of 9, I think, and the interesting plot point has been revealed. I'll finish it because, well, I'm not crap at games like you lot ( ;) ), but unless the pay off is remarkable it will fall very flat.

I swear most games these days need a bloody good ending to make an impact. Which is funny because back in my day an ending screen usually consisted of The End written in small text then you turned it off. Ho-hum.
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There seems to be a massive fundamental problem with Rain. It goes to show, in a game like this, if you strip away the interaction to a bare minimum and remove all difficulty and make restarts instant, then the fear of death is nonexistent. So when you're chased by the games antagonist (think Nemesis from RE) you don't give two hoots what happens cause you'll win first time or do an instant restart.

It just doesn't work. Without any complex system of interacting with the world your choices are too rudimentary and success guaranteed. Without the fear of death, let's call him Nemesis, then Nemesis is just something happening on screen while you run to the next location.

It's too basic, the environments aren't interesting enough and the lack of things to do mean you just push forward and press X occasionally. Or maybe O.

I think this is one for children only.
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Zero pay-off. I am disappoint. 1/10.
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I've bought Siren Blood Curse for 5 squid something for a halloween scary game, I believe I won't finish the first chapter and shit myself with fear.
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Runcle wrote:
I've bought Siren Blood Curse for 5 squid something for a halloween scary game, I believe I won't finish the first chapter and shit myself with fear.

Ooh! I might have to give that a go.
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I'm signed into PSN at my desk, through the Uni network. These are interesting times.
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DavPaz wrote:
I'm signed into PSN at my desk, through the Uni network. These are interesting times.

I'm assuming you mean something more interesting than being signed into a website here?
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Bamba wrote:
DavPaz wrote:
I'm signed into PSN at my desk, through the Uni network. These are interesting times.

I'm assuming you mean something more interesting than being signed into a website here?

No. I'm easily pleased.
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DavPaz wrote:
Bamba wrote:
DavPaz wrote:
I'm signed into PSN at my desk, through the Uni network. These are interesting times.

I'm assuming you mean something more interesting than being signed into a website here?

No. I'm easily pleased.

You really are.
User avatar
Bamba wrote:
DavPaz wrote:
Bamba wrote:
DavPaz wrote:
I'm signed into PSN at my desk, through the Uni network. These are interesting times.

I'm assuming you mean something more interesting than being signed into a website here?

No. I'm easily pleased.

You really are.

We need a sarcasm dimilie
User avatar
DavPaz wrote:
Bamba wrote:
DavPaz wrote:
Bamba wrote:
DavPaz wrote:
I'm signed into PSN at my desk, through the Uni network. These are interesting times.

I'm assuming you mean something more interesting than being signed into a website here?

No. I'm easily pleased.

You really are.

We need a sarcasm dimilie

We need a we need a sarcasm dimilie dimilie.
User avatar
Grim... wrote:
DavPaz wrote:
Bamba wrote:
DavPaz wrote:
Bamba wrote:
DavPaz wrote:
I'm signed into PSN at my desk, through the Uni network. These are interesting times.

I'm assuming you mean something more interesting than being signed into a website here?

No. I'm easily pleased.

You really are.

We need a sarcasm dimilie

We need a we need a sarcasm dimilie dimilie.

We do indeed.
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DavPaz wrote:
I'm signed into PSN at my desk, through the Uni network. These are interesting times.

Sigh. It doesn't work. Back to the drawing board
User avatar
DavPaz wrote:
DavPaz wrote:
I'm signed into PSN at my desk, through the Uni network. These are interesting times.

Sigh. It doesn't work. Back to the drawing board

What is it you're actually trying to do?
User avatar
Bamba wrote:
DavPaz wrote:
DavPaz wrote:
I'm signed into PSN at my desk, through the Uni network. These are interesting times.

Sigh. It doesn't work. Back to the drawing board

What is it you're actually trying to do?

Hopefully, a bit of drawing.
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New bizarre sounding puzzle-platformer Stick It To The Man is relevant to my interests.
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Bamba wrote:
New bizarre sounding puzzle-platformer Stick It To The Man is relevant to my interests.

As good as CoD Ghosts. I'm out.
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Oddworld's New and Tasty is out on PS4, I see.

I've no idea if it's any good or what but I'm going out on a limb and going to say ... no. I bet the characters looked better in 2D. Prove me wrong world.
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There's another horror game out too, I also see. Something-light, or something. The trailer gives nothing away except that you use the light from your mobile phone. I'm guessing the lead woman never thinks to use the phone to call for help.
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Maybe she's holding it wrong.
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